Basketball Practice (Part 3) Promise
"Eren?!?!" I exclaim as his figure appeared above my sight.
I panickly sit up and wiped all of my remaining tears that escaped from my eyes on my cheeks, hoping that he didn't notice it. "Wh-what are y-you doing here?" I stutter when I'm almost finished wiping the traces of my tears.
'How on earth did this brat came here without me noticing his presence?! Is this kid a ninja or a ghost or something?'
He just stared at me with no reaction of any expression on his face. It made me nervous.
We stared at each other for few moments until I heard a loud bang on the rooftop's door.
"Mikasa~! Eren's here already as you said--" I took a peek behind Eren as I came to recognize that familiar voice and figure. It's Eren's childhood friend that looks like a gi-- I mean, yes, Armin Arlert.
My eyes widens when a certain black haired female shows up with Armin. She's wearing a red scarf while holding three lunch boxes. And, as what I've heard moments ago, her name's Mikasa.
Maybe she's this Mikasa Ackerman who's most of the Shingeki High students are talking about on the hallway, sometimes.
"P-pr-president Levi's here?!?!?!" the blond suddenly cries out as he take notice that there's already someone who's first in the rooftop before them. Which is me...
"Eren, let's have lunch!" Mikasa, on the other hand, must have ignored my presences and had this disgusting aura towards Eren.
I clicked my tongue and stood up thinking that maybe, since Eren got mad at me, he already found someone else to replace me. I marched away to head at the door to leave. This brain of mine tries to make me vomit as it makes lovely scene of this Mikasa feeding Eren with a damn warm smile then after eating it Eren will complement that it's delicious!
Curse that!!
"Just ignore my presence, please?" I painfully thought. "Taking my leave without informing them... That.. would be great.."
Then I felt the wind blows at me making me shiver, 'cause I'm still wearing my jersey.
Gods!! I would I even hope for Eren to support me on the second half if I would just bother him to his new girl.
"Senpai!" I jolt that made my whole body frozen like an ice. Hearing that call made torn push deeper in my chest, even though I find it hear-warming.
I tried ignoring him and made my way to the rooftop's door.
"Armin, Mikasa. Stay here for a minute. I have to discuss something to Levi-senpai." when I heard that, my head quickly turn around to look at this idiot. I was about to say 'What?!' but my throat suddenly got dried up.
I can only guess that my face now is completely shocked-scared.
My mind told me two ways: To talk to him pathetically or To bail like a loser.
But since time's in a run, Eren quickly pulled my arm away from the door as he closes it with a bang. Not caring if he made it sound harsh or in a rush.
He pulled my arm until we reached the flat floor.
It's been moments since his gaze were targeted on me while I'm here staring at the dirty floor. Should I even clean this? It's really filthy...
I wanna go back at the court even if I don't get the chance anymore. I just want to get away from Eren. If he hates me then why is he here?
"Umm... Senpai..." I felt his hand reached for my chin and raised it up for our eyes to lock. I can sense this warming aura of his. The way his voice sounds was so heart-warming and gentle.
I wonder where did all his anger earlier went?
"What is it? If you think I have a lot of time, well you're wrong! I have to hurry to return at the court. I only have few minutes before the second half starts!" I demandingly said as I slap his hand off on my chin. I'm being too bitter... I notice.
When I faced away and was about to march away, Eren harshly pulled my arm and slammed me on the wall including his hands on both sides of my head.
"Eren! Stop this nonsense! I have to hurry, didn't you he--" "Senpai, please. Hear me out!" I was taken aback when Eren burst.
I froze.
I was quite surprised that few moments ago this brat's gentle and this time he's bursted. What the hell is wrong with this kid?
I crossed my arms below my chest and waited for him to talk. I gave him a silence as an answer that I will listen.
Eren took back his hands on his sides while he inhales then exhales. "I'm sorry." he says this with seriousness in his tone.
I felt that my eyebrows met when he said that. 'Why is he apologizing? Don't tell me his breaking up with me?! Why so sudden?!! Why on this place?! I-i..' my thoughts were interrupted when Eren speaks again.
"For getting jealous so easily..." he says with apologetic face. [If you're using a pc/computer, Eren expression is like in the picture. XD]
"Oh... Sure, apology accepted." I sarcastically said to his face. I clicked my tongue then tried walking away. Then again, he grab my arm. "I'm serious senpai! I am sorry!" ' I heard him accidentally crack. And after his second apologize, I heard sobs and hics.
No way... This brat's crying?!
I turn my head back a little to peek if he's really crying. My eyes widens when I saw tears streaming out from his eyes. His hand on my arm was trembling. It's obvious on his face that he was preventing himself to cry.
This brat's insane. Geez, what will I do...?
"Why the heck are you crying about, brat?"
"B-bec-cause se-senpai's m-mad at me be-c-cause of my at-titude. And i-ish l-leaving m-me a-alone! Senpai's g-going to V-vi-vice Erwin..." his cries made the torn pulled out of my chest. I wonder how and why...?
Such irresistable brat, who could not want to give a hug to this guy?
Instead of giving him a hug, I gave him a pat on him head and caress it.
"Moron. You know that won't happen..." atlast, I stopped playing hard-to-get. Never can I resist this crying kid.
I felt like all my problems just disappeared like a bubble. Like 'What-The-Heck-Happened?'
"Then what can I do to make senpai forgive me?" he playfully ask between his cries.
This brat...
"I also forgot to watch your game and I was shock when I heard a classmate of mine saying that you got pulled out of the game. That's not you senpai..." he adds, feeling that one of my problems came back.
But I just let that problem aside while thinking mischievously.
"You'll do anything?" I asked with a smirk plastered on my face. He went quiet at first as his cheeks went pink.
So, he's thinking the samew thing. This pervert kid.
"Yes! Anything for senpai!" he eagerly agreed.
"Then how about we continue the thing we're doing last time on your room." Yep, I am inviting him.
Then, there his whole face became red with his eyes full of eager. Geez..
"Yes! I promise! Later!"
Later already?!
[A/N: Gods! It's been a while! But here I am! Wahahahaha~! Sorry if I stopped here and if it seemed half-assed work. But yeah, XD
See you next update! The next update will be the real thing! Yey! (/ *q*)/
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