hour 8 :: nightclub
Music. Dancing. Alcohol. Drunkenness.
Those were the main components of the syndrome I was having right now.
The club Lethal Petals were supposed to be playing at tonight was a wild zoo. People were having the night of their lives, I can't imagine this being the state of the place everyday. Props to the sober workers that have to deal with this mess all the time.
When we arrived, the boys didn't instantly go backstage and decided to hang with the crowd for a little while as the instruments were being set up.
I felt completely out of place, but a couple of shots drowned out my anxiety in light speed. I rarely get drunk and party like a crazy animal, but when I do...it's a literal nightmare.
Especially when the boys got onstage. Harry was actually reluctant to leave me drunk and abnormally enjoying my time and get onstage, so he got me a space in front of the stage where he can see me.
His eyes never strayed away.
I was too drunk (or too mesmerized by Harry and his eyes and all the unexpected attention I was getting from him) to listen to the lyrics of the songs than I was with dancing and laughing.
I will get on a spaceship
and travel the universe
to get to you,
oh, baby, to the moon
and Jupiter, even Pluto.
His eyes held universes and galaxies in them and the stars sparkled when he was singing, mainly because he looked like he was singing to me.
Me, an antisocial chipmunk who got my heart broken by everyone I knew in a night that was supposed to be unforgettable, so I said, fuck it, unforgettable it will be.
Me, someone who has an extremely strict parent that has been calling me for hours but I can't pick up. I can't end the spell this stranger has on me. The magic must go on as long as I can make it.
Me, drinking and dancing at a nightclub I wouldn't dare go near if it wasn't for my "fuck it" agreement with myself.
Me, waiting for Harry to get offstage so I can kiss him. I kissed him. I fucking kissed a boy who I just met and barely know anything about his life. I'm being crazy tonight, but the best thing? I don't care.
He pulled away, his eyes unreadable. I drank way too much, but I don't care. That was probably a kiss that said, "We've never kissed before, but hey, I'm going to kiss you like I'm the supportive girlfriend after you've rocked a gig."
"You're drunk," Harry was grinning. "Let's get you home before you pass out."
I frowned, annoyed. "Do you know how long I've been wanting to kiss your pretty lips?"
Harry grinned wider, shaking his head in disbelief, but I took it as a no.
"A few hours."
"Aurora," His lips looked perfect curving as he said my name.
"Yeah?" I was leaning into him. He smelled like...like boys would smell like, I guess.
"You need to go home," he said. "What's your address? I'll drop you off."
"Shit," I widened my eyes, realizing the facts. "Oh, God, I'm fucking dead."
"What is it?" Harry frowned, alarmed.
"My dad... He will flip shit if he sees me drunk...and late...and I have been ignoring his calls. He probably has police sirens at the school right now, no joke."
"Woah," Harry looked panicked.
"Don't worry, though, I just... I'll sleep at a friend's-," I don't even complete the sentence. I'm sure my face was meme-able at that exact moment when I realized I had no friends.
Harry sighed. Or I think he did. The music was giving me a headache now. I had to get out of here.
"Come on," Harry read my expression and took my hand, beeline-ing us through the heavy, sweaty crowd.
The cold breeze hits us when we're outside and I smile gratefully at Harry, feeling better and less suffocated.
"Okay," I breathe out. "I'll rent a hotel room on account."
"We are staying at 17Black Hotel, north of town. You could crash with us..." Harry suggested. I was waiting for him to laugh, but he didn't. "Why are you looking at me like that? Don't you trust us?"
He was smirking wildly. God, why did I drink? These thoughts running through my mind right now are nowhere near clean.
"It's no that I don't trust you, I just don't trust myself," I blurted, the alcohol taking over as Harry laughed loudly. "Seriously, me, drunk and in a room with four hot guys? That's recipe for a disaster. Nuh-uh, thanks."
"You don't realize how adorable you're being right now, do you? It's making me want to kiss you again,"
I smile sheepishly. "Wait until I'm sober again so I remember to write about it."
"Oh, I'd be honored." He straightened up and we chuckled. "So? What are we doing?"
"Erm, I can't be in the same room as you."
"Alright, so what's the plan?" He grinned challengingly. I raked a hand through my hair, puckering my lips in thought.
"I have nothing," I puffed out air. "I'm actually dead if I go home, I'm not exaggerating."
"I have an idea," Harry said all of a sudden, like it just struck him. He looked so excited. Oh, this must be good.
"Miss Palms,"
Harry looked too attractive for my health. The corner of his lips stretched upwards painfully slow in an equally painful smirk. I groaned internally, unable to take my eyes off of him as he playfully -playing the part- pushed his hand through his luscious curls that looked like melted chocolate. Quirking up an eyebrow, he asked,
"How do you fancy a sleep under the stars?"
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