Chapter Seven
"I think the best things, the richest things, aren't supposed to come easily. And that sometimes the moments that make the most sense happen when everything else doesn't."
- Juliet O'Hara
"Stop running Anna!"
"But he's going away!"
Finally catching up to my three year old sister I wrap my arms around her and pull her to my chest. She starts kicking but I hold her closer with a stronger grip.
"Mom and dad are waiting for us An. I will get you ice cream after dinner for dessert."
She looks at me with her huge brown eyes that is lit with happiness as soon as I said those words. Immediately she jumps from my arms and runs to our house dragging me with her.
"Come on then! The faster we eat dinner the faster we get ice cream!"
I chuckle at her excitement for ice cream and I smile at her happiness. My family is my life without especially Anna, I can't dream a life without her in it. I will even sacrifice my own life for her own if it comes down to that. Just to make her happier I grab her around the waist and hoist her on my shoulders.
"You run to slow An," I say mocking her.
"I am not an old giant like you," she says hitting my head.
"Hey leave the poor hair out of this," I joke. "And I am only sixteen An."
She starts giggling when I tickle her and swing her around. "Stop it Ash! I am going to fall!"
"Nope, not until you say sorry for calling me old."
Instead of an apology I get more laughter from her making me laugh with her. We reach our house and I trip over the rug in the entrance making us tumble into the house. Anna lands on my stomach while I land on my back.
"What am I going to do with you two." I look up and see my mom looking at us a playful scowl.
Anna jumps off of me and hugs our mom around her legs. I get up and give my mom a quick kiss on the forehead.
"Where's dad," I ask sitting down.
"Right behind you kid," dad comes behind me and ruffles my hair before sitting down as well.
"Seriously stop messing with the hair," I say putting it back in place.
An starts giggling. "Ash is like a girl."
Being the mature person I am I stick my tongue out making her throw a napkin at me.
"Alright you two settle down and eat your food," mom says.
"Ash says he's taking me to eat ice cream after dinner," An cheers.
"Just be back before dark," dad says seriously.
"We know dad," I say rolling my eyes.
"I am serious Asher. I have been having problems with a certain case and the person in charge of it isn't very happy with me. I don't want anything to happen to you two."
"We will be careful, promise."
Gasping for air I sit up and run my fingers through my hair. It's weird how such a sweet memory can turn into a nightmare. I did everything in my power to keep those memories hidden deep inside me but for some reason I been getting these flashbacks recently. Closing my eyes I try and control my thoughts and feelings. I open them when I feel someone stir next to me and I notice that Thea is laying next to me.
As she lays in my arms I feel something warm spread in my chest. The feeling of her in my arms where I can touch her and see her is something I can't even explain. It's time like these where I hate myself for treating her so badly when I first met her. I wince as I remember the night I slapped her in the face and by instinct I pull her closer. It amazes me that she doesn't even hate me at this point but then again who am I to complain.
She moves in her sleep and snuggles her face into my chest making a faint smile spread in my face. Touching her face lightly I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear that fell on her face. Without thinking I lean in and place a soft kiss on her forehead.
"Asher," she groans moving away from me.
"I can see you aren't a morning person," I say chuckling.
All I get is a grunt making me smile even more. I circle my arms around her waist and bring her closer to my chest.
"We should probably wake up," I whisper.
"You do that," say says.
"I meant both of us."
She turns around and faces me with an angry expression.
"Listen here Martinez," she points her finger to my chest. "I haven't had a proper sleep on an actual bed in weeks and you will not disturb me. Understood?"
"Yes ma'am."
"It's kind of your fault. I mean who told you to go all macho man and get shot."
"Who told you to go get engaged," I countered.
"Asher," she groans.
"I guess we are even."
Thea brings one of my hands around her waist and kisses it.
"Just so you know I didn't willingly want to get engaged," Thea says looking straight into my eyes.
"I hope so," I grunt.
Just then the door swings open and the last person I want to see walks in. "Okay love birds get up!"
Thea rolls off of me and starts getting out of the bed while I glare at Walker.
"What the hell do you want?"
"Do I need to remind you that we were abducted to Russia?"
"We will meet you outside Walker. Give us a second," Thea says.
I stare at while he shuts the door and leaves. "Since when did you become all soft with him?"
"I am not," she says while trying to fix her hair. "We are in this together and like it or not we have to work together."
"Still your being awfully civil."
"I will be outside waiting," is all she says before she leaves too. I have a feeling I will never truly understand this woman.
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I have a new story up called Take Me Home, so please take a look at that if interested!
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