That night was the beginning of one of the worst stretches of days in my life. First Ahsoka came back into my life after over a year not seeing her. Then, she took my heart and ripped it to shreds. I was so devastated that I didn't leave my room for a whole week, almost causing me to lose my seat in the senate. I pushed everyone away, friends, family, etc.
Lily was the only one that stayed with me through it, but even that didn't last. She worried for me, but I wouldn't talk to her about it obviously. After I finally came out of my room, my attitude was horrible and she became so fed up with it that she left me, the woman I had spent over a year with left me because I couldn't move past a silly little crush. I was going to marry Lily, she was very attractive, kind, caring, funny, strong. Come to think of it, she reminded me a lot of Ahsoka. Maybe that's why I gave her a chance, even if I still did have feelings for Ahsoka.
And that brings me back around to the person who caused all of this pain and suffering for me: Ahsoka. Just thinking about her name now enrages me. It used to bring feelings of joy and love, now all it brings is anger and sadness. The day she walked back into my life ended up destroying my life as I know it. I lost my girlfriend and future wife, all my friends, I now feel no emotions except pain and sadness.
Conversely, this all made me very good at my job. With no friends or girlfriend to distract me, I now put all my time into working in the senate, trying to end this war. I have become very efficient, and am quickly moving up the ranks, people even saying I have what it takes to be Chancellor some day, but my eyes are set on King of Onderon. KIng Dendupis getting older, and has expressed that he would like me to replace him, as he has no heirs.
It's a lonely life, but that's the way I choose to live now. If I don't get attached, I can't have my heart broken again. Maybe the Jedi were onto something with their "no attachments" rule of theirs. Regardless, I have chosen this path, and am content being alone for the rest of my life.
Ahsoka POV
When I got to Onderon, I had to change my name. I couldn't use Ahsoka or Ashla because Lux obviously knew both of those and would be able to find me easily. I decided on a name that didn't even have an 'A' at the beginning: Traya Snipes. Right after I got off the transport in Iziz, I bought a new "disguise" for when I ahd to walk around the city. It was a large, all white cloak. It covered my whole body, and due to it's size, helped to conceal my lekku and montrals. I had to do this because a togruta on Onderon would raise suspicion in Lux if he found out.
After buying the cloak, I made my way out of the city and into the forrest, the same forrest that I had met the rebels in all those years ago. After walking for about twenty or so minutes, I came across a little cave. I decided that was where I would live, and got to work making it livable.
In the coming weeks I put a wooden frame around the outside made entirely out of trees I had cut down in the surrounding area. Then came the interior. I added a bed, a chair, and a table. That is all I would need. Outside I dug a pit for a fireplace to cook meals on and to keep me warm. It wasn't the best, but it was cozy and I had made it with my bare hands, so I was proud of it.
Since I lived out in the forrest and not in the city, I didn't have a job. That would also make it harder for Lux to find me. However, since I didn't have a job, I had no source of income, so for food, I just hunted. Togruta were natural predators anyways, what with our sharp teeth and quick reflexes, so it wasn't that hard for me to adapt.
It wasn't the best life, but it was simple, and kept me safe from everything and everyone, especially him.
Sorry that these chapters are so short, I honestly didn't think this story would end up like this, but uh it has so I've been coming up with ideas on the fly. And I'm writing in this one more than "The Dark Path" because I hit a tiny bit of writers block on that one, I know where I want it to go, but I don't know how I want it to get there.
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