The Populars
Dear Readers,
Before I start talking about the friend groups, y'all need a bit of background info about my school. As I stated in a previous chapter, I go to school in Manhattan, the Upper East Side to be exact. My school is also all girls, and as you can probably imagine, there is a lot of drama. Most people at my school are rich. How rich? Well they are "I live two blocks away from Trump Towers" rich. They are "I get my bags imported from Italy and Greece" rich. And, let's just say the tuition is $50,000 per year. Yep. Let that sink in for a moment.
Another thing I have to be clear on, most things I have written here are pure speculation. Of course I have spoken to people in the groups before, I know what their personalities are like, but that doesn't mean I know everything about them. I will write things here that they have said to me, but that doesn't mean all of them are true. I'm pretty sure we all tell lies of convenience to avoid explaining things to people we don't know or don't care about. If you think something I wrote is wrong, you may be wrong or I may be wrong. The world may never know.
But anyway...
The Populars
The populars are the saddest bunch of people I know. This may seem odd to people who have seen their Instagram feed, because they go to the coolest places, know the coolest people, and wear the most expensive clothes (not necessarily the most attractive but who cares). They are the people who never get caught doing that one thing they are not supposed to do. They are the people who are straight up bushes, but of course the people that matter don't seem to care.
Their lives sound pretty lit, but sometimes I look at them and I don't think that even know what they are doing with themselves. It's like they are totally bored with life and are just going through the motions that they have gotten accustomed to over the years. They already know they will have the same exact conversations with the same exact people everyday. They know they will still get a 60% on their math test, so there is no point in trying. They know they will be the one to score the winning shot for their team and people will gush over their success. Their lives are pretty predictable and to be honest, I would be pretty bored too.
I think the saddest thing about them, is the fact that they don't have any real allies at my school. They all pretty much hate each other and talk smack about each other.
In seventh grade we had assigned seats at lunch that changed every month. This was supposed to make us closer as a grade, but really this gave me an opportunity to learn about all the drama in my class. One month I was at a table with these two girls who were both populars and "best friends". Let's call them Sally and Lisa. Sally went up to get some water and the second she left Lisa was all like "Oh my god, I can't stand Sally. She is so friggin annoying. Ugh, I don't know why she thinks I'm her friend I hate her so much." So then Sally comes back and Lisa goes to get more food, and Sally says, "Oh my god, Lisa is such a pig. She is so fat I'm ashamed to be seen with her sometimes. She looks like like a frigging cow." After Sally said this everyone else at the table just stared at each other cause both of them apparently hated each other but they acted like best friends in public. After this I realized how important it was to have a constant group of people who I trust rather than a bunch of people I hang out with.
The populars are one of my least favorite friend groups. Not because of their overall bad attitude, but because they are so friggin ignorant. Some of them don't realize how lucky they are to be this wealthy. Some of them don't even realize that they are wealthy. Some of them think that they are middle class and that actual middle class people are poor. Not everyone can afford to ride a horse or take tours through Europe. That doesn't make them poor, it just makes you fortunate.
One day, I want the populars to realize that they aren't nice people. I want them to realize that they have no friends and that they are all alone. I want them to realize this quickly so that they can start to better themselves before it's too late. I want them to actually enjoy life, and do things not because they feel it's what society expects of them, but because they actually want to do it. I want them to be strong leaders so that maybe, just maybe, they can make the world a better place.
But that will probably never happen so whatever.
Do you think you would be a popular at my school?
Heck Yeah:🍰
Fat Chance:🍩
I'd be their slave:🍚
I'd rather not: 🍡
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