♡The Magic Inside♡
(Play multimedia when the lyrics appear)
It was 8:15 in the morning and our favorite blond began to open his eyes little by little. The cause of this was a certain smell of toast and hotcakes that reached his nose. His eyesight was somewhat cloudy, so he could only see a spot of colors approaching him; He carved his eyes and could see better what (or who) it was.
"Good morning, Lou. Do you feel better?"asked the green-haired girl, who was carrying a tray of food. "I brought you breakfast. I hope you're hungry".
"K.C, is it really you?" asked the blue eyed surprised. The button-eyed girl took one of his hands and placed it on her face. "Eh, what are you doing?" he asked disengaged when he saw the doll's actions.
"I'm showing you that I am real and not a work of your imagination" replied the female. "Did I achieve my goal?" she asked with a smile. The boy laughed slightly and responded.
"Yes, you did". He withdrew his hand from his friend's face. "What are you doing here? I saw you cross the portal after you left the letter" he said confused and embarrassed.
"One: I came back because I didn't want something to happen to you; people in that state often commit crazy things" explained K.C and Lou proved her right. "And two: I managed to get in because I found the key under the mat" she said before releasing a giggle.
"I see but, weren't you angry?" the blond asked something sad remembering what he said the other day.
"The truth is that yes, I was really upset and that's why I went home last night" answered the green-haired while putting the tray aside. "But I realized that you only said those hurtful things because of the rage you felt for what happened, and that the real reason for my anger was Ox's so damn hypocritical attitude" she explained mildly carelessly.
"Oh, K.C" said the blue eyed. "I am so sorry. I was so angry about what had happened at the meeting that I spoke without thinking well and ...". He paused and sighed. "I hurt you" he said with his head down.
"Mmm, I'll only forgive you if you give me a hug" answered the button-eyed girl extending her arms.
The prototype laughed slightly and approached her. He circled her with his arms carefully and the doll of various seams corresponded. It was the first time Lou had hugged someone so dearly and K.C was very tender how delicate the blond's hugs were.
"Very good! I will go to the living room to look for the TV box while you eat the breakfast I made you" mentioned the green-haired getting out of bed. She set the tray on the blue's eyed legs and withdrew from his room.
About 7 hours later ...
"Now I see where you got the thing from tears of run-over toad" mentioned the prototype before grabbing a handful of popcorn. Yes, they were watching El Chavo del 8 in pajamas.
"This series is my inspiration, bro. It's a Mexican TV classic!" the button-eyed woman said happily. She paused the program and checked the time. "Heavens! We have been here for more than 6 hours" she said surprised.
"True. What time was the party today?" Lou asked once he finished chewing.
"At 6:00 pm. Why do you ask?". The blue skinned one was confused by the blond's recent interest in that activity.
"You're not going?" asked the blue eyed again.
"Well, in the beginning, yes" the doll of several seams began. "But, after what happened before yesterday, I decided that I wanted to spend the rest of the day with you" she finished explaining.
"... I'll go find a dress" said the prototype getting out of bed.
"Are you going to play the costumes? Well, it will be fun to see you as a drag queen" commented K.C gracefully and the boy looked at her badly.
"It's not for me. It's for you, idiot" Lou answered going to the closet. "I will not allow you to miss that party" he said checking the outfits that were there.
"What? But Lou, I told you that I was no longer going" said the green-haired while imitating the previous action of the opposite. "And in the hypothetical case that we go, how is it that we will be ready in less than an hour?" she asked, crossing her arms.
"Oh, K.C. Never doubt my skills" the blond said proudly. "I'll have both of them ready in 20 minutes; I will not let you go alone" he said, tapping her cheek slightly.
As incredible as it sounds, the blue eyed had kept his word. The button-eyed woman was wearing a navy blue dress with green details that reached her knees. It left her shoulders exposed, revealing the seams she had on her body. She wore green opera gloves, red shoes, golden earrings and her hair was collected in a ponytail.
"You don't look bad, but you need something" mentioned the prototype thoughtfully, when an idea arose in his mind. He began to search among his things, took out an eyebrow pencil (or whatever that shit is called) black and approached that of bluish skin.
"Wow, what do you intend to do with that?" asked the woman somewhat worried, the boy just laughed.
"I'm going to paint you some eyelashes, I'm not going to cast a spell on you. You are the one who looks like a witch here" Lou replied as he slipped the pencil on the girl's face, creating lines that resembled eyelashes.
"I'll take that as a compliment, since I like witches a lot" said K.C with a cocked smile.
"Very well, it's my turn to put you all beautiful for the party" she said once the blond finished his work and took him back to the closet to find some set.
Five minutes later...
"Now we put the bowtie..." said the green-haired while putting the garment on the neck of her friend. "And there! Oh, you look so cute. I had never dressed someone for a party; not bad for the first time" she said admiring the work she did with the prototype.
The boy wore a white button-down shirt, like the ones he used to wear, rolled up to the elbows. He wore black pants with suspenders and a bowtie of the same color. His hairstyle was the same as K.C had done the day they cleaned the auditorium for the first time.
"Okay, it's time to choose your shoes" said the button-eyed while holding a pair of shoes in each hand. "Dress shoes or tennis shoes?" she asked.
"Dress shoes, obviously" Lou replied as he placed his hands on his waist.
"Very well, tennis then" said the one with blue skin throwing the other pair of shoes back to the closet.
"I don't even know why I answered you" the blond said as he put on the black tennis shoes.
Temporary jump
"I'm excited! It's my first party!" the girl said happily. This one had the blue eyed hand in hand as they walked to the auditorium. Suddenly, a bicolor hair doll came running in they direction.
"Oh, thank doll I found you!" she said somewhat relieved.
"Hey, is something wrong, Lavender?" asked the prototype arching an eyebrow.
"Yes! Mandy and Lindy were supposed to give a musical presentation at the party, but Mandy won't be able to arrive because she was working all day and she needs to rest. But now I have no one to sing!" explained altered the black and purple haired.
"Ok, ok. Calm down" said K.C trying to reassure her. "If you are looking for a replacement for Mandy, I know how to play the guitar and the violin. Besides that I know how to sing a little". Lou looked at her in plan "A little? You set up a concert the other day."
"Would you really do that for me?" asked the fringed one who covered her eyes, to which the green haired nodded. "Thanks a lot, K.C!" she exclaimed happily.
"And you know that I can sing, although I also know how to play the piano" said the blond with some self-centeredness.
"Great! You and Lindy can play the piano together. Oh, thanks for getting me out of this mess" thanked the girl again hugging both of them. "Come with me!" she said and took both of them to the party place.
Lavender, Lou and K.C came to the auditorium running. They opened the door and, surprisingly, no one turned to see the blue eyed. The music and fun atmosphere had the other dolls busy. The one with two-colored hair took them behind the stage, there waited for them a doll with black strands that walked from side to side.
"Lindy!" shouted the minor due to the volume of the music. She turned to see her friend and approached them. "Lou and K.C will replace Mandy in the presentation. He will play the piano with you and sing and she will play the violin" she explained happily as she hugged her.
"Perfect! Lou, the piano is already on stage and there is also a microphone. K.C, there is a violin in that corner" she said pointing to the place where said instrument was. "Hurry up, it's almost our turn!"
"I'll go tell the others" Lavanda said as she went on stage. She took the microphone and focused on it. "Attention everyone. First of all, I want to thank you for attending this party. Seriously, it means a lot to those who organize it" she said happily. "As some of you already know, Mandy was going to give a musical presentation with Lindy. Unfortunately, this will not be possible because she could not show up due to her work". Whispers and sounds of disappointment were heard. "But don't worry! We managed to find someone to impersonate her, so there will be a presentation after all" she explained quickly and all the dolls cheered. "An applause for them!". She retired from the stage, letting Lou, K.C and Lindy pass.
As soon as the blond appeared, everyone began to boo him.
"Get that fool out of the stage!" shouted an orange-haired doll that everyone knows.
"Now I'm going to ...!" exclaimed the green-haired girl about to hit Alejandro with the violin, but the blond held her abdomen before she did. "Ok, this time your save" she said taking a seat and putting herself in position, the blue-eyed ones imitated her.
The black-haired girl began to play softly the keys while the blue-eyed prepared his throat. He looked up to see his friend and she dedicated a "look" that could be interpreted as a way of telling herimhat everything would be fine. He smiled and began to sing.
I'm here to show you who I am
Throw off the veil, it's finally time
There's more to me than glitz and glam
And now I feel my stars align
For I had believed what I was sold
I did all the things that I was told
But all that has changed and now I'm bold 'cause I know
And that was when the prototype and the button-eyed began to play.
That I'm just a dolly!
I make mistakes from time to time!
But now I know the real me
I put my heart out on the line!
And let the magic in my heart stay true
Oh whoa whoa whoa
And let the magic in my heart stay true
Oh whoa whoa whoa
Just like the magic inside of you
Everyone watched the show in amazement, they had never seen the boy sing with such emotion. And the message of the song was beautiful.
And now I see those colors right before my eyes
I hear my voice so clearly
And I know that it is right!
They thought I was weak, but I am strong
They sold me the world, but they were wrong
And now that I'm back, I still belong
'Cause I know
That I'm just a dolly!
I make mistakes from time to time
But now I know the real me
I put my heart out on the line!
And let the magic in my heart stay true
Oh whoa whoa whoa
And let the magic in my heart stay true
Oh whoa whoa whoa
Just like the magic inside of you
At this point almost everyone present was crying, including Lou himself.
Just like the magic inside of you
He finished singing and looked at the audience with a smile, which vanished when he saw no reaction from it. Of course, until the applause was blown in the room in a scandalous way.
"Lou, that was beautiful!" said the one with bluish skin hugging her friend tightly. "I'm so proud of you" she said almost wanting to cry.
"Thanks, K.C. By the way, you are amazing with the violin" said the blond smiling.
"Guys, from the bottom of my heart, that was epic" Lindy said in amazement.
"Thanks!" said the two friends in unison.
"Another, another, another!" a doll with blue eyes and hair shouted and the others joined him.
"What do you say?" Lavender asked approaching them. They looked at each other and responded.
"Let's do it!"
Drawing 2: Christopher-Larsson
Drawing 3: 38dollugly
2199 words ... Oh my God ;-;
That ends the narrated chapters of this book :'3
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