hour 4 :: onstage
The long eek that the microphone sounds when it's turned on is what announces their presence onstage. Everyone flinches and scowls at the one who initiated the sound, him being Harry, who immediately flinches before he leans down only a little to talk into the mic.
"Oops, sorry about that," he chuckles lowly, the lilt of his accent thundering in his voice. "That definitely wouldn't work for a song intro now, would it?"
The girls giggle, their ears perking up at the sound and I roll my eyes. Harry glances back at me and wink and I can't help but mouth, 'not funny,' to which Harry winks and shakes his head before he faces the small crowd that has gathered closer to the stage now that there's a hot Brit singer making sly jokes.
"Alright, we are Lethal Petals and this is... well, Lethal Petals."
I smile warmly, remembering he'd told me on the roof that this was his favorite song of theirs. My ears perk and I listen with joy as Elijah hit the drumsticks with 1, 2- 1, 2, 3, 4 and they're off.
It starts out barely slow, the melody rather soothing and romantic than party-like, but my breath is taken even further away when Harry's lips start to move.
"Wakin' up from a dream about you is a lot like letting go of loose petals in harsh wind," His eyes close as he plays a soothing string on his bass and I already have goosebumps from the intensity of his voice it's almost unexplainable. The small audience grows a little, nodding their heads with the beat of Niall's drum.
"Havin' you in my arms, I can tell," Harry licks his lips mid-lyric and I melt in the process. "There are stories without endings in your eyes. There are songs on repeat on your lips, and I'm... I'm lost in you. I, am lost, in you."
The musical instruments slow down until the whole room is silent with apprehension and you could hear the drop of a needle -but then we're hit by the calm before the storm realization and all the music turns back to life in synchronization as Harry starts to sing again.
are petals among thorns,
my lips sayin' your name,
are petals among throns,
me wishin', I'm in pain.
"And if your lips were a window
and mine were the rain,
I wouldn't have to describe how
beautiful kissin' you is, babe.
"'Cause you
are petals among thorns,
my lips sayin' your name,
me wishin', I'm in pain."
Musical pause had everyone cheering and jumping on their feet and Harry's large grin show as he shows off with a bass solo, making more squeals errupt from the larger crowd that has gathered. I don't realize I'm grinning so much until I feel my cheeks hurt. I cheer along until more lyrics are yet to come and I perk my ears again to listen to the lyrics.
"Lips move, lips touch,
lips signal, lips hush.
Lips frame words that lie,
but lips smile and I die.
Give me a kiss goodbye.
"But she
is lethal petals,
"She has lethal petals on her,
"She is petals
among thorns."
A flick of the tuning thing against the Harry's guitar bass after the whole room is humming and boom, the slow-ish tunes are on and Harry's mesmerizing voice is completely soloing the lyrics.
"She's a deep dark well
and a breathtaking waterfall,
she's petals among thorns.
"The intoxicating sweetness of her petals
fluttering against my every thought.
She smiles,
and suddenly the sky
wraps itself around her,
and suddenly the stars
shine a little bit brighter."
1, 2, 3 of the drums and a boomshakalaboom and all bass drops again a little harder and a little smoother but eith purpose and everyone is screaming and dancing and I'm the first of them.
"Oh! I've died enough times already,
and this time won't kill me,
so please just kiss me
with your lethal petals
without the thorns this time.
"But that ain't possible, is it, babe?
If I have to be in love, I have to be in pain.
Who said it wasn't wroth it? 'Cause it is.
Who said you weren't worth it? 'Cause you are,
"But you,
you're petals among thorns,
my lips sayin' your name,
"You are petals among thorns," Harry sings. Sings Harry.
You can see the end of the song as it begins and the veins popping out of Harry's neck and with his eyes closed and he's so passionately singing his heart out that he has his eyes pinched closed, completely in his element as he drags out the last few words of the song.
aim them at me."
The elongation of the last syllable has everyone in the room up on their toes and holding their breaths until the last strung and kick of the drum is heard and everything erupts. Cheers and claps and grins are on full brightness and the band members are highfiving and grinning widely and proudly at each other.
I think my throat has gone sore and my hands have swollen red by the amount of cheering I've been doing. I don't remember ever going to a concert my whole life and this one performance from a backstage (kind of, not really) definitely rocked my world.
The vibration of my phone nearly knocks the air out of me (in a bad way this time) as it vibrates from the heel of my shoe all the way up my spine. Huffing, annoyed, I retreat back from the loudness to the near quiet of the lockers. I find a seat on one of the wooden benches between the lockers and take off my shoe to retrieve my vibrating cell phone. I roll my eyes as I read the expected caller's ID.
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