Dear failure,
I don't like this
They always make you seem like some hero
Like some amazing, lovable, helpful human being
Because you've made an impact in our world
But it's either they forget
Or you don't make them see
That you're cruel and you're a horrible person
And you're never grateful, not once for any effort someone gives
I'm constantly scared that you'll show up again
With every step I make towards accomplishment, I hesitate
What if I meet you on the way there?
What if I fail?
I'm scared of you
I don't like to admit it
Because it is seen as something you should learn from
But all you really do to me is heighten the pressure
The better I get at something, the more mortified I am to fail
So I'll push myself harder
Becoming better and better
Till failing becomes this deep dark abyss
I am too scared to look into it
Bot to mention how scared I am of your depth
Some may say you have pushed me to the top
But for me you have scared me to the top
I constantly run away from you
Only so you could grow and grow
And I now I don't know how to contain you
And I also don't know how to let you go
And you're not helping because you don't want to leave
I don't care what anyone says
I don't need you in my life
I can succeed very well without you, surprise!
I won't ever understand what they mean
When they say that you help
Because you've never helped me
All you've done is make me feel worthless
You make me lose hope that anything would ever work out again
You make me not want to live again
Beacuse what's the point?
What's the point of demolishing someone's self worth?
What's the point of feeling guilty because you haven't succeeded?
What's the point of saying that failure is good when we have made a society where you are looked down upon when failing?
There's no point
There's no point of you existing
My apologies but you make people confused and even stupid at times
They say you should be befriended
But then they look down on those who do?
...dear failure, fuck you!
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