♤Stay Away From Her!♤
"Auch!" complained K.C, almost completely soaked, while Lou sewed her "eye" straight to her face again. "This hurts" she said in pain.
"Hey, I know it is painful, but I have to put your eye in its place if you do not want to have the same eye view as Mandy" said the blond while continuing his work to repair his friend.
"I still can't believe they did this to you" said a not-so-happy pink-haired girl with crossed arms. That was when the bell rang.
"I'm going!". Tuesday ran to the front door to see who was coming to visit. When she opened, she could see that rabbit that caused so much revolt at his arrival. And I'm talking about Ox, not GlichTrap. This is not Fnaf.
"Hello, Tuesday. I heard what happened with Lou today and I would like to talk to him" said the stuffed animal somewhat nervous about being in the mansion of the blue eyed. The prototype heard what his ex-best friend had said.
"You should talk to him, Lou. You have to tell him things as they happened to not look like the bad guy again" answered the green-haired doll before releasing another groan about the needle in her skin, to which the dark-skinned one nodded.
"K.C is right. Make the attempt" said the doll with purple strands.
The owner of the mansion thought about it for a few seconds until he let out a sigh.
"Well, let him pass" he replied reluctantly as he finished sewing the button/eye of the green-haired. "Ready. Do you feel better, K.C?" he asked looking at the girl.
"Wow! The seams are impeccable" answered the doll with bluish skin surprised. "Thank you, Lou!" she thanked and gave him a sudden hug, typical of her.
"Yes whatever. Girls, could you take K.C to dry up?" he asked trying to sound indifferent. He was becoming fond of green threads and didn't want that to bring more consequences than he already had.
"Of course, Lou!" the blue-haired answered as she returned to the living room, being followed by the green plush. "Follow us, K.C" she said and, among all, they took the button-eyed to dry it and fix her clothes.
"Hello again, Louis" greeted a really serious Ox.
"What do you want?" asked the cranky blond with his arms crossed.
"I told you: I want to know why you hit that doll when he did nothing to you" replied the rabbit sitting on the sofa, he was imitated by the blue eyed.
"Those guys told you that they did nothing and you, like the hollow head you are, believe them?" asked the prototype incredulously. "Ha, I knew you were dumb, but this is another level".
"Wait moment, what are you talking about, Lou?" asked the green plush without understanding what was happening. "I need you to explain to me what happened; and I want the truth, Louis" asked.
"You want the truth? I will give it to you and I hope those fools who hurt my friend pay" Lou replied and began telling her ex-best friend what happened a few hours ago.
K.C and I had finished cleaning the auditorium for your stupid party. We were there when she said she would buy something to eat for both of us, she told me to stay and I listened.
The minutes passed, K.C wasn't coming back and I was worrying. Then, Meghan came running while shouting my name. I asked her what was happening and why she was so agitated.
"Some dolls took K.C and put her in the washer!" she exclaimed in fright. She didn't have time to say anything else when I shot towards the direction where the black haired came from.
When I arrived, there was a group of dolls laughing. I made my way between them and saw K.C circling in the washer while the spies tried to stop the machine.
"What the hell is wrong with you?! She hasn't done anything to you!" I yelled angrily at everyone.
The girls had managed to get K.C out of the washer and there was a soap and water mess. She was lying on the floor, completely wet; she was missing one of her buttons, her wig and coughed for the water she had ingested.
"K.C! Oh, no" I said taking her head, checking if she had any other injuries. "Your eye...".
"It's in here!" said Lydia, taking the button after checking the inside of the machine.
I left K.C on the floor carefully and addressed who appeared to be the leader of the little group.
"What's up, Lou? Didn't you say that the little uglies should go to the washer?" he asked mockingly.
"Didn't you learn nothing from accepting others in recent months?" Meghan asked angrily.
"Don't you say anything, Meghan! If you had kept your mouth closed, as you should, this wouldn't happen ...". He couldn't finish speaking, since I punched him in the face.
"The one who is wrong here is you!" I shouted furiously and hit him again, throwing him to the floor. "If you hadn't messed with MY friend, this wouldn't happen to you" I said and kicked him.
"After that, we brought K.C to fix her eye and now we are here" finished explaining the blond and Ox was surprised.
"I-I had no idea. Sorry for what happened with K.C" apologized somewhat sorry and got up from the couch. "I think I should go. I'll go find those troubled boys and we'll have a meeting tomorrow afternoon" he announced as he went to the front door.
"Alright. I will take K.C to give her testimony" the prototype responded following the rabbit.
"Do you know the boys who put K.C in the washer?" he asked turning to see the major.
"No, but I think Meghan did" answered the opposite. He opened the door and, by chance, the black-haired was climbing the entrance stairs with something in her hand.
"Hello guys" greeted the woman with a smile. "I came to apologize for what happened a while ago and I also brought a change of clothes to K.C. I hope it fits" she said, giving Lou the uniform.
"Thanks, Meghan" thanked the blond taking the change of clothes. "See you tomorrow, Ox" said goodbye and the aforementioned retired from the place, taking the doll in a talk.
10 minutes later...
"I had never worn a skirt" said the green-haired girl, already dry, while looking in a mirror.
"It suits you, K.C" replied the blue eyed observing the girl.
"I prefer the pants, but the skirt doesn't look so bad" mentioned a little uncomfortable the button-eyed.
Drawing: my beautiful vainilla-sparcake uwu
Ugly edit made by me :3
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