Interview Of ......??🤔🤔
DATE: 01-MAY-2020
TIME: 12:00 AM
Assalam O Alaikum my cutooss😍😘❤❤ How are you all??💕💕
Anyone missed this weirdo??😂🤣🤣
Sooo actually today I am in no mood of taking anyone's interview butt here I am, wanna know who's the guest?? Scroll down to see😉😂❤❤ Ok soo let's begin noww...
* BEHIND THE SCENES * ( Interview is not started yet) (Straight font: My convo or saying, Italic Font: anyone else)
Where is she? Check everything before she comes! We are gonna do that and that's final. We have to make her accept this.
Yes What is taking her so long? -_- We planned these for her and she is being late. Girls let's go and eat some snacks.
*after waiting for a decade* Finally she is coming! Girls get ready!!
Wareesha: Woah?? What are you all doing here?? Ok first have a seat please everyone.
Wareesha, you take everyone's interview why not you let us interview YOU today.
Oh c'mon guys that's not possib- *gets smacked by a pillow* For God's sake hussaina stop hitting me with a pilloww, you also did last time when you were here..
So say yes then..
*whispers* And here they call ME Drama Queen, This is my show but nobody listen to me.
No, nothing
So shall we start?
Okayy finee, no one can win from all of you XD, *Shouts* Please someone get glass of coffee, juices and some marshmallows here, we have some guests.
You have two legs right?? SO GO AND GET IT YOURSELF
*Clears throat and laugh nervously* They are just you know... *whispers* I am the freaking boss here..
* ON AIR *
Assalamu Alaikum everyone. I'm your Canada_My_Dreamland aka Hussaina. Welcome again to the next episode of "Let's Uncover: An Interview". You are wondering why I'm here😂. Today there is gonna be something new and special. Yes! I'm gonna take an interview of an Idio... Oh I mean our most Intelligent and best author of the books "Path To Success" And "Interesting Facts" (Phew)
Let's Welcome our favorite author and the most wonderful person Miss. Wareesha Nadeem!! A big round of applause for our Best author.
*enters beautifully in a grey kurti*
Please take your seat Miss Wareesha.
But hey.. *whispers*
*gives that "Shut ur mouth and get seated" Look*
Okay *rolls eyes*
So as our interviewee is here. Let's start with our questions. First I'm gonna ask her some questions and will pass the mic to the viewers to interview her. Here you go Miss. Wareesha..
*Whispers* Ya Allah pls don't lessen my viewers (I mean readers hehe) after this.
Hussaina: Canada_My_Dreamland
Q. What's your favourite thing you own and why do you love that??
Ans: "Umm I think my diary, cause I can express whatever I am feeling in it. I never feel lonely whenever I am writing a diary and it gives me real peace."
Q. What is your Proud moment?
Ans: "When I got A One in Matric (10th grade) and I told my parents and they were so proud and I was kinda sad and I cried because my expectations were a little high but when I saw my parents happy and saying that it's A One grade, there's none grade higher than this so why are you so sad and we are so proud of you. When they said "We are so proud of you" That was the bestest and proudest moment of my life😢😍❤"
Q. What would you like to change one thing about yourself?
Ans: *eats marshmallows* "In appearance, I don't wanna change anything Alhamdulillah I like me the way I am, but in habits and all I wanna change my anger, sometimes I get angry a lott and It's hard for me to control my anger😂" (I know it can be shocking for you all but it's the truth😂)
Q. What's the one thing most people don't know about you?
Ans: "Yrr I am not that secretive😂😂 Most of the people here who are also my friend knows almost everything about me🤷♀️😂 I don't have anything which I kept hidden"
Q. What is your most embarrassing moment?
Ans: "I was at someone's wedding and then I heard someone calling my name and saying 'Wareesha You are very beautiful and decent girl Masha Allah' and I was like 'Thankyou Aunty' and she said 'Who are you? I am talking to her' Then I turned around and saw some other girl and I figured out that I was not the only Wareesha in that wedding hall🤦♀️🤣🤣. She laughed and that was so embarrassingg ufff☹😳😳😂😂 But you know after that, that aunty came to me and whispered that 'You are also beautiful and decent more than her'🙈🙈🤣🤣🤣🤣 But aunty I already got embarrassed😳😢😢🤣🤣."
Q. 10 facts about you?
Ans: "Umm I don't know what to answer😂
Ok soo here are ten facts about me:
1. I am just an ordinary girl with carefree attitude (a lil bit too carefree😉😂)
2. Most people say that I am funny so yeah maybe😂😂.
3. I don't mind that easily😌😂😂.
4. I can't see anyone crying in front of me, I hate it I don't know why😂😂
5. I never got possessive over things but yeah when it comes to people, I am kind of possessive. Like I have two best friends in real life, Marsh and Candy and I am a lil possessive about them🤷♀️😂❤ I mean what mine is mine naa, my siblings, my friends, my family, None of your business🤷♀️🤣🤣. You can take anything from me but take these people away and I will be welcoming you with a knife🤷♀️😌😌.
6. I love marshmallows like a lott😍❤ and that is why I named my bestie in real life MarshyyKhan Marsh (short of marshmallow) and she's my first and last love😂😂😘😘😘❤❤ love yaa and miss ya babe😢😢💕💕💕
7. I- *thinks* Yeah, I always end up messing things up I don't know why🤷♀️😂😂🤣🤣
8. I don't like tea or coffee.
9. My family and friends are everything for me😍😍💖💖💖
10. I want to travel the whole world cause I love travelling😍😍❣❣❣ *Phew that's it*"
Okayy so now I am gonna pass mic to Amna Amnamoten , Go ahead amna it's your turn, you can ask anything you want from her.
Amna: Amnamoten
Q. First of all, what's your name meaning?
Ans: "Wow what a question😂😂 Ok so My name has two meanings, 1. JANNAT KA LIBAS (Cloth Of Jannah), It also appeared in the 8th para of Quran with the same meaning😍 and 2. HAPPINESS."
Q. Describe yourself in few lines:
Ans: "Guys you know I am so bad at describing myself or telling facts about me then why are you all asking me these type of questionss🤷♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️😂😂😂... Ok I am nice, friendly and funny, yeah that's it🤣🤣🤣" (You all describe in comments I am so bad at it😑😑)
Q. What's the weirdest thing you've ever done??
Ans: "My whole life is full of weird things😂😂😂.. Weirdest thing I've ever done is that papa gave me two things, glass and a wrapper of medicine, he told me to keep glass in kitchen and throw wrapper in Dustbin, you all can guess what I would've done🤦♀️🤦♀️ I did the opposite🤷♀️🤦♀️🤣🤣🤣🤣"
Q. You are famous for what? Like friendly behaviour or Drama Queen or something else? XD
Ans: "I don't know what I am famous for, Many people call me Drama Queen and some say that you're very friendly and sweet so I don't know what I am famous for😂😂 You all tell mee naa what else I am famous for?😂😂❤" (Tell me in the comments please, I am eager to know😂)
Q. What do you like most in your internet friends?
Ans: "They all are very caring and will be there for you no matter what, will support you and most importantly will cheer you up when you are feeling down, I LOVE YOU ALL GUYSS😍❤💕"
Ok I am done with all of my questions, Now I am gonna pass mic to aynatulmarziya Go ahead and ask your questions.
Aynat: aynatulmarziya
Q. How did you get the idea of interesting facts as I find it unique.
Ans: "Honestly I never thought of writing this book and never ever thought that it will cross 1K votes Alhamdulillah. So my one friend sent me a photo of a shoe on my whatsapp which I found very interesting so I decided to upload it on wattpad too. I just randomly uploaded it and the book title was only "Interesting", I got too much positive comments and response on that picture (It is still in my book in the first chap). Later that night I just got the idea why not continue this book with facts so it will be very knowledgeable so I discussed it with my idiot friend ZohaAzhar and she also praised me too much and said yeahh go ahead you can do this😂😊❤❤ so yeah that's how this book came into existence😂🤣🤣."
Q. If you get stuck in a haunted house with other 4 people excluding you, who will be that people?
Ans: "Yrr you and your obsession with haunted places and all😂😂🤣🤣❤❤ Ok so it will be
1. ZohaAzhar
2. Canada_My_Dreamland
3. Amnamoten
4. aynatulmarziya (you ofcourse😉😂)
5. berryylatte
I know it should be 4 but it's ok one other can adjust, I am Pakistani and I can do that very well😎😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣"
Q. Your first friend on wattpad?
Ans: "My first friend on wattpad would bee Zoho ZohaAzhar Love yaa mate😘❤ and yeah the first ever person whom I talked to is anosha2627 she helped me alot with many things as I was new here, Thanks a loott Anosha😘😘❤❤❤"
Q. Favourite series ever?
Ans: "I don't watch any series yrr😂😂 but want to watch Stranger thingss😍😍😂 But I can tell you my all time favourite cartoon, ofcourse TOM AND JERRYY😍😍💕💕 What?? I am never too old for tom and Jerry you know😌😂😂❤"
Q. If you would be any character of my book, which would you want to be?
Ans: "Ok now that's hard😂 First there is Ruhana who's the confident and brave one, I wanna get her confidence because I am not confident at all, then there is Ayat who loves wattpad as I do and THEN there is Arshi who's a prankster and fun loving, I love her and I love Haya's name... I mean every character resembles me in a different way so I can't choose one yrr😂😂❤❤ you tell me naa?? Which character suits my personality the best in all of your books??😍😂❤"
That's it from me, Now I am gonna give mic to Nuska NuskaNisthar , here you go Nuska, ask whatever you want.
Nuska: NuskaNisthar
Q. What is your most embarrassing moment?
Ans: "Already answered it buddy😘❤."
Q. What is your most unforgettable memory you have with regards to wattpad?
Ans: "Hmm *thinks* Every time when I update and everyone comment different funny things and smile because of me and my book, all of that are the most unforgettable memories. And also whenever we chat in the comments and be totally weird with Zoha, Hussaina, Amna, You and all of them😂😍❤."
Here are all my questions, now there are also few questions which are anonymous, let's take a lookk at thek too😍❤
Anonymous Questions:
Q. Tell me all of your nicknames and people who gave you that nicknames.
Ans: "I am blessed with too many nicknames🤦♀️😂😂🤣 here are some which very special people gave to me:
1. Warry by MarshyyKhan Mi amor😍😘❤
2. Wishay, Washeesho😑 by ZohaAzhar Idiotaa😂😂😘😘❤
3. Weesh by Canada_My_Dreamland Stupido😂💕💕
Here are some and If I missed anyone's pls tell me in the comments and I will add it😂 and if anyone wanna give any other nickname,pls don't I already have many😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣, just kidding you can give😂😂🤣💕💕"
Q. Have you ever got slapped by anyone?
Ans: "Noo😂"
Ok soo here are every questions which were asked by my supporters, I love you all with the bottom of my heart and Thankyou for everything yrr I love you all😍😘❤, Make sure to follow Canada_My_Dreamland Amnamoten aynatulmarziya NuskaNisthar and check out their stories, A Huge shootout to all of you and the anonymous ones.. That's it for today's episode, Hope you like it pls give us your honest feedback and keep watching "LET'S UNCOVER: AN INTERVIEW WITH WISHAY". Till next episode Allah Hafiz warriors."
*Phew* "Finally guys we made it.., although you all forced me to do it but still"
*Starts turning off the mic and everything*
"Wishay let's go eat something yrr"
Yeah ok, Ice cream treat from me😉
"I am up for free ice cream anytime"
*knock on door* "There's someone saying you invited her for an interview"
Guess who's the next celebrity??🤔😉❤
*lights off* *Went for ice cream with all the idiots*😉❤
OK FINALLY I WROTE ITTT, MY FINGERS ARE SHAKING NOWW😂😂, Hope you like it and plsss do vote and comment it would mean a lott☹❤❤ Stay tuned to see who's the next celebrity is😍❤
And for those who didn't got the chance to ask question or wanna ask me any, pls comment your questions here, I will try to answer everyone's💖💖❣❣
Till then Allah Hafiz, take care, stay safe and Love ya all lovelies😍😘❤❤
~Your one and only host WAREESHA♡
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