Backfire (Invisible AU) Part 1
((A/N: Here's a new AU! I'm still deciding how to move further with most my stories, but for now I know I'm back from whatever hiatus I had before the last post :D))
The substance in the vile turned clear when Keith poured more of the teal chemical into it. The glass cooled down too, making him sigh in relief. If it weren't for his safety gloves, his hands would've gotten a first degree burn, which from experience he knew wasn't fun.
He placed the vile down on the rack for later testing, and checked the chemicals he used, in case he needed to make another copy later, the blade was always one for many tests. He checked the ounces and properties, writing them down a second time on his back up paper, before finally being ok with starting to test. Empty glasses were moved around to clear the table once more so he could start his procedure.
Arms slid around him from behind, making him jump at the contact. His hand flinched too far off, knocking the once standing vile sideways. Liquid fell out quickly and Keith could practically see his floor burning through.
"Oh shit oh shit oh shit" the words spewed out of him like a water fall as he looked around for his towel to clean up, only to be faced with his boyfriend. He could see the panic take over his blue eyes, but Keith ignored him, he needed his towel. His towel he always had for messes, always. It wasn't there. It wasn't there. Where could he have put it? God where was it.
"Don't worry I got it" his boyfriend came into his line of sight again, only he seemed rushed and was now holding paper towels. Keith glanced at the floor, and thankfully it didn't cave in from the liquid, which meant it wasn't toxic to wood. Before he could ask Lance what he was doing though, he was whipping away the chemicals from the floor, apologizing a few times as he did.
Keith would've felt relieved to see the mess being cleaned up, but seeing the liquid seep through the paper towels only sent him into another panic. "Fuck" it was a quick mutter, but Lance filched away from the mess as he held his hand. An even deeper attack gnawed away at Keith as he realized his boyfriend must've been burned.
"Stay right there." He needed to get his ointment. It was a quick run to the cabinet for the right container. If he applied the treatment quickly, the chemicals won't burn through Lance's skin. When he got back though, his boyfriend was gone. "Fuck Lance I told you to stay right here" he skimmed quickly around the room for any sign of him.
"I am right here" it was Lance, his voice, but not a single sight of him deemed in the room. "Where?" god he couldn't play hide and seek right now, this was serious. "Here" his voice was really close, and Keith felt something grab his shoulder lightly. He turned expecting to see him, but no one was there. Whatever trick Lance was playing wasn't funny, and he was most definitely going to get yelled at when Keith finds him.
"I feel like your staring right through me" it was a side remark, a side remark that came from no one, but sounded like it was right in front of Keith. "Lance?" he felt like he was calling into the wind, but being inside and in a basement, no wind was produced from down here. "Right here red" the warmth of a hand was placed to the side of Keith's face. The same warmth of his boyfriends hands exactly.
He brings his hand to his face, making contact with skin that wasn't his own. Lance was right here, Keith knew now. But how? Why couldn't he see him? "Are you ok?" Lance's tone was uncertain, the feeling of his thumb slowly caressed Keith's cheek. Lance really knew how to relax him.
"I can't see you" his response was hesitant, as he stretched his arm out to try and touch Lance. His hand bumped into nothing and he felt his boyfriend flinch. "You can't, what?" a tone of disbelief, and Keith could imagine his dumbfounded face.
"I can't see you Lance."
. . .
"I don't know, I can see myself just fine"
Keith stood in the bathroom, searching for any evidence of Lance in the mirror, but none showed. "Are you sure?" "Yeah, can see these muscles just fine" a joke that Keith let slide as he would look stupid trying to slap air. He just sighed and leaned onto the sink, "The blade's going to kill me."
"I don't think so, I mean you turned someone invisible love, you could totally use that" Keith felt Lance's hand intertwining with his, a gesture he always loved. "I mean yeah, but they're going to be mad at me for quote, 'testing on an innocent'", He heard Lance laugh. "I still don't get why they insist on calling me that, it's not like I don't know about their secret business"
"Organization; they don't like to be called a business" Keith corrected him, and he knew Lance would be waving him off. "What's worrying me more is how long this lasts though," he stares into the mirror as if Lance could just appear in it. His mind spike with all sorts of thoughts, "What if I made you invisible forever? What if I can't reverse it Lance?" He wants to look for his face knowing it would be the same comforting face he always gave him, but he couldn't.
"Hey," the comforting voice of his boyfriend moved closer, "its ok, we can wait a few weeks to see if it wears off. If it doesn't you'll find something to reverse it, I know you will love." A kiss was placed to Keith's head as a hand ran through his hair. He felt his worries slip away as he closed his eyes and imagined Lance there in front of him.
"I'll have to start running tests just in case it doesn't wear off," Keith pulled away, giving a smile to the wall before he walked out of the bathroom. The first thing he needed to do was look at his list, go over it a couple times at least, then contact Antok about the incident. He would be getting an earful during that call, but Keith knew Antok would show mercy and help him without making it a problem for the rest of the organization.
He hoped most that he wouldn't contact his mother on the matter, she would have no problem dropping by and lecturing him about living with someone else interfered with work, the same argument she always had. Keith wondered sometimes if she just didn't like Lance.
Pushing away the thought, Keith wrote a small list of items he needed for the experiment, ready to get this mess cleaned up as soon as possible.
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