Chapter 29
My room became my sanctuary. I couldn't bring myself to leave and look anyone in the eyes with any shred of confidence.
I was just a cute toy. Grabbing me to inspect and adore, but putting me back on the shelf every time. It had been a full week since what happened. I trained, rested and repeated. I wouldn't let her get the better of me. As much as I wanted that, the opposite was all that was happening.
Tougher demons came in chained. Taunting me, but they all quickly were demolished. It took more energy, but I got past that. It was well past the bewitching hour and I continued training until the morning. I had demolished and obliterated that my energy was drained completely. I stood, wavering but victorious.
I barely heard the door slam a few minutes ago. Footsteps behind me almost made me jump in my skin. Rinako. " You haven't eaten in a very long time. And yet your resillience would have one think you were at your full potential. " Her generally expressionless face was instead worried. She slipped the sweater off of my shoulders and beckoned for me to follow her.
I picked up my sweater and balled it up. She led me to my room and closed the door behind us. " Disrobe." I did as she told me. The air was still chilly so my breasts hardened almost painfully. She led me into the bathroom, instructing me to sit in the steaming hot water. My cold body sang at the instant warmth given to me. There were oils in the water and gentle pink petals. She sat on a stool and helped wash my body. I was grateful to her.
She always cared and looked after me. " I'm sorry." She whispered. " Why would you ever bs sorry? And why to me?" She pulled my hair into a bun " I should've told you who Mina was. I shouldn't have let you learn the hard way what she was like." I paused. I took in a gentle breath and sighed. " Actually, I'm glad you did."
She rested her hands on my shoulders. " We are the oldest members of this new coven. The older members practice magic on their own but stay in touch. Mina isn't a gal you want to settle with. She's cold and ferocious." She stroked the skin of my neck and held my hand. " I loved her and it almost drove me to madness. Even as far as to question my life in the first place. I tried ending it all just because she no longer loved me. I wanted to die." I held her hand tightly. " The head of my coven humbled himself and bathed me in a milk bath. He comforted me and told me that this pain was what would make me a great leader someday. I didn't know what he meant at all. But I do now."
We were so close to each other. Something was off about her. She was quiet but kept letting out almost erratic breathes. " I'm telling you this... Leaders aren't made overnight. This is a step in the long life that you'll have. I know you'll make a great leader. And I want to be apart of that, Naehyun." I looked back at her, not understanding. I turned my body to face her and kneeled in the bath. Her face was hot and her breathing was off as tears welled in her eyes. " As soon as I saw you I knew." She cried. I wiped the tears from her face but let her continue. " I knew who you were and I knew who you'd become. But I couldn't understand because I had fallen so hard for you, Hyunie. Please love me back." I was in complete shock. I didn't know and I couldn't tell either. She was untouchable, emotionless and flawless in my eyes. But here she was, her feelings for me plain and clear.
" Is this the request from the head of my coven or is this Koko's request?" She wiped her tears away and rested her hands in her lap. " From Koko to Hyunie. I love you." I brought her lips to my own and kissed her passionately by me back. I carefully undressed her and threw her wet clothes in a bin. Koko left kisses and such all over my face and chest. She was lovable. Everything about her. The softness of her body. Her love and her kindness. Her wisdom, despite her looks. She comtinued to wash my body, this time, caressing every curve and every edge of me. She left more kisses around my breasts and gave each a short suckle. I gasped at her almost intrusive fingers that rubbed along my vulva and around it, teasing me. I blushed heavily and gave a lusty sigh. She knew what she was doing. Her foot flicked upward behind her as I could see the chain of the bath plug. I still didnt fully understand the entirety of it right now... But I knew that right now we were all that mattered.
For the first time in a while I left my room for breakfast. This morning was eventful to say the least. We walked beside each other once again, this time the only difference being that our feelings were clear. Nobody could know right now but we knew and that was what mattered. I held the door open for her.
I walked in amd everyone was quiet. Some resumed chatter but others studied me. After all, I hadn't been seen for a while. All I did was sleep and practice and avoid people. The bell rang. Darius turned to me, very worried. I know what he would ask before he even asked. " You didn't come and eat for a week, Naehyun." I nodded in confirmation. I pushed my hair out of my face.
I knew I wasn't healthy at this moment, my face hollow in some places. I didn't understand how hungry I really was until the smell of omelet, sausage and rice hit my nose. My stomach growled in anger. I ate slowly despite my body urging itself otherwise. I had a glass of almond milk given to me. It wasn't sweet but it was satisfying and I needed the strength. I focused on eating a lot more than everyone's eyes sneaking in my direction.
I finished my food and tied my hair back. It had grown a decent amount and it got in my face sometimes.
I finished before everyone so I was lost in my thoughts.
" Everyone, I'd like to say something. Sorry to interrupt breakfast." Everyone silently looked over at Rinako. She put down the bell.
She let out a gentle sigh " I'd like to congratulate Naehyun for moving to the next level in her training. Though it wasn't in the healthiest fashion, you won t always get to where you want to be as an individual taking the easy route, much less as a group, and even less as a coven. Ato has also improved and risen to the next advancement. " everyone clapped and cheered for us. I gave a small smile of appreciation but nothing more. Darius gave me a pat on my back and smiled. I nodded and smiled.
" Hey." I turned around to figure out who it was. Mina stood behind me, expressionless.
"What's up?" I turned back and walked down the hall, ignoring her. She grabbed my wrist and pulled. A surge of pain shot up my arm as I tried pulling away from her. She let go but looked at me like something was wrong.
" What have you been up to? You look absolutely terrible."
I rolled my eyes " You think so?"
She got frustrated and folded her arms. " If you think this is about what happened last week you're sorely mistaken. I'm allowed to be concerned." Even if I told her she wouldn't understand. She couldn't understand.
I sighed. " I was just working harder. I'm a terrible witch and all I want is to build skills so I can be better. I'm trying to start taking better care of myself, so you don't need to be worried about me. " I avoided her eyes. After a while she gave up. She backed away and jogged down to the staircase. I continued on until I came to the second stair case.
I opened my room door and kicked it closed. I wasn't as bad off but I was... Hurting? My heart was aching. My heart was tired of loving people who saw nothing in me. My heart was tired. Koko was naked, and stepped out of my bathroom. My eyes had much to feast on but I stared at her in confusion. " Bathe with me." She mumbled, grabbing my hand tenderly. I forgot how unguarded she was around me.
Nodding, I slipped off my clothes and got in with her. She let down her hair and let it touch the water. She was sweet and soft and wanted to be cared for, but she ended up doing that for others. She lie on me, her head on my chest and her hand rested on my arm. I held her body to my own and kissed her lips. It was still shocking. A woman that demanded our attention with her presence and seemed ruthless was in my arms, begging for comfort. Begging for my love.
Stroking her hair, I pulled her closer with my other arm and kissed her forehead. " Hyunie what really happened between you and that boy?"
" He was my lab partner but I always loved him. Things were always stiff between us, because he never wanted me. He fucked my cousin at a party because she came home half naked and mentioned him and what they did." Her eyes met my own, almost sadly " That was painful. I felt it. I know... It's behind you. That's behind us. We can be so much more now. You don't have to worry that you met someone who doesn't share your affections. I love you Hyunie. I lovei everything-
The door broke down. The bathroom door was in splinters.
Rinako stood, bloody and clearly angry. " GET AWAY FROM HER!" she growled. My eyes met Koko's eyes and there were holes where there were kind eyes. Her hands grasped my throat and pushed me under the bath water.
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