With the pridelands thriving besides Kion having mated with his own parents, 2 jackals, 4 leopards, Fuli, and 3 birds, Kion encouraged Ono to expand their joined side of the family, let's say that Ono after he had debated so much with Kion, the male egret too had fucked Reirei, Makucha, Chuluun, Yun-Mibu, Badili, Fuli, Azaad, Mphisi, Kovu, Kiara, Simba, Nala, Dogo, Janja, Madoa and Jasiri too, besides Zazu, Tamaa and Anga, but had not mated with Maalum and Rani, equal Kion had done, Ono was more than happy to accept Kion's suggestion, while he, Kion and Anga awaited the eggs to be laid as well Kion's pregnant belly also start to show...
* Ono: *To everyone who was still there* "Mating flight?" All:
"Mating flight!" *All saying at the same time taking off to the clear skies.* Doing a straight up
maneuver till they're very very high in the sky, and then all bird groups, Tamaa with his wife,
Ono with Amanzi and Anga, and zazu with Nyari, and the higher point of their climb,
preparing for their free fall. had join their talons gripping stronger locking them together, and
rubbing their cloacas, started a free fall, diving with their wings retracted for maximum
speed, on the last second they saw both birds separating their claws and cloacas from each
other, and biting their wings fast to not have a straight down fall on the ground, and giving a
final louder bird caw. After complete their midair mating flight, they returned to their shared
nest, where their children were getting baby-sitter by Hadithi, arriving at the beginning of the
night, after some hunt to feed them and take some fruits, insects and meat, after killing two
gazelles, they divided it with Hadithi and their children, after the children slept, during the
middle of the night, they shared the news with the eagle and the chicks, about their
upcoming pregnancies and new half-brothers on the way, and about their royal succession,
the children were impressed in knowing about it. On the next day, with Hadithi stil
baby-sitting the children Ono, asked to asked for him to leave them away of the nest during
this new orgy they were planning to have. Zazu goes to the center of the nest. Ono places
himself in front of him and Tamaa behind the hornbill.
"Ready?" Ono asks.
"Y-Yes." Zazu responds.
Tamaa starts licking Zazu's ass, making him moan a little. At the same time, Ono shows
Zazu his ass, causing him to blush, before he starts licking the egret's rear. Ono moans a
little when he feels the hornbill's tongue. The three birds feel their dicks growing as Tamaa
licks Zazu and Zazu licks Ono. They moan as they feel the pleasure increasing through their
bodies, especially Ono and Zazu as they feel the tongues enter their asses, wetting their
insides. At the same time, Ono starts rubbing his cock with his wing, moaning some more.
After a while, Tamaa starts rubbing his tongue deeper and faster on Zazu's ass. The hornbill
does the same to Ono's. The three continue like this for some time, until Tamaa and Zazu
decide to stop.
"Wow, Zazu. Not bad." Ono comments, blushing a little.
"Th-thanks, Ono." Zazu answers and then looks at the drongo. "Not bad for you either."
"I know." Tamaa responds, eyeing the hornbill's sexy rear. "But are you ready for the real
action, handsome?" The drongo rubs its wing a little on the hornbill's ass.
"Y-Yes." Zazu blushes and lets out a slight moan.
"Relax, Zazu. You will have your fun too." Ono shows Zazu his ass, making him blush even
The three birds have their dicks pretty hard at this point.
Ono lays down on his back and Zazu goes over him, positioning his dick on the egret's tail.
Then Tamaa mounts Zazu, his wings hugging him as his cock touches his tail.
"Let's do it." Says Tamaa.
The drongo begins to push its cock into the hornbill's ass, feeling its soft, tight walls. Zazu
moans when he feels the drongo's cock enter his ass. At the same time, the hornbill thrusts
its cock inside Ono's tight hole. The two push as deep as they can.
"Ready, Zazu?" Tamaa asks.
"Yes. Ono?"
Tamaa and Zazu start pushing, all three moaning with their movements. Tamaa and Zazu
start with gentle movements, feeling Zazu and Ono's tight walls. The egret uses its wing to
rub its cock a little.
"Oh Zazu. You feel good." Ono moans, loving the hornbill's every move.
"Tamaa. So good." Zazu moans with the drongo's movements.
The three continue to moan as the drongo and hornbill's movements become harder and
faster. Ono rubs his cock a little faster too. Tamaa uses his beak to nibble on Zazu's neck
feathers a bit while continuing to fuck the horbill. Zazu moans louder at this as he continues
to fuck Ono. Ono and Zazu feel precum entering their asses and moan more in pleasure.
Tamaa and Zazu speed up their movements and fuck harder and deeper, the bodies of the
three birds slapping on each other.
"Oohhh Zazu. I'm close." Tamaa warns.
"Me too."
With one last hard, deep thrust, Tamaa shoots his hot cum inside the hornbill's ass. At the
same time, Zazu cums deep inside Ono's ass. Ono's cock releases some cum as well. Ono
and Zazu feel the cum fill their asses very deep.
The three birds pant for a while, especially Zazu, and then they separate, sitting in the nest
for a while.
"Wow. That was incredible." Ono comments.
"Here our Zazu must be more satisfied." Tamaa jokes.
"W-Well... M-Maybe it's time we switched places?" Zazu suggests.
"I agree. Ono. What do you say to me going to the middle now?"
"Okay, Tamaa. And you can stay in front of me now, Zazu."
"O-Okay." Zazu realizes what's going to happen and stands in front of Ono, blushing. The
hornbill has always been the shyest of the three birds.
This time, Ono pushes his cock inside Zazu's tight ass. The hornbill moans a little loudly as it
feels the egret's cock sink into him. Ono has the biggest dick out of the three.
"Oh, you're so big." Zazu moans.
At the same time, Tamaa pushes his cock into Ono's ass, both of them moaning.
Tamaa and Ono start thrusting, feeling their cocks squeeze between their soft, warm asses.
Zazu moans harder as he feels Ono's big cock push deep into him. The egret and the
drongo speed up their movements and push harder, the three birds moaning louder as
precum starts to be released. Zazu and Ono's bodies shake with each thrust.
Ono and Tamaa thrust faster, harder and deeper and their bodies slap with each thrust.
Finally, unable to take it any longer, the birds release their cum. Ono and Zazu moan as they
feel the hot cum enter their asses, really deep. At the same time, the hornbill cums a little on
the nest.
Again, the three relax a little, sitting in the nest.
"Wow. You are so tight, Zazu." Ono comments.
"You are tight too, Ono." Says Tamaa.
"Yes. That was fun." Zazu blushes.
"But we're not done yet." Warns Ono. "Tamaa. Are you ready to feel a real cock?" He smirks.
"Believe me. I am."
Tamaa gets into position, lifting his bottom. Ono stands behind him, ready to mate.
"Fine. Maybe one last round." Zazu places himself behind Ono.
"Ready?" Ono asks.
"Yes." They respond.
This time, Ono thrusts his big cock into the drongo's tight hole, both of them moaning. Tamaa
is as tight or tighter than Zazu. At the same time, the hornbill thrusts his cock into Ono's ass.
When all three are ready, Ono and Zazu start thrusting, feeling their cocks rub against tight,
soft walls. Tamaa moans louder when he feels Ono's big dick inside him.
Again, the three birds moan, Tamaa rubbing his cock with his wing as the others continue
When Ono and Zazu thrust faster and harder, the moans increase. Their asses are already
quite hot and wet from the previous sessions and this increases their pleasure.
The thrusts become even faster, harder and deeper, and once again the slaps are heard.
Again, it doesn't take long for them to start cumming. Tamaa moans loudly as he feels Ono's
cock deep inside, releasing his cum deeply, while Zazu cums deep inside Ono's ass and the
drongo releases some cum on the nest.
The three pant heavily after three sessions of mating with each other. They look at each
other, blushing, pleased and in love.
"That... was... amazing." Comments Tamaa.
"I agree." Says Zazu.
"We should have more sessions like these." Ono suggests.
"You can bet we'll have more." Says Tamaa.
"I think we should sleep now, boys." Zazu suggests.
"You're right. We all need." Tamaa agrees.
The three birds lay down in the nest, snuggling up to each other, hugging each other with
their wings, with Ono in the middle. The three are inseparable and, since they revealed their
feelings for each other, they have created this great nest so that the three of them can live
together and, of course, have some more intimate moments like this one.
The heat season lasts for some time and the three males get together more often so they
can have more group mating sessions, always changing their positions so that each of them
has their moment in the middle.
After a few days, something special happens. Each of them realizes that something strange
is going on with their bodies. After talking to Rafiki, the healer of the kingdom, and talking to
other birds, the three lovers come to a conclusion: each of them is carrying at least one egg.
As soon as they share the news with each other, the three hug, full of love. They will be a
10 years later:
Ono, Tamaa and Zazu have been happy as a romantic trio, sharing everything with each
other, loving each other equally. Their love has grown and evolved and they have been
rewarded with eggs. Ono, Tamaa and Zazu are now parents and their children are all
siblings, forming a unique and special family.
Tamaa had a son with Ono: Kiah, a drongo-egret hybrid with black and white feathers. Zazu
had a son with Ono: Jiho, a drongo-hornbill hybrid with more colorful feathers. Tamaa had a
son with Zazu: Yure, a hornbill-drongo hybrid with feathers that become more colorful on the
Not long ago, this trio met another trio of birds: a peacock, a martial eagle and a falcon-hawk
hybrid. The peacock came from China after a fight with his brother Lord Shen, since they
had "different ideas". So he left and came to the Pride Lands, where he met the other birds
and quickly started a new friendship. But these birds became friends and it didn't take long
for them to mate with each other. Six males shared moments of great pleasure that were
also rewarded with eggs, which hatched yesterday. Tamaa had a son with Ono and the
martial eagle, Genet, a male hybrid with black feathers and yellow eyes. Ono had a daughter
with the peacock, Nzuri, a hybrid with blue and white feathers. Ono had a son with Zazu and
the falcon-hawk hybrid, Haki, a hybrid with very colorful feathers. Zazu had a daughter with
the martial eagle, Zunduri, an also colorful hybrid.
Ono, Tamaa and Zazu have a very close family, but sometimes the trio asks Anga and
Hadithi to look after the little hybrids while they spend time together, especially to mate.
That's what happens today.
For some reason, the three birds ask Anga and Hadithi to take care of their children while
they are busy.
"We love your kids." Comments Anga.
"You can go and do... whatever you're going to do." Says Hadithi. "It's a pleasure for us to
take care of your children."
"Thank you, Hadithi and Anga." The trio thanks them.
"You're welcome. Have fun."
Ono, Tamaa and Zazu fly towards a distant place in the kingdom, while Anga and Hadithi
start playing with the little hybrids.
The trio of birds fly towards a high, rocky place in the kingdom, where normally only birds
gather, since it is difficult for mammals to get there. When they arrive there, the trio realizes
that their friends/lovers are already in the Big Nest waiting for them. Remi, the peacock,
Asrea, the martial eagle and Jeli, the falcon-hawk hybrid.
"They're finally here." Says the martial eagle.
"Hello to you too." Ono responds, as the group all gathers at the nest.
"Are you ready for a new session?" The peacock asks.
"You can say it, handsome." The drongo agrees.
"Very well. You know what we agreed on. Let's go." Says the falcon-hawk hybrid, as they
each get into position for a new orgy.
Meanwhile, Fuli returns from a hunt when she sees Kion and Kovu. They are lying down
while Kovu hugs Kion. The two lions mated recently and are now getting some rest. Kion is
lying on Kovu's belly, as he was the dominant one in their last hot session.
"You really are an extraordinary lion, Kion."
"Heh. Asante, Kovu. You're amazing."
The two lick each other a little, when Fuli appears and looks at them with a smirk. "Looks like
you guys are having a good time."
"Oh. Hello, Fuli." Kion greets his friend. "What's up?"
"Well... I was hunting zebra and along the way I found Ono with his lovers. They were on
their way to the Big Nest in the rocky terrain, but they told me something very interesting
before they left."
"And what did they tell you?" Kovu asks curiously.
"Ono, Tamaa and Zazu got each other pregnant. They are parents now." Fuli says with a
"Wow. That's... surprising." Kovu comments.
"I heard other animals talk about it, but I thought they were making things up."
"But it's true, Kion." The cheetah confirms. "And they also invited you both to join them in the
Big Nest."
"Really?" The lions are surprised.
Fuli just nods in agreement, keeping her smile.
"Alright. We'll go to them." Kion says.
"But Kion..." Kovu doesn't look very confident.
"Don't worry, Kovu. It'll be fine."
Kion's cute smile makes Kovu accept it. "Ok. We can go."
"Well, boys. I'm going to get some rest now. It was a good hunt."
"Okay, Fuli. See you around."
"Huwezi!" Fuli runs away.
"Cheetahs." Kovu looks at Kion and notices his big smile. "Uh... Kion? What is it...?" Kion
starts kissing Kovu's neck gently. "Mmm..." Kovu starts purring. Kion can be very gentle and
this leaves Kovu's body relaxed.
"Do you like it?" Kion asks sweetly.
"Mmmm yeah..." Kovu continues to purr and blush as Kion continues to kiss and nibble the
older lion's neck.
Then Kion starts moving down his lover's body, keeping kissing him gently. Kovu keeps
moaning softly, feeling Kion's soft lips exploring his body. Both males feel their cocks
growing again, still a little wet from their last session, moments before Fuli appeared.
The two have a very close relationship and, like the three birds, they like to mate often. Kovu
let Kion fuck him and the two shared moments of pure pleasure and love with Kion filling the
older lion's ass with his seed. And now that Fuli's gone and they're alone again, Kion has an
Kion gently kisses Kovu's dick, making it twitch a little. "Let me be the leader." Kion asks with
his sweet smile and Kovu nods in agreement, smiling back at the younger lion. Kion licks
Kovu's cock with gentle, wet licks, making him moan adorably at it. He continues for a while,
before letting go of his cock and placing himself on top of Kovu. The older lion caresses the
younger lion's face and they both purr a little.
"I'm curious to see what you're capable of, Kion." Kovu jokes a little.
"You'll see." Kion smirks as he rubs his ass on Kovu's hard cock, making him moan a little
again. Kion teases Kovu some more, before he starts sitting down, putting the older lion's
hard cock inside his tight ass, making them both moan. "Comfortable?" Kion asks, now
sitting up with Kovu's cock fully inside him.
"Mmmm yeah." Kovu smiles and blushes.
Kion starts moving up and down gently, feeling Kovu's cock rubbing against his tight walls.
The two moan softly at this and Kovu places his paws on Kion's hips, making him blush.
Kion continues riding Kovu's cock, the pleasure growing in both of them, their bodies heating
up more. Kion speeds up his movements a little and leans a bit towards Kovu, when he now
hugs his neck and the two kiss passionately. The lions continue to moan as they kiss and
Kion feels Kovu's cock dripping precum inside him, while his own cock also drips. The two
continue to kiss and moan with love and pleasure for some time. Kovu grabs Kion's hips a
little tighter and Kion starts riding him faster and harder. The lions' moans become louder,
both with their tongues out, when Kovu feels Kion's ass slapping him. The older lion starts
thrusting a little to help Kion with his riding and they both feel their dicks starting to swell.
"Kion. I'm almost..." Kovu feels his dick about to explode and, with his paws on Kion's hips,
Kovu holds the youngest lion on his lap, keeping his dick completely inside his ass. Finally,
Kovu's cock shoots his hot lion cum deep into Kion's ass. The two pant a little heavily and
Kion rests his head on Kovu's strong chest.
"That... was..." Kion starts, but Kovu interrupts him.
Kion starts rubbing Kovu's mane gently with his paw, making him purr. "Kovu... We have to
do this more often."
"Heh. It felt that good, huh?"
"I-It's not that. Do you remember what Fuli told us about the birds? I would like to try it with
"You mean...?"
"We could try to get pregnant too."
Kovu blushes at the other male's proposal. "D-Do you think we can?"
"If they can do it, we can do it too." Kion smiles confidently.
Now Kovu also smiles confidently. "I like that. Yes, we can do it."
"Good." Kion stands up calmly, his ass leaving the other lion's cock, making them both moan
a little. "Now we must go to the birds as they asked."
"Yes." Kovu also gets up. "Let's go."
The two walk side by side towards the Big Nest.
After having crossed much of the kingdom, Kion and Kovu finally reach the rocky place,
where, with some difficulty, they climb to the Big Nest. Once they get there, the lions are
surprised to see a falcon-hawk hybrid mounting Tamaa, a martial eagle mounting Ono and a
peacock mounting Zazu.
"Oh yes, Jeli!" Tamaa moans while the falcon-hawk thrusts really fast and hard in his ass.
"Mmm Asrea!" Ono also moans as the martial eagle thrusts fast and hard too.
"Ahh Remi!" Zazu moans with the peacock's fast and hard thrusting.
Kion and Kovu look at each other and smirk, keeping watching the birds.
"Aaahh! I'm almost!" The peacock moans, before his last thrust, putting his dick deep in
Zazu's ass, who moans loudly.
Practically at the same time, the martial eagle cums hard and deep in Ono's ass while the
falcon-hawk hybrid cums deeply in Tamaa's tight ass.
The three birds pant heavily after the hot orgy. Kion and Kovu smirk.
"Looks like they're having a good time." Kion comments.
"Yeah." Kovu agrees. "Is this why you called us?"
"Kion! Kovu! Welcome to our nest!" Tamaa tries to smile innocently.
"We were waiting for you." Ono smirks.
"I see... So what do you want?" Kion asks.
"We want you to join us." Tamaa responds.
"We know what you two have been doing." Zazu explains.
"Show us what a lion is capable of." Asks the drongo.
Kion and Kovu look at each other again, before smirking at the birds.
"Very well. How do you want it then?" Kion asks.
Jeli, Asrea and Remi leave Tamaa, Ono and Zazu.
"Turn around." Ono asks and the three birds obey, showing their butts.
Ono, Tamaa and Zazu approach them.
"Let's make an exchange. Now it's our turn to mount you." Tamaa explains.
"What about us?" Kovu asks.
"You're going to mount us." Ono responds.
"Show us what you can do!" Tamaa says.
Asrea gets into position, lifting his ass. Ono approaches him and positions his dick at the
entrance of the martial eagle. "Ready?" Asrea nods in agreement and Ono pushes his dick
inside the martial eagle. Asrea moans as he feels Ono's cock against his tight walls.
Then Kion approaches Ono. "Wow, Ono." They worked together for a long time. It's amazing
how Kion never realized how attractive the egret is. The lion positions himself over the egret
and pushes his dick inside him. They both moan a little when they feel Kion's cock against
Ono's tight walls.
On the other side, Jeli lifts his ass. Tamaa approaches him, positioning his hard cock at the
entrance of the falcon-hawk hybrid. They both moan a little when they feel the drongo's cock
enter the hybrid's ass.
"Don't be shy, Kovu." Tamaa teases and Kovu blushes, going over the drongo. They both
moan as Kovu's hard cock enters Tamaa's tight ass.
Ono starts thrusting in Asrea's ass, loving to feel his tight walls. Ono moans more when he
feels Kion thrusting in his ass too. The lion moans as he feels the egret's tight walls.
On the other side, Tamaa thrusts in Jeli's ass and moans more when Kovu starts thrusting in
his ass as well.
Upon seeing their friends in action, Zazu and Remi smile and approach them. Zazu
approaches Asrea and shows his hard cock to the martial eagle while Remi shows his hard
cock to the falcon-hawk hybrid. The martial eagle licks the hornbill's cock while Ono mounts
him and Kion mounts Ono. At the same time, Jeli licks the peacock's dick while Tamaa rides
him and Kovu rides Tamaa.
The group moans with every movement and lick, especially the birds that are mounted by
the lions. Their cocks are tight in their assholes, but they continue their gentle movements.
"Faster, Kion!" Ono asks.
"You too, Kovu!" Tamaa demands.
The lions start thrusting faster, Ono and Tamaa doing the same in Asrea and Jeli's asses,
who lick Zazu and Remi's dicks more, them starting to leak precum.
"Mmmm so good." The peacock moans as he feels the falcon-hawk hybrid's tongue explore
his hard, wet cock.
"Mmmm yeah." Zazu also moans when he feels the martial eagle's tongue exploring his
The group moans in pleasure with the thrusting and licking, all cocks already leaking some
The birds' bodies shake as the lions start thrusting faster and harder, their balls slapping on
Ono and Tamaa's rears. Asrea and Jeli start sucking carefully on Zazu and Remi, who start
thrusting in their beaks.
A lot of moans of pleasure surround the Big Nest as the group keeps enjoying their orgy.
They start to feel their dicks swelling and realize they are reaching their limit. Their moans
become louder as the lions fuck the birds harder, faster and deeper. Tamaa and Ono fuck
the martial eagle and the falcon-hawk hybrid also harder, faster and deeper.
With loud moans in pure pleasure, the group begins to climax and, almost at the same time,
they all cum inside each other. Kion cums deep in Ono's ass, who cums deep in Asrea's ass,
who tastes Zazu's warm cum. Kovu cums deep in Tamaa's ass, who cums deep in Jeli's ass,
who tastes Remi's cum.
The group removes their dicks from each other's asses and mouths and rests for a while,
panting a lot after such an incredible new experience.
"Wow. This was incredible." Comments Tamaa.
"Like Bunga says, it was un-Bunga-lievable." Kion laughs a little.
"We're glad you've joined us." Says the peacock.
"We are glad to have joined you." Kovu smiles.
"Is it true that you know how to fight?" Kion asks the peacock.
"Yes. I learned some things from the conflict with my brother Shen. It's a long story."
"Heh. You could have your own guard."
Zazu's mates and family accepted the hornbill's change of life. He's relaxing in a tall tree and
thinking about how his life is about to change a lot. Two armored hornbills, Birdstain's royal
guards, land in his tree.
"Your majesty, Zazu, King of Birdstain." They bow.
"W-What?" Zazu is surprised at the arrival of these two birds. "What's going on?"
"As the royal guards of Birdstain, we must inform his majesty of the importance of following
the lineage of hornbills that his father followed, as well as all his ancestors."
"That means...?"
"This means that, in addition to the need to have a mate with whom to share the kingdom,
your highness needs to have an heir and ensure the future of the kingdom, keeping the
entire royal lineage in your family."
"So... all my successors must be of my blood?"
"Exactly, your Highness."
Zazu thinks for a while. "Well... In that case, I already know who I should talk to. Don't worry.
The future of the kingdom will be in the wings of my family forever."
The guards just look at Zazu, as if they were waiting to hear something else.
"Uh... You're dismissed." Says Zazu.
"Thank you, your Highness." The guards bow and fly away.
"I already know what to do." Then it's Zazu who flies away.
Some time later, Zazu explains the whole situation to his son Jiho, the hornbill-egret hybrid.
"That's why I decided to choose you as my successor."
"Thanks, dad. I promise I will train and do my best to be like you."
"I know you will, son. But... there is something else."
"What is it, dad?"
"The guards told me that our kingdom must keep a royal bloodline. That means our
descendants must always be of our blood."
"I don't know if I understand..."
"Son... Do you remember what you learned about mating from me and your other fathers?"
"I do."
"It's time we had our own private moment and maybe we can give Birdstain another future
Jiho understands his father's idea and smiles. "Sure. We can do that."
"Alright. Let's try something a little different, Jiho. Lie on your back, please."
Jiho obeys his father and lies down on his back, revealing his dick. Zazu gets closer to his
son and starts licking his dick lovingly. Jiho moans softly with his father's licks, who enjoys
his son's taste. Zazu keeps licking Jiho's dick and, when it starts leaking precum, Zazu starts
sucking on it, making Jiho moan more. Zazu keeps licking and sucking his son's cock, his
own cock already hard. Jiho relaxes his body and keeps moaning in pleasure with his
father's work. When Zazu starts deepthroating, Jiho feels the pleasure increasing.
"Aah. I-I'm almost, dad!" Jiho can't resist and cums hard into his father's beak. "Aaahh!"
The hornbill drinks his son's product down to the last drop, before releasing his cock. "Ahh.
Wow, Jiho. You taste really good."
"Asante, dad. You're really good at this."
They both blush a little and Zazu goes over Jiho.
"Ready, son?"
"P-Please be careful."
Zazu starts pushing his cock carefully inside Jiho's hole. They both moan a little when they
feel the hornbill's cock entering deep in his son's ass.
"Mmmmm... You ok, son?"
"Mmmh. Yes."
Zazu starts thrusting very gently at first, not wanting to hurt his own son. Jiho moans softly at
his father's gentle movements. They both keep moaning as they feel the hornbill's dick rub
against the hornbill-egret hybrid's tight walls. Zazu kisses his son's neck a little, making him
moan a bit more. The hornbill's dick starts leaking precum inside his son and they moan a bit
louder, especially when Zazu starts thrusting a little faster and harder. Jiho starts hugging his
father a bit tightly as he keeps his thrusting. The two birds moan in pleasure as Zazu starts
thrusting faster, harder and deeper. Jiho's body shakes with each thrust and his moans
become constant, the pleasure increasing.
"Oh son. I'm... so close." Zazu warns as he feels his dick swelling inside his son.
"Mmmh. I'm ready, dad!" Jiho hugs his father tighter, keeping moaning.
After a few more thrusts, the last one goes harder and deeper and Zazu cums a lot and
really hard into his son's ass. They both moan loudly and Jiho cums as well. The two hug,
Jiho feeling his father's cum deep inside him.
"Do you think we can do it, dad?"
"I'm sure you do, my son. After this, I am sure that Birdstain's will remain in our lineage for a
long, long time."
With Ono and Genet, and with Tamaa and Kiah, they to have the need to generate an heir
for their respective kingdoms as well, so after pratically the same type of conversation that
Zazu had with Jiho, they too fucked their our sons.
Ono starts pushing his cock carefully inside Genet's hole. They both moan a little when they
feel the egret's cock entering deep in his son's ass.
"Mmmmm... You ok, son?"
"Mmmh. Yes."
Ono starts thrusting very gently at first, not wanting to hurt his own son. Genet moans softly
his father's gentle movements. They both keep moaning as they feel the hornbill's dick rub
against the male hybrid's tight walls. Ono kisses his son's neck a little, making him
moan a bit more. The hornbill's dick starts leaking precum inside his son and they moan a bit
louder, especially when Ono starts thrusting a little faster and harder. Genet starts hugging
father a bit tightly as he keeps his thrusting. The two birds moan in pleasure as Ono starts
thrusting faster, harder and deeper. Genet's body shakes with each thrust and his moans
become constant, the pleasure increasing.
"Oh son. I'm... so close." Ono warns as he feels his dick swelling inside his son.
"Mmmh. I'm ready, dad!" Genet hugs his father tighter, keeping moaning.
After a few more thrusts, the last one goes harder and deeper and Ono cums a lot and
really hard into his son's ass. They both moan loudly and Genet cums as well. The two hug,
Genet feeling his father's cum deep inside him.
Tamaa starts pushing his cock carefully inside Kiah's hole. They both moan a little when they
feel the drongo's cock entering deep in his son's ass.
"Mmmmm... You ok, son?"
"Mmmh. Yes."
Tamaa starts thrusting very gently at first, not wanting to hurt his own son. Kiah moans softly
his father's gentle movements. They both keep moaning as they feel the hornbill's dick rub
against the drongo-egret hybrid's tight walls. Tamaa kisses his son's neck a little, making him
moan a bit more. The hornbill's dick starts leaking precum inside his son and they moan a bit
louder, especially when Tamaa starts thrusting a little faster and harder. Kiah starts hugging
father a bit tightly as he keeps his thrusting. The two birds moan in pleasure as Tamaa starts
thrusting faster, harder and deeper. Kiah's body shakes with each thrust and his moans
become constant, the pleasure increasing.
"Oh son. I'm... so close." Tamaa warns as he feels his dick swelling inside his son.
"Mmmh. I'm ready, dad!" Kiah hugs his father tighter, keeping moaning.
After a few more thrusts, the last one goes harder and deeper and Tamaa cums a lot and
really hard into his son's ass. They both moan loudly and Kiah cums as well. The two hug,
Kiah feeling his father's cum deep inside him.
As for the new eggs, that hatched just last week, from their last mating, Tamaa had a son
with the falcon-hawk hybrid Jeli: Asubuhi, a drongo-falcon hybrid with purple and black
Zazu had a son with Remi the peacock: Kiburi, a peacock-hornbill hybrid with proud colorful
feathers, as a mixture of zazu's and Remi's feathers.
Ono had a son with Asrea the martial eagle: Mwindaji, a egret-eagle hybrid with feathers that
become more colorful on the tail and in his crest.
After their new mating joined by Kion and Kovu, they had more children in line to their
respective kingdoms: Zazu with Birdstain, Tamaa with Drobir, and Ono with Egtair.
Ono had a son with Asrea, Zazu and Kion, Mchanganyiko, a hybrid hermaphrodite bird with
yellow eyes, and a rainbow plumage.
Tamaa had a daughter with Jeli, Kovu and Remi, Siku Mpya, a hybrid with this same color
feathers could hide as much as necessary so as not to be as conspicuous as its sister.
Kion had a son with Ono, named Mseto a male egret with his wings instead of the plumage
of a egret had the fur of a lion, and as well Kovu had a son with Tamaa, named Mrithi with
the same characteristics as Mseto.
As for Jiho and Zazu, Ono and Genet, Tamaa and Kiah, the new legitimate heir was yet to
be born.
In the following years all of the birds continued to thrive and expand their bloodlines with the
next generations and some incests on te way, although the first generation wanted to feel
those emotions again and having new children too.
It's a beautiful day in the Pride Lands. The birds are more active than usual because it's the
heat season. For Ono, today is a very important day. It's been some time since Ono, Tamaa
and Zazu shared their feelings with each other and they became mates. So they promised to
meet this afternoon at the Great Nest for a mating session together.
Ono flies over the kingdom and finally lands in the Great Nest, where Tamaa is already
"Hello, Ono." The drongo smiles.
"Hey, Tamaa. Where is Zazu?"
Zazu lands on the nest. "I'm here. Sorry for my delay. Royal duties."
"You are always the same, Zazu. "Royal duties."" Tamaa jokes, imitating the hornbill's voice.
"I hope you're not too tired, Zazu."
"Of course not, Ono. I'm more than ready."
"Excellent. Who will be in the middle this time?" Tamaa asks.
"I think it should be you, Zazu." Ono suggests.
"M-Me? D-Don't you wanna be in the middle now, Ono?"
"What's wrong, Zazu? Are you afraid?" Tamaa teases a little.
"I am not afraid of anything." Zazu asserts, determined.
Zazu goes to the center of the nest. Ono places himself in front of him and Tamaa behind the
"Ready?" Ono asks.
"Y-Yes." Zazu responds.
Tamaa starts licking Zazu's ass, making him moan a little. At the same time, Ono shows
Zazu his ass, causing him to blush, before he starts licking the egret's rear. Ono moans a
little when he feels the hornbill's tongue. The three birds feel their dicks growing as Tamaa
licks Zazu and Zazu licks Ono. They moan as they feel the pleasure increasing through their
bodies, especially Ono and Zazu as they feel the tongues enter their asses, wetting their
insides. At the same time, Ono starts rubbing his cock with his wing, moaning some more.
After a while, Tamaa starts rubbing his tongue deeper and faster on Zazu's ass. The hornbill
does the same to Ono's. The three continue like this for some time, until Tamaa and Zazu
decide to stop.
"Wow, Zazu. Not bad." Ono comments, blushing a little.
"Th-thanks, Ono." Zazu answers and then looks at the drongo. "Not bad for you either."
"I know." Tamaa responds, eyeing the hornbill's sexy rear. "But are you ready for the real
action, handsome?" The drongo rubs its wing a little on the hornbill's ass.
"Y-Yes." Zazu blushes and lets out a slight moan.
"Relax, Zazu. You will have your fun too." Ono shows Zazu his ass, making him blush even
The three birds have their dicks pretty hard at this point.
Ono lays down on his back and Zazu goes over him, positioning his dick on the egret's tail.
Then Tamaa mounts Zazu, his wings hugging him as his cock touches his tail.
"Let's do it." Says Tamaa.
The drongo begins to push its cock into the hornbill's ass, feeling its soft, tight walls. Zazu
moans when he feels the drongo's cock enter his ass. At the same time, the hornbill thrusts
its cock inside Ono's tight hole. The two push as deep as they can.
"Ready, Zazu?" Tamaa asks.
"Yes. Ono?"
Tamaa and Zazu start pushing, all three moaning with their movements. Tamaa and Zazu
start with gentle movements, feeling Zazu and Ono's tight walls. The egret uses its wing to
rub its cock a little.
"Oh Zazu. You feel good." Ono moans, loving the hornbill's every move.
"Tamaa. So good." Zazu moans with the drongo's movements.
The three continue to moan as the drongo and hornbill's movements become harder and
faster. Ono rubs his cock a little faster too. Tamaa uses his beak to nibble on Zazu's neck
feathers a bit while continuing to fuck the horbill. Zazu moans louder at this as he continues
to fuck Ono. Ono and Zazu feel precum entering their asses and moan more in pleasure.
Tamaa and Zazu speed up their movements and fuck harder and deeper, the bodies of the
three birds slapping on each other.
"Oohhh Zazu. I'm close." Tamaa warns.
"Me too."
With one last hard, deep thrust, Tamaa shoots his hot cum inside the hornbill's ass. At the
same time, Zazu cums deep inside Ono's ass. Ono's cock releases some cum as well. Ono
and Zazu feel the cum fill their asses very deep.
The three birds pant for a while, especially Zazu, and then they separate, sitting in the nest
for a while.
"Wow. That was incredible." Ono comments.
"Here our Zazu must be more satisfied." Tamaa jokes.
"W-Well... M-Maybe it's time we switched places?" Zazu suggests.
"I agree. Ono. What do you say to me going to the middle now?"
"Okay, Tamaa. And you can stay in front of me now, Zazu."
"O-Okay." Zazu realizes what's going to happen and stands in front of Ono, blushing. The
hornbill has always been the shyest of the three birds.
This time, Ono pushes his cock inside Zazu's tight ass. The hornbill moans a little loudly as it
feels the egret's cock sink into him. Ono has the biggest dick out of the three.
"Oh, you're so big." Zazu moans.
At the same time, Tamaa pushes his cock into Ono's ass, both of them moaning.
Tamaa and Ono start thrusting, feeling their cocks squeeze between their soft, warm asses.
Zazu moans harder as he feels Ono's big cock push deep into him. The egret and the
drongo speed up their movements and push harder, the three birds moaning louder as
precum starts to be released. Zazu and Ono's bodies shake with each thrust.
Ono and Tamaa thrust faster, harder and deeper and their bodies slap with each thrust.
Finally, unable to take it any longer, the birds release their cum. Ono and Zazu moan as they
feel the hot cum enter their asses, really deep. At the same time, the hornbill cums a little on
the nest.
Again, the three relax a little, sitting in the nest.
"Wow. You are so tight, Zazu." Ono comments.
"You are tight too, Ono." Says Tamaa.
"Yes. That was fun." Zazu blushes.
"But we're not done yet." Warns Ono. "Tamaa. Are you ready to feel a real cock?" He smirks.
"Believe me. I am."
Tamaa gets into position, lifting his bottom. Ono stands behind him, ready to mate.
"Fine. Maybe one last round." Zazu places himself behind Ono.
"Ready?" Ono asks.
"Yes." They respond.
This time, Ono thrusts his big cock into the drongo's tight hole, both of them moaning. Tamaa
is as tight or tighter than Zazu. At the same time, the hornbill thrusts his cock into Ono's ass.
When all three are ready, Ono and Zazu start thrusting, feeling their cocks rub against tight,
soft walls. Tamaa moans louder when he feels Ono's big dick inside him.
Again, the three birds moan, Tamaa rubbing his cock with his wing as the others continue
When Ono and Zazu thrust faster and harder, the moans increase. Their asses are already
quite hot and wet from the previous sessions and this increases their pleasure.
The thrusts become even faster, harder and deeper, and once again the slaps are heard.
Again, it doesn't take long for them to start cumming. Tamaa moans loudly as he feels Ono's
cock deep inside, releasing his cum deeply, while Zazu cums deep inside Ono's ass and the
drongo releases some cum on the nest.
The three pant heavily after three sessions of mating with each other. They look at each
other, blushing, pleased and in love.
"That... was... amazing." Comments Tamaa.
"I agree." Says Zazu.
"We should have more sessions like these." Ono suggests.
"You can bet we'll have more." Says Tamaa.
"I think we should sleep now, boys." Zazu suggests.
"You're right. We all need." Tamaa agrees.
The three birds lay down in the nest, snuggling up to each other, hugging each other with
their wings, with Ono in the middle. The three are inseparable and, since they revealed their
feelings for each other, they have created this great nest so that the three of them can live
together and, of course, have some more intimate moments like this one.
The heat season lasts for some time and the three males get together more often so they
can have more group mating sessions, always changing their positions so that each of them
has their moment in the middle.
After a few days, something special happens. Each of them realizes that something strange
is going on with their bodies. After talking to Rafiki, the healer of the kingdom, and talking to
other birds, the three lovers come to a conclusion: each of them is carrying at least one egg.
As soon as they share the news with each other, the three hug, full of love. They will be a
10 years later:
Ono, Tamaa and Zazu have been happy as a romantic trio, sharing everything with each
other, loving each other equally. Their love has grown and evolved and they have been
rewarded with eggs. Ono, Tamaa and Zazu are now parents and their children are all
siblings, forming a unique and special family.
Tamaa had a son with Ono: Esta, a drongo-egret hybrid with black and white feathers. Zazu
had a son with Ono: Jise, a drongo-hornbill hybrid with more colorful feathers. Tamaa had a
son with Zazu: Yuaf, a hornbill-drongo hybrid with feathers that become more colorful on the
Not long ago, this trio met another trio of birds: a peacock, a martial eagle and a falcon-hawk
hybrid. The peacock came from China after a fight with his brother Lord Shen, since they
had "different ideas". So he left and came to the Pride Lands, where he met the other birds
and quickly started a new friendship. But these birds became friends and it didn't take long
for them to mate with each other. Six males shared moments of great pleasure that were
also rewarded with eggs, which hatched yesterday. Tamaa had a son with Ono and the
martial eagle, kuzaliwa upya kwa ndege, a male hybrid with black feathers and yellow eyes.
Ono had a daughter with the peacock, Mchana, a hybrid with blue and white feathers. Ono
had a son with Zazu and
the falcon-hawk hybrid, Usiku, a hybrid with very colorful feathers. Zazu had a daughter with
the martial eagle, Zuna, an also colorful hybrid.
Ono, Tamaa and Zazu have a very close family, but sometimes the trio asks Anga and
Hadithi to look after the little hybrids while they spend time together, especially to mate.
That's what happens today.
For some reason, the three birds ask Anga and Hadithi to take care of their children while
they are busy.
"We love your kids." Comments Anga.
"You can go and do... whatever you're going to do." Says Hadithi. "It's a pleasure for us to
take care of your children."
"Thank you, Hadithi and Anga." The trio thanks them.
"You're welcome. Have fun."
Ono, Tamaa and Zazu fly towards a distant place in the kingdom, while Anga and Hadithi
start playing with the little hybrids.
The trio of birds fly towards a high, rocky place in the kingdom, where normally only birds
gather, since it is difficult for mammals to get there. When they arrive there, the trio realizes
that their friends/lovers are already in the Big Nest waiting for them. Remi, the peacock,
Asrea, the martial eagle and Jeli, the falcon-hawk hybrid.
"They're finally here." Says the martial eagle.
"Hello to you too." Ono responds, as the group all gathers at the nest.
"Are you ready for a new session?" The peacock asks.
"You can say it, handsome." The drongo agrees.
"Very well. You know what we agreed on. Let's go." Says the falcon-hawk hybrid, as they
each get into position for a new orgy.
Meanwhile, Fuli returns from a hunt when she sees Kion and Kovu. They are lying down
while Kovu hugs Kion. The two lions mated recently and are now getting some rest. Kion is
lying on Kovu's belly, as he was the dominant one in their last hot session.
"You really are an extraordinary lion, Kion."
"Heh. Asante, Kovu. You're amazing."
The two lick each other a little, when Fuli appears and looks at them with a smirk. "Looks like
you guys are having a good time."
"Oh. Hello, Fuli." Kion greets his friend. "What's up?"
"Well... I was hunting zebra and along the way I found Ono with his lovers. They were on
their way to the Big Nest in the rocky terrain, but they told me something very interesting
before they left."
"And what did they tell you?" Kovu asks curiously.
"Ono, Tamaa and Zazu got each other pregnant. They are parents now." Fuli says with a
"Wow. That's... surprising." Kovu comments.
"I heard other animals talk about it, but I thought they were making things up."
"But it's true, Kion." The cheetah confirms. "And they also invited you both to join them in the
Big Nest."
"Really?" The lions are surprised.
Fuli just nods in agreement, keeping her smile.
"Alright. We'll go to them." Kion says.
"But Kion..." Kovu doesn't look very confident.
"Don't worry, Kovu. It'll be fine."
Kion's cute smile makes Kovu accept it. "Ok. We can go."
"Well, boys. I'm going to get some rest now. It was a good hunt."
"Okay, Fuli. See you around."
"Huwezi!" Fuli runs away.
"Cheetahs." Kovu looks at Kion and notices his big smile. "Uh... Kion? What is it...?" Kion
starts kissing Kovu's neck gently. "Mmm..." Kovu starts purring. Kion can be very gentle and
this leaves Kovu's body relaxed.
"Do you like it?" Kion asks sweetly.
"Mmmm yeah..." Kovu continues to purr and blush as Kion continues to kiss and nibble the
older lion's neck.
Then Kion starts moving down his lover's body, keeping kissing him gently. Kovu keeps
moaning softly, feeling Kion's soft lips exploring his body. Both males feel their cocks
growing again, still a little wet from their last session, moments before Fuli appeared.
The two have a very close relationship and, like the three birds, they like to mate often. Kovu
let Kion fuck him and the two shared moments of pure pleasure and love with Kion filling the
older lion's ass with his seed. And now that Fuli's gone and they're alone again, Kion has an
Kion gently kisses Kovu's dick, making it twitch a little. "Let me be the leader." Kion asks with
his sweet smile and Kovu nods in agreement, smiling back at the younger lion. Kion licks
Kovu's cock with gentle, wet licks, making him moan adorably at it. He continues for a while,
before letting go of his cock and placing himself on top of Kovu. The older lion caresses the
younger lion's face and they both purr a little.
"I'm curious to see what you're capable of, Kion." Kovu jokes a little.
"You'll see." Kion smirks as he rubs his ass on Kovu's hard cock, making him moan a little
again. Kion teases Kovu some more, before he starts sitting down, putting the older lion's
hard cock inside his tight ass, making them both moan. "Comfortable?" Kion asks, now
sitting up with Kovu's cock fully inside him.
"Mmmm yeah." Kovu smiles and blushes.
Kion starts moving up and down gently, feeling Kovu's cock rubbing against his tight walls.
The two moan softly at this and Kovu places his paws on Kion's hips, making him blush.
Kion continues riding Kovu's cock, the pleasure growing in both of them, their bodies heating
up more. Kion speeds up his movements a little and leans a bit towards Kovu, when he now
hugs his neck and the two kiss passionately. The lions continue to moan as they kiss and
Kion feels Kovu's cock dripping precum inside him, while his own cock also drips. The two
continue to kiss and moan with love and pleasure for some time. Kovu grabs Kion's hips a
little tighter and Kion starts riding him faster and harder. The lions' moans become louder,
both with their tongues out, when Kovu feels Kion's ass slapping him. The older lion starts
thrusting a little to help Kion with his riding and they both feel their dicks starting to swell.
"Kion. I'm almost..." Kovu feels his dick about to explode and, with his paws on Kion's hips,
Kovu holds the youngest lion on his lap, keeping his dick completely inside his ass. Finally,
Kovu's cock shoots his hot lion cum deep into Kion's ass. The two pant a little heavily and
Kion rests his head on Kovu's strong chest.
"That... was..." Kion starts, but Kovu interrupts him.
Kion starts rubbing Kovu's mane gently with his paw, making him purr. "Kovu... We have to
do this more often."
"Heh. It felt that good, huh?"
"I-It's not that. Do you remember what Fuli told us about the birds? I would like to try it with
"You mean...?"
"We could try to get pregnant too."
Kovu blushes at the other male's proposal. "D-Do you think we can?"
"If they can do it, we can do it too." Kion smiles confidently.
Now Kovu also smiles confidently. "I like that. Yes, we can do it."
"Good." Kion stands up calmly, his ass leaving the other lion's cock, making them both moan
a little. "Now we must go to the birds as they asked."
"Yes." Kovu also gets up. "Let's go."
The two walk side by side towards the Big Nest.
After having crossed much of the kingdom, Kion and Kovu finally reach the rocky place,
where, with some difficulty, they climb to the Big Nest. Once they get there, the lions are
surprised to see a falcon-hawk hybrid mounting Tamaa, a martial eagle mounting Ono and a
peacock mounting Zazu.
"Oh yes, Jeli!" Tamaa moans while the falcon-hawk thrusts really fast and hard in his ass.
"Mmm Asrea!" Ono also moans as the martial eagle thrusts fast and hard too.
"Ahh Remi!" Zazu moans with the peacock's fast and hard thrusting.
Kion and Kovu look at each other and smirk, keeping watching the birds.
"Aaahh! I'm almost!" The peacock moans, before his last thrust, putting his dick deep in
Zazu's ass, who moans loudly.
Practically at the same time, the martial eagle cums hard and deep in Ono's ass while the
falcon-hawk hybrid cums deeply in Tamaa's tight ass.
The three birds pant heavily after the hot orgy. Kion and Kovu smirk.
"Looks like they're having a good time." Kion comments.
"Yeah." Kovu agrees. "Is this why you called us?"
"Kion! Kovu! Welcome to our nest!" Tamaa tries to smile innocently.
"We were waiting for you." Ono smirks.
"I see... So what do you want?" Kion asks.
"We want you to join us." Tamaa responds.
"We know what you two have been doing." Zazu explains.
"Show us what a lion is capable of." Asks the drongo.
Kion and Kovu look at each other again, before smirking at the birds.
"Very well. How do you want it then?" Kion asks.
Jeli, Asrea and Remi leave Tamaa, Ono and Zazu.
"Turn around." Ono asks and the three birds obey, showing their butts.
Ono, Tamaa and Zazu approach them.
"Let's make an exchange. Now it's our turn to mount you." Tamaa explains.
"What about us?" Kovu asks.
"You're going to mount us." Ono responds.
"Show us what you can do!" Tamaa says.
Asrea gets into position, lifting his ass. Ono approaches him and positions his dick at the
entrance of the martial eagle. "Ready?" Asrea nods in agreement and Ono pushes his dick
inside the martial eagle. Asrea moans as he feels Ono's cock against his tight walls.
Then Kion approaches Ono. "Wow, Ono." They worked together for a long time. It's amazing
how Kion never realized how attractive the egret is. The lion positions himself over the egret
and pushes his dick inside him. They both moan a little when they feel Kion's cock against
Ono's tight walls.
On the other side, Jeli lifts his ass. Tamaa approaches him, positioning his hard cock at the
entrance of the falcon-hawk hybrid. They both moan a little when they feel the drongo's cock
enter the hybrid's ass.
"Don't be shy, Kovu." Tamaa teases and Kovu blushes, going over the drongo. They both
moan as Kovu's hard cock enters Tamaa's tight ass.
Ono starts thrusting in Asrea's ass, loving to feel his tight walls. Ono moans more when he
feels Kion thrusting in his ass too. The lion moans as he feels the egret's tight walls.
On the other side, Tamaa thrusts in Jeli's ass and moans more when Kovu starts thrusting in
his ass as well.
Upon seeing their friends in action, Zazu and Remi smile and approach them. Zazu
approaches Asrea and shows his hard cock to the martial eagle while Remi shows his hard
cock to the falcon-hawk hybrid. The martial eagle licks the hornbill's cock while Ono mounts
him and Kion mounts Ono. At the same time, Jeli licks the peacock's dick while Tamaa rides
him and Kovu rides Tamaa.
The group moans with every movement and lick, especially the birds that are mounted by
the lions. Their cocks are tight in their assholes, but they continue their gentle movements.
"Faster, Kion!" Ono asks.
"You too, Kovu!" Tamaa demands.
The lions start thrusting faster, Ono and Tamaa doing the same in Asrea and Jeli's asses,
who lick Zazu and Remi's dicks more, them starting to leak precum.
"Mmmm so good." The peacock moans as he feels the falcon-hawk hybrid's tongue explore
his hard, wet cock.
"Mmmm yeah." Zazu also moans when he feels the martial eagle's tongue exploring his
The group moans in pleasure with the thrusting and licking, all cocks already leaking some
The birds' bodies shake as the lions start thrusting faster and harder, their balls slapping on
Ono and Tamaa's rears. Asrea and Jeli start sucking carefully on Zazu and Remi, who start
thrusting in their beaks.
A lot of moans of pleasure surround the Big Nest as the group keeps enjoying their orgy.
They start to feel their dicks swelling and realize they are reaching their limit. Their moans
become louder as the lions fuck the birds harder, faster and deeper. Tamaa and Ono fuck
the martial eagle and the falcon-hawk hybrid also harder, faster and deeper.
With loud moans in pure pleasure, the group begins to climax and, almost at the same time,
they all cum inside each other. Kion cums deep in Ono's ass, who cums deep in Asrea's ass,
who tastes Zazu's warm cum. Kovu cums deep in Tamaa's ass, who cums deep in Jeli's ass,
who tastes Remi's cum.
The group removes their dicks from each other's asses and mouths and rests for a while,
panting a lot after such an incredible new experience.
"Wow. This was incredible." Comments Tamaa.
"Like Bunga says, it was un-Bunga-lievable." Kion laughs a little.
"We're glad you've joined us." Says the peacock.
"We are glad to have joined you." Kovu smiles.
"Is it true that you know how to fight?" Kion asks the peacock.
"Yes. I learned some things from the conflict with my brother Shen. It's a long story."
"Heh. You could have your own guard."
"Hey! I just had a crazy idea." Says the drongo.
"What is it, Tamaa?" Jeli asks.
"Maybe our kids can join us for the next orgy."
"What?" Zazu is surprised by his lover's suggestion.
"That would be... interesting." Comments Asrea.
"Well... We'll think about it." Says Ono.
"Hello?" Someone calls while climbing up to the Big Nest.
"Dad?" Kion is amazed when he recognizes the voice.
Simba arrives at the Big Nest after a somewhat complicated climb. "You guys should move
somewhere else."
"Your majesty? What are you doing here?" Tamaa asks.
"I could ask you guys the same question." Simba smirks, managing to pick up the strong
scent in the group.
"W-Well... It's... private." Zazu blushes.
"Is there something wrong, dad?"
"Actually yes." The lion king shows a serious and sad face now. "Zazu. Rafiki shared
information with me. There is something you need to know."
"What's going on, sir?" Zazu asks, a little worried, approaching the king.
"As you know, you lost your mother a couple years ago. Well... Now your father has also
completed his journey through the circle of life."
"You mean...?"
Simba nods sadly.
"Oh..." Zazu looks down, crying a little. The other birds approach him to comfort him,
especially Ono and Tamaa. "So... What now?"
"According to the information I have, Birdstain will need a new leader and you are the only
descendant." Simba explains. "But you need a mate to lead alongside you."
Zazu watches his lovers for a while, thinking about what to do.
"Whatever you decide, you have our support, Zazu." Ono puts a wing around the hornbill.
"He's right. We will always love you." Tamaa does the same.
Zazu smiles at them. "Asante." Then he looks at the lion. "I have already made my decision.
I accept my responsibilities at Birdstain. But Ono and Tamaa will lead by my side."
"What?" The egret and the drongo are surprised. The others just smile.
"But of course we'll always come to visit the Pride Lands."
"Alright, Zazu. You know you'll always be welcome here." Says Simba. "The Pride Lands will
always be your home."
"Thank you, your majesty."
"Good. We have to go tell our children the news." Tamaa says. "But first... Group hug!"
Tamaa hugs Zazu, then Ono joins him, then the other birds and finally the lions. They are all
together in a warm hug now.
"I'm sure you'll be good leaders." Kion says.
"Thank you, Kion."
The group maintains the embrace, before the bird lovers leave for their new adventure.
Zazu's mates and family accepted the hornbill's change of life. He's relaxing in a tall tree and
thinking about how his life is about to change a lot. Two armored hornbills, Birdstain's royal
guards, land in his tree.
"Your majesty, Zazu, King of Birdstain." They bow.
"W-What?" Zazu is surprised at the arrival of these two birds. "What's going on?"
"As the royal guards of Birdstain, we must inform his majesty of the importance of following
the lineage of hornbills that his father followed, as well as all his ancestors."
"That means...?"
"This means that, in addition to the need to have a mate with whom to share the kingdom,
your highness needs to have an heir and ensure the future of the kingdom, keeping the
entire royal lineage in your family."
"So... all my successors must be of my blood?"
"Exactly, your Highness."
Zazu thinks for a while. "Well... In that case, I already know who I should talk to. Don't worry.
The future of the kingdom will be in the wings of my family forever."
The guards just look at Zazu, as if they were waiting to hear something else.
"Uh... You're dismissed." Says Zazu.
"Thank you, your Highness." The guards bow and fly away.
"I already know what to do." Then it's Zazu who flies away.
Some time later, Zazu explains the whole situation to his son Jise, the hornbill-egret hybrid.
"That's why I decided to choose you as my successor."
"Thanks, dad. I promise I will train and do my best to be like you."
"I know you will, son. But... there is something else."
"What is it, dad?"
"The guards told me that our kingdom must keep a royal bloodline. That means our
descendants must always be of our blood."
"I don't know if I understand..."
"Son... Do you remember what you learned about mating from me and your other fathers?"
"I do."
"It's time we had our own private moment and maybe we can give Birdstain another future
Jise understands his father's idea and smiles. "Sure. We can do that."
"Alright. Let's try something a little different, Jise. Lie on your back, please."
Jise obeys his father and lies down on his back, revealing his dick. Zazu gets closer to his
son and starts licking his dick lovingly. Jise moans softly with his father's licks, who enjoys
his son's taste. Zazu keeps licking Jise's dick and, when it starts leaking precum, Zazu starts
sucking on it, making Jise moan more. Zazu keeps licking and sucking his son's cock, his
own cock already hard. Jise relaxes his body and keeps moaning in pleasure with his
father's work. When Zazu starts deepthroating, Jise feels the pleasure increasing.
"Aah. I-I'm almost, dad!" Jise can't resist and cums hard into his father's beak. "Aaahh!"
The hornbill drinks his son's product down to the last drop, before releasing his cock. "Ahh.
Wow, Jise. You taste really good."
"Asante, dad. You're really good at this."
They both blush a little and Zazu goes over Jise.
"Ready, son?"
"P-Please be careful."
Zazu starts pushing his cock carefully inside Jise's hole. They both moan a little when they
feel the hornbill's cock entering deep in his son's ass.
"Mmmmm... You ok, son?"
"Mmmh. Yes."
Zazu starts thrusting very gently at first, not wanting to hurt his own son. Jise moans softly at
his father's gentle movements. They both keep moaning as they feel the hornbill's dick rub
against the hornbill-egret hybrid's tight walls. Zazu kisses his son's neck a little, making him
moan a bit more. The hornbill's dick starts leaking precum inside his son and they moan a bit
louder, especially when Zazu starts thrusting a little faster and harder. Jise starts hugging his
father a bit tightly as he keeps his thrusting. The two birds moan in pleasure as Zazu starts
thrusting faster, harder and deeper. Jise's body shakes with each thrust and his moans
become constant, the pleasure increasing.
"Oh son. I'm... so close." Zazu warns as he feels his dick swelling inside his son.
"Mmmh. I'm ready, dad!" Jise hugs his father tighter, keeping moaning.
After a few more thrusts, the last one goes harder and deeper and Zazu cums a lot and
really hard into his son's ass. They both moan loudly and Jise cums as well. The two hug,
Jise feeling his father's cum deep inside him.
"Do you think we can do it, dad?"
"I'm sure you do, my son. After this, I am sure that Birdstain's will remain in our lineage for a
long, long time."
With Ono and Genet, and with Tamaa and Kiah, they to have the need to generate an heir
for their respective kingdoms as well, so after pratically the same type of conversation that
Zazu had with Jiho, they too fucked their our sons.
Ono starts pushing his cock carefully inside Genet's hole. They both moan a little when they
feel the egret's cock entering deep in his son's ass.
"Mmmmm... You ok, son?"
"Mmmh. Yes."
Ono starts thrusting very gently at first, not wanting to hurt his own son. Genet moans softly
his father's gentle movements. They both keep moaning as they feel the hornbill's dick rub
against the male hybrid's tight walls. Ono kisses his son's neck a little, making him
moan a bit more. The hornbill's dick starts leaking precum inside his son and they moan a bit
louder, especially when Ono starts thrusting a little faster and harder. Genet starts hugging
father a bit tightly as he keeps his thrusting. The two birds moan in pleasure as Ono starts
thrusting faster, harder and deeper. Genet's body shakes with each thrust and his moans
become constant, the pleasure increasing.
"Oh son. I'm... so close." Ono warns as he feels his dick swelling inside his son.
"Mmmh. I'm ready, dad!" Genet hugs his father tighter, keeping moaning.
After a few more thrusts, the last one goes harder and deeper and Ono cums a lot and
really hard into his son's ass. They both moan loudly and Genet cums as well. The two hug,
Genet feeling his father's cum deep inside him.
Tamaa starts pushing his cock carefully inside Kiah's hole. They both moan a little when they
feel the drongo's cock entering deep in his son's ass.
"Mmmmm... You ok, son?"
"Mmmh. Yes."
Tamaa starts thrusting very gently at first, not wanting to hurt his own son. Kiah moans softly
his father's gentle movements. They both keep moaning as they feel the hornbill's dick rub
against the drongo-egret hybrid's tight walls. Tamaa kisses his son's neck a little, making him
moan a bit more. The hornbill's dick starts leaking precum inside his son and they moan a bit
louder, especially when Tamaa starts thrusting a little faster and harder. Kiah starts hugging
father a bit tightly as he keeps his thrusting. The two birds moan in pleasure as Tamaa starts
thrusting faster, harder and deeper. Kiah's body shakes with each thrust and his moans
become constant, the pleasure increasing.
"Oh son. I'm... so close." Tamaa warns as he feels his dick swelling inside his son.
"Mmmh. I'm ready, dad!" Kiah hugs his father tighter, keeping moaning.
After a few more thrusts, the last one goes harder and deeper and Tamaa cums a lot and
really hard into his son's ass. They both moan loudly and Kiah cums as well. The two hug,
Kiah feeling his father's cum deep inside him.
As for the new eggs, that hatched just last week, from their last mating, Tamaa had a son
with the falcon-hawk hybrid Jeli: Asubuhi, a drongo-falcon hybrid with purple and black
Zazu had a son with Remi the peacock: Kiburi, a peacock-hornbill hybrid with proud colorful
feathers, as a mixture of zazu's and Remi's feathers.
Ono had a son with Asrea the martial eagle: Mwindaji, a egret-eagle hybrid with feathers that
become more colorful on the tail and in his crest.
After their new mating joined by Kion and Kovu, they had more children in line to their
respective kingdoms: Zazu with Birdstain, Tamaa with Drobir, and Ono with Egtair.
Ono had a son with Asrea, Zazu and Kion, Mchanganyiko, a hybrid hermaphrodite bird with
yellow eyes, and a rainbow plumage.
Tamaa had a daughter with Jeli, Kovu and Remi, Siku Mpya, a hybrid with this same color
feathers could hide as much as necessary so as not to be as conspicuous as its sister.
Kion had a son with Ono, named Mseto a male egret with his wings instead of the plumage
of a egret had the fur of a lion, and as well Kovu had a son with Tamaa, named Mrithi with
the same characteristics as Mseto.
As for Jiho and Zazu, Ono and Genet, Tamaa and Kiah, the new legitimate heir was yet to
be born.
Until a fourth generation between themselves they agreed in continue their avian and lions
Ono flies over the kingdom and finally lands in the Great Nest, where Tamaa is already
"Hello, Ono." The drongo smiles.
"Hey, Tamaa. Where is Zazu?"
Zazu lands on the nest. "I'm here. Sorry for my delay. Royal duties."
"You are always the same, Zazu. "Royal duties."" Tamaa jokes, imitating the hornbill's voice.
"I hope you're not too tired, Zazu."
"Of course not, Ono. I'm more than ready."
"Excellent. Who will be in the middle this time?" Tamaa asks.
"I think it should be you, Zazu." Ono suggests.
"M-Me? D-Don't you wanna be in the middle now, Ono?"
"What's wrong, Zazu? Are you afraid?" Tamaa teases a little.
"I am not afraid of anything." Zazu asserts, determined.
Zazu goes to the center of the nest. Ono places himself in front of him and Tamaa behind the
"Ready?" Ono asks.
"Y-Yes." Zazu responds.
Tamaa starts licking Zazu's ass, making him moan a little. At the same time, Ono shows
Zazu his ass, causing him to blush, before he starts licking the egret's rear. Ono moans a
little when he feels the hornbill's tongue. The three birds feel their dicks growing as Tamaa
licks Zazu and Zazu licks Ono. They moan as they feel the pleasure increasing through their
bodies, especially Ono and Zazu as they feel the tongues enter their asses, wetting their
insides. At the same time, Ono starts rubbing his cock with his wing, moaning some more.
After a while, Tamaa starts rubbing his tongue deeper and faster on Zazu's ass. The hornbill
does the same to Ono's. The three continue like this for some time, until Tamaa and Zazu
decide to stop.
"Wow, Zazu. Not bad." Ono comments, blushing a little.
"Th-thanks, Ono." Zazu answers and then looks at the drongo. "Not bad for you either."
"I know." Tamaa responds, eyeing the hornbill's sexy rear. "But are you ready for the real
action, handsome?" The drongo rubs its wing a little on the hornbill's ass.
"Y-Yes." Zazu blushes and lets out a slight moan.
"Relax, Zazu. You will have your fun too." Ono shows Zazu his ass, making him blush even
The three birds have their dicks pretty hard at this point.
Ono lays down on his back and Zazu goes over him, positioning his dick on the egret's tail.
Then Tamaa mounts Zazu, his wings hugging him as his cock touches his tail.
"Let's do it." Says Tamaa.
The drongo begins to push its cock into the hornbill's ass, feeling its soft, tight walls. Zazu
moans when he feels the drongo's cock enter his ass. At the same time, the hornbill thrusts
its cock inside Ono's tight hole. The two push as deep as they can.
"Ready, Zazu?" Tamaa asks.
"Yes. Ono?"
Tamaa and Zazu start pushing, all three moaning with their movements. Tamaa and Zazu
start with gentle movements, feeling Zazu and Ono's tight walls. The egret uses its wing to
rub its cock a little.
"Oh Zazu. You feel good." Ono moans, loving the hornbill's every move.
"Tamaa. So good." Zazu moans with the drongo's movements.
The three continue to moan as the drongo and hornbill's movements become harder and
faster. Ono rubs his cock a little faster too. Tamaa uses his beak to nibble on Zazu's neck
feathers a bit while continuing to fuck the horbill. Zazu moans louder at this as he continues
to fuck Ono. Ono and Zazu feel precum entering their asses and moan more in pleasure.
Tamaa and Zazu speed up their movements and fuck harder and deeper, the bodies of the
three birds slapping on each other.
"Oohhh Zazu. I'm close." Tamaa warns.
"Me too."
With one last hard, deep thrust, Tamaa shoots his hot cum inside the hornbill's ass. At the
same time, Zazu cums deep inside Ono's ass. Ono's cock releases some cum as well. Ono
and Zazu feel the cum fill their asses very deep.
The three birds pant for a while, especially Zazu, and then they separate, sitting in the nest
for a while.
"Wow. That was incredible." Ono comments.
"Here our Zazu must be more satisfied." Tamaa jokes.
"W-Well... M-Maybe it's time we switched places?" Zazu suggests.
"I agree. Ono. What do you say to me going to the middle now?"
"Okay, Tamaa. And you can stay in front of me now, Zazu."
"O-Okay." Zazu realizes what's going to happen and stands in front of Ono, blushing. The
hornbill has always been the shyest of the three birds.
This time, Ono pushes his cock inside Zazu's tight ass. The hornbill moans a little loudly as it
feels the egret's cock sink into him. Ono has the biggest dick out of the three.
"Oh, you're so big." Zazu moans.
At the same time, Tamaa pushes his cock into Ono's ass, both of them moaning.
Tamaa and Ono start thrusting, feeling their cocks squeeze between their soft, warm asses.
Zazu moans harder as he feels Ono's big cock push deep into him. The egret and the
drongo speed up their movements and push harder, the three birds moaning louder as
precum starts to be released. Zazu and Ono's bodies shake with each thrust.
Ono and Tamaa thrust faster, harder and deeper and their bodies slap with each thrust.
Finally, unable to take it any longer, the birds release their cum. Ono and Zazu moan as they
feel the hot cum enter their asses, really deep. At the same time, the hornbill cums a little on
the nest.
Again, the three relax a little, sitting in the nest.
"Wow. You are so tight, Zazu." Ono comments.
"You are tight too, Ono." Says Tamaa.
"Yes. That was fun." Zazu blushes.
"But we're not done yet." Warns Ono. "Tamaa. Are you ready to feel a real cock?" He smirks.
"Believe me. I am."
Tamaa gets into position, lifting his bottom. Ono stands behind him, ready to mate.
"Fine. Maybe one last round." Zazu places himself behind Ono.
"Ready?" Ono asks.
"Yes." They respond.
This time, Ono thrusts his big cock into the drongo's tight hole, both of them moaning. Tamaa
is as tight or tighter than Zazu. At the same time, the hornbill thrusts his cock into Ono's ass.
When all three are ready, Ono and Zazu start thrusting, feeling their cocks rub against tight,
soft walls. Tamaa moans louder when he feels Ono's big dick inside him.
Again, the three birds moan, Tamaa rubbing his cock with his wing as the others continue
When Ono and Zazu thrust faster and harder, the moans increase. Their asses are already
quite hot and wet from the previous sessions and this increases their pleasure.
The thrusts become even faster, harder and deeper, and once again the slaps are heard.
Again, it doesn't take long for them to start cumming. Tamaa moans loudly as he feels Ono's
cock deep inside, releasing his cum deeply, while Zazu cums deep inside Ono's ass and the
drongo releases some cum on the nest.
The three pant heavily after three sessions of mating with each other. They look at each
other, blushing, pleased and in love.
"That... was... amazing." Comments Tamaa.
"I agree." Says Zazu.
"We should have more sessions like these." Ono suggests.
"You can bet we'll have more." Says Tamaa.
"I think we should sleep now, boys." Zazu suggests.
"You're right. We all need." Tamaa agrees.
The three birds lay down in the nest, snuggling up to each other, hugging each other with
their wings, with Ono in the middle. The three are inseparable and, since they revealed their
feelings for each other, they have created this great nest so that the three of them can live
together and, of course, have some more intimate moments like this one.
The heat season lasts for some time and the three males get together more often so they
can have more group mating sessions, always changing their positions so that each of them
has their moment in the middle.
After a few days, something special happens. Each of them realizes that something strange
is going on with their bodies. After talking to Rafiki, the healer of the kingdom, and talking to
other birds, the three lovers come to a conclusion: each of them is carrying at least one egg.
As soon as they share the news with each other, the three hug, full of love. They will be a
10 years later:
Ono, Tamaa and Zazu have been happy as a romantic trio, sharing everything with each
other, loving each other equally. Their love has grown and evolved and they have been
rewarded with eggs. Ono, Tamaa and Zazu are now parents and their children are all
siblings, forming a unique and special family.
Tamaa had a son with Ono: Kiah, a drongo-egret hybrid with black and white feathers. Zazu
had a son with Ono: Jiho, a drongo-hornbill hybrid with more colorful feathers. Tamaa had a
son with Zazu: Yure, a hornbill-drongo hybrid with feathers that become more colorful on the
Not long ago, this trio met another trio of birds: a peacock, a martial eagle and a falcon-hawk
hybrid. The peacock came from China after a fight with his brother Lord Shen, since they
had "different ideas". So he left and came to the Pride Lands, where he met the other birds
and quickly started a new friendship. But these birds became friends and it didn't take long
for them to mate with each other. Six males shared moments of great pleasure that were
also rewarded with eggs, which hatched yesterday. Tamaa had a son with Ono and the
martial eagle, Genet, a male hybrid with black feathers and yellow eyes. Ono had a daughter
with the peacock, Nzuri, a hybrid with blue and white feathers. Ono had a son with Zazu and
the falcon-hawk hybrid, Haki, a hybrid with very colorful feathers. Zazu had a daughter with
the martial eagle, Zunduri, an also colorful hybrid.
Ono, Tamaa and Zazu have a very close family, but sometimes the trio asks Anga and
Hadithi to look after the little hybrids while they spend time together, especially to mate.
That's what happens today.
For some reason, the three birds ask Anga and Hadithi to take care of their children while
they are busy.
"We love your kids." Comments Anga.
"You can go and do... whatever you're going to do." Says Hadithi. "It's a pleasure for us to
take care of your children."
"Thank you, Hadithi and Anga." The trio thanks them.
"You're welcome. Have fun."
Ono, Tamaa and Zazu fly towards a distant place in the kingdom, while Anga and Hadithi
start playing with the little hybrids.
The trio of birds fly towards a high, rocky place in the kingdom, where normally only birds
gather, since it is difficult for mammals to get there. When they arrive there, the trio realizes
that their friends/lovers are already in the Big Nest waiting for them. Remi, the peacock,
Asrea, the martial eagle and Jeli, the falcon-hawk hybrid.
"They're finally here." Says the martial eagle.
"Hello to you too." Ono responds, as the group all gathers at the nest.
"Are you ready for a new session?" The peacock asks.
"You can say it, handsome." The drongo agrees.
"Very well. You know what we agreed on. Let's go." Says the falcon-hawk hybrid, as they
each get into position for a new orgy.
Meanwhile, Fuli returns from a hunt when she sees Kion and Kovu. They are lying down
while Kovu hugs Kion. The two lions mated recently and are now getting some rest. Kion is
lying on Kovu's belly, as he was the dominant one in their last hot session.
"You really are an extraordinary lion, Kion."
"Heh. Asante, Kovu. You're amazing."
The two lick each other a little, when Fuli appears and looks at them with a smirk. "Looks like
you guys are having a good time."
"Oh. Hello, Fuli." Kion greets his friend. "What's up?"
"Well... I was hunting zebra and along the way I found Ono with his lovers. They were on
their way to the Big Nest in the rocky terrain, but they told me something very interesting
before they left."
"And what did they tell you?" Kovu asks curiously.
"Ono, Tamaa and Zazu got each other pregnant. They are parents now." Fuli says with a
"Wow. That's... surprising." Kovu comments.
"I heard other animals talk about it, but I thought they were making things up."
"But it's true, Kion." The cheetah confirms. "And they also invited you both to join them in the
Big Nest."
"Really?" The lions are surprised.
Fuli just nods in agreement, keeping her smile.
"Alright. We'll go to them." Kion says.
"But Kion..." Kovu doesn't look very confident.
"Don't worry, Kovu. It'll be fine."
Kion's cute smile makes Kovu accept it. "Ok. We can go."
"Well, boys. I'm going to get some rest now. It was a good hunt."
"Okay, Fuli. See you around."
"Huwezi!" Fuli runs away.
"Cheetahs." Kovu looks at Kion and notices his big smile. "Uh... Kion? What is it...?" Kion
starts kissing Kovu's neck gently. "Mmm..." Kovu starts purring. Kion can be very gentle and
this leaves Kovu's body relaxed.
"Do you like it?" Kion asks sweetly.
"Mmmm yeah..." Kovu continues to purr and blush as Kion continues to kiss and nibble the
older lion's neck.
Then Kion starts moving down his lover's body, keeping kissing him gently. Kovu keeps
moaning softly, feeling Kion's soft lips exploring his body. Both males feel their cocks
growing again, still a little wet from their last session, moments before Fuli appeared.
The two have a very close relationship and, like the three birds, they like to mate often. Kovu
let Kion fuck him and the two shared moments of pure pleasure and love with Kion filling the
older lion's ass with his seed. And now that Fuli's gone and they're alone again, Kion has an
Kion gently kisses Kovu's dick, making it twitch a little. "Let me be the leader." Kion asks with
his sweet smile and Kovu nods in agreement, smiling back at the younger lion. Kion licks
Kovu's cock with gentle, wet licks, making him moan adorably at it. He continues for a while,
before letting go of his cock and placing himself on top of Kovu. The older lion caresses the
younger lion's face and they both purr a little.
"I'm curious to see what you're capable of, Kion." Kovu jokes a little.
"You'll see." Kion smirks as he rubs his ass on Kovu's hard cock, making him moan a little
again. Kion teases Kovu some more, before he starts sitting down, putting the older lion's
hard cock inside his tight ass, making them both moan. "Comfortable?" Kion asks, now
sitting up with Kovu's cock fully inside him.
"Mmmm yeah." Kovu smiles and blushes.
Kion starts moving up and down gently, feeling Kovu's cock rubbing against his tight walls.
The two moan softly at this and Kovu places his paws on Kion's hips, making him blush.
Kion continues riding Kovu's cock, the pleasure growing in both of them, their bodies heating
up more. Kion speeds up his movements a little and leans a bit towards Kovu, when he now
hugs his neck and the two kiss passionately. The lions continue to moan as they kiss and
Kion feels Kovu's cock dripping precum inside him, while his own cock also drips. The two
continue to kiss and moan with love and pleasure for some time. Kovu grabs Kion's hips a
little tighter and Kion starts riding him faster and harder. The lions' moans become louder,
both with their tongues out, when Kovu feels Kion's ass slapping him. The older lion starts
thrusting a little to help Kion with his riding and they both feel their dicks starting to swell.
"Kion. I'm almost..." Kovu feels his dick about to explode and, with his paws on Kion's hips,
Kovu holds the youngest lion on his lap, keeping his dick completely inside his ass. Finally,
Kovu's cock shoots his hot lion cum deep into Kion's ass. The two pant a little heavily and
Kion rests his head on Kovu's strong chest.
"That... was..." Kion starts, but Kovu interrupts him.
Kion starts rubbing Kovu's mane gently with his paw, making him purr. "Kovu... We have to
do this more often."
"Heh. It felt that good, huh?"
"I-It's not that. Do you remember what Fuli told us about the birds? I would like to try it with
"You mean...?"
"We could try to get pregnant too."
Kovu blushes at the other male's proposal. "D-Do you think we can?"
"If they can do it, we can do it too." Kion smiles confidently.
Now Kovu also smiles confidently. "I like that. Yes, we can do it."
"Good." Kion stands up calmly, his ass leaving the other lion's cock, making them both moan
a little. "Now we must go to the birds as they asked."
"Yes." Kovu also gets up. "Let's go."
The two walk side by side towards the Big Nest.
After having crossed much of the kingdom, Kion and Kovu finally reach the rocky place,
where, with some difficulty, they climb to the Big Nest. Once they get there, the lions are
surprised to see a falcon-hawk hybrid mounting Tamaa, a martial eagle mounting Ono and a
peacock mounting Zazu.
"Oh yes, Jeli!" Tamaa moans while the falcon-hawk thrusts really fast and hard in his ass.
"Mmm Asrea!" Ono also moans as the martial eagle thrusts fast and hard too.
"Ahh Remi!" Zazu moans with the peacock's fast and hard thrusting.
Kion and Kovu look at each other and smirk, keeping watching the birds.
"Aaahh! I'm almost!" The peacock moans, before his last thrust, putting his dick deep in
Zazu's ass, who moans loudly.
Practically at the same time, the martial eagle cums hard and deep in Ono's ass while the
falcon-hawk hybrid cums deeply in Tamaa's tight ass.
The three birds pant heavily after the hot orgy. Kion and Kovu smirk.
"Looks like they're having a good time." Kion comments.
"Yeah." Kovu agrees. "Is this why you called us?"
"Kion! Kovu! Welcome to our nest!" Tamaa tries to smile innocently.
"We were waiting for you." Ono smirks.
"I see... So what do you want?" Kion asks.
"We want you to join us." Tamaa responds.
"We know what you two have been doing." Zazu explains.
"Show us what a lion is capable of." Asks the drongo.
Kion and Kovu look at each other again, before smirking at the birds.
"Very well. How do you want it then?" Kion asks.
Jeli, Asrea and Remi leave Tamaa, Ono and Zazu.
"Turn around." Ono asks and the three birds obey, showing their butts.
Ono, Tamaa and Zazu approach them.
"Let's make an exchange. Now it's our turn to mount you." Tamaa explains.
"What about us?" Kovu asks.
"You're going to mount us." Ono responds.
"Show us what you can do!" Tamaa says.
Asrea gets into position, lifting his ass. Ono approaches him and positions his dick at the
entrance of the martial eagle. "Ready?" Asrea nods in agreement and Ono pushes his dick
inside the martial eagle. Asrea moans as he feels Ono's cock against his tight walls.
Then Kion approaches Ono. "Wow, Ono." They worked together for a long time. It's amazing
how Kion never realized how attractive the egret is. The lion positions himself over the egret
and pushes his dick inside him. They both moan a little when they feel Kion's cock against
Ono's tight walls.
On the other side, Jeli lifts his ass. Tamaa approaches him, positioning his hard cock at the
entrance of the falcon-hawk hybrid. They both moan a little when they feel the drongo's cock
enter the hybrid's ass.
"Don't be shy, Kovu." Tamaa teases and Kovu blushes, going over the drongo. They both
moan as Kovu's hard cock enters Tamaa's tight ass.
Ono starts thrusting in Asrea's ass, loving to feel his tight walls. Ono moans more when he
feels Kion thrusting in his ass too. The lion moans as he feels the egret's tight walls.
On the other side, Tamaa thrusts in Jeli's ass and moans more when Kovu starts thrusting in
his ass as well.
Upon seeing their friends in action, Zazu and Remi smile and approach them. Zazu
approaches Asrea and shows his hard cock to the martial eagle while Remi shows his hard
cock to the falcon-hawk hybrid. The martial eagle licks the hornbill's cock while Ono mounts
him and Kion mounts Ono. At the same time, Jeli licks the peacock's dick while Tamaa rides
him and Kovu rides Tamaa.
The group moans with every movement and lick, especially the birds that are mounted by
the lions. Their cocks are tight in their assholes, but they continue their gentle movements.
"Faster, Kion!" Ono asks.
"You too, Kovu!" Tamaa demands.
The lions start thrusting faster, Ono and Tamaa doing the same in Asrea and Jeli's asses,
who lick Zazu and Remi's dicks more, them starting to leak precum.
"Mmmm so good." The peacock moans as he feels the falcon-hawk hybrid's tongue explore
his hard, wet cock.
"Mmmm yeah." Zazu also moans when he feels the martial eagle's tongue exploring his
The group moans in pleasure with the thrusting and licking, all cocks already leaking some
The birds' bodies shake as the lions start thrusting faster and harder, their balls slapping on
Ono and Tamaa's rears. Asrea and Jeli start sucking carefully on Zazu and Remi, who start
thrusting in their beaks.
A lot of moans of pleasure surround the Big Nest as the group keeps enjoying their orgy.
They start to feel their dicks swelling and realize they are reaching their limit. Their moans
become louder as the lions fuck the birds harder, faster and deeper. Tamaa and Ono fuck
the martial eagle and the falcon-hawk hybrid also harder, faster and deeper.
With loud moans in pure pleasure, the group begins to climax and, almost at the same time,
they all cum inside each other. Kion cums deep in Ono's ass, who cums deep in Asrea's ass,
who tastes Zazu's warm cum. Kovu cums deep in Tamaa's ass, who cums deep in Jeli's ass,
who tastes Remi's cum.
The group removes their dicks from each other's asses and mouths and rests for a while,
panting a lot after such an incredible new experience.
"Wow. This was incredible." Comments Tamaa.
"Like Bunga says, it was un-Bunga-lievable." Kion laughs a little.
"We're glad you've joined us." Says the peacock.
"We are glad to have joined you." Kovu smiles.
"Is it true that you know how to fight?" Kion asks the peacock.
"Yes. I learned some things from the conflict with my brother Shen. It's a long story."
"Heh. You could have your own guard."
"Hey! I just had a crazy idea." Says the drongo.
"What is it, Tamaa?" Jeli asks.
"Maybe our kids can join us for the next orgy."
"What?" Zazu is surprised by his lover's suggestion.
"That would be... interesting." Comments Asrea.
"Well... We'll think about it." Says Ono.
"Hello?" Someone calls while climbing up to the Big Nest.
"Dad?" Kion is amazed when he recognizes the voice.
Simba arrives at the Big Nest after a somewhat complicated climb. "You guys should move
somewhere else."
"Your majesty? What are you doing here?" Tamaa asks.
"I could ask you guys the same question." Simba smirks, managing to pick up the strong
scent in the group.
"W-Well... It's... private." Zazu blushes.
"Is there something wrong, dad?"
"Actually yes." The lion king shows a serious and sad face now. "Zazu. Rafiki shared
information with me. There is something you need to know."
"What's going on, sir?" Zazu asks, a little worried, approaching the king.
"As you know, you lost your mother a couple years ago. Well... Now your father has also
completed his journey through the circle of life."
"You mean...?"
Simba nods sadly.
"Oh..." Zazu looks down, crying a little. The other birds approach him to comfort him,
especially Ono and Tamaa. "So... What now?"
"According to the information I have, Birdstain will need a new leader and you are the only
descendant." Simba explains. "But you need a mate to lead alongside you."
Zazu watches his lovers for a while, thinking about what to do.
"Whatever you decide, you have our support, Zazu." Ono puts a wing around the hornbill.
"He's right. We will always love you." Tamaa does the same.
Zazu smiles at them. "Asante." Then he looks at the lion. "I have already made my decision.
I accept my responsibilities at Birdstain. But Ono and Tamaa will lead by my side."
"What?" The egret and the drongo are surprised. The others just smile.
"But of course we'll always come to visit the Pride Lands."
"Alright, Zazu. You know you'll always be welcome here." Says Simba. "The Pride Lands will
always be your home."
"Thank you, your majesty."
"Good. We have to go tell our children the news." Tamaa says. "But first... Group hug!"
Tamaa hugs Zazu, then Ono joins him, then the other birds and finally the lions. They are all
together in a warm hug now.
"I'm sure you'll be good leaders." Kion says.
"Thank you, Kion."
The group maintains the embrace, before the bird lovers leave for their new adventure.
Zazu's mates and family accepted the hornbill's change of life. He's relaxing in a tall tree and
thinking about how his life is about to change a lot. Two armored hornbills, Birdstain's royal
guards, land in his tree.
"Your majesty, Zazu, King of Birdstain." They bow.
"W-What?" Zazu is surprised at the arrival of these two birds. "What's going on?"
"As the royal guards of Birdstain, we must inform his majesty of the importance of following
the lineage of hornbills that his father followed, as well as all his ancestors."
"That means...?"
"This means that, in addition to the need to have a mate with whom to share the kingdom,
your highness needs to have an heir and ensure the future of the kingdom, keeping the
entire royal lineage in your family."
"So... all my successors must be of my blood?"
"Exactly, your Highness."
Zazu thinks for a while. "Well... In that case, I already know who I should talk to. Don't worry.
The future of the kingdom will be in the wings of my family forever."
The guards just look at Zazu, as if they were waiting to hear something else.
"Uh... You're dismissed." Says Zazu.
"Thank you, your Highness." The guards bow and fly away.
"I already know what to do." Then it's Zazu who flies away.
Some time later, Zazu explains the whole situation to his son Jiho, the hornbill-egret hybrid.
"That's why I decided to choose you as my successor."
"Thanks, dad. I promise I will train and do my best to be like you."
"I know you will, son. But... there is something else."
"What is it, dad?"
"The guards told me that our kingdom must keep a royal bloodline. That means our
descendants must always be of our blood."
"I don't know if I understand..."
"Son... Do you remember what you learned about mating from me and your other fathers?"
"I do."
"It's time we had our own private moment and maybe we can give Birdstain another future
Jiho understands his father's idea and smiles. "Sure. We can do that."
"Alright. Let's try something a little different, Jiho. Lie on your back, please."
Jiho obeys his father and lies down on his back, revealing his dick. Zazu gets closer to his
son and starts licking his dick lovingly. Jiho moans softly with his father's licks, who enjoys
his son's taste. Zazu keeps licking Jiho's dick and, when it starts leaking precum, Zazu starts
sucking on it, making Jiho moan more. Zazu keeps licking and sucking his son's cock, his
own cock already hard. Jiho relaxes his body and keeps moaning in pleasure with his
father's work. When Zazu starts deepthroating, Jiho feels the pleasure increasing.
"Aah. I-I'm almost, dad!" Jiho can't resist and cums hard into his father's beak. "Aaahh!"
The hornbill drinks his son's product down to the last drop, before releasing his cock. "Ahh.
Wow, Jiho. You taste really good."
"Asante, dad. You're really good at this."
They both blush a little and Zazu goes over Jiho.
"Ready, son?"
"P-Please be careful."
Zazu starts pushing his cock carefully inside Jiho's hole. They both moan a little when they
feel the hornbill's cock entering deep in his son's ass.
"Mmmmm... You ok, son?"
"Mmmh. Yes."
Zazu starts thrusting very gently at first, not wanting to hurt his own son. Jiho moans softly at
his father's gentle movements. They both keep moaning as they feel the hornbill's dick rub
against the hornbill-egret hybrid's tight walls. Zazu kisses his son's neck a little, making him
moan a bit more. The hornbill's dick starts leaking precum inside his son and they moan a bit
louder, especially when Zazu starts thrusting a little faster and harder. Jiho starts hugging his
father a bit tightly as he keeps his thrusting. The two birds moan in pleasure as Zazu starts
thrusting faster, harder and deeper. Jiho's body shakes with each thrust and his moans
become constant, the pleasure increasing.
"Oh son. I'm... so close." Zazu warns as he feels his dick swelling inside his son.
"Mmmh. I'm ready, dad!" Jiho hugs his father tighter, keeping moaning.
After a few more thrusts, the last one goes harder and deeper and Zazu cums a lot and
really hard into his son's ass. They both moan loudly and Jiho cums as well. The two hug,
Jiho feeling his father's cum deep inside him.
"Do you think we can do it, dad?"
"I'm sure you do, my son. After this, I am sure that Birdstain's will remain in our lineage for a
long, long time."
With Ono and Genet, and with Tamaa and Kiah, they to have the need to generate an heir
for their respective kingdoms as well, so after pratically the same type of conversation that
Zazu had with Jiho, they too fucked their our sons.
Ono starts pushing his cock carefully inside Genet's hole. They both moan a little when they
feel the egret's cock entering deep in his son's ass.
"Mmmmm... You ok, son?"
"Mmmh. Yes."
Ono starts thrusting very gently at first, not wanting to hurt his own son. Genet moans softly
his father's gentle movements. They both keep moaning as they feel the hornbill's dick rub
against the male hybrid's tight walls. Ono kisses his son's neck a little, making him
moan a bit more. The hornbill's dick starts leaking precum inside his son and they moan a bit
louder, especially when Ono starts thrusting a little faster and harder. Genet starts hugging
father a bit tightly as he keeps his thrusting. The two birds moan in pleasure as Ono starts
thrusting faster, harder and deeper. Genet's body shakes with each thrust and his moans
become constant, the pleasure increasing.
"Oh son. I'm... so close." Ono warns as he feels his dick swelling inside his son.
"Mmmh. I'm ready, dad!" Genet hugs his father tighter, keeping moaning.
After a few more thrusts, the last one goes harder and deeper and Ono cums a lot and
really hard into his son's ass. They both moan loudly and Genet cums as well. The two hug,
Genet feeling his father's cum deep inside him.
Tamaa starts pushing his cock carefully inside Kiah's hole. They both moan a little when they
feel the drongo's cock entering deep in his son's ass.
"Mmmmm... You ok, son?"
"Mmmh. Yes."
Tamaa starts thrusting very gently at first, not wanting to hurt his own son. Kiah moans softly
his father's gentle movements. They both keep moaning as they feel the hornbill's dick rub
against the drongo-egret hybrid's tight walls. Tamaa kisses his son's neck a little, making him
moan a bit more. The hornbill's dick starts leaking precum inside his son and they moan a bit
louder, especially when Tamaa starts thrusting a little faster and harder. Kiah starts hugging
father a bit tightly as he keeps his thrusting. The two birds moan in pleasure as Tamaa starts
thrusting faster, harder and deeper. Kiah's body shakes with each thrust and his moans
become constant, the pleasure increasing.
"Oh son. I'm... so close." Tamaa warns as he feels his dick swelling inside his son.
"Mmmh. I'm ready, dad!" Kiah hugs his father tighter, keeping moaning.
After a few more thrusts, the last one goes harder and deeper and Tamaa cums a lot and
really hard into his son's ass. They both moan loudly and Kiah cums as well. The two hug,
Kiah feeling his father's cum deep inside him.
As for the new eggs, that hatched just last week, from their last mating, Tamaa had a son
with the falcon-hawk hybrid Jeli: Asubuhi, a drongo-falcon hybrid with purple and black
Zazu had a son with Remi the peacock: Kiburi, a peacock-hornbill hybrid with proud colorful
feathers, as a mixture of zazu's and Remi's feathers.
Ono had a son with Asrea the martial eagle: Mwindaji, a egret-eagle hybrid with feathers that
become more colorful on the tail and in his crest.
After their new mating joined by Kion and Kovu, they had more children in line to their
respective kingdoms: Zazu with Birdstain, Tamaa with Drobir, and Ono with Egtair.
Ono had a son with Asrea, Zazu and Kion, Mchanganyiko, a hybrid hermaphrodite bird with
yellow eyes, and a rainbow plumage.
Tamaa had a daughter with Jeli, Kovu and Remi, Siku Mpya, a hybrid with this same color
feathers could hide as much as necessary so as not to be as conspicuous as its sister.
Kion had a son with Ono, named Mseto a male egret with his wings instead of the plumage
of a egret had the fur of a lion, and as well Kovu had a son with Tamaa, named Mrithi with
the same characteristics as Mseto.
As for Jiho and Zazu, Ono and Genet, Tamaa and Kiah, the new legitimate heir was yet to
be born.
Ono: Anga I think it's time for us to begin our own family.
Anga: Sure Ono, I will be more than happy to begin our journey with you. But who are the
other two birds I saw you kissing yesterday, I know you're gay.
Ono: Yes Anga I'm. The Black drongo is named tamaa, and the hornbill is named zazu, the
hornbill is the royal majordomo of king simba.
Ono: "Can we begin our midair mating now, or you still want to wait a little bit more?"
Anga: "Sure Ono!"
So Ono begin to fly hovering above their nest, while Anga approaches Ono. *He's blushing,
while gripping and locking his and Anga's talons claws together and firm, not letting both get
distant from one another*
Ono: "Oh, now this is the life!"
Anga: "Yes Ono, but were only beginning, she says as they begin to do a straight up
maneuver till they're very very high in the sky in some 5 to 6 km altitude, Ono, Tamaa and
Zazu, and the higher point of their climb, preparing for their free fall had join their talons
gripping stronger locking them together, and rubbing their cloacas, and penises in their
anuses, started a free fall, diving with their wings retracted for maximum speed, on the last
second they saw both birds separating their claws and cloacas from each other, and biting
their wings fast to not have a straight down fall on the ground, and giving a final louder bird
Anga: "you like it?"
Ono: "Yes and ready to go again?" *He says asking for Amanzi (his wife), Nyari (Zazu's
wife), and the wife of Tamaa, on which all answer yes, getting excited and cum starting
dripping* *Zazu with Nyari, Tamaa with his wife and Anga with Amanzi and Ono begin again
to to do a straight up maneuver till they're very very high in the sky in some 10 to 12 km
altitude, Ono, Tamaa and Zazu, and the higher point of their climb, preparing for their free fall
had join their talons gripping stronger locking them together, and rubbing their cloacas, and
penises in their anuses, started a free fall, diving with their wings retracted for maximum
speed, on the last second they saw both birds separating their claws and cloacas from each
other, and biting their wings fast to not have a straight down fall on the ground, and giving a
final louder bird caw."
After tamaa, zazu, ono, and their wifes land again on their shared big nest, after all of their
matings they're ready to sleep with their sons and daughters from their previous matings by
their side, that just after seeing their parents can't helped even with 12 to 15 years later in
bird age, masturbate a little, in the next morning zazu, ono, tamaa were the first to lay their
eggs, as their wifes had come right behind them, laying the other eggs too. 5 to 7 months
later. they all gave birth too, Kujali, Msejami, Mwepesi, Myizi, Putsoa, Chiku, Kujali, Mrembo,
Taji, and Kina.
The other birds that were layed before were, Kiah, Jiho, Yure, Genet, Nzuri, Haki, Zunduri,
Asubuhi, Kiburi, Mwindaji, Yure, Mchanganyiko, Siku Mpya, Mseto and Mrithi.
Kion and Kovu, mating with each other in the plains of priderock, both see on the sky zazu
and ono with their talons locking on each other's as they were in a free fall during a mating
ritual, still not sensing nothing wrong they both were fucking each other normaly, until Kion
notices that both zazu and ono, were pregnant even being males, which would reveal a
descendant secret that no one was expecting from the birds.
^It was the end of the afternoon in the pridelands, both Kion and Kovu had finished their
hunting to feed them and their uncoming children that were still to be born from them, as a
bledding from the gods of the past, both males now ahd the capacity of getting each other
pregnant, so just after they had finished their meal of 2 gazelles and 1 zebra, kion puts
himself in a all fours position, presenting his anus to kovu, which already mounted kion's
back, with both pregnant heavier bellies bulges showing from both male lions^
^both kion and kovu were panting hard from kion's action, kovu's mouth watering wanting
kion badly, kion teases kovu with his paw on his erection making kovu groan in pleasure, as
the sound of moaning and groaning fill the area^
^Kovu thrusts faster and harder, making kion release the roar of the elders as both kion and
kovu cums at the same time^
*kovu, your enjoying this aren't u love?*
*kion, more than you can imagine!*
^both lions pant as kovu falls next to kion both of them having a moment of slight as they
look at each other's eyes, smiling and blushing, Kovu leans in and licks kion's maw making
kion blush*
^Kion surprising kovu gives him a deep tongue kissing^
^kovu places a paw on kion's face kissing back as they both blush hard kissing deeper and
^Their kissing are interrupt suddenly and unexpectedly by three figures in high speed flying,
doing circles and spirals, and sometimes touching and licking their anuses with their wings,
beaks and tongues, sometimes it was so much pleasure that without noticing they pooped.^
(Just one time I will mention this ok? Don't worry hehe)
^as both lions sit up they look up and see birds mating, kion looks and sees ono as one of
the birds^ *kion: ono!!?* ^he shouts surprising the egret^ (lol ok)
^Kovu sees zazu, and another bird who he wasn't so familiar with. *Kovu: Who is the black
bird?* *Kion: Name's Tamaa*, Ono, interrupting the mating flight, lands in a tree nearby with
zazu on his side of left wing, and tamaa on his side of right wing* *Ono: "How can we help
you both, your majesties? *The three birds bowing to them at the same time curving their left
wing, hidding for a little time their pregnant heavier bellie bulges too*
*kion: apologies for messing up your mating section, but I need an update on the pridelands,
is everything going while, and his are ur pregnancys going along?* ^kion asked concerning
for others as well as his friends, kovu couldn't help but smile at kion's worried some
*Ono: No need to worry your majesty. Zazu: All going well, although that's a important
question that I need to see king simba, immediately for personal reasons, you and kovu can
be on the reunion, my mate Nayri, and Anga, and the mate of Tamaa, are all taking care of
our last hatched eggs, we too got them pregnant. Tamaa: Hello your majesty king kovu,
name's Tamaa, nice to meet you.^
*Ono: And speaking for all, our pregnancies are all doing good, we're expecting to lay the
new 9 eggs in 5 to 6 months.*
*kovu: u-uhm nice to meet u too* *kion: kovu's it's ok u don't need to be nervous* *kovu:
gomen, I'm not use to being called King yet* ^he giggles as he feels more comfortable with
his tittle^ *kion: anyways zazu, dad is out right now, he's at the watering hole meeting with
the elephants and giraffes* ^he escalated^
*Zazu: Can you transmite to him, what I will reveal to you now?*
*kion: ofc, what is it?*
*Zazu: I'll retire sooner than expected by above royal reasons as my majordomo cargo,
permits, assuming as by royalt bloodline of Birdstain kingdom my grandfather's throne, my
father decided to live here in the pridelands, he's still alive, but abidicated from his next heir
position, so he passed it immediately for me!*
^kion shocked when he hears this^ *kion: I understand zazu, I'll tell my dad* ^he says
smiling, kovu leans in and hugs kion wanting to feel his mates embracement, as both of
them blush^
*Zazu: Thanks kion, but weren't done yet, Ono is the royal prince of Egtair and Tamaa is the
royal prince of Birma.* Ono: The position of smartest of the guard, will be assumed by one of
my already hatched son borned from me when zazu fucked me Kiah. Zazu: And the
majordomo cargo by the son I had when Tamaa fucked me Jiho.
^All the three birds are blushing heavier and getting excited for the final coming part of their
mating ritual.^ *Zazu if your majesties aren't occupied you both would like to see in first eye
how birds fuck?*
*kion: ahhh didn't need the details!!!* ^kion said covering their beaks as kovu tried not to
laugh^ *kion: just tell me who's the next in line for the keenest of sight is*
*kovu: n-not thanks zazu, we had enough mating for one day* *kion: indeed you three are
free to go*
*Ono: With Anga's retirement to take care of our chicks, the next in line is the first
egret-marshall eagle hybrid son named Haki.*
*Zazu: Before we leave, and how are yours majeties pregnancies going?*
*kion: going good for me and kovu, kovu isn't use to these types of things* *kovu: it's kinda
nerve-racking* *kion: don't worry I'm right here with u*
^kion is feeling tired as he is laying on kovu's chest kovu had his arm wraps around kion's
body keeping each other warm^
^ With the permission of the lions, doing a straight up maneuver till they're very very high in
the sky in some 5 to 6 km altitude, Ono, Tamaa and Zazu, and the higher point of their climb,
preparing for their free fall had join their talons gripping stronger locking them together, and
rubbing their cloacas, and penises in their anuses, started a free fall, diving with their wings
retracted for maximum speed, on the last second they saw both birds separating their claws
and cloacas from each other, and biting their wings fast to not have a straight down fall on
the ground, and giving a final louder bird caw.
*Kovu: zazu actually I'm intrigued, show me how birds mate* *kion: me too plz* ^they said
changing there minds^
*Zazu: And that's how, me, Ono, Tamaa, and our wives fucked too, of course we had that
traditional partner's back mounting. And to complete: Zazu goes to the center of the nest.
Ono places himself in front of him and Tamaa behind the
"Ready?" Ono asks.
"Y-Yes." Zazu responds.
Tamaa starts licking Zazu's ass, making him moan a little. At the same time, Ono shows
Zazu his ass, causing him to blush, before he starts licking the egret's rear. Ono moans a
little when he feels the hornbill's tongue. The three birds feel their dicks growing as Tamaa
licks Zazu and Zazu licks Ono. They moan as they feel the pleasure increasing through their
bodies, especially Ono and Zazu as they feel the tongues enter their asses, wetting their
insides. At the same time, Ono starts rubbing his cock with his wing, moaning some more.
After a while, Tamaa starts rubbing his tongue deeper and faster on Zazu's ass. The hornbill
does the same to Ono's. The three continue like this for some time, until Tamaa and Zazu
decide to stop.
"Wow, Zazu. Not bad." Ono comments, blushing a little.
"Th-thanks, Ono." Zazu answers and then looks at the drongo. "Not bad for you either."
"I know." Tamaa responds, eyeing the hornbill's sexy rear. "But are you ready for the real
action, handsome?" The drongo rubs its wing a little on the hornbill's ass.
"Y-Yes." Zazu blushes and lets out a slight moan.
"Relax, Zazu. You will have your fun too." Ono shows Zazu his ass, making him blush even
The three birds have their dicks pretty hard at this point.
Ono lays down on his back and Zazu goes over him, positioning his dick on the egret's tail.
Then Tamaa mounts Zazu, his wings hugging him as his cock touches his tail.
"Let's do it." Says Tamaa.
The drongo begins to push its cock into the hornbill's ass, feeling its soft, tight walls. Zazu
moans when he feels the drongo's cock enter his ass. At the same time, the hornbill thrusts
its cock inside Ono's tight hole. The two push as deep as they can.
"Ready, Zazu?" Tamaa asks.
"Yes. Ono?"
Tamaa and Zazu start pushing, all three moaning with their movements. Tamaa and Zazu
start with gentle movements, feeling Zazu and Ono's tight walls. The egret uses its wing to
rub its cock a little.
"Oh Zazu. You feel good." Ono moans, loving the hornbill's every move.
"Tamaa. So good." Zazu moans with the drongo's movements.
The three continue to moan as the drongo and hornbill's movements become harder and
faster. Ono rubs his cock a little faster too. Tamaa uses his beak to nibble on Zazu's neck
feathers a bit while continuing to fuck the horbill. Zazu moans louder at this as he continues
to fuck Ono. Ono and Zazu feel precum entering their asses and moan more in pleasure.
Tamaa and Zazu speed up their movements and fuck harder and deeper, the bodies of the
three birds slapping on each other.
"Oohhh Zazu. I'm close." Tamaa warns.
"Me too."
With one last hard, deep thrust, Tamaa shoots his hot cum inside the hornbill's ass. At the
same time, Zazu cums deep inside Ono's ass. Ono's cock releases some cum as well. Ono
and Zazu feel the cum fill their asses very deep.
The three birds pant for a while, especially Zazu, and then they separate, sitting in the nest
for a while.
"Wow. That was incredible." Ono comments.
"Here our Zazu must be more satisfied." Tamaa jokes.
"W-Well... M-Maybe it's time we switched places?" Zazu suggests.
"I agree. Ono. What do you say to me going to the middle now?"
"Okay, Tamaa. And you can stay in front of me now, Zazu."
"O-Okay." Zazu realizes what's going to happen and stands in front of Ono, blushing. The
hornbill has always been the shyest of the three birds.
This time, Ono pushes his cock inside Zazu's tight ass. The hornbill moans a little loudly as it
feels the egret's cock sink into him. Ono has the biggest dick out of the three.
"Oh, you're so big." Zazu moans.
At the same time, Tamaa pushes his cock into Ono's ass, both of them moaning.
Tamaa and Ono start thrusting, feeling their cocks squeeze between their soft, warm asses.
Zazu moans harder as he feels Ono's big cock push deep into him. The egret and the
drongo speed up their movements and push harder, the three birds moaning louder as
precum starts to be released. Zazu and Ono's bodies shake with each thrust.
Ono and Tamaa thrust faster, harder and deeper and their bodies slap with each thrust.
Finally, unable to take it any longer, the birds release their cum. Ono and Zazu moan as they
feel the hot cum enter their asses, really deep. At the same time, the hornbill cums a little on
the nest.
Again, the three relax a little, sitting in the nest.
"Wow. You are so tight, Zazu." Ono comments.
"You are tight too, Ono." Says Tamaa.
"Yes. That was fun." Zazu blushes.
"But we're not done yet." Warns Ono. "Tamaa. Are you ready to feel a real cock?" He smirks.
"Believe me. I am."
Tamaa gets into position, lifting his bottom. Ono stands behind him, ready to mate.
"Fine. Maybe one last round." Zazu places himself behind Ono.
"Ready?" Ono asks.
"Yes." They respond.
This time, Ono thrusts his big cock into the drongo's tight hole, both of them moaning. Tamaa
is as tight or tighter than Zazu. At the same time, the hornbill thrusts his cock into Ono's ass.
When all three are ready, Ono and Zazu start thrusting, feeling their cocks rub against tight,
soft walls. Tamaa moans louder when he feels Ono's big dick inside him.
Again, the three birds moan, Tamaa rubbing his cock with his wing as the others continue
When Ono and Zazu thrust faster and harder, the moans increase. Their asses are already
quite hot and wet from the previous sessions and this increases their pleasure.
The thrusts become even faster, harder and deeper, and once again the slaps are heard.
Again, it doesn't take long for them to start cumming. Tamaa moans loudly as he feels Ono's
cock deep inside, releasing his cum deeply, while Zazu cums deep inside Ono's ass and the
drongo releases some cum on the nest.
The three pant heavily after three sessions of mating with each other. They look at each
other, blushing, pleased and in love.
"That... was... amazing." Comments Tamaa.
"I agree." Says Zazu.
"We should have more sessions like these." Ono suggests.
"You can bet we'll have more." Says Tamaa.
"I think we should sleep now, boys." Zazu suggests.
"You're right. We all need." Tamaa agrees.
The three birds lay down in the nest, snuggling up to each other, hugging each other with
their wings, with Ono in the middle. The three are inseparable and, since they revealed their
feelings for each other, they have created this great nest so that the three of them can live
together and, of course, have some more intimate moments like this one.
The heat season lasts for some time and the three males get together more often so they
can have more group mating sessions, always changing their positions so that each of them
has their moment in the middle.
After a few days, something special happens. Each of them realizes that something strange
is going on with their bodies. After talking to Rafiki, the healer of the kingdom, and talking to
other birds, the three lovers come to a conclusion: each of them is carrying at least one egg.
As soon as they share the news with each other, the three hug, full of love. They will be a
10 years later:
Ono, Tamaa and Zazu have been happy as a romantic trio, sharing everything with each
other, loving each other equally. Their love has grown and evolved and they have been
rewarded with eggs. Ono, Tamaa and Zazu are now parents and their children are all
siblings, forming a unique and special family.
Tamaa had a son with Ono: Kiah, a drongo-egret hybrid with black and white feathers. Zazu
had a son with Ono: Jiho, a drongo-hornbill hybrid with more colorful feathers. Tamaa had a
son with Zazu: Yure, a hornbill-drongo hybrid with feathers that become more colorful on the
Not long ago, this trio met another trio of birds: a peacock, a martial eagle and a falcon-hawk
hybrid. The peacock came from China after a fight with his brother Lord Shen, since they
had "different ideas". So he left and came to the Pride Lands, where he met the other birds
and quickly started a new friendship. But these birds became friends and it didn't take long
for them to mate with each other. Six males shared moments of great pleasure that were
also rewarded with eggs, which hatched yesterday. Tamaa had a son with Ono and the
martial eagle, Genet, a male hybrid with black feathers and yellow eyes. Ono had a daughter
with the peacock, Nzuri, a hybrid with blue and white feathers. Ono had a son with Zazu and
the falcon-hawk hybrid, Haki, a hybrid with very colorful feathers. Zazu had a daughter with
the martial eagle, Zunduri, an also colorful hybrid.
Ono, Tamaa and Zazu have a very close family, but sometimes the trio asks Anga and
Hadithi to look after the little hybrids while they spend time together, especially to mate.
That's what happens today.
For some reason, the three birds ask Anga and Hadithi to take care of their children while
they are busy.
"We love your kids." Comments Anga.
"You can go and do... whatever you're going to do." Says Hadithi. "It's a pleasure for us to
take care of your children."
"Thank you, Hadithi and Anga." The trio thanks them.
"You're welcome. Have fun."
Ono, Tamaa and Zazu fly towards a distant place in the kingdom, while Anga and Hadithi
start playing with the little hybrids.
The trio of birds fly towards a high, rocky place in the kingdom, where normally only birds
gather, since it is difficult for mammals to get there. When they arrive there, the trio realizes
that their friends/lovers are already in the Big Nest waiting for them. Remi, the peacock,
Asrea, the martial eagle and Jeli, the falcon-hawk hybrid.
"They're finally here." Says the martial eagle.
"Hello to you too." Ono responds, as the group all gathers at the nest.
"Are you ready for a new session?" The peacock asks.
"You can say it, handsome." The drongo agrees.
"Very well. You know what we agreed on. Let's go." Says the falcon-hawk hybrid, as they
each get into position for a new orgy.
Meanwhile, Fuli returns from a hunt when she sees Kion and Kovu. They are lying down
while Kovu hugs Kion. The two lions mated recently and are now getting some rest. Kion is
lying on Kovu's belly, as he was the dominant one in their last hot session.
"You really are an extraordinary lion, Kion."
"Heh. Asante, Kovu. You're amazing."
The two lick each other a little, when Fuli appears and looks at them with a smirk. "Looks like
you guys are having a good time."
"Oh. Hello, Fuli." Kion greets his friend. "What's up?"
"Well... I was hunting zebra and along the way I found Ono with his lovers. They were on
their way to the Big Nest in the rocky terrain, but they told me something very interesting
before they left."
"And what did they tell you?" Kovu asks curiously.
"Ono, Tamaa and Zazu got each other pregnant. They are parents now." Fuli says with a
"Wow. That's... surprising." Kovu comments.
"I heard other animals talk about it, but I thought they were making things up."
"But it's true, Kion." The cheetah confirms. "And they also invited you both to join them in the
Big Nest."
"Really?" The lions are surprised.
Fuli just nods in agreement, keeping her smile.
"Alright. We'll go to them." Kion says.
"But Kion..." Kovu doesn't look very confident.
"Don't worry, Kovu. It'll be fine."
Kion's cute smile makes Kovu accept it. "Ok. We can go."
"Well, boys. I'm going to get some rest now. It was a good hunt."
"Okay, Fuli. See you around."
"Huwezi!" Fuli runs away.
"Cheetahs." Kovu looks at Kion and notices his big smile. "Uh... Kion? What is it...?" Kion
starts kissing Kovu's neck gently. "Mmm..." Kovu starts purring. Kion can be very gentle and
this leaves Kovu's body relaxed.
"Do you like it?" Kion asks sweetly.
"Mmmm yeah..." Kovu continues to purr and blush as Kion continues to kiss and nibble the
older lion's neck.
Then Kion starts moving down his lover's body, keeping kissing him gently. Kovu keeps
moaning softly, feeling Kion's soft lips exploring his body. Both males feel their cocks
growing again, still a little wet from their last session, moments before Fuli appeared.
The two have a very close relationship and, like the three birds, they like to mate often. Kovu
let Kion fuck him and the two shared moments of pure pleasure and love with Kion filling the
older lion's ass with his seed. And now that Fuli's gone and they're alone again, Kion has an
Kion gently kisses Kovu's dick, making it twitch a little. "Let me be the leader." Kion asks with
his sweet smile and Kovu nods in agreement, smiling back at the younger lion. Kion licks
Kovu's cock with gentle, wet licks, making him moan adorably at it. He continues for a while,
before letting go of his cock and placing himself on top of Kovu. The older lion caresses the
younger lion's face and they both purr a little.
"I'm curious to see what you're capable of, Kion." Kovu jokes a little.
"You'll see." Kion smirks as he rubs his ass on Kovu's hard cock, making him moan a little
again. Kion teases Kovu some more, before he starts sitting down, putting the older lion's
hard cock inside his tight ass, making them both moan. "Comfortable?" Kion asks, now
sitting up with Kovu's cock fully inside him.
"Mmmm yeah." Kovu smiles and blushes.
Kion starts moving up and down gently, feeling Kovu's cock rubbing against his tight walls.
The two moan softly at this and Kovu places his paws on Kion's hips, making him blush.
Kion continues riding Kovu's cock, the pleasure growing in both of them, their bodies heating
up more. Kion speeds up his movements a little and leans a bit towards Kovu, when he now
hugs his neck and the two kiss passionately. The lions continue to moan as they kiss and
Kion feels Kovu's cock dripping precum inside him, while his own cock also drips. The two
continue to kiss and moan with love and pleasure for some time. Kovu grabs Kion's hips a
little tighter and Kion starts riding him faster and harder. The lions' moans become louder,
both with their tongues out, when Kovu feels Kion's ass slapping him. The older lion starts
thrusting a little to help Kion with his riding and they both feel their dicks starting to swell.
"Kion. I'm almost..." Kovu feels his dick about to explode and, with his paws on Kion's hips,
Kovu holds the youngest lion on his lap, keeping his dick completely inside his ass. Finally,
Kovu's cock shoots his hot lion cum deep into Kion's ass. The two pant a little heavily and
Kion rests his head on Kovu's strong chest.
"That... was..." Kion starts, but Kovu interrupts him.
Kion starts rubbing Kovu's mane gently with his paw, making him purr. "Kovu... We have to
do this more often."
"Heh. It felt that good, huh?"
"I-It's not that. Do you remember what Fuli told us about the birds? I would like to try it with
"You mean...?"
"We could try to get pregnant too."
Kovu blushes at the other male's proposal. "D-Do you think we can?"
"If they can do it, we can do it too." Kion smiles confidently.
Now Kovu also smiles confidently. "I like that. Yes, we can do it."
"Good." Kion stands up calmly, his ass leaving the other lion's cock, making them both moan
a little. "Now we must go to the birds as they asked."
"Yes." Kovu also gets up. "Let's go."
The two walk side by side towards the Big Nest.
After having crossed much of the kingdom, Kion and Kovu finally reach the rocky place,
where, with some difficulty, they climb to the Big Nest. Once they get there, the lions are
surprised to see a falcon-hawk hybrid mounting Tamaa, a martial eagle mounting Ono and a
peacock mounting Zazu.
"Oh yes, Jeli!" Tamaa moans while the falcon-hawk thrusts really fast and hard in his ass.
"Mmm Asrea!" Ono also moans as the martial eagle thrusts fast and hard too.
"Ahh Remi!" Zazu moans with the peacock's fast and hard thrusting.
Kion and Kovu look at each other and smirk, keeping watching the birds.
"Aaahh! I'm almost!" The peacock moans, before his last thrust, putting his dick deep in
Zazu's ass, who moans loudly.
Practically at the same time, the martial eagle cums hard and deep in Ono's ass while the
falcon-hawk hybrid cums deeply in Tamaa's tight ass.
The three birds pant heavily after the hot orgy. Kion and Kovu smirk.
"Looks like they're having a good time." Kion comments.
"Yeah." Kovu agrees. "Is this why you called us?"
"Kion! Kovu! Welcome to our nest!" Tamaa tries to smile innocently.
"We were waiting for you." Ono smirks.
"I see... So what do you want?" Kion asks.
"We want you to join us." Tamaa responds.
"We know what you two have been doing." Zazu explains.
"Show us what a lion is capable of." Asks the drongo.
Kion and Kovu look at each other again, before smirking at the birds.
"Very well. How do you want it then?" Kion asks.
Jeli, Asrea and Remi leave Tamaa, Ono and Zazu.
"Turn around." Ono asks and the three birds obey, showing their butts.
Ono, Tamaa and Zazu approach them.
"Let's make an exchange. Now it's our turn to mount you." Tamaa explains.
"What about us?" Kovu asks.
"You're going to mount us." Ono responds.
"Show us what you can do!" Tamaa says.
Asrea gets into position, lifting his ass. Ono approaches him and positions his dick at the
entrance of the martial eagle. "Ready?" Asrea nods in agreement and Ono pushes his dick
inside the martial eagle. Asrea moans as he feels Ono's cock against his tight walls.
Then Kion approaches Ono. "Wow, Ono." They worked together for a long time. It's amazing
how Kion never realized how attractive the egret is. The lion positions himself over the egret
and pushes his dick inside him. They both moan a little when they feel Kion's cock against
Ono's tight walls.
On the other side, Jeli lifts his ass. Tamaa approaches him, positioning his hard cock at the
entrance of the falcon-hawk hybrid. They both moan a little when they feel the drongo's cock
enter the hybrid's ass.
"Don't be shy, Kovu." Tamaa teases and Kovu blushes, going over the drongo. They both
moan as Kovu's hard cock enters Tamaa's tight ass.
Ono starts thrusting in Asrea's ass, loving to feel his tight walls. Ono moans more when he
feels Kion thrusting in his ass too. The lion moans as he feels the egret's tight walls.
On the other side, Tamaa thrusts in Jeli's ass and moans more when Kovu starts thrusting in
his ass as well.
Upon seeing their friends in action, Zazu and Remi smile and approach them. Zazu
approaches Asrea and shows his hard cock to the martial eagle while Remi shows his hard
cock to the falcon-hawk hybrid. The martial eagle licks the hornbill's cock while Ono mounts
him and Kion mounts Ono. At the same time, Jeli licks the peacock's dick while Tamaa rides
him and Kovu rides Tamaa.
The group moans with every movement and lick, especially the birds that are mounted by
the lions. Their cocks are tight in their assholes, but they continue their gentle movements.
"Faster, Kion!" Ono asks.
"You too, Kovu!" Tamaa demands.
The lions start thrusting faster, Ono and Tamaa doing the same in Asrea and Jeli's asses,
who lick Zazu and Remi's dicks more, them starting to leak precum.
"Mmmm so good." The peacock moans as he feels the falcon-hawk hybrid's tongue explore
his hard, wet cock.
"Mmmm yeah." Zazu also moans when he feels the martial eagle's tongue exploring his
The group moans in pleasure with the thrusting and licking, all cocks already leaking some
The birds' bodies shake as the lions start thrusting faster and harder, their balls slapping on
Ono and Tamaa's rears. Asrea and Jeli start sucking carefully on Zazu and Remi, who start
thrusting in their beaks.
A lot of moans of pleasure surround the Big Nest as the group keeps enjoying their orgy.
They start to feel their dicks swelling and realize they are reaching their limit. Their moans
become louder as the lions fuck the birds harder, faster and deeper. Tamaa and Ono fuck
the martial eagle and the falcon-hawk hybrid also harder, faster and deeper.
With loud moans in pure pleasure, the group begins to climax and, almost at the same time,
they all cum inside each other. Kion cums deep in Ono's ass, who cums deep in Asrea's ass,
who tastes Zazu's warm cum. Kovu cums deep in Tamaa's ass, who cums deep in Jeli's ass,
who tastes Remi's cum.
The group removes their dicks from each other's asses and mouths and rests for a while,
panting a lot after such an incredible new experience.
"Wow. This was incredible." Comments Tamaa.
"Like Bunga says, it was un-Bunga-lievable." Kion laughs a little.
"We're glad you've joined us." Says the peacock.
"We are glad to have joined you." Kovu smiles.
"Is it true that you know how to fight?" Kion asks the peacock.
"Yes. I learned some things from the conflict with my brother Shen. It's a long story."
"Heh. You could have your own guard."
Zazu's mates and family accepted the hornbill's change of life. He's relaxing in a tall tree and
thinking about how his life is about to change a lot. Two armored hornbills, Birdstain's royal
guards, land in his tree.
"Your majesty, Zazu, King of Birdstain." They bow.
"W-What?" Zazu is surprised at the arrival of these two birds. "What's going on?"
"As the royal guards of Birdstain, we must inform his majesty of the importance of following
the lineage of hornbills that his father followed, as well as all his ancestors."
"That means...?"
"This means that, in addition to the need to have a mate with whom to share the kingdom,
your highness needs to have an heir and ensure the future of the kingdom, keeping the
entire royal lineage in your family."
"So... all my successors must be of my blood?"
"Exactly, your Highness."
Zazu thinks for a while. "Well... In that case, I already know who I should talk to. Don't worry.
The future of the kingdom will be in the wings of my family forever."
The guards just look at Zazu, as if they were waiting to hear something else.
"Uh... You're dismissed." Says Zazu.
"Thank you, your Highness." The guards bow and fly away.
"I already know what to do." Then it's Zazu who flies away.
Some time later, Zazu explains the whole situation to his son Jiho, the hornbill-egret hybrid.
"That's why I decided to choose you as my successor."
"Thanks, dad. I promise I will train and do my best to be like you."
"I know you will, son. But... there is something else."
"What is it, dad?"
"The guards told me that our kingdom must keep a royal bloodline. That means our
descendants must always be of our blood."
"I don't know if I understand..."
"Son... Do you remember what you learned about mating from me and your other fathers?"
"I do."
"It's time we had our own private moment and maybe we can give Birdstain another future
Jiho understands his father's idea and smiles. "Sure. We can do that."
"Alright. Let's try something a little different, Jiho. Lie on your back, please."
Jiho obeys his father and lies down on his back, revealing his dick. Zazu gets closer to his
son and starts licking his dick lovingly. Jiho moans softly with his father's licks, who enjoys
his son's taste. Zazu keeps licking Jiho's dick and, when it starts leaking precum, Zazu starts
sucking on it, making Jiho moan more. Zazu keeps licking and sucking his son's cock, his
own cock already hard. Jiho relaxes his body and keeps moaning in pleasure with his
father's work. When Zazu starts deepthroating, Jiho feels the pleasure increasing.
"Aah. I-I'm almost, dad!" Jiho can't resist and cums hard into his father's beak. "Aaahh!"
The hornbill drinks his son's product down to the last drop, before releasing his cock. "Ahh.
Wow, Jiho. You taste really good."
"Asante, dad. You're really good at this."
They both blush a little and Zazu goes over Jiho.
"Ready, son?"
"P-Please be careful."
Zazu starts pushing his cock carefully inside Jiho's hole. They both moan a little when they
feel the hornbill's cock entering deep in his son's ass.
"Mmmmm... You ok, son?"
"Mmmh. Yes."
Zazu starts thrusting very gently at first, not wanting to hurt his own son. Jiho moans softly at
his father's gentle movements. They both keep moaning as they feel the hornbill's dick rub
against the hornbill-egret hybrid's tight walls. Zazu kisses his son's neck a little, making him
moan a bit more. The hornbill's dick starts leaking precum inside his son and they moan a bit
louder, especially when Zazu starts thrusting a little faster and harder. Jiho starts hugging his
father a bit tightly as he keeps his thrusting. The two birds moan in pleasure as Zazu starts
thrusting faster, harder and deeper. Jiho's body shakes with each thrust and his moans
become constant, the pleasure increasing.
"Oh son. I'm... so close." Zazu warns as he feels his dick swelling inside his son.
"Mmmh. I'm ready, dad!" Jiho hugs his father tighter, keeping moaning.
After a few more thrusts, the last one goes harder and deeper and Zazu cums a lot and
really hard into his son's ass. They both moan loudly and Jiho cums as well. The two hug,
Jiho feeling his father's cum deep inside him.
"Do you think we can do it, dad?"
"I'm sure you do, my son. After this, I am sure that Birdstain's will remain in our lineage for a
long, long time."
With Ono and Genet, and with Tamaa and Kiah, they to have the need to generate an heir
for their respective kingdoms as well, so after pratically the same type of conversation that
Zazu had with Jiho, they too fucked their our sons.
Ono starts pushing his cock carefully inside Genet's hole. They both moan a little when they
feel the egret's cock entering deep in his son's ass.
"Mmmmm... You ok, son?"
"Mmmh. Yes."
Ono starts thrusting very gently at first, not wanting to hurt his own son. Genet moans softly
his father's gentle movements. They both keep moaning as they feel the hornbill's dick rub
against the male hybrid's tight walls. Ono kisses his son's neck a little, making him
moan a bit more. The hornbill's dick starts leaking precum inside his son and they moan a bit
louder, especially when Ono starts thrusting a little faster and harder. Genet starts hugging
father a bit tightly as he keeps his thrusting. The two birds moan in pleasure as Ono starts
thrusting faster, harder and deeper. Genet's body shakes with each thrust and his moans
become constant, the pleasure increasing.
"Oh son. I'm... so close." Ono warns as he feels his dick swelling inside his son.
"Mmmh. I'm ready, dad!" Genet hugs his father tighter, keeping moaning.
After a few more thrusts, the last one goes harder and deeper and Ono cums a lot and
really hard into his son's ass. They both moan loudly and Genet cums as well. The two hug,
Genet feeling his father's cum deep inside him.
Tamaa starts pushing his cock carefully inside Kiah's hole. They both moan a little when they
feel the drongo's cock entering deep in his son's ass.
"Mmmmm... You ok, son?"
"Mmmh. Yes."
Tamaa starts thrusting very gently at first, not wanting to hurt his own son. Kiah moans softly
his father's gentle movements. They both keep moaning as they feel the hornbill's dick rub
against the drongo-egret hybrid's tight walls. Tamaa kisses his son's neck a little, making him
moan a bit more. The hornbill's dick starts leaking precum inside his son and they moan a bit
louder, especially when Tamaa starts thrusting a little faster and harder. Kiah starts hugging
father a bit tightly as he keeps his thrusting. The two birds moan in pleasure as Tamaa starts
thrusting faster, harder and deeper. Kiah's body shakes with each thrust and his moans
become constant, the pleasure increasing.
"Oh son. I'm... so close." Tamaa warns as he feels his dick swelling inside his son.
"Mmmh. I'm ready, dad!" Kiah hugs his father tighter, keeping moaning.
After a few more thrusts, the last one goes harder and deeper and Tamaa cums a lot and
really hard into his son's ass. They both moan loudly and Kiah cums as well. The two hug,
Kiah feeling his father's cum deep inside him.
As for the new eggs, that hatched just last week, from their last mating, Tamaa had a son
with the falcon-hawk hybrid Jeli: Asubuhi, a drongo-falcon hybrid with purple and black
Zazu had a son with Remi the peacock: Kiburi, a peacock-hornbill hybrid with proud colorful
feathers, as a mixture of zazu's and Remi's feathers.
Ono had a son with Asrea the martial eagle: Mwindaji, a egret-eagle hybrid with feathers that
become more colorful on the tail and in his crest.
After their new mating joined by Kion and Kovu, they had more children in line to their
respective kingdoms: Zazu with Birdstain, Tamaa with Drobir, and Ono with Egtair.
Ono had a son with Asrea, Zazu and Kion, Mchanganyiko, a hybrid hermaphrodite bird with
yellow eyes, and a rainbow plumage.
Tamaa had a daughter with Jeli, Kovu and Remi, Siku Mpya, a hybrid with this same color
feathers could hide as much as necessary so as not to be as conspicuous as its sister.
Kion had a son with Ono, named Mseto a male egret with his wings instead of the plumage
of a egret had the fur of a lion, and as well Kovu had a son with Tamaa, named Mrithi with
the same characteristics as Mseto.
As for Jiho and Zazu, Ono and Genet, Tamaa and Kiah, the new legitimate heir was yet to
be born.
In the following years all of the birds continued to thrive and expand their bloodlines with the
next generations and some incests on te way, although the first generation wanted to feel
those emotions again and having new children too.
It's a beautiful day in the Pride Lands. The birds are more active than usual because it's the
heat season. For Ono, today is a very important day. It's been some time since Ono, Tamaa
and Zazu shared their feelings with each other and they became mates. So they promised to
meet this afternoon at the Great Nest for a mating session together.
Ono flies over the kingdom and finally lands in the Great Nest, where Tamaa is already
"Hello, Ono." The drongo smiles.
"Hey, Tamaa. Where is Zazu?"
Zazu lands on the nest. "I'm here. Sorry for my delay. Royal duties."
"You are always the same, Zazu. "Royal duties."" Tamaa jokes, imitating the hornbill's voice.
"I hope you're not too tired, Zazu."
"Of course not, Ono. I'm more than ready."
"Excellent. Who will be in the middle this time?" Tamaa asks.
"I think it should be you, Zazu." Ono suggests.
"M-Me? D-Don't you wanna be in the middle now, Ono?"
"What's wrong, Zazu? Are you afraid?" Tamaa teases a little.
"I am not afraid of anything." Zazu asserts, determined.
Zazu goes to the center of the nest. Ono places himself in front of him and Tamaa behind the
"Ready?" Ono asks.
"Y-Yes." Zazu responds.
Tamaa starts licking Zazu's ass, making him moan a little. At the same time, Ono shows
Zazu his ass, causing him to blush, before he starts licking the egret's rear. Ono moans a
little when he feels the hornbill's tongue. The three birds feel their dicks growing as Tamaa
licks Zazu and Zazu licks Ono. They moan as they feel the pleasure increasing through their
bodies, especially Ono and Zazu as they feel the tongues enter their asses, wetting their
insides. At the same time, Ono starts rubbing his cock with his wing, moaning some more.
After a while, Tamaa starts rubbing his tongue deeper and faster on Zazu's ass. The hornbill
does the same to Ono's. The three continue like this for some time, until Tamaa and Zazu
decide to stop.
"Wow, Zazu. Not bad." Ono comments, blushing a little.
"Th-thanks, Ono." Zazu answers and then looks at the drongo. "Not bad for you either."
"I know." Tamaa responds, eyeing the hornbill's sexy rear. "But are you ready for the real
action, handsome?" The drongo rubs its wing a little on the hornbill's ass.
"Y-Yes." Zazu blushes and lets out a slight moan.
"Relax, Zazu. You will have your fun too." Ono shows Zazu his ass, making him blush even
The three birds have their dicks pretty hard at this point.
Ono lays down on his back and Zazu goes over him, positioning his dick on the egret's tail.
Then Tamaa mounts Zazu, his wings hugging him as his cock touches his tail.
"Let's do it." Says Tamaa.
The drongo begins to push its cock into the hornbill's ass, feeling its soft, tight walls. Zazu
moans when he feels the drongo's cock enter his ass. At the same time, the hornbill thrusts
its cock inside Ono's tight hole. The two push as deep as they can.
"Ready, Zazu?" Tamaa asks.
"Yes. Ono?"
Tamaa and Zazu start pushing, all three moaning with their movements. Tamaa and Zazu
start with gentle movements, feeling Zazu and Ono's tight walls. The egret uses its wing to
rub its cock a little.
"Oh Zazu. You feel good." Ono moans, loving the hornbill's every move.
"Tamaa. So good." Zazu moans with the drongo's movements.
The three continue to moan as the drongo and hornbill's movements become harder and
faster. Ono rubs his cock a little faster too. Tamaa uses his beak to nibble on Zazu's neck
feathers a bit while continuing to fuck the horbill. Zazu moans louder at this as he continues
to fuck Ono. Ono and Zazu feel precum entering their asses and moan more in pleasure.
Tamaa and Zazu speed up their movements and fuck harder and deeper, the bodies of the
three birds slapping on each other.
"Oohhh Zazu. I'm close." Tamaa warns.
"Me too."
With one last hard, deep thrust, Tamaa shoots his hot cum inside the hornbill's ass. At the
same time, Zazu cums deep inside Ono's ass. Ono's cock releases some cum as well. Ono
and Zazu feel the cum fill their asses very deep.
The three birds pant for a while, especially Zazu, and then they separate, sitting in the nest
for a while.
"Wow. That was incredible." Ono comments.
"Here our Zazu must be more satisfied." Tamaa jokes.
"W-Well... M-Maybe it's time we switched places?" Zazu suggests.
"I agree. Ono. What do you say to me going to the middle now?"
"Okay, Tamaa. And you can stay in front of me now, Zazu."
"O-Okay." Zazu realizes what's going to happen and stands in front of Ono, blushing. The
hornbill has always been the shyest of the three birds.
This time, Ono pushes his cock inside Zazu's tight ass. The hornbill moans a little loudly as it
feels the egret's cock sink into him. Ono has the biggest dick out of the three.
"Oh, you're so big." Zazu moans.
At the same time, Tamaa pushes his cock into Ono's ass, both of them moaning.
Tamaa and Ono start thrusting, feeling their cocks squeeze between their soft, warm asses.
Zazu moans harder as he feels Ono's big cock push deep into him. The egret and the
drongo speed up their movements and push harder, the three birds moaning louder as
precum starts to be released. Zazu and Ono's bodies shake with each thrust.
Ono and Tamaa thrust faster, harder and deeper and their bodies slap with each thrust.
Finally, unable to take it any longer, the birds release their cum. Ono and Zazu moan as they
feel the hot cum enter their asses, really deep. At the same time, the hornbill cums a little on
the nest.
Again, the three relax a little, sitting in the nest.
"Wow. You are so tight, Zazu." Ono comments.
"You are tight too, Ono." Says Tamaa.
"Yes. That was fun." Zazu blushes.
"But we're not done yet." Warns Ono. "Tamaa. Are you ready to feel a real cock?" He smirks.
"Believe me. I am."
Tamaa gets into position, lifting his bottom. Ono stands behind him, ready to mate.
"Fine. Maybe one last round." Zazu places himself behind Ono.
"Ready?" Ono asks.
"Yes." They respond.
This time, Ono thrusts his big cock into the drongo's tight hole, both of them moaning. Tamaa
is as tight or tighter than Zazu. At the same time, the hornbill thrusts his cock into Ono's ass.
When all three are ready, Ono and Zazu start thrusting, feeling their cocks rub against tight,
soft walls. Tamaa moans louder when he feels Ono's big dick inside him.
Again, the three birds moan, Tamaa rubbing his cock with his wing as the others continue
When Ono and Zazu thrust faster and harder, the moans increase. Their asses are already
quite hot and wet from the previous sessions and this increases their pleasure.
The thrusts become even faster, harder and deeper, and once again the slaps are heard.
Again, it doesn't take long for them to start cumming. Tamaa moans loudly as he feels Ono's
cock deep inside, releasing his cum deeply, while Zazu cums deep inside Ono's ass and the
drongo releases some cum on the nest.
The three pant heavily after three sessions of mating with each other. They look at each
other, blushing, pleased and in love.
"That... was... amazing." Comments Tamaa.
"I agree." Says Zazu.
"We should have more sessions like these." Ono suggests.
"You can bet we'll have more." Says Tamaa.
"I think we should sleep now, boys." Zazu suggests.
"You're right. We all need." Tamaa agrees.
The three birds lay down in the nest, snuggling up to each other, hugging each other with
their wings, with Ono in the middle. The three are inseparable and, since they revealed their
feelings for each other, they have created this great nest so that the three of them can live
together and, of course, have some more intimate moments like this one.
The heat season lasts for some time and the three males get together more often so they
can have more group mating sessions, always changing their positions so that each of them
has their moment in the middle.
After a few days, something special happens. Each of them realizes that something strange
is going on with their bodies. After talking to Rafiki, the healer of the kingdom, and talking to
other birds, the three lovers come to a conclusion: each of them is carrying at least one egg.
As soon as they share the news with each other, the three hug, full of love. They will be a
10 years later:
Ono, Tamaa and Zazu have been happy as a romantic trio, sharing everything with each
other, loving each other equally. Their love has grown and evolved and they have been
rewarded with eggs. Ono, Tamaa and Zazu are now parents and their children are all
siblings, forming a unique and special family.
Tamaa had a son with Ono: Esta, a drongo-egret hybrid with black and white feathers. Zazu
had a son with Ono: Jise, a drongo-hornbill hybrid with more colorful feathers. Tamaa had a
son with Zazu: Yuaf, a hornbill-drongo hybrid with feathers that become more colorful on the
Not long ago, this trio met another trio of birds: a peacock, a martial eagle and a falcon-hawk
hybrid. The peacock came from China after a fight with his brother Lord Shen, since they
had "different ideas". So he left and came to the Pride Lands, where he met the other birds
and quickly started a new friendship. But these birds became friends and it didn't take long
for them to mate with each other. Six males shared moments of great pleasure that were
also rewarded with eggs, which hatched yesterday. Tamaa had a son with Ono and the
martial eagle, kuzaliwa upya kwa ndege, a male hybrid with black feathers and yellow eyes.
Ono had a daughter with the peacock, Mchana, a hybrid with blue and white feathers. Ono
had a son with Zazu and
the falcon-hawk hybrid, Usiku, a hybrid with very colorful feathers. Zazu had a daughter with
the martial eagle, Zuna, an also colorful hybrid.
Ono, Tamaa and Zazu have a very close family, but sometimes the trio asks Anga and
Hadithi to look after the little hybrids while they spend time together, especially to mate.
That's what happens today.
For some reason, the three birds ask Anga and Hadithi to take care of their children while
they are busy.
"We love your kids." Comments Anga.
"You can go and do... whatever you're going to do." Says Hadithi. "It's a pleasure for us to
take care of your children."
"Thank you, Hadithi and Anga." The trio thanks them.
"You're welcome. Have fun."
Ono, Tamaa and Zazu fly towards a distant place in the kingdom, while Anga and Hadithi
start playing with the little hybrids.
The trio of birds fly towards a high, rocky place in the kingdom, where normally only birds
gather, since it is difficult for mammals to get there. When they arrive there, the trio realizes
that their friends/lovers are already in the Big Nest waiting for them. Remi, the peacock,
Asrea, the martial eagle and Jeli, the falcon-hawk hybrid.
"They're finally here." Says the martial eagle.
"Hello to you too." Ono responds, as the group all gathers at the nest.
"Are you ready for a new session?" The peacock asks.
"You can say it, handsome." The drongo agrees.
"Very well. You know what we agreed on. Let's go." Says the falcon-hawk hybrid, as they
each get into position for a new orgy.
Meanwhile, Fuli returns from a hunt when she sees Kion and Kovu. They are lying down
while Kovu hugs Kion. The two lions mated recently and are now getting some rest. Kion is
lying on Kovu's belly, as he was the dominant one in their last hot session.
"You really are an extraordinary lion, Kion."
"Heh. Asante, Kovu. You're amazing."
The two lick each other a little, when Fuli appears and looks at them with a smirk. "Looks like
you guys are having a good time."
"Oh. Hello, Fuli." Kion greets his friend. "What's up?"
"Well... I was hunting zebra and along the way I found Ono with his lovers. They were on
their way to the Big Nest in the rocky terrain, but they told me something very interesting
before they left."
"And what did they tell you?" Kovu asks curiously.
"Ono, Tamaa and Zazu got each other pregnant. They are parents now." Fuli says with a
"Wow. That's... surprising." Kovu comments.
"I heard other animals talk about it, but I thought they were making things up."
"But it's true, Kion." The cheetah confirms. "And they also invited you both to join them in the
Big Nest."
"Really?" The lions are surprised.
Fuli just nods in agreement, keeping her smile.
"Alright. We'll go to them." Kion says.
"But Kion..." Kovu doesn't look very confident.
"Don't worry, Kovu. It'll be fine."
Kion's cute smile makes Kovu accept it. "Ok. We can go."
"Well, boys. I'm going to get some rest now. It was a good hunt."
"Okay, Fuli. See you around."
"Huwezi!" Fuli runs away.
"Cheetahs." Kovu looks at Kion and notices his big smile. "Uh... Kion? What is it...?" Kion
starts kissing Kovu's neck gently. "Mmm..." Kovu starts purring. Kion can be very gentle and
this leaves Kovu's body relaxed.
"Do you like it?" Kion asks sweetly.
"Mmmm yeah..." Kovu continues to purr and blush as Kion continues to kiss and nibble the
older lion's neck.
Then Kion starts moving down his lover's body, keeping kissing him gently. Kovu keeps
moaning softly, feeling Kion's soft lips exploring his body. Both males feel their cocks
growing again, still a little wet from their last session, moments before Fuli appeared.
The two have a very close relationship and, like the three birds, they like to mate often. Kovu
let Kion fuck him and the two shared moments of pure pleasure and love with Kion filling the
older lion's ass with his seed. And now that Fuli's gone and they're alone again, Kion has an
Kion gently kisses Kovu's dick, making it twitch a little. "Let me be the leader." Kion asks with
his sweet smile and Kovu nods in agreement, smiling back at the younger lion. Kion licks
Kovu's cock with gentle, wet licks, making him moan adorably at it. He continues for a while,
before letting go of his cock and placing himself on top of Kovu. The older lion caresses the
younger lion's face and they both purr a little.
"I'm curious to see what you're capable of, Kion." Kovu jokes a little.
"You'll see." Kion smirks as he rubs his ass on Kovu's hard cock, making him moan a little
again. Kion teases Kovu some more, before he starts sitting down, putting the older lion's
hard cock inside his tight ass, making them both moan. "Comfortable?" Kion asks, now
sitting up with Kovu's cock fully inside him.
"Mmmm yeah." Kovu smiles and blushes.
Kion starts moving up and down gently, feeling Kovu's cock rubbing against his tight walls.
The two moan softly at this and Kovu places his paws on Kion's hips, making him blush.
Kion continues riding Kovu's cock, the pleasure growing in both of them, their bodies heating
up more. Kion speeds up his movements a little and leans a bit towards Kovu, when he now
hugs his neck and the two kiss passionately. The lions continue to moan as they kiss and
Kion feels Kovu's cock dripping precum inside him, while his own cock also drips. The two
continue to kiss and moan with love and pleasure for some time. Kovu grabs Kion's hips a
little tighter and Kion starts riding him faster and harder. The lions' moans become louder,
both with their tongues out, when Kovu feels Kion's ass slapping him. The older lion starts
thrusting a little to help Kion with his riding and they both feel their dicks starting to swell.
"Kion. I'm almost..." Kovu feels his dick about to explode and, with his paws on Kion's hips,
Kovu holds the youngest lion on his lap, keeping his dick completely inside his ass. Finally,
Kovu's cock shoots his hot lion cum deep into Kion's ass. The two pant a little heavily and
Kion rests his head on Kovu's strong chest.
"That... was..." Kion starts, but Kovu interrupts him.
Kion starts rubbing Kovu's mane gently with his paw, making him purr. "Kovu... We have to
do this more often."
"Heh. It felt that good, huh?"
"I-It's not that. Do you remember what Fuli told us about the birds? I would like to try it with
"You mean...?"
"We could try to get pregnant too."
Kovu blushes at the other male's proposal. "D-Do you think we can?"
"If they can do it, we can do it too." Kion smiles confidently.
Now Kovu also smiles confidently. "I like that. Yes, we can do it."
"Good." Kion stands up calmly, his ass leaving the other lion's cock, making them both moan
a little. "Now we must go to the birds as they asked."
"Yes." Kovu also gets up. "Let's go."
The two walk side by side towards the Big Nest.
After having crossed much of the kingdom, Kion and Kovu finally reach the rocky place,
where, with some difficulty, they climb to the Big Nest. Once they get there, the lions are
surprised to see a falcon-hawk hybrid mounting Tamaa, a martial eagle mounting Ono and a
peacock mounting Zazu.
"Oh yes, Jeli!" Tamaa moans while the falcon-hawk thrusts really fast and hard in his ass.
"Mmm Asrea!" Ono also moans as the martial eagle thrusts fast and hard too.
"Ahh Remi!" Zazu moans with the peacock's fast and hard thrusting.
Kion and Kovu look at each other and smirk, keeping watching the birds.
"Aaahh! I'm almost!" The peacock moans, before his last thrust, putting his dick deep in
Zazu's ass, who moans loudly.
Practically at the same time, the martial eagle cums hard and deep in Ono's ass while the
falcon-hawk hybrid cums deeply in Tamaa's tight ass.
The three birds pant heavily after the hot orgy. Kion and Kovu smirk.
"Looks like they're having a good time." Kion comments.
"Yeah." Kovu agrees. "Is this why you called us?"
"Kion! Kovu! Welcome to our nest!" Tamaa tries to smile innocently.
"We were waiting for you." Ono smirks.
"I see... So what do you want?" Kion asks.
"We want you to join us." Tamaa responds.
"We know what you two have been doing." Zazu explains.
"Show us what a lion is capable of." Asks the drongo.
Kion and Kovu look at each other again, before smirking at the birds.
"Very well. How do you want it then?" Kion asks.
Jeli, Asrea and Remi leave Tamaa, Ono and Zazu.
"Turn around." Ono asks and the three birds obey, showing their butts.
Ono, Tamaa and Zazu approach them.
"Let's make an exchange. Now it's our turn to mount you." Tamaa explains.
"What about us?" Kovu asks.
"You're going to mount us." Ono responds.
"Show us what you can do!" Tamaa says.
Asrea gets into position, lifting his ass. Ono approaches him and positions his dick at the
entrance of the martial eagle. "Ready?" Asrea nods in agreement and Ono pushes his dick
inside the martial eagle. Asrea moans as he feels Ono's cock against his tight walls.
Then Kion approaches Ono. "Wow, Ono." They worked together for a long time. It's amazing
how Kion never realized how attractive the egret is. The lion positions himself over the egret
and pushes his dick inside him. They both moan a little when they feel Kion's cock against
Ono's tight walls.
On the other side, Jeli lifts his ass. Tamaa approaches him, positioning his hard cock at the
entrance of the falcon-hawk hybrid. They both moan a little when they feel the drongo's cock
enter the hybrid's ass.
"Don't be shy, Kovu." Tamaa teases and Kovu blushes, going over the drongo. They both
moan as Kovu's hard cock enters Tamaa's tight ass.
Ono starts thrusting in Asrea's ass, loving to feel his tight walls. Ono moans more when he
feels Kion thrusting in his ass too. The lion moans as he feels the egret's tight walls.
On the other side, Tamaa thrusts in Jeli's ass and moans more when Kovu starts thrusting in
his ass as well.
Upon seeing their friends in action, Zazu and Remi smile and approach them. Zazu
approaches Asrea and shows his hard cock to the martial eagle while Remi shows his hard
cock to the falcon-hawk hybrid. The martial eagle licks the hornbill's cock while Ono mounts
him and Kion mounts Ono. At the same time, Jeli licks the peacock's dick while Tamaa rides
him and Kovu rides Tamaa.
The group moans with every movement and lick, especially the birds that are mounted by
the lions. Their cocks are tight in their assholes, but they continue their gentle movements.
"Faster, Kion!" Ono asks.
"You too, Kovu!" Tamaa demands.
The lions start thrusting faster, Ono and Tamaa doing the same in Asrea and Jeli's asses,
who lick Zazu and Remi's dicks more, them starting to leak precum.
"Mmmm so good." The peacock moans as he feels the falcon-hawk hybrid's tongue explore
his hard, wet cock.
"Mmmm yeah." Zazu also moans when he feels the martial eagle's tongue exploring his
The group moans in pleasure with the thrusting and licking, all cocks already leaking some
The birds' bodies shake as the lions start thrusting faster and harder, their balls slapping on
Ono and Tamaa's rears. Asrea and Jeli start sucking carefully on Zazu and Remi, who start
thrusting in their beaks.
A lot of moans of pleasure surround the Big Nest as the group keeps enjoying their orgy.
They start to feel their dicks swelling and realize they are reaching their limit. Their moans
become louder as the lions fuck the birds harder, faster and deeper. Tamaa and Ono fuck
the martial eagle and the falcon-hawk hybrid also harder, faster and deeper.
With loud moans in pure pleasure, the group begins to climax and, almost at the same time,
they all cum inside each other. Kion cums deep in Ono's ass, who cums deep in Asrea's ass,
who tastes Zazu's warm cum. Kovu cums deep in Tamaa's ass, who cums deep in Jeli's ass,
who tastes Remi's cum.
The group removes their dicks from each other's asses and mouths and rests for a while,
panting a lot after such an incredible new experience.
"Wow. This was incredible." Comments Tamaa.
"Like Bunga says, it was un-Bunga-lievable." Kion laughs a little.
"We're glad you've joined us." Says the peacock.
"We are glad to have joined you." Kovu smiles.
"Is it true that you know how to fight?" Kion asks the peacock.
"Yes. I learned some things from the conflict with my brother Shen. It's a long story."
"Heh. You could have your own guard."
"Hey! I just had a crazy idea." Says the drongo.
"What is it, Tamaa?" Jeli asks.
"Maybe our kids can join us for the next orgy."
"What?" Zazu is surprised by his lover's suggestion.
"That would be... interesting." Comments Asrea.
"Well... We'll think about it." Says Ono.
"Hello?" Someone calls while climbing up to the Big Nest.
"Dad?" Kion is amazed when he recognizes the voice.
Simba arrives at the Big Nest after a somewhat complicated climb. "You guys should move
somewhere else."
"Your majesty? What are you doing here?" Tamaa asks.
"I could ask you guys the same question." Simba smirks, managing to pick up the strong
scent in the group.
"W-Well... It's... private." Zazu blushes.
"Is there something wrong, dad?"
"Actually yes." The lion king shows a serious and sad face now. "Zazu. Rafiki shared
information with me. There is something you need to know."
"What's going on, sir?" Zazu asks, a little worried, approaching the king.
"As you know, you lost your mother a couple years ago. Well... Now your father has also
completed his journey through the circle of life."
"You mean...?"
Simba nods sadly.
"Oh..." Zazu looks down, crying a little. The other birds approach him to comfort him,
especially Ono and Tamaa. "So... What now?"
"According to the information I have, Birdstain will need a new leader and you are the only
descendant." Simba explains. "But you need a mate to lead alongside you."
Zazu watches his lovers for a while, thinking about what to do.
"Whatever you decide, you have our support, Zazu." Ono puts a wing around the hornbill.
"He's right. We will always love you." Tamaa does the same.
Zazu smiles at them. "Asante." Then he looks at the lion. "I have already made my decision.
I accept my responsibilities at Birdstain. But Ono and Tamaa will lead by my side."
"What?" The egret and the drongo are surprised. The others just smile.
"But of course we'll always come to visit the Pride Lands."
"Alright, Zazu. You know you'll always be welcome here." Says Simba. "The Pride Lands will
always be your home."
"Thank you, your majesty."
"Good. We have to go tell our children the news." Tamaa says. "But first... Group hug!"
Tamaa hugs Zazu, then Ono joins him, then the other birds and finally the lions. They are all
together in a warm hug now.
"I'm sure you'll be good leaders." Kion says.
"Thank you, Kion."
The group maintains the embrace, before the bird lovers leave for their new adventure.
Zazu's mates and family accepted the hornbill's change of life. He's relaxing in a tall tree and
thinking about how his life is about to change a lot. Two armored hornbills, Birdstain's royal
guards, land in his tree.
"Your majesty, Zazu, King of Birdstain." They bow.
"W-What?" Zazu is surprised at the arrival of these two birds. "What's going on?"
"As the royal guards of Birdstain, we must inform his majesty of the importance of following
the lineage of hornbills that his father followed, as well as all his ancestors."
"That means...?"
"This means that, in addition to the need to have a mate with whom to share the kingdom,
your highness needs to have an heir and ensure the future of the kingdom, keeping the
entire royal lineage in your family."
"So... all my successors must be of my blood?"
"Exactly, your Highness."
Zazu thinks for a while. "Well... In that case, I already know who I should talk to. Don't worry.
The future of the kingdom will be in the wings of my family forever."
The guards just look at Zazu, as if they were waiting to hear something else.
"Uh... You're dismissed." Says Zazu.
"Thank you, your Highness." The guards bow and fly away.
"I already know what to do." Then it's Zazu who flies away.
Some time later, Zazu explains the whole situation to his son Jise, the hornbill-egret hybrid.
"That's why I decided to choose you as my successor."
"Thanks, dad. I promise I will train and do my best to be like you."
"I know you will, son. But... there is something else."
"What is it, dad?"
"The guards told me that our kingdom must keep a royal bloodline. That means our
descendants must always be of our blood."
"I don't know if I understand..."
"Son... Do you remember what you learned about mating from me and your other fathers?"
"I do."
"It's time we had our own private moment and maybe we can give Birdstain another future
Jise understands his father's idea and smiles. "Sure. We can do that."
"Alright. Let's try something a little different, Jise. Lie on your back, please."
Jise obeys his father and lies down on his back, revealing his dick. Zazu gets closer to his
son and starts licking his dick lovingly. Jise moans softly with his father's licks, who enjoys
his son's taste. Zazu keeps licking Jise's dick and, when it starts leaking precum, Zazu starts
sucking on it, making Jise moan more. Zazu keeps licking and sucking his son's cock, his
own cock already hard. Jise relaxes his body and keeps moaning in pleasure with his
father's work. When Zazu starts deepthroating, Jise feels the pleasure increasing.
"Aah. I-I'm almost, dad!" Jise can't resist and cums hard into his father's beak. "Aaahh!"
The hornbill drinks his son's product down to the last drop, before releasing his cock. "Ahh.
Wow, Jise. You taste really good."
"Asante, dad. You're really good at this."
They both blush a little and Zazu goes over Jise.
"Ready, son?"
"P-Please be careful."
Zazu starts pushing his cock carefully inside Jise's hole. They both moan a little when they
feel the hornbill's cock entering deep in his son's ass.
"Mmmmm... You ok, son?"
"Mmmh. Yes."
Zazu starts thrusting very gently at first, not wanting to hurt his own son. Jise moans softly at
his father's gentle movements. They both keep moaning as they feel the hornbill's dick rub
against the hornbill-egret hybrid's tight walls. Zazu kisses his son's neck a little, making him
moan a bit more. The hornbill's dick starts leaking precum inside his son and they moan a bit
louder, especially when Zazu starts thrusting a little faster and harder. Jise starts hugging his
father a bit tightly as he keeps his thrusting. The two birds moan in pleasure as Zazu starts
thrusting faster, harder and deeper. Jise's body shakes with each thrust and his moans
become constant, the pleasure increasing.
"Oh son. I'm... so close." Zazu warns as he feels his dick swelling inside his son.
"Mmmh. I'm ready, dad!" Jise hugs his father tighter, keeping moaning.
After a few more thrusts, the last one goes harder and deeper and Zazu cums a lot and
really hard into his son's ass. They both moan loudly and Jise cums as well. The two hug,
Jise feeling his father's cum deep inside him.
"Do you think we can do it, dad?"
"I'm sure you do, my son. After this, I am sure that Birdstain's will remain in our lineage for a
long, long time."
With Ono and Genet, and with Tamaa and Kiah, they to have the need to generate an heir
for their respective kingdoms as well, so after pratically the same type of conversation that
Zazu had with Jiho, they too fucked their our sons.
Ono starts pushing his cock carefully inside Genet's hole. They both moan a little when they
feel the egret's cock entering deep in his son's ass.
"Mmmmm... You ok, son?"
"Mmmh. Yes."
Ono starts thrusting very gently at first, not wanting to hurt his own son. Genet moans softly
his father's gentle movements. They both keep moaning as they feel the hornbill's dick rub
against the male hybrid's tight walls. Ono kisses his son's neck a little, making him
moan a bit more. The hornbill's dick starts leaking precum inside his son and they moan a bit
louder, especially when Ono starts thrusting a little faster and harder. Genet starts hugging
father a bit tightly as he keeps his thrusting. The two birds moan in pleasure as Ono starts
thrusting faster, harder and deeper. Genet's body shakes with each thrust and his moans
become constant, the pleasure increasing.
"Oh son. I'm... so close." Ono warns as he feels his dick swelling inside his son.
"Mmmh. I'm ready, dad!" Genet hugs his father tighter, keeping moaning.
After a few more thrusts, the last one goes harder and deeper and Ono cums a lot and
really hard into his son's ass. They both moan loudly and Genet cums as well. The two hug,
Genet feeling his father's cum deep inside him.
Tamaa starts pushing his cock carefully inside Kiah's hole. They both moan a little when they
feel the drongo's cock entering deep in his son's ass.
"Mmmmm... You ok, son?"
"Mmmh. Yes."
Tamaa starts thrusting very gently at first, not wanting to hurt his own son. Kiah moans softly
his father's gentle movements. They both keep moaning as they feel the hornbill's dick rub
against the drongo-egret hybrid's tight walls. Tamaa kisses his son's neck a little, making him
moan a bit more. The hornbill's dick starts leaking precum inside his son and they moan a bit
louder, especially when Tamaa starts thrusting a little faster and harder. Kiah starts hugging
father a bit tightly as he keeps his thrusting. The two birds moan in pleasure as Tamaa starts
thrusting faster, harder and deeper. Kiah's body shakes with each thrust and his moans
become constant, the pleasure increasing.
"Oh son. I'm... so close." Tamaa warns as he feels his dick swelling inside his son.
"Mmmh. I'm ready, dad!" Kiah hugs his father tighter, keeping moaning.
After a few more thrusts, the last one goes harder and deeper and Tamaa cums a lot and
really hard into his son's ass. They both moan loudly and Kiah cums as well. The two hug,
Kiah feeling his father's cum deep inside him.
As for the new eggs, that hatched just last week, from their last mating, Tamaa had a son
with the falcon-hawk hybrid Jeli: Asubuhi, a drongo-falcon hybrid with purple and black
Zazu had a son with Remi the peacock: Kiburi, a peacock-hornbill hybrid with proud colorful
feathers, as a mixture of zazu's and Remi's feathers.
Ono had a son with Asrea the martial eagle: Mwindaji, a egret-eagle hybrid with feathers that
become more colorful on the tail and in his crest.
After their new mating joined by Kion and Kovu, they had more children in line to their
respective kingdoms: Zazu with Birdstain, Tamaa with Drobir, and Ono with Egtair.
Ono had a son with Asrea, Zazu and Kion, Mchanganyiko, a hybrid hermaphrodite bird with
yellow eyes, and a rainbow plumage.
Tamaa had a daughter with Jeli, Kovu and Remi, Siku Mpya, a hybrid with this same color
feathers could hide as much as necessary so as not to be as conspicuous as its sister.
Kion had a son with Ono, named Mseto a male egret with his wings instead of the plumage
of a egret had the fur of a lion, and as well Kovu had a son with Tamaa, named Mrithi with
the same characteristics as Mseto.
As for Jiho and Zazu, Ono and Genet, Tamaa and Kiah, the new legitimate heir was yet to
be born.
Until a fourth generation between themselves they agreed in continue their avian and lions
Ono flies over the kingdom and finally lands in the Great Nest, where Tamaa is already
"Hello, Ono." The drongo smiles.
"Hey, Tamaa. Where is Zazu?"
Zazu lands on the nest. "I'm here. Sorry for my delay. Royal duties."
"You are always the same, Zazu. "Royal duties."" Tamaa jokes, imitating the hornbill's voice.
"I hope you're not too tired, Zazu."
"Of course not, Ono. I'm more than ready."
"Excellent. Who will be in the middle this time?" Tamaa asks.
"I think it should be you, Zazu." Ono suggests.
"M-Me? D-Don't you wanna be in the middle now, Ono?"
"What's wrong, Zazu? Are you afraid?" Tamaa teases a little.
"I am not afraid of anything." Zazu asserts, determined.
Zazu goes to the center of the nest. Ono places himself in front of him and Tamaa behind the
"Ready?" Ono asks.
"Y-Yes." Zazu responds.
Tamaa starts licking Zazu's ass, making him moan a little. At the same time, Ono shows
Zazu his ass, causing him to blush, before he starts licking the egret's rear. Ono moans a
little when he feels the hornbill's tongue. The three birds feel their dicks growing as Tamaa
licks Zazu and Zazu licks Ono. They moan as they feel the pleasure increasing through their
bodies, especially Ono and Zazu as they feel the tongues enter their asses, wetting their
insides. At the same time, Ono starts rubbing his cock with his wing, moaning some more.
After a while, Tamaa starts rubbing his tongue deeper and faster on Zazu's ass. The hornbill
does the same to Ono's. The three continue like this for some time, until Tamaa and Zazu
decide to stop.
"Wow, Zazu. Not bad." Ono comments, blushing a little.
"Th-thanks, Ono." Zazu answers and then looks at the drongo. "Not bad for you either."
"I know." Tamaa responds, eyeing the hornbill's sexy rear. "But are you ready for the real
action, handsome?" The drongo rubs its wing a little on the hornbill's ass.
"Y-Yes." Zazu blushes and lets out a slight moan.
"Relax, Zazu. You will have your fun too." Ono shows Zazu his ass, making him blush even
The three birds have their dicks pretty hard at this point.
Ono lays down on his back and Zazu goes over him, positioning his dick on the egret's tail.
Then Tamaa mounts Zazu, his wings hugging him as his cock touches his tail.
"Let's do it." Says Tamaa.
The drongo begins to push its cock into the hornbill's ass, feeling its soft, tight walls. Zazu
moans when he feels the drongo's cock enter his ass. At the same time, the hornbill thrusts
its cock inside Ono's tight hole. The two push as deep as they can.
"Ready, Zazu?" Tamaa asks.
"Yes. Ono?"
Tamaa and Zazu start pushing, all three moaning with their movements. Tamaa and Zazu
start with gentle movements, feeling Zazu and Ono's tight walls. The egret uses its wing to
rub its cock a little.
"Oh Zazu. You feel good." Ono moans, loving the hornbill's every move.
"Tamaa. So good." Zazu moans with the drongo's movements.
The three continue to moan as the drongo and hornbill's movements become harder and
faster. Ono rubs his cock a little faster too. Tamaa uses his beak to nibble on Zazu's neck
feathers a bit while continuing to fuck the horbill. Zazu moans louder at this as he continues
to fuck Ono. Ono and Zazu feel precum entering their asses and moan more in pleasure.
Tamaa and Zazu speed up their movements and fuck harder and deeper, the bodies of the
three birds slapping on each other.
"Oohhh Zazu. I'm close." Tamaa warns.
"Me too."
With one last hard, deep thrust, Tamaa shoots his hot cum inside the hornbill's ass. At the
same time, Zazu cums deep inside Ono's ass. Ono's cock releases some cum as well. Ono
and Zazu feel the cum fill their asses very deep.
The three birds pant for a while, especially Zazu, and then they separate, sitting in the nest
for a while.
"Wow. That was incredible." Ono comments.
"Here our Zazu must be more satisfied." Tamaa jokes.
"W-Well... M-Maybe it's time we switched places?" Zazu suggests.
"I agree. Ono. What do you say to me going to the middle now?"
"Okay, Tamaa. And you can stay in front of me now, Zazu."
"O-Okay." Zazu realizes what's going to happen and stands in front of Ono, blushing. The
hornbill has always been the shyest of the three birds.
This time, Ono pushes his cock inside Zazu's tight ass. The hornbill moans a little loudly as it
feels the egret's cock sink into him. Ono has the biggest dick out of the three.
"Oh, you're so big." Zazu moans.
At the same time, Tamaa pushes his cock into Ono's ass, both of them moaning.
Tamaa and Ono start thrusting, feeling their cocks squeeze between their soft, warm asses.
Zazu moans harder as he feels Ono's big cock push deep into him. The egret and the
drongo speed up their movements and push harder, the three birds moaning louder as
precum starts to be released. Zazu and Ono's bodies shake with each thrust.
Ono and Tamaa thrust faster, harder and deeper and their bodies slap with each thrust.
Finally, unable to take it any longer, the birds release their cum. Ono and Zazu moan as they
feel the hot cum enter their asses, really deep. At the same time, the hornbill cums a little on
the nest.
Again, the three relax a little, sitting in the nest.
"Wow. You are so tight, Zazu." Ono comments.
"You are tight too, Ono." Says Tamaa.
"Yes. That was fun." Zazu blushes.
"But we're not done yet." Warns Ono. "Tamaa. Are you ready to feel a real cock?" He smirks.
"Believe me. I am."
Tamaa gets into position, lifting his bottom. Ono stands behind him, ready to mate.
"Fine. Maybe one last round." Zazu places himself behind Ono.
"Ready?" Ono asks.
"Yes." They respond.
This time, Ono thrusts his big cock into the drongo's tight hole, both of them moaning. Tamaa
is as tight or tighter than Zazu. At the same time, the hornbill thrusts his cock into Ono's ass.
When all three are ready, Ono and Zazu start thrusting, feeling their cocks rub against tight,
soft walls. Tamaa moans louder when he feels Ono's big dick inside him.
Again, the three birds moan, Tamaa rubbing his cock with his wing as the others continue
When Ono and Zazu thrust faster and harder, the moans increase. Their asses are already
quite hot and wet from the previous sessions and this increases their pleasure.
The thrusts become even faster, harder and deeper, and once again the slaps are heard.
Again, it doesn't take long for them to start cumming. Tamaa moans loudly as he feels Ono's
cock deep inside, releasing his cum deeply, while Zazu cums deep inside Ono's ass and the
drongo releases some cum on the nest.
The three pant heavily after three sessions of mating with each other. They look at each
other, blushing, pleased and in love.
"That... was... amazing." Comments Tamaa.
"I agree." Says Zazu.
"We should have more sessions like these." Ono suggests.
"You can bet we'll have more." Says Tamaa.
"I think we should sleep now, boys." Zazu suggests.
"You're right. We all need." Tamaa agrees.
The three birds lay down in the nest, snuggling up to each other, hugging each other with
their wings, with Ono in the middle. The three are inseparable and, since they revealed their
feelings for each other, they have created this great nest so that the three of them can live
together and, of course, have some more intimate moments like this one.
The heat season lasts for some time and the three males get together more often so they
can have more group mating sessions, always changing their positions so that each of them
has their moment in the middle.
After a few days, something special happens. Each of them realizes that something strange
is going on with their bodies. After talking to Rafiki, the healer of the kingdom, and talking to
other birds, the three lovers come to a conclusion: each of them is carrying at least one egg.
As soon as they share the news with each other, the three hug, full of love. They will be a
10 years later:
Ono, Tamaa and Zazu have been happy as a romantic trio, sharing everything with each
other, loving each other equally. Their love has grown and evolved and they have been
rewarded with eggs. Ono, Tamaa and Zazu are now parents and their children are all
siblings, forming a unique and special family.
Tamaa had a son with Ono: Kiah, a drongo-egret hybrid with black and white feathers. Zazu
had a son with Ono: Jiho, a drongo-hornbill hybrid with more colorful feathers. Tamaa had a
son with Zazu: Yure, a hornbill-drongo hybrid with feathers that become more colorful on the
Not long ago, this trio met another trio of birds: a peacock, a martial eagle and a falcon-hawk
hybrid. The peacock came from China after a fight with his brother Lord Shen, since they
had "different ideas". So he left and came to the Pride Lands, where he met the other birds
and quickly started a new friendship. But these birds became friends and it didn't take long
for them to mate with each other. Six males shared moments of great pleasure that were
also rewarded with eggs, which hatched yesterday. Tamaa had a son with Ono and the
martial eagle, Genet, a male hybrid with black feathers and yellow eyes. Ono had a daughter
with the peacock, Nzuri, a hybrid with blue and white feathers. Ono had a son with Zazu and
the falcon-hawk hybrid, Haki, a hybrid with very colorful feathers. Zazu had a daughter with
the martial eagle, Zunduri, an also colorful hybrid.
Ono, Tamaa and Zazu have a very close family, but sometimes the trio asks Anga and
Hadithi to look after the little hybrids while they spend time together, especially to mate.
That's what happens today.
For some reason, the three birds ask Anga and Hadithi to take care of their children while
they are busy.
"We love your kids." Comments Anga.
"You can go and do... whatever you're going to do." Says Hadithi. "It's a pleasure for us to
take care of your children."
"Thank you, Hadithi and Anga." The trio thanks them.
"You're welcome. Have fun."
Ono, Tamaa and Zazu fly towards a distant place in the kingdom, while Anga and Hadithi
start playing with the little hybrids.
The trio of birds fly towards a high, rocky place in the kingdom, where normally only birds
gather, since it is difficult for mammals to get there. When they arrive there, the trio realizes
that their friends/lovers are already in the Big Nest waiting for them. Remi, the peacock,
Asrea, the martial eagle and Jeli, the falcon-hawk hybrid.
"They're finally here." Says the martial eagle.
"Hello to you too." Ono responds, as the group all gathers at the nest.
"Are you ready for a new session?" The peacock asks.
"You can say it, handsome." The drongo agrees.
"Very well. You know what we agreed on. Let's go." Says the falcon-hawk hybrid, as they
each get into position for a new orgy.
Meanwhile, Fuli returns from a hunt when she sees Kion and Kovu. They are lying down
while Kovu hugs Kion. The two lions mated recently and are now getting some rest. Kion is
lying on Kovu's belly, as he was the dominant one in their last hot session.
"You really are an extraordinary lion, Kion."
"Heh. Asante, Kovu. You're amazing."
The two lick each other a little, when Fuli appears and looks at them with a smirk. "Looks like
you guys are having a good time."
"Oh. Hello, Fuli." Kion greets his friend. "What's up?"
"Well... I was hunting zebra and along the way I found Ono with his lovers. They were on
their way to the Big Nest in the rocky terrain, but they told me something very interesting
before they left."
"And what did they tell you?" Kovu asks curiously.
"Ono, Tamaa and Zazu got each other pregnant. They are parents now." Fuli says with a
"Wow. That's... surprising." Kovu comments.
"I heard other animals talk about it, but I thought they were making things up."
"But it's true, Kion." The cheetah confirms. "And they also invited you both to join them in the
Big Nest."
"Really?" The lions are surprised.
Fuli just nods in agreement, keeping her smile.
"Alright. We'll go to them." Kion says.
"But Kion..." Kovu doesn't look very confident.
"Don't worry, Kovu. It'll be fine."
Kion's cute smile makes Kovu accept it. "Ok. We can go."
"Well, boys. I'm going to get some rest now. It was a good hunt."
"Okay, Fuli. See you around."
"Huwezi!" Fuli runs away.
"Cheetahs." Kovu looks at Kion and notices his big smile. "Uh... Kion? What is it...?" Kion
starts kissing Kovu's neck gently. "Mmm..." Kovu starts purring. Kion can be very gentle and
this leaves Kovu's body relaxed.
"Do you like it?" Kion asks sweetly.
"Mmmm yeah..." Kovu continues to purr and blush as Kion continues to kiss and nibble the
older lion's neck.
Then Kion starts moving down his lover's body, keeping kissing him gently. Kovu keeps
moaning softly, feeling Kion's soft lips exploring his body. Both males feel their cocks
growing again, still a little wet from their last session, moments before Fuli appeared.
The two have a very close relationship and, like the three birds, they like to mate often. Kovu
let Kion fuck him and the two shared moments of pure pleasure and love with Kion filling the
older lion's ass with his seed. And now that Fuli's gone and they're alone again, Kion has an
Kion gently kisses Kovu's dick, making it twitch a little. "Let me be the leader." Kion asks with
his sweet smile and Kovu nods in agreement, smiling back at the younger lion. Kion licks
Kovu's cock with gentle, wet licks, making him moan adorably at it. He continues for a while,
before letting go of his cock and placing himself on top of Kovu. The older lion caresses the
younger lion's face and they both purr a little.
"I'm curious to see what you're capable of, Kion." Kovu jokes a little.
"You'll see." Kion smirks as he rubs his ass on Kovu's hard cock, making him moan a little
again. Kion teases Kovu some more, before he starts sitting down, putting the older lion's
hard cock inside his tight ass, making them both moan. "Comfortable?" Kion asks, now
sitting up with Kovu's cock fully inside him.
"Mmmm yeah." Kovu smiles and blushes.
Kion starts moving up and down gently, feeling Kovu's cock rubbing against his tight walls.
The two moan softly at this and Kovu places his paws on Kion's hips, making him blush.
Kion continues riding Kovu's cock, the pleasure growing in both of them, their bodies heating
up more. Kion speeds up his movements a little and leans a bit towards Kovu, when he now
hugs his neck and the two kiss passionately. The lions continue to moan as they kiss and
Kion feels Kovu's cock dripping precum inside him, while his own cock also drips. The two
continue to kiss and moan with love and pleasure for some time. Kovu grabs Kion's hips a
little tighter and Kion starts riding him faster and harder. The lions' moans become louder,
both with their tongues out, when Kovu feels Kion's ass slapping him. The older lion starts
thrusting a little to help Kion with his riding and they both feel their dicks starting to swell.
"Kion. I'm almost..." Kovu feels his dick about to explode and, with his paws on Kion's hips,
Kovu holds the youngest lion on his lap, keeping his dick completely inside his ass. Finally,
Kovu's cock shoots his hot lion cum deep into Kion's ass. The two pant a little heavily and
Kion rests his head on Kovu's strong chest.
"That... was..." Kion starts, but Kovu interrupts him.
Kion starts rubbing Kovu's mane gently with his paw, making him purr. "Kovu... We have to
do this more often."
"Heh. It felt that good, huh?"
"I-It's not that. Do you remember what Fuli told us about the birds? I would like to try it with
"You mean...?"
"We could try to get pregnant too."
Kovu blushes at the other male's proposal. "D-Do you think we can?"
"If they can do it, we can do it too." Kion smiles confidently.
Now Kovu also smiles confidently. "I like that. Yes, we can do it."
"Good." Kion stands up calmly, his ass leaving the other lion's cock, making them both moan
a little. "Now we must go to the birds as they asked."
"Yes." Kovu also gets up. "Let's go."
The two walk side by side towards the Big Nest.
After having crossed much of the kingdom, Kion and Kovu finally reach the rocky place,
where, with some difficulty, they climb to the Big Nest. Once they get there, the lions are
surprised to see a falcon-hawk hybrid mounting Tamaa, a martial eagle mounting Ono and a
peacock mounting Zazu.
"Oh yes, Jeli!" Tamaa moans while the falcon-hawk thrusts really fast and hard in his ass.
"Mmm Asrea!" Ono also moans as the martial eagle thrusts fast and hard too.
"Ahh Remi!" Zazu moans with the peacock's fast and hard thrusting.
Kion and Kovu look at each other and smirk, keeping watching the birds.
"Aaahh! I'm almost!" The peacock moans, before his last thrust, putting his dick deep in
Zazu's ass, who moans loudly.
Practically at the same time, the martial eagle cums hard and deep in Ono's ass while the
falcon-hawk hybrid cums deeply in Tamaa's tight ass.
The three birds pant heavily after the hot orgy. Kion and Kovu smirk.
"Looks like they're having a good time." Kion comments.
"Yeah." Kovu agrees. "Is this why you called us?"
"Kion! Kovu! Welcome to our nest!" Tamaa tries to smile innocently.
"We were waiting for you." Ono smirks.
"I see... So what do you want?" Kion asks.
"We want you to join us." Tamaa responds.
"We know what you two have been doing." Zazu explains.
"Show us what a lion is capable of." Asks the drongo.
Kion and Kovu look at each other again, before smirking at the birds.
"Very well. How do you want it then?" Kion asks.
Jeli, Asrea and Remi leave Tamaa, Ono and Zazu.
"Turn around." Ono asks and the three birds obey, showing their butts.
Ono, Tamaa and Zazu approach them.
"Let's make an exchange. Now it's our turn to mount you." Tamaa explains.
"What about us?" Kovu asks.
"You're going to mount us." Ono responds.
"Show us what you can do!" Tamaa says.
Asrea gets into position, lifting his ass. Ono approaches him and positions his dick at the
entrance of the martial eagle. "Ready?" Asrea nods in agreement and Ono pushes his dick
inside the martial eagle. Asrea moans as he feels Ono's cock against his tight walls.
Then Kion approaches Ono. "Wow, Ono." They worked together for a long time. It's amazing
how Kion never realized how attractive the egret is. The lion positions himself over the egret
and pushes his dick inside him. They both moan a little when they feel Kion's cock against
Ono's tight walls.
On the other side, Jeli lifts his ass. Tamaa approaches him, positioning his hard cock at the
entrance of the falcon-hawk hybrid. They both moan a little when they feel the drongo's cock
enter the hybrid's ass.
"Don't be shy, Kovu." Tamaa teases and Kovu blushes, going over the drongo. They both
moan as Kovu's hard cock enters Tamaa's tight ass.
Ono starts thrusting in Asrea's ass, loving to feel his tight walls. Ono moans more when he
feels Kion thrusting in his ass too. The lion moans as he feels the egret's tight walls.
On the other side, Tamaa thrusts in Jeli's ass and moans more when Kovu starts thrusting in
his ass as well.
Upon seeing their friends in action, Zazu and Remi smile and approach them. Zazu
approaches Asrea and shows his hard cock to the martial eagle while Remi shows his hard
cock to the falcon-hawk hybrid. The martial eagle licks the hornbill's cock while Ono mounts
him and Kion mounts Ono. At the same time, Jeli licks the peacock's dick while Tamaa rides
him and Kovu rides Tamaa.
The group moans with every movement and lick, especially the birds that are mounted by
the lions. Their cocks are tight in their assholes, but they continue their gentle movements.
"Faster, Kion!" Ono asks.
"You too, Kovu!" Tamaa demands.
The lions start thrusting faster, Ono and Tamaa doing the same in Asrea and Jeli's asses,
who lick Zazu and Remi's dicks more, them starting to leak precum.
"Mmmm so good." The peacock moans as he feels the falcon-hawk hybrid's tongue explore
his hard, wet cock.
"Mmmm yeah." Zazu also moans when he feels the martial eagle's tongue exploring his
The group moans in pleasure with the thrusting and licking, all cocks already leaking some
The birds' bodies shake as the lions start thrusting faster and harder, their balls slapping on
Ono and Tamaa's rears. Asrea and Jeli start sucking carefully on Zazu and Remi, who start
thrusting in their beaks.
A lot of moans of pleasure surround the Big Nest as the group keeps enjoying their orgy.
They start to feel their dicks swelling and realize they are reaching their limit. Their moans
become louder as the lions fuck the birds harder, faster and deeper. Tamaa and Ono fuck
the martial eagle and the falcon-hawk hybrid also harder, faster and deeper.
With loud moans in pure pleasure, the group begins to climax and, almost at the same time,
they all cum inside each other. Kion cums deep in Ono's ass, who cums deep in Asrea's ass,
who tastes Zazu's warm cum. Kovu cums deep in Tamaa's ass, who cums deep in Jeli's ass,
who tastes Remi's cum.
The group removes their dicks from each other's asses and mouths and rests for a while,
panting a lot after such an incredible new experience.
"Wow. This was incredible." Comments Tamaa.
"Like Bunga says, it was un-Bunga-lievable." Kion laughs a little.
"We're glad you've joined us." Says the peacock.
"We are glad to have joined you." Kovu smiles.
"Is it true that you know how to fight?" Kion asks the peacock.
"Yes. I learned some things from the conflict with my brother Shen. It's a long story."
"Heh. You could have your own guard."
"Hey! I just had a crazy idea." Says the drongo.
"What is it, Tamaa?" Jeli asks.
"Maybe our kids can join us for the next orgy."
"What?" Zazu is surprised by his lover's suggestion.
"That would be... interesting." Comments Asrea.
"Well... We'll think about it." Says Ono.
"Hello?" Someone calls while climbing up to the Big Nest.
"Dad?" Kion is amazed when he recognizes the voice.
Simba arrives at the Big Nest after a somewhat complicated climb. "You guys should move
somewhere else."
"Your majesty? What are you doing here?" Tamaa asks.
"I could ask you guys the same question." Simba smirks, managing to pick up the strong
scent in the group.
"W-Well... It's... private." Zazu blushes.
"Is there something wrong, dad?"
"Actually yes." The lion king shows a serious and sad face now. "Zazu. Rafiki shared
information with me. There is something you need to know."
"What's going on, sir?" Zazu asks, a little worried, approaching the king.
"As you know, you lost your mother a couple years ago. Well... Now your father has also
completed his journey through the circle of life."
"You mean...?"
Simba nods sadly.
"Oh..." Zazu looks down, crying a little. The other birds approach him to comfort him,
especially Ono and Tamaa. "So... What now?"
"According to the information I have, Birdstain will need a new leader and you are the only
descendant." Simba explains. "But you need a mate to lead alongside you."
Zazu watches his lovers for a while, thinking about what to do.
"Whatever you decide, you have our support, Zazu." Ono puts a wing around the hornbill.
"He's right. We will always love you." Tamaa does the same.
Zazu smiles at them. "Asante." Then he looks at the lion. "I have already made my decision.
I accept my responsibilities at Birdstain. But Ono and Tamaa will lead by my side."
"What?" The egret and the drongo are surprised. The others just smile.
"But of course we'll always come to visit the Pride Lands."
"Alright, Zazu. You know you'll always be welcome here." Says Simba. "The Pride Lands will
always be your home."
"Thank you, your majesty."
"Good. We have to go tell our children the news." Tamaa says. "But first... Group hug!"
Tamaa hugs Zazu, then Ono joins him, then the other birds and finally the lions. They are all
together in a warm hug now.
"I'm sure you'll be good leaders." Kion says.
"Thank you, Kion."
The group maintains the embrace, before the bird lovers leave for their new adventure.
Zazu's mates and family accepted the hornbill's change of life. He's relaxing in a tall tree and
thinking about how his life is about to change a lot. Two armored hornbills, Birdstain's royal
guards, land in his tree.
"Your majesty, Zazu, King of Birdstain." They bow.
"W-What?" Zazu is surprised at the arrival of these two birds. "What's going on?"
"As the royal guards of Birdstain, we must inform his majesty of the importance of following
the lineage of hornbills that his father followed, as well as all his ancestors."
"That means...?"
"This means that, in addition to the need to have a mate with whom to share the kingdom,
your highness needs to have an heir and ensure the future of the kingdom, keeping the
entire royal lineage in your family."
"So... all my successors must be of my blood?"
"Exactly, your Highness."
Zazu thinks for a while. "Well... In that case, I already know who I should talk to. Don't worry.
The future of the kingdom will be in the wings of my family forever."
The guards just look at Zazu, as if they were waiting to hear something else.
"Uh... You're dismissed." Says Zazu.
"Thank you, your Highness." The guards bow and fly away.
"I already know what to do." Then it's Zazu who flies away.
Some time later, Zazu explains the whole situation to his son Jiho, the hornbill-egret hybrid.
"That's why I decided to choose you as my successor."
"Thanks, dad. I promise I will train and do my best to be like you."
"I know you will, son. But... there is something else."
"What is it, dad?"
"The guards told me that our kingdom must keep a royal bloodline. That means our
descendants must always be of our blood."
"I don't know if I understand..."
"Son... Do you remember what you learned about mating from me and your other fathers?"
"I do."
"It's time we had our own private moment and maybe we can give Birdstain another future
Jiho understands his father's idea and smiles. "Sure. We can do that."
"Alright. Let's try something a little different, Jiho. Lie on your back, please."
Jiho obeys his father and lies down on his back, revealing his dick. Zazu gets closer to his
son and starts licking his dick lovingly. Jiho moans softly with his father's licks, who enjoys
his son's taste. Zazu keeps licking Jiho's dick and, when it starts leaking precum, Zazu starts
sucking on it, making Jiho moan more. Zazu keeps licking and sucking his son's cock, his
own cock already hard. Jiho relaxes his body and keeps moaning in pleasure with his
father's work. When Zazu starts deepthroating, Jiho feels the pleasure increasing.
"Aah. I-I'm almost, dad!" Jiho can't resist and cums hard into his father's beak. "Aaahh!"
The hornbill drinks his son's product down to the last drop, before releasing his cock. "Ahh.
Wow, Jiho. You taste really good."
"Asante, dad. You're really good at this."
They both blush a little and Zazu goes over Jiho.
"Ready, son?"
"P-Please be careful."
Zazu starts pushing his cock carefully inside Jiho's hole. They both moan a little when they
feel the hornbill's cock entering deep in his son's ass.
"Mmmmm... You ok, son?"
"Mmmh. Yes."
Zazu starts thrusting very gently at first, not wanting to hurt his own son. Jiho moans softly at
his father's gentle movements. They both keep moaning as they feel the hornbill's dick rub
against the hornbill-egret hybrid's tight walls. Zazu kisses his son's neck a little, making him
moan a bit more. The hornbill's dick starts leaking precum inside his son and they moan a bit
louder, especially when Zazu starts thrusting a little faster and harder. Jiho starts hugging his
father a bit tightly as he keeps his thrusting. The two birds moan in pleasure as Zazu starts
thrusting faster, harder and deeper. Jiho's body shakes with each thrust and his moans
become constant, the pleasure increasing.
"Oh son. I'm... so close." Zazu warns as he feels his dick swelling inside his son.
"Mmmh. I'm ready, dad!" Jiho hugs his father tighter, keeping moaning.
After a few more thrusts, the last one goes harder and deeper and Zazu cums a lot and
really hard into his son's ass. They both moan loudly and Jiho cums as well. The two hug,
Jiho feeling his father's cum deep inside him.
"Do you think we can do it, dad?"
"I'm sure you do, my son. After this, I am sure that Birdstain's will remain in our lineage for a
long, long time."
With Ono and Genet, and with Tamaa and Kiah, they to have the need to generate an heir
for their respective kingdoms as well, so after pratically the same type of conversation that
Zazu had with Jiho, they too fucked their our sons.
Ono starts pushing his cock carefully inside Genet's hole. They both moan a little when they
feel the egret's cock entering deep in his son's ass.
"Mmmmm... You ok, son?"
"Mmmh. Yes."
Ono starts thrusting very gently at first, not wanting to hurt his own son. Genet moans softly
his father's gentle movements. They both keep moaning as they feel the hornbill's dick rub
against the male hybrid's tight walls. Ono kisses his son's neck a little, making him
moan a bit more. The hornbill's dick starts leaking precum inside his son and they moan a bit
louder, especially when Ono starts thrusting a little faster and harder. Genet starts hugging
father a bit tightly as he keeps his thrusting. The two birds moan in pleasure as Ono starts
thrusting faster, harder and deeper. Genet's body shakes with each thrust and his moans
become constant, the pleasure increasing.
"Oh son. I'm... so close." Ono warns as he feels his dick swelling inside his son.
"Mmmh. I'm ready, dad!" Genet hugs his father tighter, keeping moaning.
After a few more thrusts, the last one goes harder and deeper and Ono cums a lot and
really hard into his son's ass. They both moan loudly and Genet cums as well. The two hug,
Genet feeling his father's cum deep inside him.
Tamaa starts pushing his cock carefully inside Kiah's hole. They both moan a little when they
feel the drongo's cock entering deep in his son's ass.
"Mmmmm... You ok, son?"
"Mmmh. Yes."
Tamaa starts thrusting very gently at first, not wanting to hurt his own son. Kiah moans softly
his father's gentle movements. They both keep moaning as they feel the hornbill's dick rub
against the drongo-egret hybrid's tight walls. Tamaa kisses his son's neck a little, making him
moan a bit more. The hornbill's dick starts leaking precum inside his son and they moan a bit
louder, especially when Tamaa starts thrusting a little faster and harder. Kiah starts hugging
father a bit tightly as he keeps his thrusting. The two birds moan in pleasure as Tamaa starts
thrusting faster, harder and deeper. Kiah's body shakes with each thrust and his moans
become constant, the pleasure increasing.
"Oh son. I'm... so close." Tamaa warns as he feels his dick swelling inside his son.
"Mmmh. I'm ready, dad!" Kiah hugs his father tighter, keeping moaning.
After a few more thrusts, the last one goes harder and deeper and Tamaa cums a lot and
really hard into his son's ass. They both moan loudly and Kiah cums as well. The two hug,
Kiah feeling his father's cum deep inside him.
As for the new eggs, that hatched just last week, from their last mating, Tamaa had a son
with the falcon-hawk hybrid Jeli: Asubuhi, a drongo-falcon hybrid with purple and black
Zazu had a son with Remi the peacock: Kiburi, a peacock-hornbill hybrid with proud colorful
feathers, as a mixture of zazu's and Remi's feathers.
Ono had a son with Asrea the martial eagle: Mwindaji, a egret-eagle hybrid with feathers that
become more colorful on the tail and in his crest.
After their new mating joined by Kion and Kovu, they had more children in line to their
respective kingdoms: Zazu with Birdstain, Tamaa with Drobir, and Ono with Egtair.
Ono had a son with Asrea, Zazu and Kion, Mchanganyiko, a hybrid hermaphrodite bird with
yellow eyes, and a rainbow plumage.
Tamaa had a daughter with Jeli, Kovu and Remi, Siku Mpya, a hybrid with this same color
feathers could hide as much as necessary so as not to be as conspicuous as its sister.
Kion had a son with Ono, named Mseto a male egret with his wings instead of the plumage
of a egret had the fur of a lion, and as well Kovu had a son with Tamaa, named Mrithi with
the same characteristics as Mseto.
As for Jiho and Zazu, Ono and Genet, Tamaa and Kiah, the new legitimate heir was yet to
be born.
*Zazu: That's how we mated.
*kovu was intrigued but then again uncomfortable, he doesn't like to judge but he was also
very interested in that topic, but uncomfortable by the high and the low altitude drops kovu
just smiled and licks kion making them both blush and making him feel better a bit^ *kovu:
that was interesting to watch, thanks zazu, see u all later* ^he says as they begin to fly
(And for the future of zazu's royal bloodline I added him mating his own consensualy to
guarantee him as next heir ok?
*Nyari, Tamaa's wife and Anga, were in the same three as their nests were been layed right
now, at the same time some of the previous hatchlings were seeing all the things, and their
fathers in their mating flight in the skies right above them*
^the hatchlings don't know how to fly yet, theyve been observing there fathers flying patterns
hoping to learn on there own, anga was looking after there hatchlings as her husbands fly
^Getting excited to see their husbands mating midair, they too wanted to try it, but first had to
ask their husbands if they can change places to watch their hatchlings^
^after the mating section the husbands flew towards there wife's, and landed on the nest
hugging there hatchlings^
*Anga: Me and the other wifes would like to fuck you all too *blushing as she said it**And
don't worry our hatchlings always saw us mating, so nothing to worry about it*
*ono: sure come join in~* ^he says ssmirking^
^Anga, Nyari, and Tamma's wife, join their claws with their respective husbands, their
hatchlings even been young with the age of 7 to 8 in years of bird, starting rubbing their
penises and cloacas, the wives and husbands locks their claws together midair and start
their higher climb to about 8 to 10 km of altitude^
After changing partners still in their middair mating:
*Ono was with Tamaa fucking his anus, in a middair flight as both doing a straight up
maneuver till they're very very high in the sky, and at the higher point of their climb,
preparing for their free fall. had join their talons gripping stronger locking them together, and
rubbing their cloacas, started a free fall, diving with their wings retracted for maximum
speed, on the last second they saw both birds separating their claws and cloacas from each
other, and biting their wings fast to not have a straight down fall on the ground, and giving a
final louder bird caw.*
2 weeks later:
Ono: "Want to join mate?" *He says locking his claws with Zazu's*
*Zazu,blushing heavily, agrees*
Ono: "You know what to do by instinct my mate!"
*Zazu nips playfully at the duo and and rails both of the boys*
Ono: "Guide me, and lets see if you're a horny bird too." *He says blushing, waiting for Zazu
to begin their mating ritual*
*Zazu rails into Ono's ass and marks hickies all over his neck, hungrily. Wanting nothing
more than to make him his own*
*Zazu was fucking Ono in his anus, in middair flight as Zazu continues to nip and bite Ono's
neck and chest leaving hickies. *The two,gripping talons, rubbed their cloacas together. Zazu
felt his dick twitching inside Ono,and thrusted faster, making him moan in pleasure and
*As both begins from the higher of the flight started a free fall from the sky, still gripping
stronger locking them together by their talons and retracting closest as possible to their
bodies for maximum speed in a vertical straight free fall from 4 to 5 km up.
*As both... straight free fall from fall to 4 to 6 km up*
*As they fall they make out passionately while rubbing their cloacas together roughly and
claiming each other as there's*
*Having some meters before they hit the ground the free their claws from each other and
beat their wings faster to preserve altitude and speed giving both a louder bird mating caw*
*Meanwhile Anga and Nyari, the wifes of Ono and Zazu respectively, were watching from
their shared nest in a nearby three, they had begun to get excited seeing their mates fucking
each other... They're even laying their last eggs from this clutch of 8 eggs they had from their
previous matings, their other 4 children now old between 12 and 13 years of age in bird age,
were too getiing ecited seeing the fathers mating with each other, they're already trained in
how to properly mate.*
Anga and the females were laying their last eggs, the males are fucking midair and the
children are masturbating
*the kids look at each other, making sure their parents don't see, and fly off to go mate.*
*Passing 3 hours after the females and males the males can get pregnant too, lay their eggs
too, they had gone to sleep without noticing their other children haven't returned from their
hidden incest season*
*the kids find a secluded area and land. Each kid grabs another from the opposite family and
starts to pleasure them by licking, nipping and scratching their partner*
*they even mounted each other's backs and started fuck each other* Meanwhile in the
middle of the night, King simba, prince kovu, kiara, and the lion guard, with ono entering like
a missile in the guard's lair, that he simply gave a bird louder caw, awakening everyone in
*everyone awakes*
Kion: what's going on Ono?
Beshte: Yeah what's happening?
Ono: I was finishing my midair fucking with tamaa and zazu, and our wifes were laying the
last eggs, just we males were too, we awake during the night to feed and do a night hunt
training with our more older children, but they have simply dissapeared from our nest!
Fuli: I think I saw them fly a little ways north. It was while I was *fake coughs* "busy" with an
"assignment" with Azard."
Kion: You are... preg...
Fuli: Still to know kion.
Ono: Fuli you're sure you can?
Fuli: I can and I will Ono, always loved your feathered children.
*Fuli runs off to find the kids*
Besthe: The males birds can get preg too?
Ono: Yes now come on!
*Ono guides the rest of the guard, except kion, to his home*
Kion: You can come out now.
*Vitani walks out from the shadows and up to kion, nuzzling his chest*
Vitani: What's happening my love, I heard suddenly that priderock is turning into a mess with
all the lions running?
Kion: it's nothing. Ono just couldn't find his kids. *He smirks devilishly at her and nips at her
ear playfully while pinning her to the ground*
Vitani: How do you say it's NOTHING!? *She runs to alert all her guard, to help Ono, not
even looking back to Kion*
*Kion growls, lowly and fustrated. He had a boner and was trying to get that under control*
*Meanwhile the rest of the guard arrives in Ono's nest, and Fuli start to smell and difference
the specific children's smell, guiding everyone to the north area of the pridelands, Anga from
the sky, Nyari and Tamaa's wife were too smelling their children's scent and tracking them
*The kids are in a tree, pounding each other as a group, with the youngest at the front and
the oldest at the back. Fuli hears the mating of the kids and starts to get wet "down under".*
*Meanwhile, Kovu was agitated at Kiara and was walking to the Lion Guard's den. When he
walked in he saw an agitated kion with a massive boner.*
*Fuli seeing that another smell scent started she prepared to be mounted by her cheetah
partner, meanwhile kovu arrives and fucks kion right away, 30 minutes after mounting him,
they changed places and kion fucks kovu, woth now more 30 minutes passing, they feel their
bodies getting adapted to get pregnant by another male lion (their respective partners kion X
kovu), as azaad mounted fuli on all fours, right away she wanted to finish to get pregnant by
the male cheetah.
Meanwhile, Anga seeing their own children fucking each other makes her landing on the
same branch of wood their children were fucking each other right now, and entices her
vagina, for ono to fuck her, so anga turned on her back and doing a straight up maneuver till
they're very very high in the sky, and then both birds had join their talons gripping stronger
locking them, and rubbing their cloacas, started a free fall, diving with their wings retracted,
on the last second they saw both birds separating their claws and cloacas from each other,
and biting their wings fast to not have a straight down fall on the ground, and giving a final
louder bird caw.*
*At the same time just after anga and ono, finished their final mating fall of the sky, zazu saw
her wife nyari positions herself the same way as Anga was previously, then zazu lock his
claws with nyari's and they too executed the dame maneuver as ono and anga, climbing to
12 km higher in the sky
*Azzad mounted Fuli and started to pound her pussy hungrily and ferociously, making the
female cheetah moan in pleasure and ecstasy*
*meanwhile Kovu and Kion were making sweet love, with Kovu's swollen thick brown cock
deep inside Kion's ass, pounding it with ferocious dominance*
*Finally tamaa and his wife too executed this midair mating movements equally and copied
from zazu nyari and ono anga movements
*After finishing the aerial mating, zazu x nyari, anga x ono, tamma x his wife, still seeing their
puppies fucking each other from biggest to smallest, they decide to participate in the orgy
and also fuck their own children, as in total they had nine puppies , he asks the third one
mounted to dismount his brother, and the sixth also dismount his other brother, so Anga
positions herself with her back to the first cub and the cub fucks his own mother in the
vagina, Ono at the end of the sexual pile, mounts the last of her cubs, who was fucking the
middle brother, who was also fucking the bottom brother, Nyari does the same position with
the second pile of cubs, and Zazu mounts them at the end, Tamma mounts the last pile of
cubs on the final while his wife is mounted by his own son at the front in this respective pile.*
*Kion and Kovu, seeing the birds being fucked, leave Fuli, leaving only Azaad to continue
their mating, after climbing the tree where the avian orgy was taking place, Kion mounts
Zazu, and Kovu, mounts Tamaa, with Ono after a while being set up by Azzad who, after
finishing with Fuli, left her masturbating watching the scene, after finishing their respective
orgies, 7 months in total pass: Azzad became pregnant with 3 hybrids after being fucked
later by zazu and kion, kion became pregnant with 5 hybrid puppies with zazu, kovu and
azaad, kovu got pregnant with azaad, kion and ono.*
*Ono became pregnant with zazu and tamaa and all their nine chicks, just as with zazu and
tamma the same thing happened, the 3 male birds having 9 more eggs each, their
respective wives became pregnant with 12 each, and each of the 9 chicks after making orgy
with all the other brothers and their relatives, everyone became pregnant with 18 eggs
Kion and Kovu, mating with each other in the plains of priderock, both see on the sky zazu
and ono with their talons locking on each other's as they were in a free fall during a mating
ritual, still not sensing nothing wrong they both were fucking each other normaly, until Kion
notices that both zazu and ono, were pregnant even being males, which would reveal a
descendant secret that no one was expecting from the birds.
^It was the end of the afternoon in the pridelands, both Kion and Kovu had finished their
hunting to feed them and their uncoming children that were still to be born from them, as a
bledding from the gods of the past, both males now ahd the capacity of getting each other
pregnant, so just after they had finished their meal of 2 gazelles and 1 zebra, kion puts
himself in a all fours position, presenting his anus to kovu, which already mounted kion's
back, with both pregnant heavier bellies bulges showing from both male lions^
^both kion and kovu were panting hard from kion's action, kovu's mouth watering wanting
kion badly, kion teases kovu with his paw on his erection making kovu groan in pleasure, as
the sound of moaning and groaning fill the area^
^Kovu thrusts faster and harder, making kion release the roar of the elders as both kion and
kovu cums at the same time^
*kovu, your enjoying this aren't u love?*
*kion, more than you can imagine!*
^both lions pant as kovu falls next to kion both of them having a moment of slight as they
look at each other's eyes, smiling and blushing, Kovu leans in and licks kion's maw making
kion blush*
^Kion surprising kovu gives him a deep tongue kissing^
^kovu places a paw on kion's face kissing back as they both blush hard kissing deeper and
^Their kissing are interrupt suddenly and unexpectedly by three figures in high speed flying,
doing circles and spirals, and sometimes touching and licking their anuses with their wings,
beaks and tongues, sometimes it was so much pleasure that without noticing they pooped.^
(Just one time I will mention this ok? Don't worry hehe)
^as both lions sit up they look up and see birds mating, kion looks and sees ono as one of
the birds^ *kion: ono!!?* ^he shouts surprising the egret^ (lol ok)
^Kovu sees zazu, and another bird who he wasn't so familiar with. *Kovu: Who is the black
bird?* *Kion: Name's Tamaa*, Ono, interrupting the mating flight, lands in a tree nearby with
zazu on his side of left wing, and tamaa on his side of right wing* *Ono: "How can we help
you both, your majesties? *The three birds bowing to them at the same time curving their left
wing, hidding for a little time their pregnant heavier bellie bulges too*
*kion: apologies for messing up your mating section, but I need an update on the pridelands,
is everything going while, and his are ur pregnancys going along?* ^kion asked concerning
for others as well as his friends, kovu couldn't help but smile at kion's worried some
*Ono: No need to worry your majesty. Zazu: All going well, although that's a important
question that I need to see king simba, immediately for personal reasons, you and kovu can
be on the reunion, my mate Nayri, and Anga, and the mate of Tamaa, are all taking care of
our last hatched eggs, we too got them pregnant. Tamaa: Hello your majesty king kovu,
name's Tamaa, nice to meet you.^
*Ono: And speaking for all, our pregnancies are all doing good, we're expecting to lay the
new 9 eggs in 5 to 6 months.*
*kovu: u-uhm nice to meet u too* *kion: kovu's it's ok u don't need to be nervous* *kovu:
gomen, I'm not use to being called King yet* ^he giggles as he feels more comfortable with
his tittle^ *kion: anyways zazu, dad is out right now, he's at the watering hole meeting with
the elephants and giraffes* ^he escalated^
*Zazu: Can you transmite to him, what I will reveal to you now?*
*kion: ofc, what is it?*
*Zazu: I'll retire sooner than expected by above royal reasons as my majordomo cargo,
permits, assuming as by royalt bloodline of Birdstain kingdom my grandfather's throne, my
father decided to live here in the pridelands, he's still alive, but abidicated from his next heir
position, so he passed it immediately for me!*
^kion shocked when he hears this^ *kion: I understand zazu, I'll tell my dad* ^he says
smiling, kovu leans in and hugs kion wanting to feel his mates embracement, as both of
them blush^
*Zazu: Thanks kion, but weren't done yet, Ono is the royal prince of Egtair and Tamaa is the
royal prince of Birma.* Ono: The position of smartest of the guard, will be assumed by one of
my already hatched son borned from me when zazu fucked me Kiah. Zazu: And the
majordomo cargo by the son I had when Tamaa fucked me Jiho.
^All the three birds are blushing heavier and getting excited for the final coming part of their
mating ritual.^ *Zazu if your majesties aren't occupied you both would like to see in first eye
how birds fuck?*
*kion: ahhh didn't need the details!!!* ^kion said covering their beaks as kovu tried not to
laugh^ *kion: just tell me who's the next in line for the keenest of sight is*
*kovu: n-not thanks zazu, we had enough mating for one day* *kion: indeed you three are
free to go*
*Ono: With Anga's retirement to take care of our chicks, the next in line is the first
egret-marshall eagle hybrid son named Haki.*
*Zazu: Before we leave, and how are yours majeties pregnancies going?*
*kion: going good for me and kovu, kovu isn't use to these types of things* *kovu: it's kinda
nerve-racking* *kion: don't worry I'm right here with u*
^kion is feeling tired as he is laying on kovu's chest kovu had his arm wraps around kion's
body keeping each other warm^
^ With the permission of the lions, doing a straight up maneuver till they're very very high in
the sky in some 5 to 6 km altitude, Ono, Tamaa and Zazu, and the higher point of their climb,
preparing for their free fall had join their talons gripping stronger locking them together, and
rubbing their cloacas, and penises in their anuses, started a free fall, diving with their wings
retracted for maximum speed, on the last second they saw both birds separating their claws
and cloacas from each other, and biting their wings fast to not have a straight down fall on
the ground, and giving a final louder bird caw.
*Kovu: zazu actually I'm intrigued, show me how birds mate* *kion: me too plz* ^they said
changing there minds^
*Zazu: And that's how, me, Ono, Tamaa, and our wives fucked too, of course we had that
traditional partner's back mounting. And to complete:
*Zazu: And that's how we mated.
*kovu was intrigued but then again uncomfortable, he doesn't like to judge but he was also
very interested in that topic, but uncomfortable by the high and the low altitude drops kovu
just smiled and licks kion making them both blush and making him feel better a bit^ *kovu:
that was interesting to watch, thanks zazu, see u all later* ^he says as they begin to fly
(And for the future of zazu's royal bloodline I added him mating his own consensualy to
guarantee him as next heir ok?
*Nyari, Tamaa's wife and Anga, were in the same three as their nests were been layed right
now, at the same time some of the previous hatchlings were seeing all the things, and their
fathers in their mating flight in the skies right above them*
^the hatchlings don't know how to fly yet, theyve been observing there fathers flying patterns
hoping to learn on there own, anga was looking after there hatchlings as her husbands fly
^Getting excited to see their husbands mating midair, they too wanted to try it, but first had to
ask their husbands if they can change places to watch their hatchlings^
^after the mating section the husbands flew towards there wife's, and landed on the nest
hugging there hatchlings^
*Anga: Me and the other wifes would like to fuck you all too *blushing as she said it**And
don't worry our hatchlings always saw us mating, so nothing to worry about it*
*ono: sure come join in~* ^he says ssmirking^
^Anga, Nyari, and Tamma's wife, join their claws with their respective husbands, their
hatchlings even been young with the age of 7 to 8 in years of bird, starting rubbing their
penises and cloacas, the wives and husbands locks their claws together midair and start
their higher climb to about 8 to 10 km of altitude^
After changing partners still in their middair mating:
*Ono was with Tamaa fucking his anus, in a middair flight as both Doing a straight up
maneuver till they're very very high in the sky, and at the higher point of their climb,
preparing for their free fall. had join their talons gripping stronger locking them together, and
rubbing their cloacas, started a free fall, diving with their wings retracted for maximum
speed, on the last second they saw both birds separating their claws and cloacas from each
other, and biting their wings fast to not have a straight down fall on the ground, and giving a
final louder bird caw.*
Then the hatchlings, Ono, Tamaa, Zazu and their wives had gone to sleep, after their
romantic day/night was over.
Next morning, midday hour:
*Ono was with Tamaa fucking his anus, in a middair flight as both Doing a straight up
maneuver till they're very very high in the sky, and at the higher point of their climb,
preparing for their free fall. had join their talons gripping stronger locking them together, and
rubbing their cloacas, started a free fall, diving with their wings retracted for maximum
speed, on the last second they saw both birds separating their claws and cloacas from each
other, and biting their wings fast to not have a straight down fall on the ground, and giving a
final louder bird caw.*
*while flying, Zazu passed the Duo. Seeing their passionate rough dogging. Getting a
Ono: "Want to join mate?" *He says locking his claws with Zazu's*
*zazu,blushing heavily, agrees*
Ono: "You know what to do by instinct my mate!"
*Zazu nips playfully at the duo and and rails both of the boys*
Ono: "Guide me, and lets see if you're a horny bird too." *He says blushing, waiting for Zazu
to begin their mating ritual*
*Zazu rails into Ono's ass and marks hickies all over his neck, hungrily. Wanting nothing
more than to make him his own*
(Good, can you do it equal the mating flight scene hehe, you can just copy and paste being
the pov of zazu now
*Zazu was fucking Ono in his anus, in middair flight as Zazu continues to nip and bite Ono's
neck and chest leaving hickies. *The two,gripping talons, rubbed their cloacas together. Zazu
felt his dick twitching inside Ono,and thrusted faster, making him moan in pleasure and
*As both begins from the higher of the flight started a free fall from the sky, still gripping
stronger locking them together by their talons and retracting closest as possible to their
bodies for maximum speed in a vertical straight free fall from 4 to 5 km up.
(as they fall they make out passionately while rubbing their cloacas together roughly and
claiming each other as there's)
*Having some meters before they hit the ground the free their claws from each other and
beat their wings faster to preserve altitude and speed giving both a louder bird mating caw*
*Meanwhile Anga and Nyari, the wifes of Ono and Zazu respectively, were watching from
their shared nest in a nearby three, they had begun to get excited seeing their mates fucking
each other... They're even laying their last eggs from this clutch of 8 eggs they had from their
previous matings, their other 4 children now old between 12 and 13 years of age in bird age,
were too getiing ecited seeing the fathers mating with each other, they're already trained in
how to properly mate.*
Anga and the females were laying their last eggs, the males are fucking midair and the
children are masturbating
*the kids look at each other, making sure their parents don't see, and fly off to go mate.*
*Passing 3 hours after the females and males the males can get pregnant too, lay their eggs
too, they had gone to sleep without noticing their other children haven't returned from their
hidden incest season*
*the kids find a secluded area and land. Each kid grabs another from the opposite family and
starts to pleasure them by licking, nipping and scratching their partner*
*they even mounted each other's backs and started fuck each other* Meanwhile in the
middle of the night, King simba, prince kovu, kiara, and the lion guard, with ono entering like
a missile in the guard's lair, that he simply gave a bird louder caw, awakening everyone in
*everyone awakes*
Kion: what's going on Ono?
Beshte: Yeah what's happening?
Ono: I was finishing my midair fucking with tamaa and zazu, and our wifes were laying the
last eggs, just we males were too, we awake during the night to feed and do a night hunt
training with our more older children, but they have simply dissapeared from our nest!
Fuli: I think I saw them fly a little ways north. It was while I was *fake coughs* "busy" with an
"assignment" with Azard."
Kion: You are... preg...
Fuli: Still to know kion.
Ono: Fuli you're sure you can?
Fuli: I can and I will Ono, always loved your feathered children.
*Fuli runs off to find the kids*
Also how old are you. Cause your really good at this.
Besthe: The males birds can get preg too?
Ono: Yes now come on!
*Ono guides the rest of the guard, except kion, to his home*
Kion: You can come out now.
*Vitani walks out from the shadows and up to kion, nuzzling his chest*
Vitani: What's happening my love, I heard suddenly that priderock is turning into a mess with
all the lions running?
Kion: it's nothing. Ono just couldn't find his kids. *He smirks devilishly at her and nips at her
ear playfully while pinning her to the ground*
Vitani: How do you say it's NOTHING!? *She runs to alert all her guard, to help Ono, not
even looking back to Kion*
*kion growls, lowly and fustrated. He had a boner and was trying to get that under control*
*Meanwhile the rest of the guard arrives in Ono's nest, and Fuli start to smell and difference
the specific children's smell, guiding everyone to the north area of the pridelands, Anga from
the sky, Nyari and Tamaa's wife were too smelling their children's scent and tracking them
*the kids are in a tree, pounding each other as a group, with the youngest at the front and
the oldest at the back. Fuli hears the mating of the kids and starts to get wet "down under".*
*meanwhile, Kovu was agitated at Kiara and was walking to the Lion Guard's den. When he
walked in he saw an agitated kion with a massive boner.*
*Fuli seeing that another smell scent started she prepared to be mounted by her cheetah
partner, meanwhile kovu arrives and fucks kion right away, 30 minutes after mounting him,
they changed places and kion fucks kovu, woth now more 30 minutes passing, they feel their
bodies getting adapted to get pregnant by another male lion (their respective partners kion X
kovu), as azaad mounted fuli on all fours, right away she wanted to finish to get pregnant by
the male cheetah.
Meanwhile, Anga seeing their own children fucking each other makes her landing on the
same branch of wood their children were fucking each other right now, and entices her
vagina, for ono to fuck her, so anga turned on her back and doing a straight up maneuver till
they're very very high in the sky, and then both birds had join their talons gripping stronger
locking them, and rubbing their cloacas, started a free fall, diving with their wings retracted,
on the last second they saw both birds separating their claws and cloacas from each other,
and biting their wings fast to not have a straight down fall on the ground, and giving a final
louder bird caw.*
*At the same time just after anga and ono, finished their final mating fall of the sky, zazu saw
her wife nyari positions herself the same way as Anga was previously, then zazu lock his
claws with nyari's and they too executed the dame maneuver as ono and anga, climbing to
12 km higher in the sky
*Azzard mounted Fuli and started to pound her pussy hungrily and ferociously, making the
female cheetah moan in pleasure and ecstasy*
*meanwhile Kovu and Kion were making sweet love, with Kovu's swollen thick brown cock
deep inside Kion's ass, pounding it with ferocious dominance*
*Finally tamaa and his wife too executed this midair mating movements equally and copied
from zazu nyari and ono anga movements
*After finishing the aerial mating, zazu x nyari, anga x ono, tamma x his wife, still seeing their
puppies fucking each other from biggest to smallest, they decide to participate in the orgy
and also fuck their own children, as in total they had nine puppies , he asks the third one
mounted to dismount his brother, and the sixth also dismount his other brother, so Anga
positions herself with her back to the first cub and the cub fucks his own mother in the
vagina, Ono at the end of the sexual pile, mounts the last of her cubs, who was fucking the
middle brother, who was also fucking the bottom brother, Nyari does the same position with
the second pile of cubs, and Zazu mounts them at the end, Tamma mounts the last pile of
cubs on the final while his wife is mounted by his own son at the front in this respective pile.*
*Kion and Kovu, seeing the birds being fucked, leave Fuli, leaving only Azaad to continue
their mating, after climbing the tree where the avian orgy was taking place, Kion mounts
Zazu, and Kovu, mounts Tamaa, with Ono after a while being set up by Azzad who, after
finishing with Fuli, left her masturbating watching the scene, after finishing their respective
orgies, 7 months in total pass: Azzad became pregnant with 3 hybrids after being fucked
later by zazu and kion, kion became pregnant with 5 hybrid puppies with zazu, kovu and
azaad, kovu got pregnant with azaad, kion and ono.*
*Ono became pregnant with zazu and tamaa and all their nine chicks, just as with zazu and
tamma the same thing happened, the 3 male birds having 9 more eggs each, their
respective wives became pregnant with 12 each, and each of the 9 chicks after making orgy
with all the other brothers and their relatives, everyone became pregnant with 18 eggs
Next generations - 1 month later this orgy...
One month after their mating and orgy, Kion had a hybrid male lion with wings named Kinon, Anga had laid 3 eggs from Kion's mating, and 2 eggs from a new mating with Ono.
As for the egret, he was finishing laying his 4 eggs, from his favor retribution from his new mating with Kion, just after the egret had mounted the lion's anus.
A Month After Kinon's Birth
The golden rays of dawn bathed the Pridelands in soft light, marking the start of another tranquil day. Since Kion and Anga's union, their lives had shifted into an uncharted chapter—one where love and legacy intertwined in ways no one had anticipated. The past month had brought challenges, joy, and a sense of profound transformation to their small but growing family.
Kinon, their firstborn hybrid son, was a living testament to the extraordinary bond they shared. His feathers shimmered with a delicate golden hue, blending seamlessly into a tawny coat that bore traces of his father's lineage. His wide, inquisitive eyes held a spark of curiosity, mirroring the adventurous spirit of both his parents. As he toddled clumsily around their perch, Anga watched him with pride and wonder, her maternal instincts sharper than ever.
"He's growing stronger every day," Kion remarked, his voice warm with affection as he observed his son. Kinon had begun to spread his tiny wings, attempting awkward hops that sent him tumbling into soft tufts of grass. Kion chuckled, padding over to nudge his son upright. "Soon, he'll be flying circles around all of us."
Anga tilted her head, her wings spreading slightly as she basked in the morning breeze. "Not if I teach him first," she teased, her beak curving into what could only be described as a smile. "You lions might be fast on the ground, but the skies are my domain."
Their playful banter was interrupted by the soft flutter of wings as Ono descended gracefully beside them. The egret, ever the composed observer, carried a mixture of pride and anticipation. A month ago, after a shared moment of deep trust and affection, Ono had mated with Anga, further cementing their unusual but harmonious family. Now, the eggs that resulted from their union rested safely in a carefully constructed nest, tended to with vigilance and care.
"Good morning, Kion. Anga," Ono greeted, his gaze briefly lingering on Kinon with fondness. "How's the little one today?"
"Full of energy," Anga replied, her voice carrying a note of exasperated fondness. "He's determined to fly before he can even run properly."
Ono chuckled softly, his feathers ruffling in amusement. "He takes after you both, then—eager to defy expectations."
Nearby, Zazu and Tamaa, the wise hornbill and the loquacious drongo, watched the interaction with interest. They had arrived early that morning, their presence a reminder of the expanding network of relationships within their unusual coalition. Zazu, always meticulous, had taken a keen interest in Kinon, marveling at the genetic blending that made him unique. Tamaa, in contrast, was more focused on storytelling, already crafting exaggerated tales of Kinon's fledgling attempts at flight.
"Mark my words," Tamaa declared, his voice carrying a dramatic flair, "this little one will be a legend! The first lion-bird hybrid to soar across the skies and roar across the savanna!"
Zazu rolled his eyes but couldn't hide a small smile. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Tamaa. He's barely out of the nest, so to speak."
As the morning unfolded, Anga excused herself briefly to check on her eggs, leaving Kion and Ono to watch over Kinon. The two males had grown closer in recent weeks, their shared bond with Anga creating an unexpected but welcome camaraderie. Ono, ever observant, had become something of a mentor to Kion in understanding the nuances of avian behavior—knowledge that Kion eagerly absorbed for the sake of his son.
"I must admit," Ono began, his tone thoughtful as he watched Kinon attempt another unsteady hop, "seeing him reminds me of my own early days. The determination, the curiosity... It's remarkable how much potential he holds."
Kion nodded, his gaze fixed on his son. "It's humbling, isn't it? Knowing that every step he takes, every milestone he reaches, is a result of all of us coming together."
Their conversation was interrupted by a series of excited squawks as Anga returned, her wings fluttering with barely contained excitement. "The eggs!" she exclaimed. "They're starting to move!"
The group hurried to the nest, where five eggs rested in a carefully constructed cradle of twigs and soft down feathers. The smallest trembled slightly, a faint tapping sound emanating from within. Anga leaned close, her eyes shining with a mixture of awe and anticipation. Kion stood beside her, his massive form towering protectively as he observed the fragile shells.
"It's happening," Anga whispered, her voice barely audible.
For the next hour, the group watched in rapt silence as the first egg cracked, revealing a tiny, damp chick with soft, white down. Ono stepped forward, his eyes brimming with emotion as he gently nuzzled the hatchling. "Hello, little one," he murmured.
One by one, the other eggs followed, each hatching into a unique blend of their parents' traits. Some bore striking white feathers like Ono, while others had hints of Anga's golden plumage. Their eyes, wide and bright, carried the promise of a future shaped by unity and acceptance.
As the sun reached its zenith, the group gathered to celebrate this new chapter. The sight of the hatchlings nestled safely in their nest filled them with hope, a reminder of the beauty that could emerge from embracing differences.
Later that evening, as the Pridelands settled into the gentle embrace of twilight, Kion and Anga sat together atop a rocky outcrop, Kinon dozing between them. The horizon stretched endlessly before them, a canvas of warm hues that seemed to echo the harmony they had found.
"It's incredible, isn't it?" Kion said, his voice soft. "How much has changed in just a month."
Anga nodded, her gaze fixed on the distant horizon. "And how much more there is to come. Our family, our lives... They're just beginning."
Their moment of quiet reflection was interrupted by Kinon stirring, his tiny wings flapping weakly in his sleep. They both chuckled, their laughter carrying into the night as the stars began to dot the sky. Together, they faced an uncertain but promising future, their bond strengthened by the new lives they had brought into the world.
One Peaceful Night on the Pridelands
The Pridelands stretched out in a calm, tranquil slumber under the quiet embrace of the night. The vast savanna was bathed in silver moonlight, the soft winds whispering through the trees and gently swaying the tall grass. The distant roar of a lion echoed from the shadows, but it was nothing more than a reminder of the land's natural pulse, a far-off cry, untouched by fear or conflict. For now, everything was still—peaceful.
Anga, perched upon a high rock outcrop, surveyed the landscape with quiet contentment. The long day had settled into the cool silence of the evening, and the once chaotic whirl of daily life had quieted into a moment of serene solitude. Her feathers, illuminated by the moon, shimmered in the soft light, and her eyes, sharp and knowing, never lost their keen awareness of the world around her.
Beside her, Ono sat, his expression reflective but calm. They had spent many nights like this before, the two of them perched in the quiet solitude of the Pridelands, watching the world around them unfold. But tonight was different. It felt like the air itself was holding its breath, the peace between them and their surroundings more pronounced than ever.
As the captain of the royal guard, Zazu was typically a figure of order and responsibility, tirelessly ensuring the protection of the Pride Lands. Yet tonight, he seemed to have set aside his usually stern demeanor, allowing himself a moment of respite, perched beside Tamaa, the ever-enthusiastic drongo, who was too busy observing the scenery to keep up with his usual chatter. Together, they were joined by Anga and Ono, all four of them reveling in the rare tranquility that had fallen over the land.
Despite the peacefulness, there was an undercurrent of connection that hummed through the group. They shared more than the quiet evening; the bond between them was one built on trust, respect, and, for Anga and Ono, something deeper still. The events of the past month had brought them closer in unexpected ways, shifting their relationships into something both familiar and new.
Anga turned to Ono, her eyes softening with the kind of affection that spoke volumes without words. Their mating, a union that had been unanticipated by many, was not without its complexities, but the love they shared for each other—and for the family they were building—was undeniable.
Zazu, ever the observant one, had noticed the shift in the dynamics between the two, though he refrained from commenting on it outright. Instead, he focused on the stars above, making a point to appreciate the beauty of the moment rather than delve into the complexity of their lives. He had, after all, seen much in his time as the royal advisor, and a little peace amidst all the change was something he knew to hold dear.
Tamaa, with his usual flair, was less concerned about the quiet serenity of the night. He couldn't help but whisper stories to himself as he watched the constellations above shift ever so slightly. "They say the stars guide us," he mused aloud, though the thought was more a passing comment than an actual reflection. "Maybe they guide us through the dark times, but also remind us of the light that's always just around the corner."
Anga, in her usual style, didn't offer a direct response to Tamaa's comment. Instead, she folded her wings slightly, shifting on her perch as she leaned closer to Ono. There was a certain strength in their silence, a shared understanding that transcended words.
"You know," Ono began softly, breaking the silence between them, his voice almost blending with the gentle breeze, "I sometimes forget what it was like before we found this balance. Before we found each other."
Anga's gaze softened, her feathers ruffling slightly in the night wind. "We're still finding it," she replied quietly, the weight of her words lingering in the stillness. "But we're on our way."
Zazu, catching the slight shift in the air, turned to face the two with a raised eyebrow. "We all have our roles to play," he said thoughtfully, his voice betraying the years of wisdom that came with his position. "But it's moments like these, with everything calm and settled, that we realize just how much we've come to rely on each other."
Tamaa shifted on his perch, adjusting his position as he looked up at the sky. "And the stars. Don't forget the stars. They've always been there, guiding us in ways we don't always understand."
There was a brief moment where all four of them were united by the quiet beauty of the night. The land, under the watchful eyes of its guardians, was safe—calm, for now. It was a rare moment of stillness where their bonds could be celebrated without the worry of tomorrow's battles, both internal and external.
But there was more beneath the surface than just the calm. The nature of their union was layered in complexity. Anga and Ono, though devoted to each other, were now intertwined in ways that others might find difficult to comprehend. Their shared moments, the mating that had brought about new life into the Pridelands, had shifted the way they all viewed family.
Anga had always held a deep respect for Ono, but this bond—this union—was new, uncharted territory. Despite the unconventional nature of their pairing, it was one that she had embraced fully. It was a new beginning for both of them, one marked by understanding and a shared purpose.
Ono, for his part, had always been the observer, the one who watched, analyzed, and thought before acting. Yet with Anga, he had allowed himself to trust—deeply. Their connection, built through shared moments of vulnerability, had woven an unbreakable thread between them. Ono found solace in their shared silence, in the way their presence alone was enough to calm his restless spirit.
As they sat in quiet contemplation, the gentle flicker of starlight above reminded them that the path ahead would not always be easy, nor would it always be predictable. But in this moment, all that mattered was the present—the peace they had created together and the lives they would continue to shape with love, respect, and understanding.
The stillness of the night stretched on, the world around them unchanged, save for the occasional rustle of leaves or the distant cry of a lion. Time, for a few precious hours, seemed to slow. The Pridelands were at peace, and for Anga, Ono, Zazu, and Tamaa, this rare moment of serenity was something to treasure—a reminder that even in the most tumultuous times, there could be quiet moments of beauty, of shared understanding, and of hope.
It was, perhaps, in these fleeting moments of peace that the true heart of the Pridelands could be found—not in the battles fought, but in the bonds forged, in the stillness where everything, for just a moment, was right.
The stillness of the night hung heavy in the air as Anga, Ono, Zazu, and Tamaa ascended into the sky, each wingbeat bringing them closer to a place where they could leave the world below behind. Their shared bond had already been established, a powerful connection between them that went beyond physical attraction—it was a deep-seated unity, something primal, something that could not be described with mere words. The night, the sky, the stars, and the wind—these things were silent witnesses to the moment that was unfolding.
They flew together, their bodies moving as one, locked in a perfect synchronization of motion. Their feathers brushed against one another, a delicate dance of touch and proximity. There was an undeniable power in this shared experience—the rhythm of their wings, the bond that connected them not just as individuals but as something more, something ancient and eternal.
As they flew higher, leaving the earth behind, the world below became a fading memory. It was just the four of them now, high above the Pridelands. Their flight was no longer just about the sky or the land; it was about them—the unity of their beings, the closeness they shared, and the moment they were entering together. The wind rushed around them as they climbed higher and higher, a shared feeling of exhilaration surging through their veins. With each powerful beat of their wings, they were lifting not just their bodies, but their spirits, pushing against the laws of gravity to reach something beyond their understanding.
They had flown together for many reasons, but tonight was different. Tonight was the culmination of a journey they had embarked upon long ago—a journey that would tie them to each other in ways that would transcend time. This was a moment of fecundation, of creation. The ritual had already begun the moment they had joined their bodies together, their hearts and spirits in perfect harmony.
At the peak of their flight, as they reached the highest point they could, their wings now moving in synchronized perfection, they felt it—a shift in the air, a current that seemed to pulse with an energy of its own. It was as though the very heavens were alive with the potential for creation. In this moment, they were not just birds. They were a part of something greater—a force of nature, participating in the cycle of life itself.
With claws locked together, they hovered for a brief, fleeting moment, the world beneath them now a blur. The air was thin and cold at this height, but their shared heat—the warmth of their connection—was enough to keep them grounded in the here and now. In this space, there was nothing but the four of them—their shared breath, their shared body language, the deep rhythm of their hearts.
And then, with a sudden, almost instinctual movement, they began their descent. Slowly at first, spiraling down, but with increasing speed as their descent became more controlled. The wind rushed around them, louder and louder, a chorus that matched the quickening beat of their hearts. The world beneath them drew closer with each passing second. They were falling, but they were not afraid. They were falling together, and in that shared moment of freefall, they felt a sense of surrender, an acceptance of the forces that had brought them to this place.
Their bodies pressed together more closely as they plummeted, the friction between their feathers sending electric shivers through them. The air was a blur of motion, and yet, in this blur, they were perfectly in sync, every movement an extension of the other's. The intensity of their connection deepened, and it was then, in the very heart of their fall, that the moment of fecundation came.
The act was primal, a natural culmination of their shared bond, the powerful energy of life flowing through them. It was not just physical; it was spiritual, an act that carried with it the weight of generations past and those yet to come. They had united their bodies in perfect synchrony, and now, in the shared moment of creation, they were one—not just in spirit, but in purpose. The energy they had built together reached its peak, an explosion of unity and purpose that would echo throughout their very beings.
For a fleeting instant, time seemed to stop. They were suspended between two worlds—the one they had left behind and the one that awaited them. It was a moment of absolute clarity, a moment that transcended all understanding. And then, as the earth rushed toward them, they broke apart with a final beat of their wings.
Their claws separated, but their bond was unbroken. With a final call, loud and triumphant, they released the tension that had built between them, sending it spiraling into the vastness of the sky. The world around them was still, the night air calm once more as they began their descent, returning to the earth below.
As they neared the ground, the feeling of togetherness did not fade—it was as if their connection had deepened, become more profound. They had completed the ritual, a sacred moment that would be etched into their very beings forever. Their spirits were aligned, their hearts in sync. There was no going back from this, no undoing the bond they had forged. It was a bond that would last through the cycles of time, an eternal connection that would tie them together across lifetimes.
The Pridelands stretched out below them, peaceful and still, a silent witness to the sacred ritual that had just taken place. They landed softly on the earth, their wings settling gently by their sides, but the bond they shared was unbreakable, forged in the heart of the sky.
And though their mating had come to an end, the power of their union—of the fecundation they had created—remained with them, a living force that would guide them, protect them, and remind them of the sacred bond they had shared high above the world. They were no longer just birds—they were something greater, united in a way that only the sky, the wind, and the stars could truly understand.
The Offspring from the First Flight
When the four avian companions—Anga, Ono, Zazu, and Tamaa—landed softly on the fertile ground of the Pridelands, their spirits were buoyed by the profound experience they had shared. The bonds they forged had already begun to bear fruit in the form of seven eggs, each representing the fusion of their unique traits and strengths:
1. Esta – A striking hybrid of Tamaa and Ono, with black and white feathers that shimmered under the moonlight, showcasing the drongo's elegance and the egret's grace.
2. Jise – Born of Zazu and Ono, a vibrant drongo-hornbill hybrid whose multicolored plumage reflected a kaleidoscope of life's beauty.
3. Yuaf – A colorful creation of Tamaa and Zazu, their hornbill-drongo offspring boasting a tail that fanned out in radiant, dazzling hues.
4. Kuzaliwa upya kwa ndege – Meaning "Rebirth of Birds," this majestic chick, shared by Tamaa, Ono, and the martial eagle, had jet-black feathers and piercing yellow eyes, embodying strength and mystery.
5. Mchana – A child of Ono and the male peacock, whose blue and white feathers shone like the midday sky, a symbol of purity and elegance.
6. Usiku – A breathtaking offspring of Ono, Zazu, and the falcon-hawk, adorned with vivid, almost glowing feathers that reflected the vast spectrum of colors in the night.
7. Zuna – The result of Zazu and the martial eagle's union, whose strong, colorful body was both a testament to resilience and the merging of different lineages.
The eggs rested in the protective nests scattered across the Pridelands, cradled by soft down and warm feathers, awaiting their time to hatch and take flight.
A New Ritual: Welcoming New Partners
After their descent, the group's connection with one another had not waned; instead, it evolved. Their newfound unity opened a path for the inclusion of other partners, each bringing unique qualities to the group. Joining them now were three majestic males:
* A male peacock, whose vivid, iridescent tail feathers caught the starlight. His graceful demeanor complemented Zazu's sharp wit and leadership.
* A male falcon-hawk, with a sleek body and swift, agile movements. His presence added a dynamic energy, particularly resonating with Tamaa's bold spirit.
* A martial eagle, embodying power and wisdom. His commanding stature and golden gaze struck a natural harmony with Ono's wisdom and sensitivity.
The Pridelands air grew electric once more as the eight birds prepared for a second flight, this time embracing their new companions in an extended mating ritual. Their shared purpose remained the same: to celebrate life, unity, and the continuation of their lineages.
The Second Flight: A Symphony of Wings
As the group ascended into the night sky, their formation was a mesmerizing display of coordination and beauty. Each bird locked claws with a partner, their wings flapping in rhythmic unison as they climbed higher and higher. The new males, though new to the ritual, fell into sync effortlessly, guided by the collective rhythm.
Zazu flew alongside the peacock, their vibrant colors blending in a dazzling display. Tamaa soared with the falcon-hawk, their movements bold and sharp as they twirled through the air. Ono and the martial eagle rose in a powerful duet, their combined strength propelling them forward with unmatched grace. Anga remained connected to the group, weaving between them, her presence grounding and unifying.
At 10 kilometers high, the ritual reached its peak. Once again, claws interlocked, bodies pressed closer, and wings beat faster, the physical closeness amplifying their shared energy. The friction of feathers, the rhythmic movement, and the shared exhilaration created an almost tangible current of life that flowed between them. Each bird's unique characteristics—the peacock's elegance, the falcon-hawk's agility, the eagle's power—added a new dimension to the ritual.
When the moment of creation came, it was a shared explosion of unity and purpose, each pair contributing their energy to the collective force of life. As before, they began their freefall, bodies pressed even closer, their descent a physical manifestation of their shared journey.
A New Generation in the Making
As they broke apart in mid-air, their triumphant calls echoed through the Pridelands, a symphony of caws, squawks, and cries that proclaimed their success. This flight had not only deepened their connection but also expanded their lineage.
Upon their return to the ground, the group gathered in a circle, their feathers ruffled and glowing with vitality. The eggs from this second ritual would soon join the others, marking the beginning of a larger, interconnected family.
Zazu, Tamaa, and Ono took a moment to share a knowing look with their new partners, the peacock, the falcon-hawk, and the martial eagle. There was no need for words; the bond they had forged in the sky spoke volumes.
Anga, watching from a short distance, felt a deep satisfaction. Though she had not joined the pairings, her presence and role as a guide and unifier were invaluable. Together, they were not just individuals—they were a community, bound by shared experiences, trust, and the unbreakable cycles of life.
The Offspring of the Second Mating Flight
The second mating flight, conducted high above the Pridelands, was a profound and transformative event. Following the powerful union of Anga, Ono, Zazu, and Tamaa, the addition of new partners further solidified the sense of unity among the group. As the ritual unfolded, new lives were created in the ethereal heights of the sky, marking the beginning of a new generation.
This time, the offspring were a beautiful and diverse blend of traits from their various parents, resulting in a group of ten eggs that would soon hatch into magnificent birds, each embodying the strengths and characteristics of the avian family.
The Offspring from the Second Flight
1. Kuna Msera Mwro – Born from Ono and the male peacock, Kuna had brilliant blue and white feathers, his plumage reflecting the same iridescence as his father. His graceful movements carried the elegance of a peacock, but with a sharper, more assertive energy inherited from Ono.
2. Myi – The offspring of Tamaa and the male falcon-hawk, Myi's feathers were a striking mixture of bold, swift brown and grey with streaks of orange. His eyes were sharp, reflecting the speed and precision of his falcon-hawk parent, while his slender wings echoed the grace and strength of Tamaa.
3. Ahe – A child of Zazu and the male eagle, Ahe's features were marked by majestic golden-brown feathers with darker streaks along the wings. His eyes held an intense gaze, with sharp vision inherited from his eagle parent. His movements, though powerful, had a reserved grace, reminiscent of Zazu's composed nature.
4. Chi – Born from Zazu and the male peacock, Chi exhibited a vivid combination of blue and green feathers with accents of gold. His tail feathers fanned out in a stunning display of iridescence, signaling the peacock's influence, while his intelligence mirrored that of Zazu, making him quick-witted and perceptive.
5. Kuja – A child of Tamaa and the martial eagle, Kuja carried the legacy of both parents. His feathers were a deep, dark brown, with piercing yellow eyes and an imposing stature. His wings were wide and powerful, making him a natural at soaring through the sky with strength and grace.
6. Mrem – A mix of Ono and the male falcon-hawk, Mrem had sleek, dark feathers streaked with grey. His sharp, angular wings made him an incredibly agile flier, while his keen eyes captured every detail around him. His presence was dignified, much like Ono's calm yet focused nature.
7. Kita – The offspring of Zazu and the male falcon-hawk, Kita had vibrant feathers, predominantly light grey and streaked with soft blues. Her swift wings reflected the falcon-hawk's agility, but her sharp beak and strategic mind mirrored Zazu's leadership qualities.
8. Mandaji – The child of Tamaa and the male peacock, Mandaji inherited a stunning tail, long and multicolored, while her body was lithe and agile. Her personality was a blend of confidence and charm, with an inner strength inherited from both parents.
9. Yupo – A child of Zazu and the martial eagle, Yupo had the strong, muscular build of an eagle, with dark brown feathers and striking yellow eyes. His large wings spread wide, allowing him to navigate the winds with ease. Yupo's regal stature was matched by a calm demeanor, much like his father, Zazu.
10. Kvuna – The offspring of Ono and the male peacock, Kvuna's feathers were a beautiful mixture of vibrant blues and whites, with a shimmering, almost iridescent quality. Her movements were graceful and fluid, reflecting her peacock heritage, yet her eyes carried the sharpness of Ono's insightful gaze.
The Second Flight: More Detailed Rituals
The second mating flight was a momentous occasion for the entire group. After landing from their first flight, Anga, Ono, Zazu, and Tamaa prepared for a new series of union flights with their new partners. This time, the entire group would participate, each bird mating with a new partner in a synchronized ritual of flight, connection, and creation.
The air was thick with anticipation as the birds spread their wings and prepared to take to the skies once more. Their hearts were in unison, ready to embrace the life-giving energy of the ritual. The feeling of shared purpose was palpable, and with each beat of their wings, they felt a deep connection to each other and to the earth below.
Zazu and the Peacock: A Dance of Elegance and Power
Zazu, with his sharp wit and keen eyes, was paired with the majestic male peacock. The peacock's iridescent feathers caught the light of the setting sun as he stretched his wings wide, ready for flight. Zazu, equally graceful, prepared for their flight with deliberate concentration. The two birds locked claws and ascended together, their wings in perfect sync. As they soared higher into the sky, Zazu's sharp, quick movements were complemented by the peacock's elegant, slow flaps.
Once they reached their highest point, the mating ritual began. Zazu pressed closer to the peacock, their bodies aligning as the rhythm of their flight matched the tempo of their hearts. The peacock's tail feathers brushed against Zazu's sides, adding an extra layer of sensation as they glided toward the ground in a controlled freefall. Their claws remained locked, and in that moment, they shared a profound union, the creation of life beginning in the space between them.
Their call rang out as they pulled apart, the sacred act of mating fulfilled. Together, they soared back toward the earth, their hearts still entwined in the afterglow of the ritual.
Tamaa and the Falcon-Hawk: Speed and Precision
Tamaa, with her fiery spirit and bold energy, was paired with the male falcon-hawk, a bird known for its speed and precision. Their union was swift and dynamic, each movement in the flight a perfect balance of agility and strength. Tamaa and the falcon-hawk locked claws and climbed higher into the sky, their wings cutting through the air with incredible speed.
As they reached their peak, they separated briefly, allowing their instincts to guide them through the next phase. The falcon-hawk's sharp movements were a perfect complement to Tamaa's bold nature. Together, they dove toward the earth, their bodies pressed closer as they descended in a shared rush of exhilaration.
When they reached the ground, their union complete, the two birds broke apart, their calls echoing in the air. Tamaa and the falcon-hawk's connection was intense, their mating flight a testament to the power of speed, precision, and unity.
Ono and the Martial Eagle: Strength and Wisdom
Ono, the wise and serene bird, was paired with the martial eagle, a bird known for its strength and keen vision. Their mating flight was a powerful and measured experience, with the eagle's broad wings creating a steady rhythm that complemented Ono's calm, focused energy. Together, they ascended higher and higher into the sky, their bodies perfectly in sync as they reached the pinnacle of their flight.
The descent was a slow and deliberate fall, the wind rushing beneath them as their bodies came closer and closer. With each moment, their connection grew deeper, and as they reached the earth, they broke apart, their call resounding through the skies. Their union was a harmonious balance of strength and wisdom, each trait contributing to the creation of new life.
The Entire Group: A Unified Mating Ritual
As the entire group participated in the mating ritual, the sky seemed to glow with energy. Each bird, paired with a new partner, was engaged in the same sacred act of creation. The flight was a symphony of movements, each bird's unique energy blending together in perfect harmony.
The pairs ascended higher, their wings cutting through the air with purpose. As they reached the peak of their flight, the moment of union arrived. Claws interlocked, bodies pressed close, and wings flapped in unison. The birds dove toward the earth, their shared connection filling the air with a powerful current of energy.
As they broke apart and landed, the group shared a moment of silent understanding. They had completed their sacred act, and the offspring that would emerge from this ritual would carry their legacy into the future.
The Circle of Life
With the second mating ritual complete, the group knew that the next stage of their journey had begun. The eggs, now nestled safely in their nests, would soon hatch, bringing new life into the world. Each of these new beings would carry within them the strength, wisdom, and beauty of their parents, creating a new generation that would continue the cycle of life in the Pridelands.
In the weeks that followed, the eggs began to hatch, one by one. The first cries of the newborn birds echoed through the air as they emerged from their shells, their eyes blinking in the light of the world. The group, now expanded, gathered around the newborns, their hearts swelling with pride.
The circle of life had come full circle. From the union of the birds, life had been created, and with each new generation, the legacy of unity, strength, and love would continue to thrive in the Pridelands.
The Third Mating Flight and the New Clutch
Following their successful second mating flight, the group of birds prepared for the next phase of their sacred ritual. As the bond between the members of the group continued to deepen, the third mating flight was to mark another step in their shared journey. Each of the birds—Anga, Ono, Zazu, and Tamaa—had found new partners for this round, and together they would engage in the third round of mating rituals, which would bring forth the next generation.
The third clutch of eggs was anticipated to be a reflection of the strength and unity they had built, not only as individuals but as a cohesive family. Their shared purpose was clear: to honor the circle of life and pass on their legacy.
The New Pairs
In this new phase, the relationships had evolved, and the dynamics between the birds continued to grow more intricate. As always, the flight was a deeply symbolic act, but now there was an added layer of anticipation and excitement. The following are the new pairings and their resulting offspring:
1. Anga and the Male Crane – The regal Anga, known for her intelligence and power, was now paired with a male crane. Their connection brought forth the creation of Ta, a bird whose plumage mirrored that of the crane—elegant and white, yet speckled with dark feathers. Ta inherited Anga's sharp instincts and intelligence, paired with the crane's gracefulness and poise.
2. Ono and the Male Owl – Ono, with his calm and focused nature, was paired with a male owl, a bird known for its wisdom and keen senses. Their union produced Kin, a young owl with large, expressive eyes and soft, brown feathers. Kin carried Ono's serenity and wisdom, as well as the owl's nocturnal habits, allowing him to navigate the darkness with unmatched ease.
3. Zazu and the Male Falcon – Zazu, a bird of leadership and precision, was now mated with a male falcon, an agile and swift bird. Their offspring, Ki, had sleek, dark feathers with a sharp, aggressive energy. Ki was known for his swiftness, his wings cutting through the air with incredible speed, a perfect reflection of both Zazu's strategic mind and the falcon's speed.
4. Tamaa and the Male Eagle – Tamaa, with her boldness and sharp edge, was paired with a powerful male eagle. Their offspring, Ji, inherited the eagle's strength and sharp vision, but with a more tempered and thoughtful demeanor from Tamaa. Ji grew to be an eagle with swift movements and precise instincts, embodying a perfect balance of power and grace.
5. Ono and the Male Harrier – Ono's pairing with the male harrier resulted in Yur, a bird with a strong, determined will. Yur's sharp eyes and strong wings were a blend of Ono's focused nature and the harrier's resilience. His feathers were primarily a mix of gray and brown, with white streaks running along his wings, making him a striking figure in flight.
6. Anga and the Male Hawk – Anga's pairing with the male hawk brought forth Gen, a bird whose powerful wings and intense gaze were an embodiment of the hawk's predatory instincts. Gen inherited Anga's agility and strength, making him a swift and capable hunter, skilled in both aerial maneuvers and ground-based pursuits.
7. Zazu and the Male Sparrowhawk – Zazu's union with a male sparrowhawk produced Mchredo, a bird with a mixture of soft brown and gray feathers. Mchredo was quick on his feet and had a sharp mind, able to observe the smallest movements and adapt with precision. His instincts for survival were a balance of Zazu's strategic intellect and the sparrowhawk's sharp hunting techniques.
8. Tamaa and the Male Kestrel – Tamaa's pairing with the male kestrel resulted in Siko, a bird whose agile form and sharp focus were an asset to the group. Siko's plumage was a combination of fiery red and gold, reflecting both Tamaa's bold spirit and the kestrel's predatory grace. Siko was known for his ability to spot prey from great distances, making him one of the best scouts of the group.
9. Anga and the Male Goshawk – Anga, ever the tactician, was paired with a male goshawk. Their offspring, Neto, was a swift, determined bird with striking dark feathers. Neto was known for his focus and speed, able to navigate through the trees and skies with precision. His strength came from his parents' qualities: Anga's intelligence and the goshawk's fierce hunting abilities.
The Third Mating Flight Ritual
As the day of the third mating flight arrived, the birds were ready for the sacred ritual. The previous two flights had been powerful and transformative, and this new flight promised to be no different. Anga, Ono, Zazu, and Tamaa, together with their new partners, gathered at the highest point of the Pridelands to begin their journey.
The air was alive with excitement and energy as the birds took flight. The new pairs soared higher into the sky, their wings beating in unison. Anga and her partner, the male crane, ascended gracefully, their wings gliding through the air in a synchronized dance. As they reached their peak, they locked claws and descended, their bodies drawing closer, forming a bond that transcended the physical. With a final push, they broke apart and let out a powerful call, marking the moment of fecundation.
Ono and the male owl followed, their flight just as elegant and deliberate. Their claws locked, and their wings cut through the air in precise rhythm. As they descended together, they shared a deep, silent connection. Ono's calm energy complemented the owl's nocturnal instincts, and together they experienced a bond that felt both ancient and timeless. As they reached the earth, they separated, their call ringing through the air, signifying the end of their mating flight.
Zazu and his falcon partner were next. Their flight was swift and sharp, each movement calculated with precision. Zazu's quick reflexes were perfectly matched with the falcon's agility, making for an exhilarating descent. As their bodies pressed together, they experienced a rush of energy, and their call echoed throughout the land, signaling the creation of life.
Tamaa and the male eagle's flight was filled with power and grace. Their bodies moved in perfect synchronization, their wings creating a strong current as they ascended high into the sky. With their claws locked, they descended together, the force of their flight filling the air with an almost palpable energy. As they separated and their call rang out, they knew their bond had been sealed.
As each pair completed their flight, the group landed together, their hearts still racing from the shared experience. They gathered around, their calls ringing through the Pridelands, marking the beginning of a new life.
The Birth of the Third Clutch
Weeks later, the eggs that had been laid during the third mating flight began to hatch. The first cries of the newborns were heard as they broke free from their shells, their eyes blinking in the light of the world. Each new life was a reflection of the union between their parents, embodying a unique blend of traits.
Ta, Kin, Ki, Ji, Yur, Gen, Mchredo, Siko, and Neto began to spread their wings, each of them growing stronger with every passing day. Their parents watched over them with pride, knowing that they were the next generation to carry on the legacy of unity, strength, and love.
And so, the circle of life continued. The birds had completed their third mating ritual, and new life had emerged from their shared connection. The group, now larger and stronger, knew that their bond was unbreakable. They had created something beautiful together, and they would continue to soar through the skies, united in purpose, until the end of their days.
The Fourth Mating Flight: A New Clutch
The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and purple as the birds prepared for their fourth mating flight. After three successful rounds, each more meaningful than the last, the group had grown even more connected, with each bird knowing its role within the union. Zazu, Ono, Tamaa, and Anga had now been joined by their respective partners, and they were ready to create another generation. This time, there was a renewed sense of purpose in the air as the birds prepared for their flight.
The Pairs for the Fourth Mating Ritual
The same pairs from the previous round were now ready for this ritual:
* Anga and the Male Crane: The regal and powerful Anga was again paired with the male crane, their relationship growing deeper with each passing flight. Their flight had become something almost sacred, a shared experience that neither could imagine living without.
* Ono and the Male Owl: Ono and the male owl had formed a deep, almost mystical bond, one that transcended mere physical connection. Their calm natures complemented each other perfectly, creating an atmosphere of trust and understanding.
* Zazu and the Male Falcon: Zazu, ever the strategist, and the male falcon, whose swift movements mirrored Zazu's own sharp instincts, were ready to engage in the mating flight again. Their unity was one of pure energy, filled with precision and grace.
* Tamaa and Asrea, the Male Eagle: Tamaa's fierce spirit, paired with Asrea's power and strength, had already resulted in a successful mating. The bond between them had only grown, and their flight was a reflection of the energy they shared.
* The Male Harrier, the Male Hawk, and the Male Sparrowhawk: These strong, agile birds were the same partners as before. Their connection to their mates was built on shared strength, quick reflexes, and a keen understanding of the world around them.
* The Male Kestrel and the Male Goshawk: These final two birds had found themselves equally drawn to Tamaa and Zazu. Their flight was one filled with intensity, each bird matching the other's passion and energy.
The Ritual Flight
As the birds took their positions, they climbed higher into the sky. With each wingbeat, they soared upward, gaining altitude and power. The wind rushed past them, tugging at their feathers, but they were unwavering, focused only on the flight, on the connection between them and their mates. Anga and the crane, with their wings in perfect synchronization, led the group, their bodies gliding effortlessly through the air. The others followed, each bird moving in harmony with its partner.
As they ascended, their wings working in perfect unity, there was a quiet understanding between them all. They were no longer just individuals; they were a collective, bound by a shared purpose and experience. With each beat of their wings, they pushed higher into the sky, climbing higher and higher until they were nearly out of sight, until the world below seemed distant and small.
The moment of release came when they reached their peak, the highest point of the flight. There was a sudden silence as the birds locked claws, and for a split second, everything seemed to freeze. The weight of the connection, the bond they had created, was palpable. Then, with a sudden force, they broke apart, and the descent began.
The free fall was exhilarating, a rush of wind and motion as the birds plummeted toward the ground below. It was as if they had shed everything, leaving only the pure, instinctual connection between them and their mates. In this moment, nothing else existed. There was no past, no future—just the flight, the descent, and the bond they shared.
As they approached the ground, the birds separated slightly, but their connection was still present. They could feel the energy between them, the shared physical sensation, as though their very beings were intertwined. Their claws separated, and with a final, triumphant call, they completed the mating act. The energy between them was palpable, and they knew that this flight had created the next generation.
Each of the birds felt the rush of satisfaction and fulfillment that came with such a sacred act. They had once again shared their strength, their passion, and their unity, creating life in a way that was far beyond the physical realm. This was not merely a mating ritual—it was an act of connection, of creation, of deep, mutual respect.
The New Clutch
The days following the flight were filled with a quiet anticipation. The eggs would soon be laid, and new life would emerge. The new clutch of eggs, carried by Zazu, Ono, Tamaa, and Anga, was eagerly awaited. The birds knew that each egg represented something beautiful, a reflection of the bonds they had formed. They knew that their young would carry on their legacy, each one inheriting the best qualities of their parents and their partners.
In time, the eggs began to hatch, one by one. The first cries of the newborns filled the air, and the group watched in awe as the new generation began to spread its wings. The eggs laid during this flight produced:
* Nzui: A bird with striking white feathers and a keen sense of awareness, Nzui was a blend of Tamaa's strength and the crane's grace.
* Haki: With piercing eyes and dark, sleek feathers, Haki inherited Ono's calm demeanor and the owl's quiet wisdom.
* Zun: A bird with bold red and gold feathers, Zun reflected Zazu's sharp mind and the falcon's speed.
* Asu: Strong and determined, Asu carried the power of the eagle and the resilience of Tamaa.
* Kibu: A light, quick bird with brown and black feathers, Kibu reflected the harrier's speed and the hawk's agility.
* Mwin: A mix of agility and intellect, Mwin inherited the sparrowhawk's keen senses and Zazu's strategic mind.
* Yur: A vibrant bird with blue and green feathers, Yur carried the keen vision of the kestrel and the power of the goshawk.
* Mchan: A bird with vivid yellow eyes, Mchan inherited the falcon-hawk hybrid's sharp instincts and swift movements.
* Sikya: With a graceful posture, Sikya carried the intelligence of the crane and the strength of the eagle.
* Mse: A quiet, observant bird, Mse took after Ono, with the owl's wisdom and the falcon's precision.
* Nakuona: A beautiful, fiery bird, Nakuona reflected the strong bond of Tamaa and Asrea, combining their strength and intelligence.
* Mri: With deep, dark feathers, Mri was born from the powerful union of Tamaa and Asrea, with the eagle's imposing presence and Tamaa's boldness.
* Tyure: A bird with sharp vision and an inquisitive nature, Tyure inherited the wisdom of the owl and the power of the eagle.
The Fifth Mating Flight: A New Ritual of Connection
As the birds prepared for their fifth mating flight, there was an aura of anticipation in the air. After the last successful flight and the arrival of the new offspring, the group had become even more connected. The union of their spirits and bodies during these mating rituals had solidified bonds not just between the birds and their mates but also among the entire group. Their flights had become a symbol of shared creation, and each ritual was not merely an act of reproduction, but an expression of unity, power, and the continuity of life.
This time, new bonds had formed and new pairs had emerged, ready to share in the sacred ritual. The newly formed pairs for this flight were:
* Anga and the Male Harrier: Anga, the graceful and powerful bird, now paired with the harrier. Together, they would form a perfect balance of strength and swiftness, with the harrier's sharp instincts and Anga's precision.
* Ono and the Male Kestrel: Ono, ever calm and measured, had found harmony with the kestrel, a bird known for its intelligence and agility. This pairing was one of mutual respect, as both birds understood the importance of calculated movements and careful timing.
* Zazu and the Male Goshawk: Zazu's sharp mind and quick reflexes found a perfect match in the goshawk. The goshawk's powerful flight mirrored Zazu's own determination, and together they represented a dynamic union of strength and intellect.
* Tamaa and Asrea, the Male Martial Eagle: Tamaa and Asrea continued to be a formidable pair, their bond deepening with each flight. The martial eagle, with its commanding presence, brought power to their union, and together they created a perfect synergy of strength and grace.
* The Male Falcon-Hawk and the Male Sparrowhawk: These two birds, whose combined energy had proven successful in previous flights, were once again paired with Tamaa and Zazu. Their agile and swift movements were in perfect harmony with their partners, creating an intense and harmonious flight.
The Ritual Flight: A Journey of Creation
The birds took flight once again, the wind under their wings, the sky stretching wide and endless above them. With each beat of their wings, they ascended, gaining altitude until the ground below seemed like a distant memory. As they flew higher, their bodies moved in perfect sync with each other. Each bird was focused on the ritual at hand, on the shared experience of flight and union.
As they soared together, there was a deep understanding among the group. The flight was not just an act of mating; it was a spiritual journey. Each wingbeat was an affirmation of life, each movement a testament to the shared bonds that connected them all. The air was filled with a sense of purpose, and the birds felt a profound connection with the sky, the earth, and each other.
When they reached their peak, there was a moment of stillness. The air grew quiet, and for a brief moment, time seemed to slow. The birds locked their claws and embraced the stillness of the high skies. Then, with a rush of motion, they separated and began their descent.
The free fall was exhilarating, an unspoken understanding between the birds as they tumbled through the sky. The wind rushed past them, pulling at their feathers, but they were unwavering, focused only on each other. In this moment, they were united—not just in body, but in spirit. Their shared experience was something beyond physical; it was a connection that transcended time and space, something sacred and ancient.
As they neared the ground, they spread their wings to slow their fall, their bodies still connected in a deep, intimate bond. The descent was an act of surrender, of trusting one another completely. And as they touched down, the act of creation was complete.
With a final call, a loud and triumphant cry that echoed through the skies, they knew that new life would soon be born from this union. Their bond, solidified in flight, would bring forth a new generation, just as the previous generations had.
The New Clutch of Eggs
Days passed, and soon the eggs from this flight were laid. The group watched eagerly as the new generation took shape within the eggs, waiting for the day when they would hatch and join the world.
The new clutch of eggs, carried by Zazu, Ono, Tamaa, and Anga, produced a new generation of offspring:
* Kuha: A bird with dark feathers and a sharp eye for detail, Kuha was quick and intelligent, a perfect blend of Ono's calm intellect and the kestrel's precision.
* Mehe: With vibrant feathers and a keen sense of direction, Mehe inherited the energy of the goshawk and the determination of Zazu. It was clear that Mehe would be a leader among the new generation.
* Marefe: A bird with sleek feathers and an innate understanding of the wind, Marefe was a perfect mix of Tamaa's strength and the harrier's agility.
* Meto: Strong and bold, Meto took after Asrea, with the same commanding presence and powerful wings.
* Puho: Agile and fast, Puho reflected the sparrowhawk's speed and the falcon-hawk's versatility. Puho was destined to be a quick and decisive bird.
* Chio: With bright eyes and a curious nature, Chio inherited the intelligence of the kestrel and the perceptiveness of the owl. Chio would grow to be a thinker, always analyzing and calculating.
* Mra: A bird with deep, dark feathers and an instinct for survival, Mra took after Tamaa's powerful presence and Asrea's sharp vision.
* Nakuona: A beautiful bird with striking markings, Nakuona inherited the resilience of the harrier and the quiet wisdom of the owl.
* Nguvu: With a strong build and powerful wings, Nguvu reflected the strength of Asrea and the boldness of Tamaa.
The Last Sunlight of the Day: A New Generation in the Making
As the sun began to dip low, casting its warm, golden rays across the horizon, the sky was a canvas of colors—shades of pink, orange, and gold reflected in the feathers of the birds as they returned from their flight. It had been a long and intense journey, one that had left them all breathless and connected in ways that words could scarcely capture.
The first mating flight had been a shared experience of unity, a bonding of bodies and spirits. Now, as the day came to a close, the birds prepared for their final moments of connection for that day. The flight had been exhilarating, but there was an undeniable sense of satisfaction, as though the very air itself had been transformed by their presence.
As they settled down on a tranquil part of the Pridelands, the group shared a quiet moment of reflection. The sun, now casting its last rays over the land, seemed to shimmer and vibrate with life. The air was thick with the promise of new beginnings, and the group felt it. The bonds they had forged with one another, through shared flight and union, would now bring forth new life.
The birds had just completed their mating act, and the energy still buzzed in the air. Now, the true magic of creation was unfolding. Each of the pairs, still feeling the connection from the ritual, knew that new life was now within them, incubating, waiting for the day to hatch.
As the light waned, and the sky darkened, the pairings for this final mating act of the day took shape. They were:
* Anga and the Male Harrier: Anga, strong and graceful, remained paired with the harrier, their bond growing ever deeper as they shared in the final moments of their mating ritual. The harrier's fierce energy, paired with Anga's elegance, made them a perfect pair to carry on the legacy of strength and agility.
* Ono and the Male Kestrel: Ono, calm and thoughtful, remained paired with the kestrel, their union one of quiet understanding. The kestrel's sharp eyes and swift movements mirrored Ono's own calm precision, and together they would pass on their wisdom to the next generation.
* Zazu and the Male Goshawk: Zazu, ever the leader, now shared an even deeper bond with the goshawk. Their union, a blend of sharp intellect and bold determination, was a reflection of Zazu's own strength and strategic mind.
* Tamaa and Asrea, the Male Martial Eagle: The bond between Tamaa and Asrea had become unbreakable, their powerful flight a symbol of their unity. Asrea's presence brought a sense of command and focus, while Tamaa's strength and grace brought balance.
* The Male Falcon-Hawk and the Male Sparrowhawk: With the shared flight of these two dynamic and swift birds, Tamaa and Zazu found themselves in a deepening connection. Their offspring from this union would carry the legacy of speed and agility.
The Final Act: A Ritual of Creation
The sun had finally set, and the sky was awash in deep blues and purples, the perfect backdrop for the final act of the day's mating ritual. The birds, with their partners, took flight one last time, the stars beginning to shine above them. Their wings cut through the cool night air as they ascended once more, reaching for the heavens.
There was no need for words between the pairs; the connection was understood. With each beat of their wings, they rose higher, their spirits intertwined, their hearts beating as one. The flight was graceful, the movements fluid and synchronized. They were no longer just birds—they were the very embodiment of life, creating something new with each ascent, each shared moment.
As they reached the peak of their flight, where the stars seemed close enough to touch, they began their descent. The free fall was exhilarating, and for a brief moment, they were suspended in mid-air, weightless. In that moment, they were all one, united in purpose, in creation. They felt the presence of the earth below them, the air rushing around them, and the bonds they shared—strong, powerful, eternal.
And then, with the sound of wings slicing through the air, they separated, each bird falling to the ground, their hearts still racing. The ritual was complete, but the energy, the connection, would remain. The union of their bodies had created something new, something that would carry on the legacy of their flight.
The New Clutch of Eggs: A Legacy in the Making
As the birds rested, their bodies still humming with the energy of the ritual, they felt the presence of new life growing within them. The eggs had been laid, and the new generation would soon be born. The bonds formed during this final mating flight would give rise to new life, a reflection of the shared connection between each pair.
The new clutch of eggs, laid by Zazu, Ono, Tamaa, and Anga, contained a new generation, each destined to carry forward the legacy of their parents. The offspring from this flight were as follows:
* Kase: A bird with dark, sleek feathers and a sharp intellect, Kase was quick to observe and even quicker to act. It was clear that this new life would inherit the wisdom and precision of its parents.
* Mbete: Agile and graceful, Mbete had inherited the speed and swiftness of its harrier parent, combined with the thoughtful nature of its other parent, Ono. This bird would grow to be both a strategist and a speedster.
* Tolu: With a keen eye for detail, Tolu was born with sharp instincts. It mirrored the kestrel's ability to quickly spot opportunities and respond with precision.
* Kefrera: Strong and determined, Kefrera inherited the powerful presence of Tamaa and Asrea. This bird was destined for great things, both in strength and in leadership.
* Kas: Bright and inquisitive, Kas carried the legacy of the goshawk, with a sharp mind and quick reflexes that would help it thrive in a rapidly changing world.
* Jyte: Agile and swift, Jyte mirrored the sparrowhawk, its body built for speed and its mind sharp, making it a bird capable of adapting to any situation.
* Yuna: With vibrant plumage and a curious nature, Yuna reflected the beauty of its falcon-hawk parentage. This bird would grow into a charismatic figure, drawing others to it with its energy and presence.
* Gero: A powerful bird with striking markings, Gero carried the strength and agility of both parents, destined to be a force to be reckoned with.
* Nzuti: Strong-willed and bold, Nzuti was destined to be a leader, inheriting the commanding presence of Tamaa and the sharp vision of Asrea.
* Hoi: A quick learner and adaptable, Hoi reflected the intelligence and swiftness of its parents, making it a bird capable of overcoming any challenge.
* Zfran: With bright, colorful feathers and a keen sense of awareness, Zfran carried the legacy of its parents' sharp minds and powerful instincts.
* Aste: Bold and curious, Aste mirrored the boldness of its harrier parent and the thoughtful nature of Ono, creating a unique combination of strength and intellect.
* Dahei: A bird with a deep sense of loyalty and courage, Dahei inherited the traits of leadership and strength, destined to be a protector of the flock.
* Ashela: Agile and quick, Ashela had the makings of a strategist, with quick reflexes and the ability to think on its feet, just like its kestrel parent.
* Flyre: Energetic and fearless, Flyre reflected the quickness of the sparrowhawk and the intensity of its falcon-hawk heritage, making it a bird destined for greatness.
As the new clutch of eggs rested, the birds continued to bond, their connections stronger than ever. The mating flights were more than just physical acts; they were sacred rituals that bound the birds together, weaving the fabric of their future. Each flight, each union, each offspring, was a symbol of life itself—of creation, of growth, and of the eternal cycle that bound them all together.
For the new family of Ono, the hybrid children started to hatch and born too:
Fuli: 2 hybrid cheetah males with wings, named
Child 1 (Male Hybrid Cheetah with Wings)
Name: Duma (Swahili for "Cheetah")
Meaning: Duma symbolizes speed and agility, representing the legacy of the cheetah.
Body Description: A sleek and muscular body like a cheetah, with large white wings sprouting from the back. Duma has spots similar to the mother, Fuli, and bright golden eyes.
Child 2 (Male Hybrid Cheetah with Wings)
Name: Mwendo (Swahili for "Movement")
Meaning: Mwendo represents swift movement and motion, much like the natural speed of a cheetah.
Body Description: A slightly larger, more powerful build with defined spots, wings similar to Duma's but broader in span. His coat is a mix of cheetah's pattern and light grey wings.
Reirei: 2 hybrid jackals. One female and one male with wings
Child 1 (Female Hybrid Jackal with Wings)
Name: Nyoka (Swahili for "Snake")
Meaning: Nyoka symbolizes stealth and cunning, qualities often associated with jackals.
Body Description: A slender build like a jackal with sleek fur and sharp eyes. Her wings are smaller and darker, resembling those of a hawk, and her fur is a mix of jackal's brownish tones with darker stripes.
Child 2 (Male Hybrid Jackal with Wings)
Name: Mwamba (Swahili for "Rock")
Meaning: Mwamba stands for resilience and strength, echoing the jackal's resourcefulness.
Body Description: A wiry frame with sharp, angular features. His wings are longer, designed for swift flight. His coat is predominantly grey with hints of brown, and his wings have darker tips.
Mphisi: 3 eggs with all being males and a mixture of egret and Hawk
Child 1 (Male Hybrid Egret and Hawk)
Name: Mbuni (Swahili for "Ostrich")
Meaning: Mbuni represents both speed and endurance, akin to an ostrich.
Body Description: A tall, slender body with a mix of egret's white feathers and hawk's sharp talons. His wings are large, similar to those of a hawk, with hints of white feathers.
Child 2 (Male Hybrid Egret and Hawk)
Name: Ndege (Swahili for "Bird")
Meaning: Ndege symbolizes freedom and the ability to soar.
Body Description: A medium-sized hybrid with the elegance of an egret and the predatory build of a hawk. His wings are robust, allowing him to glide gracefully, and his feathers mix white and dark brown shades.
Child 3 (Male Hybrid Egret and Hawk)
Name: Shujaa (Swahili for "Hero")
Meaning: Shujaa stands for bravery, representing the strong and noble nature of both the egret and the hawk.
Body Description: A bold build with a sharp beak and talons, his feathers range from a pristine white to dark grey along his wings and tail, giving him a fierce yet regal appearance.
Chuluun: 1 male and 2 females hybrid leopards
Child 1 (Male Hybrid Leopard)
Name: Simba (Swahili for "Lion")
Meaning: Simba signifies strength and leadership, often associated with royalty.
Body Description: A well-built, muscular leopard with spots that blend seamlessly with a more royal golden coat, strong legs and a tufted tail, showing a hint of lion-like mane around his neck.
Child 2 (Female Hybrid Leopard)
Name: Nyota (Swahili for "Star")
Meaning: Nyota represents brilliance and beauty, like a shining star.
Body Description: Slender and graceful with well-defined spots, Nyota has sleek fur and glowing amber eyes, giving her a dignified presence.
Child 3 (Female Hybrid Leopard)
Name: Tajiri (Swahili for "Wealthy" or "Rich")
Meaning: Tajiri symbolizes wealth, elegance, and grace, traits associated with both leopards and royalty.
Body Description: A robust build with darker spots, Tajiri has a mix of leopard and panther features with luxurious fur and sharp, confident movements
From Ono's eggs, after he was fucked by Azaad, Dogo, Makucha, Yun-Mibu and Badili.
2 Male Egret-Cheetah Hybrids With Wings from (Azaad)
Name 1: Kivuli (Meaning: "Shadow")
Body Description: Slim, athletic build with sleek cheetah spots covering most of his body. His wings are large, elegant, and feathered, reminiscent of Azaad's graceful wings. His fur is golden with black spots, and his face has the piercing gaze of a cheetah.
Name 2: Haraka (Meaning: "Speed")
Body Description: Similar to Kivuli in terms of shape and structure but slightly more muscular. His cheetah body is lean, with noticeable long legs perfect for sprinting, while his large, powerful wings give him added agility. His fur is a deep orange with distinct black spots.
4 Male Egret-Jackal Hybrids (All Males from Dogo)
Name 1: Mwiba (Meaning: "Spear")
Body Description: A lean, medium-sized jackal body with golden fur and long, elegant wings attached to his back. His posture is agile, and his sharp eyes match his cunning nature, reflecting his jackal instincts.
Name 2: Nguvu (Meaning: "Strength")
Body Description: Stockier with a powerful jackal frame, this hybrid possesses wide shoulders and thick, muscular limbs. His wings are broad, helping him balance his robust build, and he has a deep, golden-brown coat.
Name 3: Rafiki (Meaning: "Friend")
Body Description: Slightly smaller, with a more slender jackal physique and sleek, dark-colored wings. His fur is a soft tan with darker streaks, and his face has a more approachable look, despite his cunning jackal nature.
Name 4: Kimbia (Meaning: "Run")
Body Description: A swift and sleek body, designed for speed, with a slender build and long, strong legs. His wings are narrow but flexible, perfect for quick maneuvers, and his fur is sandy-colored with light shading.
6 Male Egret-Leopard Hybrids (With Wings from Makucha)
Name 1: Simba (Meaning: "Lion")
Body Description: Strong and muscular, with a bold leopard's coat of rosette-patterned fur in shades of gold and black. His wings are dark, broad, and strong, a striking contrast against his leopard features.
Name 2: Maua (Meaning: "Flower")
Body Description: A more graceful and agile hybrid with a lean leopard frame, covered in small, delicate rosettes. His wings are large, elegant, and semi-transparent, giving him a majestic appearance.
Name 3: Chui (Meaning: "Leopard")
Body Description: Sporting a well-defined, muscular frame, his leopard coat is bold and pronounced with large spots. His wings are wide and majestic, which only add to his dominant presence.
Name 4: Kichwa (Meaning: "Head")
Body Description: A strong, tall hybrid with a smooth, agile body, covered in golden spots and a sleek tail. His wings, dark and powerful, help him soar through the skies with ease.
Name 5: Shujaa (Meaning: "Hero")
Body Description: Muscular yet graceful, with a leopard's lithe frame. His body is patterned with golden rosettes, and his wings are long and majestic, adding a sense of authority to his heroic demeanor.
Name 6: Zuri (Meaning: "Beautiful")
Body Description: Slim and toned, his leopard-patterned fur is strikingly beautiful with soft, light gold and darker spots. His wings have a silver sheen, making him appear almost ethereal.
7 Male Egret-Leopard Hybrids from Yun-Mibu
Name 1: Lengo (Meaning: "Goal")
Body Description: This hybrid is tall and lean, with a golden coat full of elegant rosette patterns. His wings, slightly shorter than others, help him maneuver with precision.
Name 2: Rafiki (Meaning: "Friend")
Body Description: Slightly smaller than his brothers, this hybrid carries a more slender build and sleek fur. His rosettes are fine and symmetrical, with wings that radiate elegance.
Name 3: Ngumu (Meaning: "Hard")
Body Description: Strong, with a more muscular frame and a coat of striking golden leopard rosettes. His wings are strong and designed for long flights, adding to his stoic appearance.
Name 4: Wema (Meaning: "Goodness")
Body Description: A tall, regal-looking hybrid with golden fur and dark spots. His wings are large and graceful, adding to his dignified look.
Name 5: Chumvi (Meaning: "Salt")
Body Description: A small but feisty hybrid with a slender, agile body and short, tightly-packed rosettes. His wings are designed for quick flight, helping him outmaneuver enemies.
Name 6: Bora (Meaning: "Best")
Body Description: This hybrid has a muscular, impressive build with dark, contrasting spots. His wings are large and powerful, making him a prominent figure.
Name 7: Macho (Meaning: "Strong")
Body Description: Strong, broad-shouldered, and well-built, this hybrid's golden fur is dotted with bold black spots. His wings are wide and strong, allowing him to soar with ease and grace.
9 Male Egret-Leopard Hybrids from Badili
Name 1: Mwamba (Meaning: "Rock")
Body Description: A very muscular and broad hybrid with a strong leopard frame. His golden-brown rosette-patterned fur contrasts against the strong and large wings on his back.
Name 2: Duru (Meaning: "Heavy")
Body Description: Tall, solidly built with deep golden fur and dark rosettes. His wings are wide and sturdy, reflecting his immense strength.
Name 3: Kidogo (Meaning: "Small")
Body Description: Smaller in stature but agile, with a sleek and more compact frame. His wings are narrow but capable of swift movements, and his fur is dark with lighter rosettes.
Name 4: Safi (Meaning: "Clean")
Body Description: Elegant with smooth fur and fine leopard rosettes. His wings are pristine, large, and symmetrical, giving him an ethereal presence.
Name 5: Kali (Meaning: "Fierce")
Body Description: This hybrid has a sharp, muscular build, with a fierce expression. His golden coat with prominent rosettes is contrasted by his broad, dark wings.
Name 6: Moyo (Meaning: "Heart")
Body Description: Medium-sized and strong, with an emotional and resilient nature. His wings are large and provide him with strength and grace, and his golden fur shines brightly.
Name 7: Vita (Meaning: "Fight")
Body Description: A tough and muscular hybrid, covered in bold rosettes with deep golden fur. His large, powerful wings allow him to keep an imposing presence.
Name 8: Bora (Meaning: "Best")
Body Description: Strong and athletic, with a smooth, powerful body. His large wings match his strong physique, making him stand tall among his brothers.
Name 9: Zawadi (Meaning: "Gift")
Body Description: Slightly more elegant than his siblings, this hybrid possesses long, graceful wings and a smooth golden coat with perfect rosettes.
With the new generation on the way, the birds knew that their legacy would continue, that the bonds they had formed would live on through their offspring. The sun had set, but their flight, their connection, and their journey were far from over. They were united not just in body, but in spirit, and their legacy would continue to soar through the skies, generation after generation.
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