The interview
A lone man exited the drivers seat of a white sedan sighing as he looked upon the factory that layed before him. He adjusted his white lab coat as he locked his vehicle and walked towards the entrance the name on his badge shined in the early afternoon hours on a warm summers day.
Head of staff research
F/N: Just another day in hell.
F/N sighed as he entered the factory which was filled with the joyous laughter of children and parents alike. The que at the desk was long as many awaited thier tour of the factory and to see the many beloved mascots of playtime Co. F/N passed huggy wuggy who remains as still as a statue as families took photos standing next to him even though the guests thought that he was a mere statue F/N knew that huggy was alive and was merely acting and doing as he was instructed.
Wandering through the factory F/N greeted some of his colleagues that passed by giving them a friendly wave.
Soon F/N found himself in the game station where mommy long legs along with her assisting toys bunzo, pug-a-pillar and the smaller huggys were entertaining the kids with fun and games. Mommy waved at F/N with a friendly smile and he waved back she only did this to F/N mainly because he's the only scientist in the factory that treats them with kindess and respect unlike the rest of his co-workers.
Taking the train and then a tram cart F/N soon arrives at playcare. He looked at the orphaned children in sadness he knew that many wouldn't stay long enough to be adopted but yet they were still promised that. Seeing them reminds F/N of his own son Y/N. his stomach churred feeling sick by the thought of his own son being one of the children here.....destined to be turned into a mascot and be abused and manipulated. He would do evreything in his power to stop that from happening.
Catnap played with three of the children while another toy who had the apperance of a humanoid dog helped another set of kids play jump rope. Some kids refused to come near catnap and F/N could understand why either it being her smile or that damn red gas of hers. Catnap watched as a female scientist with blonde hair approached F/N offering him a cup of warm coffee as they entered home sweet home.
F/N: Stella great to see you.
Stella: You too F/N glad to see you've showed up. I apologise for the sudden call on your time off.
F/N: It's okay my wife understands plus a little extra cash wouldn't hurt.
Stella: And how is your wife?
F/N: She's perfect as always the same goes for my little boy.
Stella: Y/N right?
F/N: Yep.
Stella: You know you should take him here to the factory sometime. He would love meeting the mascots like huggy or catnap.
F/N: And have sawyer take him away when I'm not looking and experiment on him? Not happening.
Stella: Oh.....yeah two aren't on good terms. Sorry I shouldn't have never said that.
F/N: It's okay Stella your not to blame that man gets under most people's skin like the ruthless animal he is. But enough of him what's the situation that needs my specialties?
Stella: There's two things that need your attention actually. The first is that there's been an.......incident.
F/N: What? Don't tell me huggy managed to escape again like he did before.
Stella: No its something else.
F/N: Curious and what is the second situation?
Stella: 1006.
F/N stopped in his tracks his eyes widening.
F/N: (Whispers) The prototype.....
Stella: wants to speak to you.
F/N: M-me?
Stella: (Nods) It spoke to another member of staff yesterday through its containment cell window. It said it specifically wants to talk to you inside it's cell and has refused to speak to anyone else since.
F/N: But why me in particular?
Stella: Maybe it's because it knows you more then anyone else. Maybe it's because your more polite to it? Who knows?
F/N: Well if whatever the prototype wants to talk about is so important that it only wants to discuss it with me then I won't keep the devil waiting.
Stella: But are you really going to stay in the cell alone with that thing?
F/N: If I have to.
Stella guides F/N towards an elevator hidden from the children's prying eyes and it slowly descends deeper into the factory.
A man watched through a glass window looking into a dark and seemingly empty room for any sign of movement. The mood felt by those in room was that of anxiety. Two armed guards stood by the door leading into the room armed with carbine rifles and M1911's that were strapped onto thier waist. Two other scientists monitored the cells camera and those of nearby enclosures in case the experiments began to act up. Stella opened the door allowing F/N to walk in but as she was about to step in the man raised his hand.
????: Leave us your not needed go back to dealing with the children.
F/N growled at the man's attitude towards Stella who respected his orders and stepped back out leaving F/N with him and to return to her regular duties.
F/N: Doctor Harley sawyer ever the polite and social man.
Sawyer: And you are still as much as an eyesore to me while you wear that badge that should have been mine.
Harley sawyer points towards F/N's badge.
F/N: Well maybe I was promoted because I'm not a complete heartless sociopath who butchers children without a care or whim.
Sawyer: Not a sociopath more like a man who's willing to do what is necessary for the benefit of science.
F/N: Ah yes child torture how noble.
Sawyer and F/N enter a stare down both giving one another a look of pure hate.
Sawyer: Funny aren't you assisting with our work aswell?
F/N: Only because I have whats this I've heard about my audienc with the prototype?
The stare down ends but the tension remained.
Sawyer: 1006 asked to see you it's reason as of right now are unknown.
F/N: Can we see it on the camera's?
Scientist: No its been hiding from plain sight as it always does. Maybe if you head inside it might come down and reveal itself.
F/N: Unlock the door and let me in I will give 1006 the audience he wants.
Guard: But before going in sir I suggest you take one of these for self-defence.
One of the two guards hands F/N a spare M1911 he took from the armory.
F/N: Hopefully it won't need to come to that.
Sawyer: Don't be so certain we can't foretell what the prototype could do. It really might want to speak with you or maybe it's just using that as an excuse to get it's hands on you and tear you apart limb from limb.
F/N saw the smug look on sawyers face but ignored it not giving the doctor any satisfaction.
F/N: Just open it already sawyer stop wasting time.
Sawyer sucks his teeth and unlocks the door the two guards move aside allowing F/N to enter the room but not before taking a chair with him and laying it in the middle of the room sitting on it and writes down on a clipboard.
F/N: Project log code A46-9 in relation to experiment 1-0-0-6 "The prototype". 1006 has requested an audience with me specifically which has never occured since its creation. As by regulation i will write down any comments made and inform higher authority if anything said raises concern of safety or security.....1006! I heard you wanted to see me well here I am! Would you like to make yourself know now?
Moments pass and the sounds of metal echoe from above up in the roof and a large shadow comes descending down.
The prototype's apperance remains hidden in shadows the only thing visible was one thin metal skeleton arm which came down and pointed at F/N.
The prototype: YoU. I hAve BEen expecTing you.
The prototype voice was a distorted mix of many others ranging from F/N's coworkers and even that of elliot ludwigs.
F/N: I understand you have 1006 its good to see you....well a small part of you at least. How have you been? I hope sawyer hasn't been too much of a pain.
The prototype: HE iS nothing tO Me oR to the OThers.
F/N: And by others are you referring to the other toys and mascots?
The prototype: CorrEct.
F/N: So what exactly would you like to speak to me about 1006?
The prototype: I.....poSSess....A QueStion.
This fascinates F/N, sawyer and all those present the prototype has never asked this type of request before.
F/N: A question?......Go on then 1006 I'm all ears.
The prototype: DO you fEEl anything?
F/N: Feel anything? I'm sorry but I don't understand what you mean by that could you please be more specific?
The prototype: Do you FEel regret fOr what YOU allow ThEm to do?
F/N: R-regret? About my colleagues mistreatment? W-well.....I-
The prototype: You let them BEat us-
StAb us-
Tell me.....dO yOU feel thier PaIn? Does ThE thought oF those LITTLE SOULS you sent to SuFfer haunt you?
F/N: (My's trying to prey on my guilt.) I.....I do 1006 make no mistake I can't imagine what those children went through I myself have a son at home.
The prototype: What IS his naME?
F/N:.....Y/N.....why do you ask?
The prototype: So I wIll know WHO to Look for WhEn he sEeks answers.
F/N: Answers to what 1006?
F/N started to feel uncomfortable and was ready to leave the room.
The prototype: Do you feel it? Do you HEAR them? They grow HUNGRY tHEy will NOt be contained FOr much longer. Soon the GAtes will open.....AS THE HOUR OF JOY NEARS.
This rings alarms bells inside of F/N's head and he decides to end the interview whatever this hour of joy is does not sound good.
F/N: What an.....interesting conversation we've had 1006 but I think it's time we end this talk. I appreciate your cooperation and I hope we can have another civilised chat in the near future.
F/N gets off the chair and walks towards the door not caring for the chair or to bring it with him.
The prototype: ReMember!
F/N stops when he hears the prototype speak.
The prototype: I will ALWAYS be your Greatest CREATION.
F/N doesn't answer and gets out of there walking through the door that locks behind him. Content with its talk the prototype retracts its hand and disappears back into the darkness.
A scientist hits something on the computer which saves the camera recording of the session on a VHS tape as F/N regained his composure. His mind was troubled by this hour of joy the prototype had mentioned. This had to be a threat a warning of some sort and he needed to alert the others.
Sawyer: Well I say that was quite a successful interview we've managed to learn something new about the prototype today.
F/N: We need to alert the others.
Sawyer: I beg your pardon?
F/N: The prototype it said something about an upcoming event of some sort. It called it the hour of joy.
Sawyer: The hour of joy?
F/N: It should be on that VHS tape the camera caught and heard evreything the experiments might be planning something we need to put the facility on high alert!
Sawyer: (Rolls eyes) High alert yeah right there will be no need.
F/N: Sawyer you heard what that thing said!
Sawyer: And I doubt what it said was true. We have those freaks under complete control and we have heavily armed guards on standby if needed so if they do step out of line we'll merely kill them.
Sawyer: I've heard enough of this! We are not bringing this matter up with anyone! You do and I will see to it your fired and won't be able to find a job in this town ever again! Or maybe I'll have someone pay your son a-
This was the last straw and F/N rams Sawyer into the wall and points the pistol given to him between his eyes.
Guard: Sir please stand down!
The guard aimed thier guns at F/N while Sawyer looked at him with fear as the scientists ducked for cover in case shots rang out.
Guard: Don't do it sir you've got a family it's not worth it.
F/N takes deep breaths and slowly lowers the gun and let's Sawyer go.
Guard: Smart choice sir.
One of the guards takes the pistol from F/N and they lower thier weapons.
F/N: I am taking this up with the managers and with mr ludwig himself whether you like it or not sawyer and if you ever threaten to harm my son again then I will go to the authorities, put my family in witness protection and tell them evrey single thing that's been going on down here.
F/N takes the VHS tape holding the footage and marches out. Sawyer growls holding his head which now had a bruise from the gun being pressed into his head.
Sawyer: Great now that's going to be there for weeks......splendid.
F/N walks through the complex his temper slowly calming down from his conflict with Sawyer. Trying to forget about the incident he flicks through his papers trying to find the second issue he's meant to resolve today.
F/N: (Y/N I promise you that I will do whatever it takes to keep you away from Sawyer.....away from here.)
F/N finds the papers regarding the second incident and reads though it. His faces shows a shocked and pained expression as he walks towards his next location.
F/N: Oh you poor thing....wrong place at the wrong time.
The camera zooms in on the papers showing the name and code of a soon to be made mascot.
Experiment 1322
Doey the doughman
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