Why was Nessa's grave dug up?
"What are we doing here!?" I cried confused, what the hell was wrong with my foot!
"Nessa brought me here she said that it would work if we came" he explained helping me stand, I looked at Nessa's body longing to know what happened, I began to reach down to help her up. "What are you doing? Don't touch it you never know how many... she could have a disease or something" he said awkwardly,
"It? Max it's Nessa and look at her she's perfectly fine" I said reaching down to touch her. My finger grazed her hand and her eyes burst open she began breathing heavily as if she was after holding it for minutes, "Nessa!" I screamed, shouting at Max to help her out. We lay her down on the dirty ground she wouldn't do anything but breath heavily, I began shaking her and yelling at her to wake up.
"Veronica it might not have worked" he said quietly and before I knew it I was in the meeting room with Nessa, she looked stressed and tired but as soon as she saw me she ran and gave me a hug.
"Roni thank god" she cried into my shoulder,
"What's wrong? Why won't you come home?"
"Just give it time, take my body home, I don't know just imagine what your body would be like after several months underground freezing with no air" she explained still hugging me, "your ankle, I think it's broken"
"Well it sure does feel like it" I said looking down at my perfectly fine left foot well for now, "how did you manage to break my ankle!?"
"I jumped down on it wrong and it hurt really really bad" she explained as I began to disappear and the pain return.
"Veronica we have to go!" I heard Max whisper as he held Nessa's body bridal style,
"I can't walk!" I answered, my ankle still throbbing, "go put Nessa's body in the back seat of my car and the shovels on the boot and then come back for me. Max looked distracted for a quick second,
"Wow she's really pretty" he whispered loud enough for me to hear,
About half an hour had passed before I made out Max jumping over the wall and running up to me, "sorry it was kinda hard to get your sister over the wall without hurting her" he said now picking me up bridal style. He boosted me up on the wall where I sat until He than picked me up and put me in the passenger seat. "Stick shift? I'm terrible at driving stick shifts" he told me,
"It doesn't matter just drive as best you can it really doesn't matter, not very many people visit the graveyard at 2 in the morning" I whispered as he began to shakily drive home, he took the wrong turn which left me confused, maybe he was taking a shortcut. "We better get back quick, we need to warm up Nessa's body" I said reminding home that we were going to the apartment block.
"Nope there's a blanket in the back over her to keep her warm, we're going to the hospital and before you say anything you need to get that ankle fixed, max 8 hours" he winked.
No no no 8 hours wasn't gonna happen, I tried and tried to persuade him to just drive us straight home but obviously it didn't work. "Roni show me your foot" he said,
"I can't it's too sore" I whispered.
"Exactly! It doesn't take a doctor to see the massive lump which is ur bone! And if you try and tell me otherwise you're crazy"
We reached the hospital and were told to wait it the waiting area which smelt of plasters and Michaels.
It had been almost 2 hours of waiting, watching people rush in and out either in tears or in bandages. My head lay on Max's shoulder and my foot up on a chair, I wanted sleep so badly but knowing that Nessa's body was in our car and there was a chance to save her kept me wide awake. "Do you wanna drink?" Max asked,
"Coffee please" I yawned now looking at the clock; 5:43.
Yet another hour had passed and my name still wasn't called, I could only drink a sip of my coffee before the pain made me feel sick and burst into tears, for some reason it was almost more painful than it was originally. "Roni breath, in and out" Max kept telling me, the pain was now almost unbearable, I didn't even notice myself screaming in pain, "Can we please have a doctor!" Max shouted. A bunch of nurses ran over and helped me onto a hospital bed and pushed me through some doors,Max followed but was told to wait. We went straight into the x-ray room and began scans of my leg which was almost impossible to keep still as the pain felt like fire.
I must have passed out with pain cause I woke up to people wheeling me around in a chair around the bland hospital halls, "Max?" I asked tiredly,
"No honey I'm afraid he's waiting in the lobby at the moment" I high pitch voice rang behind me.
"What happened? To my leg?" I asked looking down at a big black boot around my foot,
"Long story short your x-rays came back and we hadn't realised that you had been in a car crash a few years back and some metal rods were placed inside your leg, when you fractured your ankle you actually cracked a piece of bone which stuck into a little piece of metal which began to irritate and scratch your nerves so your lucky that boy brought you to the hospital in time" she explained. "Now, I'll have Erin put in your cast, she's the best" she wheeled me into a drained room with a bunch of weird plasters, machines and crutches.
"I don't really remember what originally happened to my leg" I said, but before I knew it she was gone and I was left in the room with Erin who looked really creepy.
(Ok I'm super sorry, that break was not meant to happen and don't worry I don't have an excuse this it's genuinely that I just forgot:/ Thanks so much for reading! I will try my hardest to upload as soon as possibly<3)
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