"We have some digging to to"
11:59 Where is he? I said twelve didn't I?
12:00 Did he remember?
12:01 He's not coming!
12:02 Should I just go by myself?
12:03 I'll just go knock on his door!
12:04 He's probably asleep
A knock distracted me at the door, Finally! "What took so long?" I asked pulling him inside, WOW that's one good looking guy.
"Sorry? Veronica I'm 4 minutes late" he laughed,
"Just call me Nessa" I said to make things easier, "do you have the stuff"
"Wait What?"
"I'll explain in a moment but do you have the stuff!?"
"Yeah you texted me like a hundred times, are you ok? What are we doing wearing all black and going digging at midnight!?" He asked concerned.
"You probably won't wanna hang out with me after this but all I need you to do is stick by my side and not all me crazy!" He nodded nervously and gave me his word. "We're going to the graveyard, there is a way to save me I mean... to save Nessa and I'm going to need as much of your help as possible! I'm not supposed to be doing this ok and if I'm going to trust you you need to know some stuff" I explained.
He was silent throughout the hour it took me to explain the entity of Roni and my past or whatever you wanna call it, he was slightly pale and concerned,
"That's.... that's true?" He stuttered,
"Yes so to remind you I'm Vanessa so don't get confused" I confirmed.
He began laughing nervously, "ha em no sorry but she's dead, I.. I.. I know for a fact it was all over the news and there was like two funerals!"
"Oh my god I just explained everything and if you don't believe me just screw it into your brain ok?" He nodded and we left, the car ride was full of long and boring questions.
We reached the cemetery and began to scale the wall, Max jumped up and grabbed my hands to help me up, he jumped off the other side and I handed him the shovel, it was my turn to jump here it goes! I jumped and as soon as I did I knew something had gone absolutely wrong, my feet landed and my body toppled to one side bending my ankle well Ronis ankle in a very bad position making a horrible crack sound, I almost screamed out in pain but luckily max covered my mouth. Tears streamed down my face as pain shot up and down my leg,
"Can you walk?" Max whispered, I tried and failed as more burning pain shot through my ankle. "Come on let's get you out of here" he began gathering the shovels,
"No! I don't care about my stupid foot we need to get this grave dug!" I whispered through tears. I hopped with Max's help over to my grave and we began digging, it was hard seeming as excruciating pain shot through my left leg but I still tried.
"Sit down" he told me out of breath, I sat on my bench with my leg resting on it as well, the swelling hadn't stopped and neither had the lump disappeared.
"Let me help?"
About an hour had gone and tears still poured down my cheeks, the pain had gotten super bad that I felt like throwing up.
"So Vanessa how long as your body been buried here for?" He asked,
"Like 2 months but I originally died in 2017 it's just my body disappeared from my last grave cause I was actually alive for like a day but then I was killed again" I explained.
I glanced over seeing him pretty deep down, I was barely able to see I'm and then I heard the clank, I stumbled into the hole beside him causing him to catch my fall and us to be very very close, "I bet you're gorgeous" he whispered,
"Well I guess you could say I look like Roni" I giggled, "but a lot of people told me that I was the cuter twin" I whispered as our faces grew closer, our lips began touching and before I knew it we were kissing, ironically my foot was in the air to make it like a Barbie and ken kiss. The realization suddenly poured over me, "I'm not Roni... shouldn't have done that" I stuttered,
"No Vanessa I don't like Roni like that!" He began.
"You are never to ever do anything like that to Roni do you hear me! We can never tell her about this" I smiled,
"I won't" Finally the moment came to open the dirt stained wooden coffin, "are you ready for this?" He asked, I nodded. He opened the lid and as I saw a glimpse of my untouched undecomposed body and suddenly my vision went, I felt Ronis body fall to the ground as my spirit left it. I was back in the room where Roni and I would always meet but this time she wasn't there, I tried to call her but she didn't come, I began panicking and banging on the walls screaming for Roni.
What happened?
Veronica's POV
My eyes burst open, I was back in my body lying on the ground somewhere as pain shot through my leg making me scream in pain. "Vanessa!?" Max called picking me up,
"What? I'm Veronica" I answered as tears streamed down my cheeks, I looked down to see Nessa's body in her coffin which brought back a lot of memories. Wait!? Why were we at the graveyard and more importantly why was Nessa's grave dug up?
(Thank you so much for reading! Sorry that I haven't updated in 1000000 years but don't worry I have loads of chapters pre written so yay! Anyways... Thanks!<3)
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