Is really curious, when we let our fury blind us, we hurt the people we most need nearby. Unconsciously, whether you like it or not, your anger will always end up hurting someone important in your life. Your anger sometimes makes you feel that what you do is the right thing, when it's not always like that.
And, with those words spoken by its writer, we begin the chapter of today in Lou's mansion.
The blond had not stopped dropping insults and crying since he locked himself in his house. After what had happened at Ugly Ville, he doubted he would even show his face to the public again. He felt fatal; he had hurt the feelings of the first doll that gave him her friendship in several months. Can you imagine how bad it must feel to do such a thing to someone who shows that she cares about you?
"Why do I always ruin everything?" the blue eyed wondered in a broken voice as he turned in his bed. "Why does someone always have to take away my happiness?! Damn it!" he exclaimed before breaking into tears again, and would have continued to regret not having heard the sound of the bell.
He left his room and went down the stairs carefully. When he opened the door, he felt a slight gust of wind pass near him and, when he saw who it was, he didn't hesitate to call.
"K.C!" he exclaimed, but the green-haired girl followed her hurried path and disappeared into the darkness of the night. "K.C..." he said in a sigh. He knew she would ignore him.
He looked down and saw a small envelope with a heart seal. As a good curious cat, the prototype took the envelope in his hands and withdrew into the building that was his home. Once inside, he opened the envelope and read the letter that came with it.
September 27, 2019
Dear Lou:
Hi! All right over there? I hope so. I guess K.C will have already told you the reason for the absence of my letters, but I still want to explain.
In Los Angeles, California (where I live) there is a city called Santa Cruz. My uncles live there and, recently, my aunt gave birth to her first child. My dad, Alan and I went to visit them for a week to help them with the child. Good luck mine.
Don't get me wrong, I love being with my cousins and playing with them, but newborns are usually a problem.
Returning to the subject, I will be returned Sunday night. Meanwhile, you don't have to worry about staying alone. K.C told me that she would visit you every day. You can tell she likes to spend time with you and that she cares about you.
I think that's all. Until Sunday!
Misses you,
P.D: Look behind the paper ♡
I know that it is not the best drawing and that you are surely cuter than I drew you, but I hope you appreciate my effort UnU.
Lou couldn't help smiling; It was nice to know that there are still people who love you, even after being a trash person. He felt even worse when he realized what Lucía had written about the button-eyed one. He had to apologize to her; he would get up to look for her tomorrow morning.
Drawing by: LisaNekoDragon (my best friend jsjs)
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