Chapter 10
As we were close to the restaurant we saw jimin from afar I waved to let him know it was us. We went in and sat at the table,as we sat down the waitress handed us the menu.
We ordered our food and sat there "so what kind of business trip are you guys on?" I looked at jimin who was sitting beside me and smiled 'by the way aren't you gonna introduce yourself properly?' She flared at me and looked back at jimin with a smile. I arched my eyebrows. "My name is soo min nice to meet you am miss y/n min's older sister" I looked at her and rolled my eyes "nice to meet you my name is park jimin and am a....partner of y/n" I gulped 'shall we eat!' I said to break the silence they all nodded and ate.
Jimin POV
I sat across soo min as I was slurping my noodles I felt someone's heel go up my leg I jumped because I got startled y/n looked at me like I was crazy "you okay jimin?" She asked I slowly nodded I looked down at her legs to see what she was wearing he had converse my eyes widened and I looked at soo min who was staring at me this whole time all I could do is smile "so jimin are you single?" She asked y/n glanced 'y-yea I do' She then got her foot off my leg I grinned at her 'how about you your probably married right?' I said trying to change that topic about me she stayed silent and looked at y/n and me "ah I know what's happening..." me and y/n looked at each other "w-what do you mean" she glared at us "are you planning to marry her!?" She startled us I looked at y/n and smiled 'probably. One day hopefully. She is amazing and I love her very much' soo min was frozen "w-well where is she she must be with you right?" She asked I nodded 'she is right beside me' I smiled soo min gasped and there was complete silence between the two sisters "you broke your promise?" She said as y/n arched her eyebrows "well I mean that was a childish promise you'll get over it" she said as she looked down at her phone soo min groaned I sat there looking around. "You know why I wanted that promise" y/n looked up "because you had mom and dads love they always fight and only paid attention to you that's why I left all the time you had it better than me" the table went silent "well they still fight" suddenly soo min hit the table "you've always been better than me you never gave me a chance to be better than you that's why I hate you!" I tried to calm her down "Well ever since you left for college I had to deal with all their fights at least they paid for your tuition! So be thankful soo min. Be thankful that you didn't live in hell every single day!!" I looked at y/n shocked and stood up trying to calm her down. Everyone in the building was staring at us "forget this am leaving" with that she walked out and left me with soo min but then cam back again "I need my key" I quickly gave her mine and she left "pfft she acts like she gone through it all" she rolled her eyes 'how would you know?you weren't there since you left college' I said she glared at me "w -well" I cut her off 'were you there when your parents were fighting? Were you there when she felt alone? Were you there when she had to go to the hospital because of her anxiety and depression?' She stayed quiet 'then you have no right to say that she has it better soo min' with that I walked out and didn't bother looking back.
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