Nobody Likes A Blabbermouth.
"Mmph!" Phoenix grunted as they toppled over on the sofa; Edgeworth was on top of Phoenix, who was lying on his back with Edgeworth's arms wrapped tightly around his waist and Edgeworth's head buried deep in his chest. Edgeworth was slightly confused, to say the least. Even when Phoenix was drunk, he was still... Different. He didn't get up and try to do idiotic things that could endanger others. In fact, he didn't change at all.
Well, except the fact he showed his feelings.
Aaand the fact that he was a lot more physically weak.
"Phoenix, you know what I mean.. Don't you?" Edgeworth's voice was slightly muffled by the fact that he was speaking straight into Phoenix's chest.
"You...... Are hinting that.... You like.... Me..." Phoenix's voice was very slurred and he looked pale and unwell.
"Yes." Edgeworth smiled in a relieved manner and lovingly stroked his cheek. "What do you think about that?" Edgeworth moved upwards slightly, so that he was now speaking onto Phoenix's neck. Phoenix didn't respond at first, but eventually Edgeworth heard a just-about-audible response;
"I...." He didn't finish his sentence.
"You...?" Edgeworth pressed;
"Phoenix, you didn't finish your sentence..." But no matter how many times he asked and pleaded, Phoenix wouldn't say anything.
'Damn it! He's not drunk enough...'
Edgeworth cursed under his breath as he realised this. Some things he could never know, he supposed.
"Nevermind," Edgeworth airily stated, watching Phoenix's weary, stunning, hazel-brown eyes begin to close and succumb to fatigue. 1am was 15 minutes away. Edgeworth sighed as Phoenix suddenly went completely limp and was still. Perhaps he hadn't given him too little a drink... Maybe it was the opposite. Maybe he'd given Phoenix too much of a drink and he'd completely confused him and his emotions. But he'd only drunk 2 glasses!
'I thought he'd practically LIVED on the stuff for years! How can he be so drunk that he falls unconscious from only 2 glasses?!'
Edgeworth shook his head and chuckled with disbelief. That was his little Phoenix... Always the odd one out from everyone else.
"Hmm..." Edgeworth cocked his head slightly as he watched Phoenix sleeping, not able to get enough of his adorable face: with its closed eyes and neutral expression. Edgeworth wondered what he was dreaming about. After about 10 minutes, it hit Edgeworth that he had to get some sleep, too. He hastily unbuttoned his blazer, with hands trembling with anticipation, and shrugged it off. He then lay back down on top of Phoenix, laying the blazer out on top of them and using it is a blanket - he ignored the fact that Phoenix was wearing his whole blue suit. He shut his eyes tight and gripped Phoenix's waist as he drifted off into a deep, peaceful sleep.
"Nngh.." Phoenix awoke with a start to be greeted by the same old office. Edgeworth's office. He felt heavy, as if something was on top of-
Phoenix instantly flushed a bright crimson as he noticed what position he'd woken up in. Edgeworth was laying, fast asleep, with his head buried in Phoenix's chest and his arms secured tightly around his waist, clutching for what seemed like dear life. Phoenix's legs were folded up in a kind of sitting position with his knees facing the ceiling, even though he was lying down, and surrounding Edgeworth - who's knees interlocked with the gaps that Phoenix's legs left on either side. Phoenix felt sick. Badly sick. And he wanted to know how the hell any of this happened. And what Edgeworth was even thinking when he said those things the night before. But he couldn't move. He didn't want to wake Edgeworth. He looked so cute, sound asleep and clutch-
His head was pounding. It was evident that he'd had far too much to drink. How was he ever going to be able to face Edgeworth with any dignity again? Well, nevermind dignity... How was he ever going to be able to even just... To even just... LOOK at Edgeworth in the same way again?! They were best friends...! Did Edgeworth really have deeper feelings for him? Phoenix's heart felt like it had stopped as he realised that he was in the Prosecutors' office block. If anyone came in, they'd be dead. That also reminded him... He hadn't seen anyone else around in the block that night. Had Edgeworth been the only one there? It was a possibility, but how had h-
"Mmnngh..." Edgeworth slightly shifted, moving up a bit further so that his head was now resting on Phoenix's neck and he had readjusted his grip (it was still just as tight though!) Phoenix couldn't help but smile as he watched the prosecutor's peaceful, slow breaths and complete trust in him. Was it true that Edgeworth had feelings for him?
Moreover, was it true that Phoenix had feelings for Edgeworth?
Deep down, Phoenix knew there was something there. Something nagging at him. He knew that he had feelings for Edgeworth. He always had. But, over time, Phoenix had quashed those emotions, thinking them stupid and thinking that Edgeworth would never love someone like him. Besides, he was too shy to ever admit these feelings to Edgeworth. Perhaps that's why Edgeworth had made the first move.
Perhaps this was fate.
The minutes ticked by until Phoenix couldn't take it any longer. It was a cool, chilly morning but with Edgeworth on top of him it felt like a sauna; and that didn't sit well with how ill he felt. He stretched out his arms in front of him and stared blankly at his pale skin. It was as white as a sheet of plain paper and he could feel the sick rising in the back of his throat.
'Nononononononononono... Not here, Phoenix! Not now! Not on Edgeworth!!'
He had no choice but to move - and fast! Even if it meant waking Edgeworth, anything was better than throwing up on him! Phoenix swiftly used his shaking hands to softly slide Edgeworth's hands off of his hips, flinching as he moved at his touch. He then proceeded to gently nudge Edgeworth's legs back inside the gaps his legs had made and then tried to slide out from underneath him. Up to this point, the whole thing had bern a success and Edgeworth hadn't stirred once, so Phoenix was feeling a bit more confident. Just as he got to only his legs left to get off of the sofa, he became impatient, the vomit felt like it could come out at any second, and he tried to whip out his limbs from under Edgeworth quickly.
...... It didn't work.
Edgeworth instantly stirred and sat up, ramrod straight;
"Phoenix....?!" His eyes were locked onto Phoenix's and it made Phoenix's cheeks illuminate in a lighter pink (not very much, as he was so pale.)
"Phoenix!? What's wrong?! You look sick!" Edgeworth suddenly leapt to his feet and strode over to Phoenix, who was standing there, frozen with shock and fear. He'd always been an awkward and shy person, so he had no idea how to approach Edgeworth after last night, especially not whilst he was about to be sick.
"PHOENIX?! ANSWER ME!" Edgeworth gently grabbed his shoulders and shook him. Phoenix groaned and clutched his stomach, backing away slowly. Edgeworth had almost given him a heart attack, for God's sake! Shouting out of the blue like that! He seemed genuinely worried about him, though. Edgeworth noticed his fear and subdued his voice;
"Sorry for shouting, but tell me what's wrong ...."
"I-I've g-got... T-to..." Phoenix instantly flew apart from Edgeworth and widened his eyes as the taste of a-night-old-wine began to intoxicate his senses. He made a dash for the toilet - which was located next to Edgeworth's 'secret kitchen' - and locked himself in, staring despairingly at all the plain white porcelain which embellished the bathroom.
"PHOENIX!?" Edgeworth pounded on the oak door, demanding an answer;
"C-coming... J-just give m-me a min.." Phoenix weakly mumbled, making a tiny, feeble step towards the toilet.
"Alright." Phoenix could hear Edgeworth leaning on the other side of the door and listening in.
Slowly, Phoenix managed to lift the glossy toilet seat to be greeted by the familiar little pool of water sitting at the bottom.
How revolting this would be.
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