Binita Khatri
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As I walk out of the mansion, I find Sumedh already seated in the car with Veer on his lap. I silently open the door and get into the car settling beside Sumedh.The car ride remains filled with uncomfortable silence as none speaks anything. I look through my lashes at Veer who is now busy in playing with the button of Sumedh's shirt. Sumedh is blanky staring at outside of the window. I know that he is furious at this moment.
As the car comes to halt infront of our mansion, Sumedh walks out with Veer without waiting for me. I just follow him inside the room. He gives Veer to Rehana who starts rocking him back and forth. Seeing Veer not protest, Sumedh goes in our room as we hear the door slamming with loud sound. I walk towards Rehana who is eyeing at me with confusion.
"He is just upset. I will take care. Don't worry" I whisper to Rehana as I see Veer's eyelids beginning to drop.
"Keep Veer with you. I will come to get you when Sumedh will calm down." She nods her head with assuring smile as she keeps patting the back of Veer when he has almost closed his eyes. I kiss on his forhead and head into our room. To my fortune, the door is slightly open. I peek through the small gap between the wall and the door. Sumedh is sitting quietly facing towards the family photo frame of me, him and Veer. I look around the room to find some broken things scattered on the floor. He has again broken things in frustration. It's his habit. Whenever he becomes angry, he breaks things and throws them here and there.
With taking a long breath, I enter into the room. I pick up the broken pieces of the vase and a statue which he has apparently broken now.
"Sumedh" I call him softly. Hearing my voice, he jerks off and turns to face me, his tears stained face showing his pain and fury at the same time. I am going to say something but before I can, he suddenly stands up and marches in my direction gripping my shoulder.
"Why always my child has to suffer !" He yells and I flinch at his tone.
"I did what you told. See, what has happened? I knew that Veer is never comfortable around kids. But you insisted and look, what happened?" He shouts in loud voice. Tears brim in my eyes as I gaze at the ground lowering my head.
"Why can't Veer be just like a normal child?" His voice is laced with grief. I know that he is very sensitive when it comes about Veer. I know that it's the outcome of his pain and frustration. That's why he is getting angry.
I lean my head on his chest and he reciprocates the hug pulling me closer.
"Our Veer is normal. And I know that he will be fine oneday. We shouldn't give up hopes. We have to be strong." I explain as more tears gather in my eyes thinking about Veer.
"I want to hope for the best but I am getting impatient, Mallika. I am not able to see my son treated like he is not normal child." He whispers softly as his hold on me tightens. I wipe away my tears and look up to his face from his chest. I slowly erase his tears and place my forhead against his forhead.
"I know that it's difficult. But the much pain we will endure, the much happiness we will get oneday. Just we have to be strong." I try to smile. He nods his head positively.
"I am sorry for hurting you. I am sorry for being so rude to you." He says to me and captures my lips in a tender and sweet kiss.We pull away after a minute.
"Sumedh, I know that it's not probably correct time but I want to give a try. Can we take Veer to crase ? " I ask with hopeful eyes. He furrows his eyebrows at me.
"I mean that he can get easily mixed up with the kids. They take care of children very well. Can't we atleast give a try ?"
He thinks for a moment and after a few minutes later, he nods his head in approval.
Next day as per our conversation, we take Veer to the crase where I have talked with the authorities. Sumedh is though still reluctant about letting Veer leave alone . I have mananged to make him agreed with me somehow. Even I myself am in still dilemma if I am doing right or not. I can't really afford to see my son suffering like that. It's very painful for me as a mother when I can't see my child behaving differently compared to other children.
I walk in the room filled with toys and paper made insects hanging on the wall. There are some children who are giggling and playing with the toys. A woman probably around her 50's is sitting in the middle of the room conversing with children.
Sensing our presence, she looks up and stands up. She is Dr. Singh with whom I have talked before. She is associated with this crase as this crase is only allowed for the asocial and introverted children. The workers help them to socialize and teach them several steps to become confident.
"Mrs. Agarwal, you came" She smiles at us.
"Oh! So here is the baby. How are you ,Veer ?" She sweetly asks facing Veer who hides his face on Sumedh's neck.
"I got it. He needs to socialize with other children. I am sure that he will be able to make friends here. There are many children of his age present here. " She explaines.
"Leave him here for atleast 3 hour. We will take care of him." She says and sits on the floor. I look at Sumedh whose eyes have turned red in anger as he keeps glaring at the floor. I take Veer in my arms and take him to the place where other children are present.
I keep Veer on the groud and point at the toys and other children.
"Listen Veer, there are so many toys for you. Play with them. See, there are many children like you. Try to make friends with them. Ok ?" I whisper as I kiss on his forhead. He stares at me blankly comprehending my words. I slowly stand up and begin to leave when I feel a tug on my gown. I look behind to find Veer looking at me with pleading eyes as his eyes glisten with fresh tears.
"No, Mu..mma" He softly whispers as his voice cracks. Cotrolling my sobs, I nod my head in denial.
"Nothing will happen, Veer. We will come back soon. Till then stay with them." I say .
"Mum..my" I hear his painful voice but I refuse to hear my heart and walk out of the room. I know that I am such a terrible mother but I can't see him in more pain. My heart cries in agony whenever I see him in pain. My little baby.
I come out and sit on the car. Sumedh comes after a minute and sits beside me. Now I can't control more as I break down in uncontrollable sobs. Sumedh snuggles my body flash against him as my sobs increase more. The car starts moving when I feel my throat gone dry due to constant crying. Sumedh is trying to console me but I am not able to be calm. I feel like a niddle stabbing on my heart as I hiccup between my sobs. No, I can't leave him there. I think that I have really made wrong move. He won't be comfortable around them. Last night's incident and Veer's teary gaze flash infront of me when I instantly order the driver to stop the car.
"What happened, Mallika?" Sumedh asks worriedly.
"Let's go back. We can't leave Veer alone." I whisper. Sumedh widens his eyes but nods his head positively. We drive back to the child crase where we have left Veer.
We both rush back inside the crase. My eyes widen as grief consumes me at the sight of Veer who is still sitting on the same place where I have left him and staring at the doorstep. He is silently crying. I rush towards him and pick him in my arms.
"I am so sorry, Veer. I promise that your mumma won't do that again." I say as I keep showering small kisses all over his face. I cuddle him in my arms when he wraps his small hands around my neck.
"I won't ever leave you again, I promise. " I say as I kiss his forhead. He gazes at me softly and brushes my tears with his small thumb. I smile at him and ignoring Dr. Singh's calls, I leave from there with Veer in my arms.
We are walking in the park eventually after a hectic day.
"Mallika " I hear my name being called by a familiar voice. I turn to find my mother standing there with a small cat in her hands. She leaves the cat on the ground and walks upto us. I take in her feature to find her still attractive and beautiful just like how she used to be. Though, she has aged which is visible through her features yet she looks beautiful.
"How are you?" She asks as she gives a small smile. We haven't talked for months almost. Though there is no more going back all fine with her, we both are better as just acquaintances.
"I am fine." I simply nod. There is long pause. A very long pause which has been broken by Sumedh's harsh voice.
"What the heck are you doing here ?" Sumedh shouts in anger. Veer flinches at his tone.
"Sumedh! Lower your tone." I glare at him and pick Veer from his arms.
"Look, I will be clear and honest with my words. I know that I have been a horrible mother for both of my daughters. And the things I have done are not unforgivable. I have been blinded by all the luxurious lifestyle and money. I have got so blind in greed of money that I forgot what I was doing. And when I have actually understood my mistake, it's been too late. I know that I can never be forgiven for what I have done. All the harsh words and doings mine are not acceptable. " She pauses for a moment.
"I don't want your forgiveness. But I wanted to repent for my sins. As a human, I have done beyond any kind of mistakes. And now I am remorseful for my deeds. I have left all expectations from you. The moment I have realized the value of my daughters, they have gone away from me. Too far. Ashi even doesn't want to see my face. But Mallika has atleast given me a little chance to repent for my deeds. That's enough. I have lost my family, my husband. What more do I want in life? I am now just satisfied with a small job as a waitress in the town. But I am not happy. Guess what, this is result of my deeds. This is my Karma and I am ready to bear all the consequences. All I can say that you don't have to worry much. Soon you all won't have to see me again. I have done mistake, I have regretted and I have apologized even though I know that it's too late for everything. This is my bitter-sweet life. God has made me feel everything in a small life - special, happy, loved, miserable and lonely. I have got everything yet I have been left with nothing." She looks at me again with guilt in her eyes. She has tears in her eyes.
"I think that I am talking too much. Anyway, I am really happy to see you. Wish you to have a wonderful life ahead. I should take my leave." She mumbles incoherently and she wipes away her tears. My chest tightens as I feel sudden guilt striking me when I see her state. I want to stop her and cry in her arms saying her about my miseries now. But my mouth can't form any words as she prepares to leave from there.
She abruptly turns around as her eyes land on Veer who is also staring at her which is shocking as he always hides when any unknown person comes infront of us. Ger lips curve into a small smile as she walks towards me.
"Can I....pick him in m..y arms for the last time?" She hesitantly asks. I am going to nod my head in denial but I stop seeing the way Veer is gazing at his grandmother. I just nod my head in approval.
"Mallika!" I hear Sumedh's stern voice.
She stretches her hands forward with smile as she waits for Veer to come in her arms where I am sure that Veer will never go to her.
My eyes widen in pure shock when Veer goes in her arms with a shy smile. She cuddles with him as I stand there still trying to process if it's reality or my eyes are hallucinating. I look at Sumedh whose situation is same as me. His jaw has dropped when he looks at them with utter shock.
"Oh my Gosh!!!!!"
"Holy Shit!!!!!"
We both exclaim together in loud voice. Hearing us, my mother turns to me with Veer giggling in her arms.
"What happened? Is everything OK?" She asks as she approaches us with confusion. We both are not in any state to explain her as we only stare at her wide-eyed.
"Is everything OK, Mallika?" She asks again. This time I clear my throat as I gain my consciousness which I have lost for some moments in shock.
"I have to explain you something. You should come to our house " I reply and look at Sumedh for approval. He nods at me quietly.
What just happened?
Am I too hallucinating?
Least expected, isn't it ?
I love to make you shocked. Haha.
Anything you want to say about Veer's sudden changed behaviour with Binita.
BTW, use five words to describe yourself.
Mine : Straight-Forward, Sarcastic, Savage , Amibitious, and Moody.
The subject you hate most ?
Mine: I used to hate Chemistry with my whole heart till class 10. Now I hate Economics.
To be honest, I am in love-hate relationship with my study. 😮💨
Enough of my stupid rants. Don't forget to do vote and comment.
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