Dear Jon,
My heart is beating out of my chest right now. I know that's impossible but trust me if it was possible it would be happening. I should start from the beginning so you can have the whole experience of the story. I'm just about to die from excitement.
So Luke had invited me to go to the movies with him and one of his friends. I said I would go if my dad allowed me to and he did which was strange. But I didn't question it I was just happy to go out with friends. Well I got to the theater and I found Luke by the concessions.
We got snacks and waited for Luke's friend, Ryan. He was running a little bit late but he finally came and I just about died on the spot. He was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. Like if there was a god on earth it was him.
I think Luke could tell I was about to melt into a puddle and introduced us to each other. I was a stuttering mess and I completely humiliated myself. But he just laughed at me and oh my gosh his laugh is honey to my ears. And his voice just makes my insides flutter everytime he speaks.
We decided on a movie without me realizing it and we ended up going to a horror film. I was terrified but I couldn't let them think I was a wimp so I sucked it up and went to see it. Holy cow I've never been more scared in my life.
By the end of the movie I ended up practically on Luke and covering my eyes. Luke just laughed at me and Ryan did the same. I'm never going to see another horror film again. After the credits came up we left and all headed home.
It was the best time even though it was terrible. I think I'm in love with Ryan and I want to ask him out. I'll wait a little while to find out if he likes me back but I really think we have this connection. Alright I got to go but I'll write to you soon.
Your friend,
Bryce Mcquaid
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