Ahsoka POV
I was in the garden on the castle meditating, trying to talk to him. I did this everyday since his death. I had heard stories from Anakin and Obi-Wan that it was possible to commune with dead Jedi, so I thought maybe it would work with a non-Jedi. Despite no response in the last fifteen years, I continued to try day after day. I would come into the garden, where there were blue flowers with orange stripes going in random directions, no one flower was the same.
Lux and I had sat here a few days before the attack. He told me that he found the flowers while on a diplomatic mission to Raxus and that they reminded him of me. He said he had a bunch of them imported and planted back here. According to him, he'd come back here and sit by them often, thinking about me, bringing back the good memories he said.
I smiled now. Now I was doing the same thing, but thinking of him. A single tear rolled down my cheek. I missed him so much, more than words could describe. I had thought of ending it all and joining him, but I couldn't. I had made a promise to him to serve Onderon, and I intended to keep that promise until my final breath.
In my time as Queen of Onderon, the people had returned to their happy, healthy sate. The economy was booming, and the Empire had been kept out. We had helped the Rebellion to attempt to overthrow the Empire, though mostly indirectly. I wished I could get involved in battle, but I had a duty to the people here on Onderon. Mostly I supplied them with any information I could, and any supplies or troops they needed. The military here was one of the most powerful in the galaxy, under mine and Rex's command.
I sighed. Rex's death still weighed on me. He had died about a year ago due to old age. Being a clone, his genetic timeline was sped up, so despite us being about the same age, he was physically much older than me.
I was still sitting there, trying to contact Lux, when I felt something. It was deep down inside of me, a bond that had not been present for nearly twenty years. However, just as soon as it came, it was gone again.
I smiled as I realized what had happened. Vader had been redeemed, Anakin was back. He had probably been brought back by his son, Luke, and then done something to save him, ending in his death. He truly was the Chosen One, everything felt peaceful and balanced now.
I just continued meditating and smiling, when suddenly I felt a presence behind me. Without even turning around I knew who it was, and my smile grew.
"Hey Snips," he said softly.
"Long time no see Skyguy," I replied. I opened my eyes and turned around to see a smiling Anakin. He was covered in a blueish-green outline, but he was still Anakin.
"You got old," he said with a smirk.
"And you got green," I said laughing. There was a silence between us for a few moments.
"So he did it huh?" I asked, breaking said silence.
"Yup, but not without your help."
"What did I do?"
"Do you not remember our battle? When my eyes flashed blue for a second? You were the first one to plant the seeds of doubt in Vaders mind, and allow me to start fighting for control again. I-I just wish I had been stronger then..." He trailed off and I knew what he meant. I frowned and walked over to him.
"Anakin, it wasn't your fault."
"I know, but I still feel like it is."
"Master, I forgive you." At that, he smiled once again.
"Thank you Ahsoka, but I am no longer your master." I looked at him confused. He forced me down onto one knee, and drew his lightsaber.
"We are all Jedi. The Force speaks through us. Through our actions, the Force proclaims itself and what is real. Today we are here to acknowledge what the Force has proclaimed." He spoke. I smiled as tears of joy welled in my eyes. I knew what was happening and I had dreamed of it since I first became Anakin's padawan.
"Ashoka Tano," he began, "By the right of the Council of the Cosmic Force, by the will of the Force, I dub thee Jedi, Knight." As he said these words, he brought his saber down on each of my shoulders. Once it was complete, I looked up at him, smiling the largest smile I ever had, he just returned the gesture. I got up from my kneeling position and hugged him. It felt weird, cold, but I didn't care.
Suddenly, I felt the presence of many more people. I looked around and saw more familiar faces: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Plo-Koon, Shaak Ti, and many more. I also saw many that I didn't know, but recognized from stories: Qui-Gon Jin, Bastila and Satele Shan, Revan, Nomi Sunrider, and others I didn't recognize.
"Ko-to-yah Lil' Soka," I heard Plo-Koon say.
"Congratulations Ahsoka, we are all very proud of you," Obi-Wan said.
"Well deserved, is this. Long overdue, it is," Yoda spoke.
"You have carried on the legacy of the Jedi well little one," Bastila Shan said.
"We all thank you for the role you helped play in the restoration of peace to the galaxy," Qui-Gon Jin thanked.
"I am flattered masters, but shouldn't you be congratulating Luke Skywalker? He is ultimately the one that brought balance."
"But you have done so much more than we could have ever though you would Ahsoka. Taking in young force sensitive's, protecting and training them. Keeping the legacy of the Jedi going. That is why we are all here today," I heard Shaak Ti speak.
I smiled and tears of joy fell down my face. "Thank you masters. I am only doing what I know is right, what I know all of you would have done."
All of them nodded and slowly faded away, all of them except for one. Anakin and I walked over to where I was sitting before, and sat on a bench.
"Those flowers remind me of you," he spoke.
I sighed. "They reminded him of me too. That's why they're here." I frowned a bit at this, and Anakin did too.
"I'm sorry Ahsoka. I know you'll never get the lost time with him back, and I truly am sorry."
"Anakin... is-is there any chance Lux is there? Like can non-force users manifest themselves too?" I asked hopefully.
"I'm sorry Ahsoka, but they can't. I've seen you trying to contact him everyday, and it breaks me watching you put yourself through that, knowing if I had been stronger it wouldn't be this way." He looked down and away from me.
"It's okay Anakin, I told you I forgive you, that wasn't you," I said smiling and putting my hand on his shoulder.
Suddenly he looked up and looked from side to side, as if he was making sure no one was there. He reached into the pocket of his robe and pulled out a ball of light.
"What is that?" I asked beyond confused.
He sigh. "Look, we're not supposed to do this, I could get stripped of the ability to appear as a force ghost, but when have rules ever stopped me?" He said and we shared a laugh. "Anyways," he started again, "when I watched what happened, I knew I had to do something. Once Lux passed into the Cosmic Force, I grabbed his consciousness before it could disappear."
"You mean... that's Lux?" I asked pointing to the ball of light.
"Yea pretty much... I'll just let you see for yourself," he said as he dropped the ball. It began to grow bright and morph into the shape of a human.
"What the hell is going on? Where am I? Why am I blue?" Tears of joy began to form in my eyes again as I heard his voice. He hadn't yet seen me, but he looked up and saw Anakin. "Master Skywalker! I haven't seen you in ages! Do you by chance know where I am? The last thing I remember is well... dying." Anakin didn't respond but instead nodded in my direction. Lux looked confused for a second but turned to look at me.
"A-Ahsoka? Is that... is that you?" I couldn't force any words out, so all I could do is nod as tears streamed down my face. "But how-why-when? If I'm dead does that mean..."
"No Lux," Anakin said cutting him off, "when you died, I saved your consciousness and kept it for this moment. Ahsoka is still very much alive."
I still was unable to speak. The man I had been so desperate to see, to talk to, to be with for fifteen years was now standing right in front of me.
"You look... different," Lux said causing me to laugh. "How long have I been dead for?"
"Over fifteen years," I said sadly.
"FIFTEEN YEARS?!? HOLY FORCE!" Lux shouted in surprise. "It feels like just minutes ago I was dying in your arms, and even that was too long to be away from you. I can't imagine what you've been going through."
"It's been hard Lux. There were times I wanted to join you, but remembered my promise to you. I have led Onderon as it's queen for the last fifteen years, and I plan on doing so until death."
"Thank you Ahsoka... that means everything to me. Knowing you and my people are safe... I can finally be at peace," he said smiling.
I couldn't control myself any longer. I ran to him and buried my face in his ghostly shirt, wrapping my arms tightly around him, not wanting to ever let go. He placed his hands on my back. One rubbing it in an attempt to comfort me, and the other tracing my long lekku.
"Lux, I've missed you so much... I'm sorry I couldn't save you..." I whispered into his shirt, still sobbing a mixture of tears or joy and saddness.
"Shhhh... it's okay Soka. I made a choice. I gave my life for you, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat," he said as he held my chin, wiping away my tears. We looked into each others eyes for a few seconds before I crashed my lips into his. It was weird, kissing a force ghost, but that didn't stop us. It was just like the first time before he had died. Our everlasting love for each other was evident even beyond the grave. We kissed fervorously, pouring all of our longing for each other into the kiss, never wanting it to end.
Finally, much to my dismay, the kiss ended. We rested our foreheads on each other's. I looked deep into his eyes and saw many emotions: happiness, yet sadness; regret, yet contentment; pain, yet strength.
"I will never forget you Ahsoka Tano, and when you feel alone, always remember I am with you," he said as he touched the bracelet that I had... stolen I guess, years ago. When he did so, the gem in the middle glowed a bright blue and he was gone.
I frantically looked around for him, trying to see where he went, but I couldn't find him anywhere. I looked to Anakin and opened my mouth to ask where he went, but before I could ask, Anakin pointed to the bracelet. I looked down and saw that the blue gem was still glowing. I took it off, and flipped the bracelet over. What I saw made me gasp. On the inside was a new inscription:
I love you and I will be with you, always.
I smiled and was finally at peace once again. I had cast out my inner demons, I knew Lux would always be with me, and with Anakin watching over me, I was never truly alone.
And with that, this book has ended! Thank you all for your support! This was one of my favorite books to write, even if it did start out as just a small side project, it blossomed into something much more.
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