Go On, Believe If It Turns You On
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Dean demanded, as soon as Gabriel stepped in the door of the bunker.
He was stood right in front of the doorway with his arms crossed, and it looked as if he’d been there for quite some time, just waiting for Gabriel to come back to ambush him.
“Excuse me?” Gabriel bristled and his eyes flashed. He may not be at full power, but he could still slap Dean down like a fly if need be.
Dean didn’t back down, however, refusing to be intimidated by the archangel.
“I know where you were, and I know what you were doing. Care to explain?”
“No.” Gabriel rolled his eyes and tried to shoulder his way past Dean, but Dean held his arms out.
“Well too bad, because you’re going to!”
Gabriel stopped. “Why do you care what I do with my free time? I’m fucking helping you guys — I stayed! So can I not do what I want with the rest of my time? Am I not allowed to have fun now?”
“Not if it involves cheating on my brother!”
Gabriel scoffed. “Did he tell you that?”
“Why would I need to ask him? I saw you leave to go fuck that bartender who slipped you their number last night! I know what I saw!”
“I know how I spent my last few hours, thanks very much. I’m asking if Sam told you that was cheating?”
“Like I just said, why would I ask him?”
“So you just assumed.” Gabriel leaned closer to get in Dean’s face. “Don’t talk about shit you don’t know about. Sam knows.”
He went to push past Dean again, but once again Dean blocked his way.
“No he doesn’t! If he did you wouldn’t have been saying all that shit about promising it was only him! I heard you, after that shit you pulled with Rowena.”
“Stay out of it, you nosey fool, and don’t fucking eavesdrop. Sam knows, dammit! Okay? If you wanna know more ask your brother yourself. I didn’t fucking cheat on him! Not with Rowena, not today, and not any other fucking time. Now get out of my way, and stop threatening things more powerful than you before you learn what it’s like to die and actually stay dead.”
He knocked into Dean much more forcefully than necessary as he went around him, but Dean let him go.
Gabriel slammed the door to one of the guest rooms, still muttering something about nosey bastards with a lack of self-preservation, and Dean sighed. He guessed he was going to have to go talk to Sam now, then.
He marched up the stairs and barged into Sam's room without knocking.
“Gabriel just fucked the bartender from last night,” Dean said flatly, crossing his arms.
Sam shut his eyes and took a deep breath, setting his face.
“Thanks,” he said, bitterly sarcastic, finally looking up at Dean. “Maybe...knock next time, you know, announce yourself? And maybe also...don’t tell me things like that?”
“I thought you should know, you know, that your boyfriend’s cheating on you?”
Sam looked away. “He’s not cheating. And I don’t want to know.”
“Why? And why do you look like your puppy just got run over then?”
“Because I don’t like it, okay? I know about it, I accept it, I still fucking hate it though!”
“So why do you let him do it then?” Dean exclaimed. “And why do you let him tell you that it’s just you and all that shit?”
“Great. You eavesdrop too. Anything else you’ve been prying into that I should know about?”
“Just answer the damn questions, Sammy.”
“Fine.” Sam still refused to look at him. “Because he won’t fucking stay with me if I try to make him stop,” He laughed bitterly. “Is that what you want to hear? And because I make him — I make him say all that stuff. I tell him to lie to me. Because I don’t want to fucking know, I don’t want to think about it, I just want to pretend it’s not happening! He told me point blank from the beginning that he wasn’t gonna be with me if I couldn’t accept that he was not going to be strictly faithful to just me. And I said it was okay, because you know what, I want it anyway.”
Dean was quiet for a moment. He shut the door, and came over to sit on Sam’s bed next to his feet.
“Sammy...this is really fucked up. Come on, you don’t deserve this.”
“Don’t I? Honestly I’m lucky I get this much, so I think I can handle the shitty parts that come with it.”
“Okay, okay, stop being a depressed fuck and look at the reality of this situation. You’re not happy!”
“This is why I didn’t tell you in the first place. I am, okay? I am. Just...not all the time — but it’s worth it for when I am. It’s fine, just please stay out of it and can we never talk about this again?”
Dean sighed. “I’m not happy about this, but...okay.”
He looked Sam over. “Are you...fine otherwise? Is everything okay?”
Sam nodded tersely, as he toyed with the pages of his book. “Just worried about Mom and Jack.”
“Yeah. Tomorrow, though. We’ll go get them tomorrow, and we’ll bring them back and it’ll be good. Everything will be good.”
“Yeah.” Sam agreed quietly. “Yeah.”
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