Chapter 3
Carla then took parts of the papaya and placed it on the wounds on his legs, explaining to him that it would make his skin regenerate faster. She left some there and then took it out and cleaned the wound, redressing an ordinary bandage.
Carla, look, I don't know what's going on here, but they must have confused me with someone, because I don't know anything about this country, I'm just a nurse and I said to the guy:
- What is your name? Who are you?
- I am Thalir, I am a soldier of the king. They caught me to get classified information to try to seize power and end the life of the king and the royal family.
Carla said:
- Look, I'm covering you up and tying you up, because if they find out what I'm doing, they could hurt you. my father, a man who appeared out of nowhere, then they kidnapped me at the airport, that's all.
- But he called you princess all the time? why?
- I don't know, that man is crazy. I already told you I'm just a nurse.
- What's your full name and your father's?
- My name is Nefes Carla Ranger and well, all I can say is that the man who is said to be my father is called Omer, like most men in his country; He sent the tickets and said he would pick us up at the airport, I don't know his full name, and to tell you the truth I don't know anything else.
Carla noticed that Thahir turned pale and decided to talk to him to rest and left.
Later, the door opened again, they took the water tub away and left more fruit and food, including chocolate and Carla's shoulder bag. The man laughed and said:
- It's a woman, enjoy it while the boss is nice, I want to see it later and he left laughing.
Carla angry mumbling walked from side to side saying;
- Just over my dead body...
- Idiot. Who does he think he is, you still don't know Carla?
Taking the bag, she threw everything on the mattress, noticed the lack of chargers, cell phone and notebook, but they left the hospital beeper, her headphones, makeup and perfumes, medicine. what is that, well actually he looks like something for music, but little did he know that that would be his connection to the world and his escape. But the device was unloaded, so Carla started walking inside the basement, remembering the man on the floor she decides to go to him and remove the bag from his head and tape from his mouth and leaves without saying anything, she was busy and worried now; So he climbed onto a rocky part and saw the sun reflecting through the cracks in the rocks and decided to leave the beeper there to charge with sunlight.
Returned to his bed and found his medicines, went to the Thahir and gave the man a strong dose with various pills being for pain, immunity and inflammation, which he took without question before another dose of food, followed by chewed steaks lips to lips.
Thahir was already looking forward to that time of day, not out of hunger, but he wanted to feel those soft lips again. He never imagined being fed that way, she was very professional, she didn't pass any feelings, but he himself with so much pain in his body, he felt his blood burning in his veins when their lips touched.
When it was over, she explained that she had something to do. Thahir saw that she was on the other side at a cost to climb one of the rocks. Carla was a small woman, she looked fragile but determined, she was about one meter and sixty tall at the most, which made Thahir smile imagining the scene in having her in his arms with her one meter and ninety-two height. He saw her going up and then climbing the other side, heard her swearing in Portuguese and a groan of pain and she disappeared between the stones that formed the wall. Thahir began to worry about her delay and started calling:
- Carla, what's going on?
- Carla, where are you?
- Carla... Carla...
Shut up, I'm coming; if not they will listen to us and will appear here.
Thahir saw her coming down, all clumsy because her height didn't allow her to reach with her feet on the ground due to her height, and when she noticed a loud thump was heard and she was on the ground smashed. A huge silence was made in the place, and then a wonderful laugh was heard in that basement and then I saw her kneeling next to me and saying;
- Tomorrow, we leave here and you go with me because I don't know anything here in this country. I found a way out. I can give a warning signal to my friend to track me, but the rest will be up to you, agreed?
- Of course, princess, replied Thahir;
At that time, he saw a shadow of anger pass over her face and heard:
- I already told that man that I'm not a princess at all, don't give me that story either.
He was soon trying to explain and said:
- Look, I don't think you know, I'm the king's guard, who married a princess at the time. My uncle Omer is the king, he found out a few months ago that he had a daughter, and she could be you.
Carla laughed and said:
- I princess! You must be crazy, you know how many Omer live in this country, at least a few million, if I were a princess I wouldn't have lived in a slum, starved and faced everything I faced. If it wasn't for my friend Raquel, I would still have been sold to the drug lord by my own grandmother after my mother's death, I was only seventeen years old, do you know the horror and fear I felt? But Raquel was there, because the drug dealer had ordered her to be kidnapped inside the hospital to treat a gunman, she put the scalpel to their necks when they tried to rape me and so we ran away. Then she gave me her last name, made me study, became my older sister to everyone and we worked together, always running away from them for eight years.
With that said, Carla marched away, muttering. Then he came back and said:
- Look at that Hassun, he's going to pick me up today to go to his bed, you see if you stay quiet and don't do anything reckless, stay as quiet as possible so that they don't notice that you're better.
He turned pale, wide-eyed and soon said he wouldn't allow anyone to touch her or hurt her. Thahir said that he would rather die than let something happen to her.
Before finishing speaking, Carla covered his mouth with duct tape, his eyes with the blindfold, put the black bag on his head, in addition to tying his feet and this time very tight and left saying:
- Neither I allow it, nor under my dead body will he get what he wants, but before that let's see if he falls for a little trick.
Time passed slowly, without a watch I never knew what time of day it was, I was already without a sense of time and space. Hours passed, and silence reigned, Thahir tried to murmur sound, but Carla pretended not to see or hear.
Carla then knelt on her bed and said her prayer like every day...
-Thank you, Lord, for this day, this food, for this boy's recovery, for the light that illuminates the way out. Make me strong to bear the pain and make me strong to recover quickly. Only the Lord knows our faults and our struggles, and better than anyone knows why I will do this, it is not to take my life, but so that I can protect my life and my body. Protect Thahir and Raquel in case something happens to me.
Thahir listened to the prayers and he became more and more agitated and tried to loosen the strings and the tape from his mouth by shaking his head from side to side, but this time Carla had put everything much stronger, it seemed that she did it on purpose to that nothing could interfere. He then heard her voice now weaker and stranger:
- Thahir, trust me, whatever happens trust me, tomorrow we will be far away.
He couldn't let anything happen to that woman, he was going crazy, he heard a soft moan ... followed by several moans of pain coming towards her bed. Voices were heard near the basement door entrance, several voices approaching, and one louder than the other, this voice was frightening. The voice of men arriving was heard, so Thahir decided to be quiet and as Carla had ordered. He hoped that whatever she had plotted worked out. Then Hassun's voice spoke louder:
- Come on, princess, wear that red dress, which we'll celebrate just the two of us today.
Thahir froze, he felt his blood boiling, he tried to free himself without making any noise, but he couldn't.
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