hour 1 :: hallway
It was an utter struggle trying to collect the puffs-everywhere dress in my arms. Huffing, I decided it was an impossible mission to simply peacefully have a wee without having the universe shaking its smug face at me. I had to completely strip out of the rose silk material and free myself of the itchy fabric.
Struggle, that is. It's bad enough that our school toilets are shit anyway.
It's bad enough that it's a prom night and I'm almost close to tears trying to have a poo.
It's bad enough that my prom date straight up ditched me after the first five minutes after we got here.
It's bad enough the school is on lockdown because someone is missing expensive jewelry and the security is trying to find it whilst we're trying to "have fun."
It's just bad enough, really.
The journey back from the toilets through the empty dim halls of my high school is tiresome. The heels of my feet ache from the uncomfortable 7cm shoes I'm wearing-but according to WeeklyGirlFashion dot com, they're supposed to make me look taller, thus sexier. Hopefully.
Every click of my heel sounding against the concrete echoes throughout the whole walk and I'm flinching with each step. But luckily enough, I reach the door of the basketball hall where the school had decided to have our prom party. They've suggested a Formal Ball theme with all gowns and tuxedos, and nobody but me stuck to the theme. All puffed out like Cinderella's but purple.
And now I'm stuck here, ditched by my date and the friends I thought I had and I'm starting to regret every life decision I've ever made.
I return to my search of the infamous date I've arrived with. Caleb Nightdale has only been my crush since Freshman year and only talked to me when he asked me to be his prom date. Well, by ask I mean calling me a day before prom and telling me to "be ready by 7 because he's picking me up for prom, beautiful."
When I finally spot him, he's surrounded by three Sophomores who have little to no dresses on. Caleb notices me basically evaporating smoke from my ears with a flushed face before he decides to excuse himself from the group and starts to walk towards me.
"Caleb, where the hell have you been?" I fume at my so-called date rushing towards me.
"Where the hell have you been?" He shots back, stopping in front of me. "Everyone's having fun, don't look so mad." I take a second to take in his disheveled appearance and his swollen lipstick-smudged lips and look at him in shock and disgust.
"I was taking a piss, while you were snogging off someone else's face, asshole!" I put my hands in front of me and push him hard, but he doesn't budge.
"Okay, don't cry now," Caleb smiles lopsidedly-that smirk I fell for turning out to be a sight I hate-and rolls his eyes.
My jaw is sweeping the floor, ears and neck red with fury. "Why'd you ask me to come with you anyway?" I can't hide the hurt in my voice. "You obviously don't care."
"Of course I don't," He ruffles his fringe that was falling on his eyes and pushes it back with his fingers, showcasing his hard brown eyes. "They told me you had a crush on me so I thought I'd give it a shot."
My face paled, blood freezing. "They?"
"Your friends, Aurora. You know, Rosie and Faye?"
"That's not true," I shook my head, even though I knew damn well that it isn't at all out of the picture that they would do that. After all, I was their DUFF.
"Sure. I'll see ya in Yale!" Caleb mock-salutes me with two fingers to his forehead before he turns around and rejoins the hotter girls.
My blood is boiling and I'm sure I look like a psychotic weirdo planted there in my huge ass dress-that just went to waste-and my eyes so close to angry tears. I'm thinking up ways of creative murder scenes but I'm not sure if I'm going for Caleb, Rosie, Faye or the three Sophomores.
Someone-drunk-slams into me and I yelp in surprise, stumbling over my own two feet and those stupid, stupid heels until I give up trying to balance myself and fall face-down onto the concrete. Luck completely taken off the table, my puffy dress almost, almost flips over my butt and exposes me before I try like a turtle on its shell to stand up off again.
Face down and warm with embarrassment, I block out the snorts and chuckles of laughter and mockery as I head out the exit in hurry, holding my tears as far as the door then letting them flow in defeat.
There's no point saving any makeup now.
My heart held, at this moment, only regret. Regret I'd ever trusted Rose and Faye. Regret I'd ever believed Caleb possibly liked me back. Regret I'd ever listened to all the lies I told myself. Regret I'd ever come to this party.
"Hey," A soft voice caressed my ear drums.
And as much as it almost scared the shit out of me, coming out of nowhere, I stared at its owner dumbfounded. The boy had a smile that could light up the darkest forest, a dimple on each cheek. Forests the color of his green irises. Lips so pink and vibrant and inviting. Brown locks dark and styled to the back. He was dressed in light blue ripped jeans and a Ramones tee.
"Everything okay in there?" Voice like honey and lilting. Fucking British accents do so much with my heart. My eyes snapped up at him, wide with alarm.
Control your hormones, Aurora, you're just sad and very emotional.
"Who are you?" I asked. What? Shit. I shake my head apologetically. "I mean, I've never seen you around the school before..."
"Oh, no, I'm not a student," He chortles and leans back on the cold wall next to the door. "I'm a singer."
He must see the look of confusion on my face because he says, "I'm the lead singer in Lethal Petals, the band playing in your prom?"
"Oh," I raise my eyebrows in realization and the boy nods. "Oh. Welcome to our school where shitty people exist."
He laughs. "Great, thanks for that. Lucky I'm not a student then, huh?"
"Yep," I return his smile-because his smile is so flipping contagious-and lean on the wall next to him.
"Gum?" A hand is extended in front of me with a Trident watermelon gum. I give the Brit a look that he raises his eyebrows at. "What? Why are you looking at me like I just offered drugs?"
I chuckle and he smiles.
"Just a gum," he's saying, but the thing is already popped in my mouth and I'm devoring it.
"Thank you," I nod at him. "For bothering."
"It's not a bother," he said. "Just saw a pretty girl crying her heart out in a dark hallway outside a prom party."
"Oh, God," I groaned, trying to hide the blush my cheeks have gained from being called pretty. "I must look pathetic."
"Not really," He shrugged. "But I'd love to know who the fuck made you cry so I can punch his nose in."
"What? Woah," I giggle when I saw his face. "You wouldn't do that."
"I wouldn't hurt a fly actually," He laughed, nodding in confirmation. "But I could do it if it'll help you feel better."
"No, that's alright, thanks!" I laughed, holding my stomach.
"As you wish," He sighed dramatically and I chuckled at that.
"You shouldn't waste your time here anyway," I lifted a shoulder. "I'm just an emotional wreck. I'll wait for the school to open the gate so I can just go."
"I heard they're gonna be a while, you know. So you might as well have a little fun instead of moping."
"Have fun?" I laughed humorlessly. "I'm not going back in there, in the room where my prick of a date and my fake friends and everyone I hate are. Impossible, nope."
"Okay... doesn't have to be that room." He said.
"What do you mean?" My eyebrows furrowed. "Do you want me to have fun in a classroom? Because, let me tell you-"
"Not a classroom, doofus," He cut me off and my insides tingled at the nickname and how we were getting warmer towards each other, my supposed date completely forgotten. "Like, maybe... a rooftop. Does your school have a rooftop?"
"It does," I mull over it as Green Eyes claps his hands once as if to say, got it. "But I'm not going up there."
"Why not?" He looks exasperated on purpose.
"Because it's dark and it's...pointless. I'm okay sitting here."
"No, it's not dark yet and, no, you're not okay sitting here. Come on," he nudges me and the skin where his elbow touched my arm blossoms with goosebumps. I freeze in place to delve in the feeling.
What is happening to me?
I sighed. "Why are you bothering with this? With me?"
"Because I have nothing better to do," He simply says, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "And you're pretty and sad and I'd like to do something about that."
"Don't try to tell me I'm pretty- I've been crying and I undoubtedly have mascara running down my face and most probably look like a mess."
"A mess I'd call beautiful,"
"Stop flirting with me," I put on a warning face, but my lips were twitching.
"Can't help it," he beams.
I roll my eyes, stupid grin on my face. "What if you're taking me up to the roof to push me off and kill me? I could be handing my life to a complete stranger."
"I'm Harry," He offered me his hand to shake. "And now, I'm not a complete stranger."
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