The break of dawn illuminates a violet tinged city filled with whitewashed homes that overlook steep cliffs that sharply descend into frothy waters.
Myriads of docks extend from the land, punctuating the borders of the city with black platforms connected to the shoreline by gangway. Beneath the idyll waters sink several poles that keep the platforms in place, each of those poles embedded into the seafloor by giant anchors.
The dock is lifeless this dawn, as sapphire-colored birds soar into the sky before diving into the ocean below. They continue their journey along the coast and pass over an inconspicuous rock formation several or so miles away from the city.
A rock appears to have been moved to the side, revealing a stairway that delves into a deep darkness.
Liana, fully equipped with her steel breastplate, plate-legs, and her matching pairs of gauntlets, stares intently at Valentine, 28 years old, wearing a red, double-breasted coat and a matching plaid skirt that extends just above her knees. Valentine's purple eyes peer back, her black bangs falling just above her eyebrows while the rest of her hair falls beneath her chin.
The women sit parallel to one another, both of them supported by 3-meter couches comprised of leather and stylized with uniform lining and faint, avian motifs depicting birds soaring towards a sunset. Four pillows hug each side of the couch, each of them porting impressive gold inlays.
An oval-shaped table sits between them. Several pages, each of them splayed out, spreads from one side of the table to the other.
The dimly lit ocean surrounds them, the unfathomable weight of nature held at bay by thick, glass walls with transparent runes snaking across them. Schools of rainbow-colored fish swim, disperse, and reform into swirling formations before dispersing again.
Valentine's eyes trail up and down Liana's body.
Liana takes a moment to clear her throat, "Thank you for meeting with me."
Valentine crosses her fingers, forming a bridge to rest her chin on. "Don't thank me for doing my job. If anything, I should be apologizing to you, Lieutenant. No one expects anything to go wrong," her eyes then shift towards the table. "But the higher-ups should have given you more to work with than 'being a bodyguard,' for Eldaren."
Liana then traces her gaze towards the first profile labeled THE QUEEN OF THE NORTH, depicting a youthful-looking woman with eyes the color of a calm shore, a black choker on her neck adorned with other pieces of jewelry. Her raven hair tied up in a bun, kept further restrained by a headband depicting sea monsters.
Liana says, "I know this one... I don't agree with her lifestyle, but any woman who excels in a male-dominated field will have my respect."
"You're well informed," Valentine's eyes shift towards another profile labeled SIRENS CALL, showcasing a full body profile of a young, lithe woman with pale blue skin, long dark blue hair, and fingers ending in squid tentacles. "What about this one?"
Liana shakes her head.
"She's a witch, but that's all we know. We scoured every database we could get our hands on. As far as the world is concerned, this person doesn't exist."
Liana says, "Eldaren is good with magic, right?"
"With the tuition his family paid, I would fucking hope so. From what our spies gathered, blue-babe hates violence."
Liana sighs with relief, "I'd hope so. As confident as I am with my martial prowess, I'm not sure how confident I am with facing a spell caster head on."
"I'll pray that it doesn't come down to that," Valentine says. "The stories you hear about them are enough to make me lose sleep at night."
Valentine leads Liana's gaze to the next profile dubbed THE SEA VIPER, revealing a tall woman with blonde hair and stormy, grey eyes. Fine leathers depicting birds of prey drip over her body.
Liana takes a moment to ponder this picture before she says, "This lady is nobility. Why's she with a pirate?"
"Maybe that's something you can find out," Valentine leans back. "Her family won't talk, and any direct approach has been met with cold fury."
"I'll pass," Liana says. "I'm not on this mission to make friends."
"Not even with Eldaren?"
Liana's face turns slightly red. She takes a quick breath in, and a quick breath out, "It would be nice if we could develop a good rapport, but I don't have time for love. Not now..."
Valentine's face curls into a smile, "I never said anything about love, Lieutenant. If you don't balance out work with pleasure, you'll turn bitter like me."
"You don't seem bitter."
"That's my professionalism at work. I'm as bitter as they come," Valentine then eye's another profile. This one shows the image of a young adult male with wild, black hair hanging just above his predatory, yellow eyes. Heavy bags sag just beneath as if he never sleeps, "Khain, from house ir' Engel. His father was pretty open about him attending today's ceremony."
Liana's eyes narrow, "Interesting. Why though?"
Valentine leans further back into the couch, and throws her arms back, "If Lucien ir'Engel ever found out that someone was spying on him or his son, he would murder everyone that person loves and cares about."
Valentine shivers.
Liana says, "I'm unfamiliar about those accusations. From what I know, that house was actively involved in funding social and medical services for the country."
"They still are. But that's not to say they aren't a vengeful house. Think of all the houses that have come and gone during the years, Lieutenant," Valentine leans forward, her eyes dark. "The ir'Engel house stands, for over a hundred years. But, on the bright side, I don't think he'll be a problem. If anything, he has the highest probability to be a potential ally."
"I hope so. I'd prefer that Eldaren and I weren't alone for this."
Valentine gets up and stretches, "You've got a lot on your plate."
Liana rests her hands on her lap, "Is that all?"
"Yeah," Valentine says. "Take a moment to breathe or whatever. When you're ready, head towards the rendezvous site. You'll meet Eldaren there."
Liana inspects the dossiers one last time. She closes her eyes. She inhales and exhales. She opens her eyes, and the sunlight breaches further into the water. "Okay. I'm ready."
"Aren't you going to ask about Eldaren?"
"No," Liana says. "I'm going in with an open mind."
Valentine smirks. Her eyes seem to glow, "Good for you, Liana. I wish you the best of luck on your journey. Good luck."
Liana smirks back, her eyes beaming, "I don't need luck. I never have, and I never will."
Liana rises from her seat and heads for the door, her blade awaiting her beside the entrance. She grabs her blade, looks back, and gives a slight bow towards Valentine. She then opens the door and leaves.
Five minutes later.
Lucien ir'Engel materializes from the void, stepping on the air as if solid ground were beneath him. He descends towards the couch and takes a seat where Liana was, "So, what are your impressions?"
"She's fine as fuck. Eldaren is a lucky man, to have such a beautiful person keeping him company."
Lucien leans forward, his eyes focused, "Valentine, you know that's not what I meant."
"Can't you humor me, master? Don't I at least deserve that much?" Valentine then leans forward and begins to collect the files.
"If you want someone to humor you, my son is single."
"I might take you up on that one, master. Your son is fine as fuck too... but back to business. Do you really think she's the one?"
Lucien's eyes glow like newborn flames. "I know she is."
Valentine evens out the files so that they're perfectly aligned on top of each other, with Khain sitting at the top. She places the files to the left of the table. "You think she's ready? You think your son is ready?"
Lucien frowns. He stares at the picture of his son, "They don't have a choice."
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