Let's just pretend that it's the normal "aot" au but they have cameras and stuff. K? K.
"Your the one who broke Titan boy free huh?!" Four big men circled me, towering over me. I dropped my things, prepared to fight.
"So what? I'm not letting you go near him!" I growled, getting into a stance. "If you want him- your gonna have to go through me!"
Nobody can get Eren. He was our savior for humanity. And we cannot let anyone take him, even if it were to kill us. We have to risk everything we have for that boy and I wasn't about to let a group of fuckboys take him.
They all smirked, reaching out to grab me. I ducked, trying to squirm between through some mans legs. I managed to squeeze through, but only with a slight problem. I fell. I have no guard now and no way of keeping them off of me.
"Shit!" I muttered, trying desperately to get up to my feet. The man that I was able to get through laughed, picking me up off the ground. The man smelled strongly of alcohol and WAY to much cologne. I coughed, slapping his face, "let me go!!" I demanded, kicking around in his arms. Surprisingly, he set me down- but only to tie my hands.
I tried to run, but the man was to strong. I fell backwards, landing on my ass. He wrapped a cloth around my mouth to prevent me from screaming as well. He dragged me out, throwing me onto a horse. I tried desperately to escape but it was no use. I had no advantage point here and I was to weak against four men anyways.
They all hopped on, riding away with me on my stomach, bouncing with each step.
Somebody help me...
=Sasha's Pov=
"I'm so hungry!!" I complained, thinking about meat and potatoes as I walked down the dirt pathway. "I can't wait until lunch.." I mumbled to myself as I heard horses galloping in the distance. I turned my head to see a couple of men riding there horses down the dirt path. As they neared, I smiled and waved, but they ignored me.
But instead I found something more.
I found [YN] tied up on a horse from the man in the front. "[YN]!" I yelled, trying desperately to run towards them. But I'm not HorseFace. I couldn't catch up. Instead, I quickly spun on my heel, sprinting towards Captain Levi.
He's not gonna like this.
I groaned loudly, feeling my arms raise above my head. I slowly opened my eyes, blinking slowly. I looked around, seeing that I was in a dark room, downstairs most likely. I looked over at the chains on my wrists. They where a bit spread out but high up above my head. I yanked on one, hearing nothing.
Great. It's not even LOOSE.
I sighed, dropping my head. Moments later- I began to hear footsteps grow near. Heavy. Footsteps. I looked up, seeing the same man that gaged me and some crazy looking man with the walls symbols around his neck for a necklace.
Is he the one that was at Erens Trail!?
"Ah, [YN]." The man with the walls symbols walked up to me, grinning.
[I am so sorry but I have no idea what this guys name is but he's the crazy old dude with the three squared necklace with the walls symbols on them, like Sina and Wall Maria and what not. Anyways. That's him ]
"Glad to see that your finally awake!" He piped up, gripping my jaw forcefully, yanking my head towards his. "Now is time for your punishment."
I spat in his face, making him cringe and pull away from me. He wiped off my saliva that managed to clung onto his face. He snapped his head up, glaring at me. He slapped me. I cried out in pain, feeling heat and the stinging sensation spread around my cheek.
"Bitch." He muttered. He cleared his throat, "now. Tell us where Titan Boy is."
I laughed dryly, "ha. Why don't you find that out for your selves fucktards?" I yelled.
They laughed as well, but the other man snapped something. I jumped, turning my attention to the man.
He had a whip.
I swallowed hard, looking back up at the crazy man. He just smiled evily, "now. Why don't you tell us? So then you won't have to suffer the whip." He demanded, waiting for my response. After a while of awkward silence, the man sighed.
"Fine." He looked over at the man behind me, nodding his head slightly. I began to breathe faster, anticipating the strike.
The whip striked across my back, making me scream in agony. Fresh tears began to fill my eyes as I could feel some of the skin cut open. I could even feel the warm blood run down my back.
"Where is the boy!?" He demanded.
I stayed silent. Waiting for somebody to help me. I sniffled, staring at the ground. The man grew annoyed.
" She's just begging for another strike."
=Levis Pov=
I turned the corner, finding [YN]s things strewn about on the ground. I raised an eyebrow as I walked over, seeing her laundry basket tipped over- her clean clothes now ruin by the dirt. I quickly picked them up, stuffing them back into the basket.
Where did she go?
"HHEEIICCHHOOUU!!" Sasha screamed loudly from a couple feet away from me. She sprinted down the dirt pathway, dust rising into the air with each step. "[YN]!! It's [YN]!! She-!" She abruptly stopped in front of me, panting.
"What? What happened!?" I demanded, glaring at her. She breathed in deeply.
"These men!! They took her!!" She yelled, her eyes widened with panic. I froze, my blood began to boil at the thought of somebody hurting my [YN].
I immediately spun on my heel, still carrying the basket. "Oi." I began, "get Erwin and Hanji to meet me in my office."
"Don't fucking start. I said go." I replied harshly, looking over my shoulder at her. She nodded quickly, running past me. I sighed, seeing the building up ahead.
Please be okay.
"AH!!" I screamed in pain again as the whip crashed down on me again once more. Tears streamed down my cheeks. The whole back of my shirt was ripped open. My back was covered in huge gashes with blood trickling down. "I-I'm not t-telling you shit!!" I yelled, pulling at the chains.
The crazy man sighed, shaking his head in disappointment. "Oh? What if I were to hurt your captain?" I froze, looking up at him.
"Captain Levi."
"Don't you fucking touch him." I snarled, yanking at the chains again. He smiled.
"I have another plan in mind." He announced, moving a rolling table in front of me. A camera facing me. "Why don't we send him a little video of you? Hmm?"
I looked up at the camera as it beeped, a little red light on the side flashed on and off.
"Oh! It looks like we got ourselves our first watcher. Speak loud and clear!"
I swallowed so hard I thought I was going to swallow my throat.
"[YN]?! Are you okay!? Where are you!?" He yelled into the microphone. The crazy man shook his head, tying a handkerchief around my mouth again.
"Oh we can't give that away now. Just look at her!" The man said enthusiastically, turning the camera to my back. I heard Erwin gasp.
"[YN]! Please hang on! Where going to try and find you as soon as possible!"
"Oh not so fast! Where's Eren?" The man demanded, staring straight into the camera, "we just might have to kill [YN]... Now. Don't we?"
"Levi?" Erwin yelled off microphone. I heard some yelling then just straight up silence until Levi grabbed the microphone.
"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES! WHOEVER TOUCHED [YN] IS GOING TO GET STABBED IN THE FUCKING DICK." Levi yelled into the mircrophone, making everyone but the crazy man flinch.
That's my boy.
The crazy man laughed, "oh really? You can't even find us! Now," he walked back over to me, gripping my jaw.
"Where's Eren?"
"Fine." The man let go of my jaw, grabbing the whip. I whimpered and cried as I saw him raise the whip over my back.
"N-No!! Please!" I attempted to say through the gag.
"Don't you fucking dare.." I heard Levi's voice growl into the microphone.
The man laughed, striking me again. I screamed through the gag, fresh tears making there way down my cheeks. The man pulled down the gag, forcing me to look into the camera.
"Anything you want to say before we leave?" He asked, jerking me slightly.
I sniffled, "L-Levi. E-Erw-win." I stuttered, "if I die. J-Just make sure I don't die, because of them." I paused before adding, "I l-love you, Levi."
"[YN]." I heard Levi breath out, "I will get you out- don't worry! I lo-" he was cut off as a man un plugged the camera. He laughed as he kicked the table away, making it slid into the far corner before crashing into the wall with a loud thud.
The crazy man clapped his hands together, "alright!! And now we wait for Mr. Levi to find us!" He laughed loudly, walking off. But instead of the man following the crazy dude, he walked up to me. "You can do whatever you want with her boys." The crazy man called out.
"Huh?!" I spun around, seeing a couple more men walk out, circling me.
The men chuckled, "what shall we do to her boys?" The man in front of me called out. Some of them whispered to themselves as others just stared at me.
"What's under her clothes?" A man called out.
No, no, no, no, NO, NO!!
"Sure? Why not! Let's show that Levi asshole what she looks like under here!"
=Levi's Pov=
"DAMMIT!" I yelled, slamming my hands down on the table. "WE NEED TO FIND THEM RIGHT NOW!" I demanded, furious they touched her.
Erwin placed a hand on my shoulder, "Levi. Calm down."
I slapped his hand away, "DONT TELL ME TO FUCKING CALM DOWN"
Erwin sighed, leaning back in his chair. I was about to say something till Hanji burst through the door. She held up a piece of paper, "Levi! Erwin!" She smiled, waving the paper in the air.
"What the FUCK DO YOU WANT SHITTY EYES!?" I yelled, [YN] still in my mind.
She flinched- but laughed. I glared at her.
"Why are you laughing?"
She rolled her eyes, "you care so much for [YN]. It's adorable, but you should be thanking me." She strolled in, slamming the paper down on the desk.
"Why?" Me and Erwin said in unision, looking at her.
She laughed, "you boys owe me one."
"I know where she is."
"No! Please- stop!" I begged, fresh tears gliding down my cheeks. They already ripped of my shirt and pants, now they were just staring and laughing at me.
"What a hot little bitch you are~!" A man called out. There was at least 7 guys- just staring at how pitiful I was.
My back was numb, the whip scars hurt with each little movement I did. And some ugly old men were just laughing at me. It felt so awful.
"What else does she have for us!?" Another man called out.
I yanked at the chains, freaking out. I could feel one of the gashes on my back open and bleed again. I cried and winced, "Stop!! Don't touch me!"
The man in the middle grabbed one of the chains, yanking me forward. He gripped my chin, jerking me towards him harshly.
"Shut up! Don't make us whip you again."
I glared at him, "do it! It's better than to have you perverts stare at me!" I spat, some of my saliva sprayed onto his face. He cringed, slapping me.
He yelled at a guy behind him, "grab the whip! I'll take off the rest of her clothes!"
My eyes widened, "no! Stay the hell away from me!" I screamed.
A man from the back suddenly fell forward, blood pooling around him. Everyone turned towards the door, pulling out there pistols.
I slowly turned towards the door, a bright light seeping in. I smiled.
"Levi!" He held a pistol in his hands, aiming it up in the air. He was even wearing his 3DMD. "GUNS. DOWN NOW!" He demanded, his voice booming around the room.
They didnt.
Levi glared at them, ready to shoot one of them until Hanji and Erwin ran in behind him. They held up there guns, instantly making all the men drop them- getting down on there hands and knees.
Hanji and Erwin breathed heavily, "next time wait for us! You know you can go a lot more faster than us on these things!"
Suddenly the man closest to me stood up, grabbing his pistol. He put me into a head lock, aiming the pistol at my head.
My blood stopped, my eyes widened- I was being scared the shit out of me. Because with just one sudden movement. One. I would be gone. Dead. Just like that.
"DROP THE GUN!" Erwin and Hanji yelled. Levi dropped his pistol, giving the man the evilest glare I have ever seen anybody give.
The man just stayed were he was.
So Levi did something about that right away.
"DONT YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER!!" Levi suddenly ran in- pulling his blades out. He stabbed his lower region, just like he said he would.
He pulled back as the man screamed in pain, slowly falling- but that didn't stop him from dropping the gun. He shot my arm.
I screamed in pain. I could feel the hot bullet seep into my skin, stopping at my bone. The loud bang still ringing in my ears.
"[YN]!!" Erwin and Hanji yelled.
I closed my eyes, the pain was to much for me. I slowly drifted off, hearing loud noises and people screaming around me. I fell unconscious with the chains holding up my weak body.
"Ah!" I jerked up, gasping. I looked around. I was in the infirmary, the window was open- the fresh breeze flowing in. Everybody crowded around my bed. It felt like I just woke up from a bad dream- the one were when your about to hit the ground, you wake up. I just had that, but I dreamt that I was about to get shot in the head.
My breathing quickened, I was drenched in sweat, I was scared.
Armin and Eren gripped my shoulders, "[YN]! Calm down! It's us!" They tried to calm me down which it did. I blinked, slowly looking at who was with me. Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Hanji, Erwin, Jean, Sasha, Petra, Olou, and of course Levi.
"Hey get your hands off of her!" He slapped there hands away, gripping my own hand tightly.
Hanji sat down next to Levi, "[YN], are you okay? You suffered through some serious wounds."
I nodded, leaning back slowly, "y-yeah, I'm just. A bit dizzy." I sighed, resting my head on the reclined bed.
Erwin chuckled, "usually some cadets I know *looks over at Sasha, Jean and Armin* would have told them were Eren is before they even hurt them. Your a tough one [YN]. I'm glad your okay." I nodded, smiling.
I looked at my arm, it was bandaged, a little bit of blood seeped through. I could even feel the bandages wrapped around my chest and torso under my shirt.
"Thank you for not telling them." Eren spoke shyly. I smiled, motioning him to walk over. He did, sitting on the opposite side of Levi.
"You don't need to thank me, but you better be glad in trying to save your sorry ass." I teased, poking his nose. He giggled, rubbing his nose.
I looked over at Erwin, "Erwin. What happened to those guys anyways?"
"I stabbed that guy in the dick." Levi snarled, "then I stabbed his head after he shot you."
I blinked, looking at Levi, "really?"
"Yep. he did," Erwin spoke, "we arrested the others- including that man with the neckless."
"Yes but he refused to tell us his name- we can't even find him in our files. We even asked the men and they didn't even know. Levi- I wish you didn't kill that man."
Levi shrugged, "that's what he gets for touching my baby." I blushed, squeezing his hand.
I yawned, "how long have I've been out..?"
"4 days." Jean spoke up, "Levi's been by your side every day."
I smiled, looking over at Levi. He squeezed my hand, looking at me worried.
"Aw. You stayed with me the whole time?" I teased, cupping my hand on his cheek. He grasped my hand, pushing it more firmly against his cheek.
His eyes began to go glossy, "I thought I lost you." He whispered. He looked up at Erwin and Hanji.
They nodded, Hanji bolted up.
"Alright! Everybody out!" They yelled, pushing everybody out the door. Hanji winked before closing the door, leaving us to be alone together.
"Levi." I sat up, giving him a hug. I clinched my teeth and winced at the pain but I ignored it. I wanted to hold and embrace Levi for as long as I can.
"I really did think I lost you." He whispered, holding me close. Soon after, his body began to jerk up sometimes- as if he were crying. I clutched him tighter- hearing him sob quietly onto my neck. I have seen Levi show emotions all the time; Anger, Annoyance, Bored, even happy. But this was the first time I have ever actually seen Levi express sadness. My eyes widened, hearing his soft crys.
I breathed in deeply, smelling his distinct aroma. A sweet smell of green tea with a faint trace of lemons and the outside.
We held onto each other for what seemed forever until Levi sniffled, pulling back. "I never want to lose you." He whispered, wiping his eyes quickly.
I cupped his face in my hands, "you won't- for as long as we're killing titans side by side, you will never lose me."
I kissed him softly, his warm lips pressed against mine.
When we pulled back, Levi smiled.
"You know. Once your body heals up your coming straight to me." He chuckled.
"So then I can fuck you. I miss your body." I rolled my eyes, punching his arm.
"Your going to have to wait a while then."
He kissed my cheek, "yeah but at least I can snuggle with you."
I love you, [YN].
I always want you by my side.
Your not allowed to leave me.
I want you to be with me forever.
Your my everything.
I can't live without you.
Never do that again.
Or I'll stab a bitch.
Right in the fucking dick.
Levi <3
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