I didn't hear him getting up and sit next to me and pull me in for a hug. "Thank You" I exhaled.
I lay on the living room floor with my eyes closed and began meditating, I've never really done it before and I'm pretty sure I was doing it wrong. Most news stations in L.A were talking about my sudden outburst on social media, apparently video clips were all over instagram, snapchat, facebook and twitter. I was Trending! I didn't enjoy the feeling, I couldn't even pick up my phone without it vibrating like mad in my hand. I just breathed in and out slowly, over and over again, keeping my eyes shut as tight as I possibly could.
My doorbell rang forcing me to drag myself off of the floor, I opened the door to a familiar kid. "I know you! Did you track me down!? You stalker! Go Away! NOW!" I screamed, It was Max Coleman, the vlogger from the time I drove to all the old places trying to get Nessa back and the worst part was that he was holding a vlog camera the size of his face.
"Wow calm down" He laughed, "I'm not gonna leak your adress I honestly live next door and I was trying to pull a prank" He admitted, "Can you be in my Vlog?" He asked, he turned off the camera and told me it could be a skit.
"No offence Max but this is really creepy and I'm done with social media" I answered, beginning to close the door.
"Please? I'm trying to grow my channel and you're honestly so sweet, the vlog you were in is my most popular vlog and all most all the comments were saying how kind you were to pick us up and full of apologies. And if I'm gonna be completely honest when you picked us up on the road I knew straight away who you were, my first video which is now privet was reacting to you guys a long while ago when you used to post" He chuckled awkwardly. "I loved you guys and when the incident happened my I didn't leave my room for a month, when you picked us up a fangirled well fan boyed" He laughed.
This was the cutest moment I've experienced in a long time, "Awwww, yeah I'll be in a vlog" I laughed, "Actually you know who you remind me of? David Dobrik!"
"Yeah I get that a lot"
We decided that the skit would be that he was knocking a nail in his wall and accidentally made a hole in the wall where he was able to see into my apartment and with the amazing special effects that had to offer now it looked really real. It was so fun, we would turn on and off his lights to look like days were passing were he was spying on my trying to figure out who I was, now it was my turn, I quickly applied some make up and started doing random stuff in my apartment while Max filmed. We had it so that I would hear a noise from Max and begin to suspicious, the last scene was where I would find the hole and you could just see my eye looking around through it. He thanked me and went straight to editing cause he had to upload in about 6 hours.
He returned about 5 hours later with the finished product and it was hilarious! It was only part of a 4 minute video with a few other segments, "Wow Max you have some skill! And seriously I'm getting David Dobrik vibes 4:20? Seriously!" I laughed.
"The best thing is because you're in the thumbnail and the title I'm already at 500,000 views in 20 minutes!" He shouted excitedly, he thanked me and returned to his apartment and I returned to my meditating as if nothing had happened.
(Short fill in chapter<3 Thank you so much for reading<3)
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