Chapter 17
I scrolled through the pictures on my phone. Us being silly. Us kissing. Us on our way to get snacks. I knew he was getting worse. I was supposed to heal too but things only got worse for me instead. My dreams were crazy and sleeping wasn't really restful anymore..
I replayed a voicemail he left me when he went to the grocery store every other day because I missed the sound of his voice. I missed him. I missed his hugs and his loving smile. I couldn't be away from him. Christmas and New years weren't the same at all. I wanted to call him, but no. I wanted to go and visit him to maintain a little bit of normalcy but I was at a ceiling. The winter was colder than usual and it sounds so cheesy. It sounds embarrassing. But... I missed him a lot. We were in the middle of January already and I didn't feel great about us being separate for this long. I had his number dialed but... I debated whether or not I even wanted to call. To just hear his voice. To just feel close again. I put my phone down and lie into Chancy's couch. She brought over oatmeal cookies with a cheerful face. She looked at me and placed the cookies down.
Her warm hands encompassed my own and she pulled me to her " Do you wanna talk about it?"
I sniffled. I felt my tears coming. I butied my head in her arm.I wouldn't be over this situation for a long time.
" Please, come in."
She pushed her gray and red hair to the side. " I raised you right as rain, Keith my boy." She pulled me in for a hug and kissed my forehead. Late noon and I invited my mother over. I made her some food and Earl grey, with a splash of almond milk. " Mom... Come have a seat, I made you some things." I closed the door and let her make her way to the kitchen. I heard a gentle gasp from her as I entered the kitchen." And to what do I owe such a pleasure?" She chuckled, sitting down to eat. I pushed her chair in and sat to her side.
" Mom, I need advice." She looked at me in almost uncertainty but sipped her tea and nodded.
" Continue "
I opened my mouth to speak but the words didnt come easily. " I messed up... Big?"
" What happened?"
I looked into her eyes but back at my plate " I... pushed someone very close to my heart very far away. I don't know if she'll ever forgive me." I could feel myself getting choked.
" I got possessed to stop the demon from threatening her life... But it cost me my ability to feel and it cost her... Her sanity." She pursed her lips.
She sat back " You could've called me."
" Mom, I know. For a while I just... wasn't thinking straight." I sighed, my head in my hands. She ate a fork-full of pasta, still looking at me " You must love her unconditionally to have done something so recklessly idiotic." My mom was a witch. She knew when I knew, so it was something she hid for a long time. But besides being my mother, she was the only person of wisdom I could confide in.
She looked to be about 40 but she was far older than that. She went way back to the early 1700's. " Give me something of hers. I'll tap into her emotions." I thought. I quickly got her scrunchie. I placed it into her hand and waited. She closed her eyes slowly. She gasped and her eyes turned a brilliant icy white. Like jewel shards
" I just want to hear him. It just really hurts... Did you at least text?.... It was hard to but I should soon... I miss him badly. I don't even care about what happened. I just want him to hold me and tell me to stop worrying..." She purposefully dropped the scrunchie.
" It seems she..." I waited for her." She isn't going through a regular heartbreak. This hurts her physically just as much as it does emotionally. She wants to come and see you or reach out but... she's scared. The demon ripped her open, and I'm not talking physically." I picked up her hair tie and sat back down. " You need to reach out, as she's too... Delicate right now. A good time would be 3pm I reckon." I looked at the scrunchie.
Her teacup was placed back where it was plated " You're serious about her." She continued eating and drinking her tea. I ate as well, not saying much after.
" I'll send you her address. Give her something she'll want."
I chuckled almost painfully " My sweaters." My mom chuckled too and sighed.
" Love is tricky. I've been in love. Once."
I looked at her " What happened?" My old coven got hold of him and used him as a sacrifice. Each and every one of them I made my mission to kill. Now I feel...complete." I stared into my glass of water. That was really dark, even for her. She bit into a florentine and practically swooned. I chuckled. But I couldn't truly laugh knowing that she was so hurt and so broken. I should've been there, caring for her. But she didn't want to see me.
" She has a very big heart. It must've taken a lot for her to get like this." I sighed, sharply. " You don't know the half of it "
She drank the rest of her tea and set the teacup down.
She went to sit in front of the fireplace, watching it crackle and pop with heat. I looked at her sadly. My coven disapproved of Zoey. She was human. So that was natural. But I needed her. I had my promise ring and I knew she would say yes then. But now, I wasn't sure of anything.
I walked over to my mother's side. This was a different type of painful. " Are you ready to meet your father?" The question threw me off completely.
"" I looked into the fire. I wasn't sure. I wanted to know why they so quickly gave me up. My dad was a demon. I'd never learned much about them. I didn't want to feel like I was part monster or anything like that, so I just ignored that part of me and practiced witchcraft. What about the time Zoey was thrown across the room?
I never wanted that. I never wanted anything like that to happen. I couldn't control my demon powers at all. I never knew a stable demon. I felt way too many different emotions.
My mom held my hand and squeezed it. " Your father was good. Not the best but he's kept an eye on you ever since you were born. He had to keep his distance for a reason. Don't hate him." I sighed, shakily. This was hard. I was 25 and still on edge about meeting either of my parents.
I nodded. I may have been afraid of meeting them but I had to know myself. I had to.
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