"Your Girlfriend"
After a millennia-long battle between the Skrull and the Kree, the war was finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. A light which took the form of a blonde woman by the name of Carol Danvers wielding her fire-shooting fists. The morning after she sent her former commander, Yonn-Rogg back to Hala with a message for the Supreme Intelligence, Carol and Maria had assisted Tavos and his family back onto Mar-Vell's laboratory before returning to Maria's country home.
As they hung their jackets on the back of two of the dining chairs, they hear the loud and clear laughter of young Monica as Fury's baritone carried its way into the kitchen. Finding their way into the lounge, the two women watch as Monica holds up a photo album in front of her while Fury absently runs his hand down Goose's back. Of course, the cat-like creature paid no head to this sign of affection as he made every attempt to climb up onto Fury's shoulder- the man having to push him away from his still-wounded eye. Clearing her throat, Maria enters the room as Carol remains leaning against the door frame.
"What have you got there, Monica?" Holding up the album, Monica points to the page.
"It's from when Auntie Carol graduated at the academy!" There was a flicker of panic in Maria's eyes as she flicked her gaze over the page, images of a blonde woman clinging to Carol's arm scattered everywhere. Before the older woman could do or say anything, Monica had clambered to her feet and lugged the book over to Carol.
Silently, the blonde took the album and stared at the unfamiliar face. Removing one particular polaroid from the book, she handed the book back to Monica and continued to study the picture.
As her heart tugged in her chest, her vision flashed. When she looked up at the room she didn't see her friends. Instead, she saw herself curled up on the couch next to the blonde woman, she saw them sat on the floor playing Uno with Monica and Monopoly with Monica and Maria. The longer she stared, the more vivid the visions became, she watched as- who seemed to be herself- she kissed the blonde on the couch, the two of them ensnared in an intimate woman.
"Carol?" Blinking, the visions disappeared and the only image remained in her hand. Looking to Fury, she had noticed that Goose had found his way onto the man's shoulder finally, offering a loving rub of his head to the man's injured eye. "Are you okay." Tapping her fingertips with the polaroid in her hand, Carol shakes her head slightly and shows the picture to the room; catching Maria's eye, Carol sharpens her gaze.
"Who is this woman?"
"Carol-" Maria shook her head ever-so-slightly. "I don't think that's a good idea-"
"Mom," Monica cut in, moving to stand beside her aunt-but-not, "she deserves to remember." Looking between her family, Carol completely forgot Fury was in the room, too focused on the girls who were clearly hiding something from her.
"Remember what?" Fury asked, removing Goose from his shoulder and placing the flurken on the ground. Carol shook her head with a tut and raised the photograph.
"Not what... who. Who is she?" Maria bows her head and shamefully motions to the polaroid.
"Her name is Lillian. Lillian Love. She was..." sighing, Maria looks to Carol, almost embarrassed at having thought she wouldn't have to be the one to have this conversation with her best friend, "she was your girlfriend before the crash, Carol."
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