Out Of The Blue.
Phoenix softly and discreetly knocked the door to room 1202 of the Prosecutors Office, his heart pounding rapidly and sending adrenaline coursing around his body as he heard the faint whisper of a desk-chair swiftly speeding across the wooden floor. Whilst he waited for the man behind the door to appear, Phoenix 'composed himself': fighting away his anxiety by gritting his teeth and forcing a wan smile. The man was his childhood friend. Phoenix had nothing to worry about, did he? The prosecutor had just invited him in good faith that he'd turn up. They'd just have a chat, he'd said.
Nothing more, nothing less.
"Aah!" Phoenix cried out as the door suddenly opened its gaping mouth to reveal his friend; dressed in a blood red scarlet suit, his usual immaculate cravat - which was hanging loosely from his neck -, a dark grey waistcoat on top of a shirt which you could barely see under the cravat and suit and jet black shoes which were polished to perfection (Phoenix could see his own weary face in the glossy reflection) with a welcoming smile playing on his lips. Phoenix felt like fainting at the sight of him. He looked...
'No, I can't think like that..! That's just messed up. He's my FRIEND ....'
"Hi, Wright!" Edgeworth cocked his head slightly, his smile warping into some form of amused smirk. Phoenix felt himself flushing a bright salmon pink as Edgeworth let his beautiful, glinting, hazel-brown eyes rest on his.
"H-hi..." Phoenix stuttered, suddenly extremely self-conscious.
"Come on in.." He gestured towards the inside of the door before stepping inside. Phoenix nodded, his mouth too dry to respond with words. He tentatively stepped in and darted a few glances around, instantly feeling a sense of awkwardness washing over him. As Edgeworth walked calmly over to his sofa, Phoenix stood in the middle of the room, transfixed by how neat it was. A polished wooden desk with one of those expensive 'Mangobooks' resting on top of it, endless shelves of case files in a whole spectrum of colours and arranged by size and date with even a narrow doorway leading into what looked like a kitchen which was hidden behind a shelf that Phoenix had never noticed before, despite the amount of times he'd been in this office.
"Are you coming or what?"
"Huh-?!" Phoenix suddenly spun on his heel to face Edgeworth, feeling an overwhelming burning sensation on his cheeks as he turned a bright pink yet again.
"Phoenix?" Edgeworth gestured, once again, to the blood-red sofa on which he was now relaxing, cross legged.
"Oh, um.. Sorry.."
"Come sit next to me."
"A-a... Ok." Phoenix hastily placed himself down on the sofa beside Edgeworth, being careful with distancing himself at least 10 centimetres away from the prosecutor.
Edgeworth's eyes were fixed on Phoenix.
"Uhh.." Phoenix shifted his weight onto his other thigh uncomfortably to try and fill the silence. He noticed, from the corner of his eye, that there was a large bottle of red wine hiding behind 2 empty wine glasses perched on the table. They all glinted alluringly under the dimly lit room. It was almost 12pm and Phoenix's head was spinning.
'At this time of night... Why would he ask me to come here....?!'
"Hm?" Edgeworth blinked and gave Phoenix a blank stare for a second before realising he'd 'zoned out';
"Sorry, I was just... Thinking."
"No no... It's fine.." Phoenix mumbled in embarrassment;
"S-so... Uh.. What did you ask me to come here for...?"
"Ah, yes." Edgeworth paused, suddenly edging closer to Phoenix so that now they were only 5 centimetres apart. Phoenix instantly felt awkward, but thought it would be incredibly rude to pull away again. It wasn't that he hated Edgeworth or anything, he treasured the prosecutor's friendship and trusted him with his darkest secrets, but it was just that recently... Edgeworth had been behaving differently towards Phoenix. Gone were the cold looks of despair - which he still gave to everyone else - and the stony voice which intimidated everyone who heard it. Instead, only with Phoenix, he'd begun to have a strange warmth in his eyes, a welcoming tone in his voice... Edgeworth had even begun to make an effort to meet up with Phoenix at every possible opportunity he had. The funny thing was, it wasn't like Edgeworth had changed at all. He still gave the icy, anti-social treatment to everyone else, just not Phoenix. This weirded Phoenix out, to say the least.
"Have some wine." Edgeworth leant forwards and snatched one of the pristine empty glasses in his right hand and grasped the neck of the bottle of wine, skilfully pouring just the right amount of the blood-red liquid into the cup without spilling a single drop. He held the glass out to Phoenix and Phoenix responded with a wan smile which flickered on his lips. He didn't particularly want to drink alcohol again. He'd already been through this phase and... After all the drinks he'd had... All the times he'd thought that after he'd lost his way of earning money that a 'small' sip would help... He'd realised that it was all fake. Alcohol was not to be trusted. It had made him more miserable than anything ever had in his life - except the time he thought that Edgeworth had died. That, truly, was the most bitter and sorrowful time for him. Yet, even though he'd been through all this, he still accepted the glass Edgeworth was holding out to him, cupping it gently in his hands;
"Thank you.." He softly mumbled, wondering what wine had to do with the reason Edgeworth had called him here.
'Do I drink it...?'
Edgeworth was gazing in a day-dreamlike state at him again and it made him self-conscious. Eventually, Phoenix just gave up and took a tentative sip, his lips twitching slightly at the edges as the liquid spread its fiery warmth across his tender tongue before proceeding to force its way down his throat. Phoenix disliked the fruity taste it gave off - he'd drunk one too many wines back in the day. He placed the cup down wearily and tried to stop himself from yawning. It was 12:10pm, after all. Normally, by now, he'd be in his pyjamas revising case files in bed until he fell asleep. It wouldn't take long, mind you. The cup was still half full, the wine glittering and settling down, its 'wrinkles' lapping on the rim of the glass.
"So," Edgeworth had returned to reality;
"Congratulations on your performance in court today. It was truly magnificent - as ever." Edgeworth smirked at Phoenix before reaching out to pour himself a glass of wine too. Phoenix's mouth suddenly dried, despite the sip of his wine that he'd just taken.
'Wh-what do I say...?!'
"U-um.. Thank..." He stopped mid-sentence as he watched Edgeworth take a hearty sip of his glass.
His heart was pounding rapidly.
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