Chapter 6
Monday had rolled around and Bakugou was downstairs before most of 1-A, seeing as he made breakfast. Time had passed and only five people were left in the dorms. Todoroki walked down stairs. He looked like he normally did to the untrained eye, but to anyone that was close, he looked like death. Yaoyorozu walked into the kitchen with her uniform on, "Toast, please." "Don't you usually have more?" Bakugou popped a piece of bread in the toaster. "Yes, but I'm not really feeling well. I think I might of caught something." Yaoyorozu did look a little pale. "If you don't mind me asking, does Half And Half look, different, to you?" Bakugou asked her grabbing a plate. Yaoyorozu looked at Todoroki, "Now that you mention it he does look kind of off." The toaster finished. Bakugou took the toast and put it on the plate handing it to Yaoyorozu. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention, and the toast." Bakugou just nodded. Bakugou checked the time, it was eight. Bakugou needed to leave soon. He sighed, picking up his bag in the corner of the kitchen. He made his way towards the door and over heard a conversation. "Momo, someone found the note. I have no idea who it was." Todoroki sounded panicked. "Todoroki it's alright, focus on breathing." Yaoyorozu was helping him. The conversation stopped and Bakugou headed out the door. Bakugou reached the class room by eight-ten. He sat in his seat and stared out the window with a grimace. "Hey Bakubro!" He didn't need to look to know it was Kirishima. "What do you want shitty hair," Bakugou voice wasn't at it's normal level, but it was still loud enough that most people could hear it. Kirishima's smile faltered, "Just coming to say good morning, Bakubro!" Bakugou sighed. "Im not feeling the best, so if you could leave me alone today that would be grate." Bakugou was a lot quieter than normal. "Okay, I hope you feel better, Bakubro." Kirishima walked back to his seat. Todoroki and Yaoyorozu came in and took their seats. Uraraka walked in at eight-twenty and Kaminari came rushing in at the last second.
The day was normal up until lunch. Bakugou sat with Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari, and Ashido. "Bakugou, you haven't touch your food, are you alright," Ashido said pointing out the elaphant in the room. "Im fine, Raccoon Eyes, just not hungry." She did seem convinced, but shrugged it off as Bakugou being Bakugou. "I'll be back," Bakugou got up and headed to the restroom. On his way out he passed Todoroki, but he didn't question it. Lunch continued as normal, the bakusquad was quieter than normal and the deku squad was almost silent.
Bakugou was in his room by four-twenty. He didn't have any homework, so he decided to finish writing his notes that he had started that morning. He was done by five. He got up and saw a note had been slid under his door. "I want to talk, I'm in my room -Yaoyorozu" Bakugou stared at the note then set it on the table. He walked out of his room, closing the door behind him. He walked up the stairs to Yaoyorozu's room. He knocked. The door swung open to reveal Yaoyorozu in a turtle neck sweater and a knee length skirt. "What did you want to talk about?" Bakugou had a bored look on his face. Yaoyorozu looked around in the hallway and pulled Bakugou into her room. Bakugou opened his mouth to talk but Yaoyorozu cut him off, "How did you learn to read Shoto so easily? It's taken me years to read his emotions, and you haven't even known for a year!" Bakugou let her words set in before answering, "It's called experience, Ponytail. I can't just tell you how I saw through his mask. You have to experience hiding your emotions to find the ways that the mask breaks." Yaoyorozu thought for a moment before speaking again, "What happened over the weekend?" Bakugou looked at her before turning around and walking towards her door. "Bakugou, wait. You helped him, didn't you?" Bakugou stopped in-front of her door, "Yeah, so?" He didn't see Yaoyorozu's smile, "He had an attack this morning before he came down, he said he knew that you sent me to talk to him about it. He said he probably wouldn't have came down if you weren't there. I ask you again, what happened this weekend?" "If Todoroki didn't tell you Then it's best if you didn't know," with that Bakugou left Yaoyorozu's room.
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