Keeps Getting Worse (Omega/Alpha AU) Part 3
(Word Count: 2181)
Allura sat there in her mind space, looking around and calling out for her Beta. It hadn't been the first time she's done this, but she always had a hard time connecting properly. Soon Allura heard a yawn, like someone had just woken up, and she turned around to see none-other than her Beta, who was rubbing their eyes.
"Did you need me?" They asked, as they ruffled their hair a little bit. "Yes. I needed to talk to you about The Laws of Nature." Allura said sternly, putting her demanding leader voice into her words. Beta just yawned again and waved her off, "Yeah yeah, just sit down" they said, and a chair appeared behind Allura.
"So where do you want to start?" Beta asked, stretching as Allura sat down. "What are some things that go against the Laws of Nature?" Allura asked, wanted to get straight to the point without wasting time. Her paladins could be in danger for all she knows.
"Ok!" Beta said with a smile, reaching out their hand, and Allura took it with no hesitation. You could see the slight glow in Beta's eyes as they aimlessly started moving them around. "So, we have; Omega-Omega Relationships, Gang Bangs, Pack Leader Rape, Sexual Intercourse with a Mated That Is Not Yours, Alpha-Omega Rolls Switched During Intercourse Without Being Mated Already, Beta Challenging Omegas, aaaand Mate Marks on Reproductive Parts"
"Those sound horrible" Allura said, shocked at the listing. "Well yeah they sound horrible to you because you were born into those strict norms through your pheromones, so you've never really thought about the idea in a good way. Well, until you try it obviously" Beta stated, smiling while letting go of Allura's hand, making their eyes go back to normal.
"Do you think you can figure out what happened between my friends? Their Alpha and Omega were fighting earlier" Allura said. Beta seemed a little shocked at what Allura said but talked anyways. "Was one of them pack leader?"
"Absolutely not" Allura scoffed, the though of Lance being pack leader was most definitely a true nightmare. "Is one of them mated?" Beta asked, but Allura shook her head in respond.
"Well that just leave 'Alpha-Omega Rolls Switched During Intercourse Without Being Mated Already' and 'Mate Marks on Reproductive Parts', though I feel like you can tell when someone's freshly mated..." Beta said, thinking for a second. "Well! Than that leaves just 'Alpha-Omega Rolls Switched During Intercourse Without Being Mated Already'" They said the name as if it was something you just won on a gameshow.
"What...?" Allura asked, sitting there in shock and confusion for a moment. "But- but they can't be- they couldn't have" she said. "Sorry to tell you hon, but I'm not a therapist so I can't let you talk about your feeling, but whoever your mentioning, they totally did" Beta said.
"Is there anyway to conform that it may be wrong?" Allura asked, slightly panicking. "Sure there is! Just get me close to one of them and I'll sniff them out" Beta said in their happy tone as they watched Allura panic without any concern.
"Ok. I'll do that"
"M-me and Keith?" Lance asked, being obviously too nervous to talk about the subject, but Hunk had to somehow push it enough to get him to talk. "We just got into a fight, that's all" Lance said, practically lying through his teeth. Hunk just frowned as it was bluntly obvious Lance was lying, but didn't get the chance to say anything as Pidge just strutted through the door.
"Keith's in heat" Pidge said with no emotion to their face. "He's what?!" Lance practically screamed. Pidge just ignored him though as they went to go walk over to Shiro. "You must've done something so bad that Keith's Omega had to force a heat on him, it wasn't even his time yet" Pidge said, talking to Lance blankly.
Allura then burst through the door, seeming to have been excited as he she happily walked into the room. "So which one is it?" She asked, more to herself than to anyone else. There was silence and then Allura looked at Lance and nodded to herself.
Allura happily walked over to Lance and snooped down to his level and started smelling him. Everyone seemed to as shocked as he was as she continued to sniff him up and down. "Allura what are you doing?" Lance asked moving away slightly, but Allura ignored him and just moved closer.
There was a painfully long few seconds before Allura moved away and talked to herself again. "Yep! There's not doubt about it, he's been fucked by an Omega" She said bluntly, as Lance stilled while gapping his mouth open and close, looking for some way to deny it but just couldn't. Hunk beside him had slammed hands over him ears, dropping the treats, Pidge stared in shock, and Shiro stood there awkwardly.
"E-excuse me?" Shiro seemed to say in Lance's place, "Allura are you feeling alright?" he asked nervously. "Oh- I'm not Allura, I'm her Beta, nice to meet you" They said walking over to Shiro to shake his hand. But Shiro just glanced back at Lance. "Is what she said true?" he asked. Lance tried to say something, but words didn't come out, just stutters.
"Oh my god Lance what did you do?!" Pidge asked, stressfully putting their hands in their hair, "No wonder Keith was forced into heat! You let him fuck you!" they said. "Language Pidge" Shiro said, but Pidge just popped back. "Oh no, don't language me Shiro, Lance- he just- he just violated Keith's dick with his asshole!" they snapped.
"That's it. Go to your room." Shiro said in his father voice. "You can't just send to my room like that!" Pidge said, but Shiro just shoved them out towards the door pretty harshly. "You're not acting like yourself and you need to calm down. Go." Shiro said, before pushing Pidge fully out the door.
You could hear Pidge grumble as they stomped down the hallway. "Seriously what is wrong with everyone today!" Shiro mumbled to himself as he turned to everyone else. "It was nice meeting you, but I want to see Allura now" Shiro said as he turned to Allura's Beta. They just nodded and full fear took over Allura's face and Shiro asked if it was her. She just nodded and looked fearfully at Lance.
Shiro said something to Allura then led her out the room, leaving Hunk and Lance. Hunk just looked at Lance with sympathetic eyes and patting him on the back in a comforting manner.
Lance just looked at him, as his eyes started to sting. He didn't feel so brave without his Alpha present so he couldn't have done anything to stop this, but he was starting to see as this was all his fault.
"It's ok buddy, we'll work this out ok?" Hunk said in his reassuring voice. Lance just nodded as he felt a tear roll down his face, soon accompanied by several other ones as well.
Keith laid still on his nest, continuing to cuddle up to Shiro's shirt as he try to suppress the urge of just strutting out the fucking door to go find Shiro, as that would be A) DISASTROUS, B) Absolutely fucking embarrassing, and C) Succumbing to urges that were forced upon him. But what seemed to be the problem was that the only options were succumb to urges and get fuck or soak in your heat's slick forever. And both were just as equally worse as the other. And Shiro being the only other Alpha in the pack would just be the worst experience ever, as Keith wasn't into that fucking your brotherly figure type thing.
Keith heard someone stomp down the hallway and stopping right at Keith door. They knocked harshly on the door and Keith stared at the door blankly. "Who is it?" Keith asked. "Pidge!" he heard pidge's voice, but something felt off. "Open up!" They said knocking on the door harshly a few more times.
Keith got up, surprised that Omega was letting him open the door, though he should've thought about why Omega was letting him before opening it. When he did open it Pidge grabbed him by the hand and yanked him down the hallway. Keith could tell that this wasn't Pidge almost admittedly and tried to protest as Pidge's Beta dragged him down the hallway.
"I'm going to kill that Cuban bitch" Pidge's secondary gender muttered as they took a sharp left and right through the castle hallways. "I swear to god, he needs to calm his tits before he goes and lets an Omega fuck him" Pidge continued to mutter.
They kicked a door open to an infirmary and the scent of the Alpha present almost made Keith fall over. He caught sight of Shiro and Allura looking trough suppressant cabinets as Pidge's Beta pushed him forward. "You have to do something tough guy, you know your Alpha was freaking out just as much as I was" They stated, urging Keith forward again, "Now do something before I go find a way to fuck him myself".
"What's happened?!" Allura asked, seeming to realize that this wasn't Pidge. She went to go comfort Keith who had been pushed to the ground. "Didn't already know? Keith's Omega did the right thing and put him to heat, to be fucked by robot arm over there" They said. Allura looked over at Shiro who was covering his nose in a panic.
"And there's no way out of this heat, so its either Pack Alpha fucks him or one of us betas do twice as much" Pidge's Beta said kicking at Keith. "There is absolutely no way Shiro is doing that to Keith, its- its nonconsensual!" Allura protested, keeping Keith close for comfort. "It's consensual between their secondary genders" they said.
"You're a monster" Allura said, "And you're a bitch" They shot back with no care in the world. Keith started to claw at Allura desperately as he tried to stay away from Shiro. Shiro was trying to do the same, as he grabbed onto anything with his other hand to try and stop him from moving an inch towards Keith.
And much to everyone's surprise, Hunk bust through the door to see what the ruckus was. The moment he saw the scene before him he didn't hesitated to grab Keith and lead him out the room. Pidge's Beta tried to follow but Allura stopped them almost admittedly.
Keith was led into the containment room Lance was in, who was currently in a corner curled up into a ball. Keith was sat down as Hunk went to go get some kind of needle that was near Lance. Omega was trying to inch towards the door away from Lance. But Hunk came back with a needle as soon as he left. Lance had looked up at Keith now and watched as Hunk tried to calm him down.
"This is going to hurt a little bit, so try to stay calm" Hunk said, moving the needle towards Keith's skin. "Hunk don't you fucking dare" Keith said, more of Omegas words than his as Hunk put the needle up against Keith's skin as he struggled. There was a sharp pain in his arm from the needle and Keith felt like he had just been punched on the side of the arm.
Keith can hear his breathing starting to calm down and pain started to fade away from Keith's body. He felt empty for a second.
"There, feel better?" Hunk asked, as he finished putting a band-aid on Keith's arm.
Keith could barley respond. Everything seemed to happen so fast, only moments ago had he been in his room suffering from pain from a forced heat. But now he sat in this blank white room as Hunk had just solved all his problems all at once.
"What- what just happened" Keith asked, still a slight fuzzy kind of pain in his arm. "I don't know what was happening back there, but I just put your Omega to sleep for a while" Hunk responded softly smiling at Keith. Keith glanced at Lance, who just looked away sadly.
"How long is he going to be gone?" Keith asked, bringing his attention back to Hunk. "Just for a few days at most, few hours at least" Hunk said before adding a, "Probably 5-6 six hours for now"
He got up and refilled his needle and grabbed a band-aid. "I need to go get Pidge back to normal, you don't mind me leaving do you?" Hunk asked, and Keith just shook his head in response. Hunk smiled softly at him before exiting the room through the opened door.
There was silence as Keith glanced back over at Lance again, who was fully avoiding any eye contact at all. He looked like he just cried, as you could see the faded marks under his eyes, along with his foggy eyes, plus his nose was slightly running.
Keith wanted to go comfort Lance, but he knew that that would just make this all worse. So Keith avoided eye contact as well, hoping for the best outcome to this mess he's obviously created.
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