....don't let me down...its basically what mt papa and grandma say....not in word..but..how they act...
They don't care about..me...if they ever did....they would take better care of me...
I...i...am the one...making shour...that I'm fine..not.sick..and..they don't help...but..
ThEY dOn'T KnoW tHaT I aM cUTTinG....
Help...this misery....is stupid.....no one should go though this....i know that for shour.....
Please....don't end up like me.....
Grandma..papa...I'm sorry i wasen't the right granddaughter.....I'm sorry.....
If your wondering what the title lookes like here it is
If you can't see the words is says
"STOP" "I'm sorry" "...the words....it hurts...me...so bad" "PLEASE MAKE IT STOP" "I'm sorry i wasen't the right granddaughter" "I'll try to be better..i promise" "STOP PLEASE" "...I'm..fine..okay" "....please...make it stop.." "I'm fine..don't worrie about me" " stop worrying...it makes me sad" "please...stop with the words..it hurts" "stop crying...I'm only supposed to cry" " I'm sorry i wasen't the right person" " Life is not fair when your treated like me"
Yep...thats the title......bye y'all........and ps....all the words up there.......is basically what I'm saying in my head
......it hurts.....
Please don't end up like me.....and don't cry...I'm only supposed to cry....
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