Ahsoka POV
I now had my two kyber crystals, but nothing to make the saber with. Of course I had the Sixth Brother's saber, but I didn't want to use that, it was a symbol of the dark side. I had to make my own sabers.
I didn't know where to find the materials for this, but i had heard rumors that an old Jedi lived on Tatooine, so I decided I'd pay him a visit. Maybe he had some parts for me to build a saber with, or knew where I could find parts.
Getting to Tatooine proved to be no easy task. I didn't have any money, so even though I went by a new name, I couldn't take public transportation, plus there was always the off chance that someone recognized me from my trial all those years ago. Instead of taking public transportation, I found a shipment of Blue Hutt's Tongue– an edible plant that the Hutt's, the rulers of Tatooine, enjoyed– headed to Tatoine. I stowed away on board and took the transport all the way there.
It was a long ride, so I had a lot of time to think. I was unsure of what my next move would be after constructing my sabers. Maybe I could hit a big target: fuel depot, military base, etc. I shook my head. None of those felt right, they could just rebuild them in no time. I kept thinking, and always came back to the same question: who was responsible for the oppression of the Onderonian people? Of course the overarching answer was the Emperor and the Empire, but obviously I could not take them alone. I then realized that the King of Onderon was the best option. He was a symbol of the Emperor and the Empire on Onderon.
That's when I realized I didn't know anything about the King. I hadn't really had a reason to know anything about him, and it's not like he had public press conferences or anything. In fact, I had never heard of him leaving the Castle. At least I'd know where to find him. It would be a tall task alone, as the castle was very heavily guarded, but nothing I couldn't handle. I had overcome worse. Hell I took on over thirty troopers with only a blaster and the force. I'm sure I could break into the castle with two sabers and the force.
I heard the landing gear touch down, and knew we had landed on Tatooine. I waited in my hiding place a few minutes longer to make sure there was no one around that would see me. Once I could sense or hear no one else, I left my hiding place and made my way off the ship. Checking around the corners to make sure no one was guarding the ship, I made my way out of the hangar. I pulled up my hood so no one would see my face. I was not wearing my normal white cloak, but something more similar to what I had worn during the clone wars, except it didn't have the back cut out, or the turtleneck. I wore a brown cloak over it to conceal my body and face as much as possible.
I looked around. I saw no signs of Imperial presence... yet, so that was a good sign. I then realized that I was in Mos Eisley, or at least I thought so. It had been a while since I had been here. The last time was with... I stopped my thoughts, blinking tears from my eyes. It was almost impossible for me to think about him without crying.
I began walking around the city until I stumbled upon a cantina. I figured that would be a good place to inquire about the Jedi rumors. I down the steps and into the cantina. I saw many different species of people around me: humans, Ithorians, Rodians, etc. A lot of them looked like bounty hunters. I just kept my head down and walked up to the bar, where a waiter droid was mixing drinks.
He saw me walk up and turned towards me. "Hello there ma'am, i am C23Q5 how may I be of service?" He said robotically.
"Hello there C23, I am looking for some information."
"Well, what are you looking to know? I have all sorts of information: tourist attractions, dangers of the area, places to eat, or just general information."
"I'm looking for more... specific information," I paused and looked around to make sure no one was listening. I leaned in and whispered to the droid, "I heard rumors of a Jedi living here. I need to find him."
"I am truly sorry, but I cannot help you. I have no knowledge of a Jedi living here."
"It's okay C23, thank you." I said turning to walk out of the cantina. Well that was a bust.
"I can help you little girl," a voice said. Lost in my own thoughts, I was startled when I heard it. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't place it. I turned to see an older man with a white beard. I couldn't see any of his face due to the hood he was wearing.
He motioned for me to sit across from him, and I hesitantly walked over and sat down.
"You say you can help me?" I ask.
"Yes. There is a Jedi here. He survived Order 66 somehow, and now lives as a hermit on the outskirts of the Western Dune Sea."
I remembered the Western Dune Sea from my previous adventure here. It was ruthless, harsh heat during the day and freezing cold at night, not to mention the frequent sandstorms that plagued the desert.
"Thank you kind sir. May I get your name before I leave?" I asked.
He hesitated, thinking if he should tell me or not. Finally he relented and lowered his hood. What I saw shocked me. This man was a clone, but not just any clone. No there was something familiar about this clone, very familiar.
My suspicions were confirmed when I heard the man speak his name. "I go by Rex." I gasped and almost fell to the floor, but he caught me. He straitened me up. "What's wrong ma'am?" He asked me concerned.
"Uh... Rex. Can you follow me?" I said. He looked at me skeptically, but followed. I led him out of the cantina and into an alleyway. Once I checked to make sure we hadn't been followed, I stopped.
"So what is it that you want? You're not gonna kill me are you? Look I don't have much, but you can have it." He said frantically pulling a few credits out of his pocket.
I laughed. "Rex, relax. I'm not here to kill or rob you." I took a deep breath before I did this. I hadn't let anyone see my face since I left to Onderon, hell I had barely even seen my face. Reluctantly I grabbed my hood and pulled it back.
I heard a shocked gasp from Rex and he staggered back. "C-Commander??? But... but I thought you were dead? You did die, I saw your grave, I visited it!" I didn't even know that there had been a burial for me. I mean I obviously wasn't dead so who the hell did they burry?
"Well Rex," I started, "I can ensure you that I, in fact, am not dead."
"It's good to have you back Commander. I've missed you, we all missed you when you left and were pronounced dead. All the 501st was broken, Senators Amidala and Chuchi cried for days, the General... he never recovered."
I let a tear escape my eye as I thought about all my friends. The 501st treated me like their little sister and would give their lives to protect me; Senator Amidala was a great friend and confidant, I could tell her anything; Senator Chuchi was a great friend, and one of the few that stood with me during my trial; and then there was Anakin, I had left him, abandoned him and didn't even think about how he would be affected by my leaving.
Rex must've sensed all of this. He put a hand on my shoulder. "All that matters now is that you're alive and well Commander."
"Thank you Rex," I said. Suddenly I threw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him into a hug. He was startled at first, but soon returned the hug, patting my back to comfort me.
It had been a few days since the Inquisitor had been killed, and there was no sign of the Woman in White. In fact, there had been no attacks since that last one. I was beginning to think that she had died, that she had been mortally wounded by the Inquisitor and gone off into the woods and died. I knew there was a slim chance of that, however.
No, the more likely explanation was that she was planning a massive assault, possibly even rallying support from the people. I wondered what she would attack. The fuel depot? Military base? What if she attacked the castle and killed me?
There were so many possibilities for her to attack, too many for me to protect them all. No, instead I did what was best for me. I would protect myself at the possible loss of one of my other important facilities. I could rebuild them, I could not get my life back.
I called Owex into the throne room. Upon entering, he bowed. "You called for me my Lord?"
"Yes. I want you to triple security around the castle. No one gets in without having to go through a mass of stormtroopers."
"But sir," he started, "That will leave our other facilities, and even the people, almost unoccupied. They'd be sitting ducks for an attack."
"I'm willing to take that risk. I have reason to believe that I may be attacked in the next couple days. We can rebuild whatever they destroy, but if they kill me, Onderon will be lost."
"Why not flee then my Lord?"He asked.
"And look like a coward!?!? I think not!" I yelled back at Owex.
"Very well my Lord. I will begin to assemble the troops around the castle."
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