5: Glue the Pieces together
Includes: a bit Yandere Eren, mentions of death. Feels. Angst. And kidnapping.
Levi's POV:
"Ugh. Where am I?" I asked, as I slowly woke up. Instead of seeing my familiar blue ceiling. I saw grey. Where the fuck was I? I tried to get up but something held me down. I looked around. I was in a basement tied to a chair. I began to panic. What the fuck!
"Hey calm down! You might hurt yourself!" A voice said. I turned to face it to see... That brat I bumped into several times I the hallway.
"What the fuck am i doing here? What the hell do you want from me? Is this chair clean?" I demanded, the best walked up to me and caressed my cheek with a sinister smile on his face.
"Oh Levi, of course the chair is clean~ I wanted it to be clean enough for you to sit in~ after all, today is the day I finally make you mine!~" that brat said, cheerfully. I raised an eyebrow. What the hell?
"Listen, I understand that I'm hot, but it doesn't mean that you can just kidnap me!" I argued.
"Levi, don't you see, out there, people will try to take you away from me! And I can't have that! Not again, I won't let some slut take away my soulmate!~" the brat said.
"What do mean by that?" I asked, confused. The brat giggled.
"I think it's pretty clear that I don't want someone else having you Levi~ I won't let my precious boyfriend be taken away from me like last time!~" the brat said. What did he mean boyfriend?
"Huh? Since when did I agree to be some brat's boyfriend?" I argued. The kid stopped smiling.
"I have a name you know." The brat said.
"Well, you didn't introduce yourself so I don't know you." I complained.
"Eren. Eren Yeager. Now will you not call me brat?" Eren asked.
"Well, Eren, I demand that you let me go this instance!" I ordered.
"Sorry honnie!~ but you won't be getting out of here until I'm 100% sure that you'll never leave me!~ we will be together forever!" Eren said.
It had been a few weeks since I've gotten used to Eren. He was good at cleaning. And did his best to make sure I was healthy. But I missed my friends outside. I was trapped, and that brat tied these bonds very tight.
"Eren?" I asked.
"Yes Levi?" Eren replied.
"Can you please let me go? I won't tell the cops, I'll just say I ran away! I'm getting tired of being cooped up in here!" I ordered. I never stopped asking to be let go though. But every time I asked, he'd respond with the same answer. But today Eren looked down. Why should I care, he fucking kidnapped me!
"You know what, go." Eren said," go ahead and leave me Like everyone else did!" Eren snapped, untie ing the bonds. I looked at him confused. Did he do this to other people? If so, how come no heard about that?
"What do you mean?" I asked, curiously. Eren was, crying. Why?
"You heard what I said! Everyone leaves me or betrays me! My dad left me and my mom, My best friend died! And my love thinks I'm a monster! And it's true! I'm a fucking monster!" Eren cried. He leaned against the wall and hid his face into his knees. I felt, concerned. While I've wanted to be free for so long, Eren was hurt. What happened to him to make him possessive anyways? I walked over to him. Him and I weren't to different anyways, I was a delinquent with a shitty caretaker, and he was a Yandere who feared losing those that he loved. We both broke the rules and laws, both lost our loved ones, and both where possessive. If I was Eren I'd probably do the same now that I think about it.
"Eren, what happened to make you like this?" I asked. Eren looked at me, tear filled eyes and snot running. He got a tissue from his pocket and blew his nose.
"Why did you stay? I kidnapped you and expected you to love me! No one I the right mind would even like me! Cause they all die! I'm getting tired of it! You're better without me!" Eren cried. I kneeled down to get face to face with him. I held his cheek.
"Eren, you need help that's why. You're broken and so am I. I lost my mother to cancer, my father left me, my childhood friends where killed by some thugs, and my caretaker is an alcoholic. If I fell in love like you I'd probably kidnap them too. Eren, I'm a delinquent and you're a kidnapper. We both need help, and seeing how it looks like you're mom isn't will ing to help you... I will. I'll show you what true love is. And I'll succeed or die trying." I responded. Eren's eyes widened, he then hugged my neck and cried. I hugged his waist and patted his back.
"I... I love you Levi." Eren confessed.
"I love you to Eren, and I'll always be here for you." I replied.
The end
Oh my god that sucked so much! I'm so sorry! Anyways, if you guys have an idea for a one shot you can tell me. Anyways bye
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