It's playtime
????: You are about to see the most incredible doll ever invented. Her name is Poppy and she is the first truly intelligent doll in the world.
A little girl can talk to her?
Poppy gives her answers.
She is the first doll actually able to have a conversation with a child.
Hard to believe?
Just watch.
The old vhs video switches to a commercial for the doll.
Ad: Poppy's as loveable as a real girl and she talks too!
Poppy: Hi my names is Poppy! I love you. Can you help me polish my shoes?
Ad: Why of course poppy! Just like a real girl poppy always wants to look her best!
Poppy: Perfect! Thank you!
Ad: Her hair is sturdy and won't come out when you brush it and smells just like a poppy flower! Is there anything else you'd like to say poppy?
Poppy: I'm a real girl just like you.
What's the time?
And if you ever wanted to see how all of the nations favourite toys were created playtime co is now offering factory tours at just 299 a person. An entire hour in the most magical toy factory on earth.
What are you waiting for?
Come visit the factory-
The vhs becomes blurry and distorted before the screen goes black.
After all the searching.....
For so SO long......
I've finally found it.
I click off the video sent to me by a person from reddit minimising the tab on my computer. After years of looking and scouring the internet I finally found the factory.
Years ago when I was still a child my father worked at playtime co helping the company create new toys for children to play with.
But one day he left only to never come back.
I went onto the reddit and began messaging the user who sent me the video.
My dad's dissaperance tore my family apart we never find out what happened to him or why he never returned.
Y/U: Hey man do you know where this factory is?
R/U: Yeah man I got it on my Google maps. You want me to send you the address?
Y/U: Yes! Please send it over ASAP.
Moments later I receive a message with the address and I got off of my seat and run outside locking my door and running to my car jumping in as fast as possible and starting the engine driving off.
But now I could finally change that....I can finally get the answers that I've been seeking for so damn long.
After what felt like an eternity on the road I parked my car and got out staring at the large factory that has layed abandoned for well over a decade.
This is where it all started this was where my father worked. If there's anywhere I can find the truth and give me peace it's here.
I approach the entrance and used a crowbar to lift up the shutters gaining entry into the factory.
I'm going to find out the truth about my dad one way or another and I don't care if I have to go through hell to get it!
I looked back at my car before slowly bringing down the shutters locking me inside.
If I only knew that was exactly what I was about to go through........
Y/N: Well here we are........the playtime co factory.
Upon entering the factory I was met by a reception desk and two other entrances leading to separate rooms. In the right courner of the room was a old t.v which was placed onto the wall with a wire connecting it to a VHS player. On the side of the reception desk was a bright green vhs cassette next to an old stack of paperwork.
Y/N: Well what do we have here?
I pick the cassette up and carefully slot it into the vhs player.
Y/N: Let's see if this thing still works.
Surprisingly it did! After a moment the t.v screen lights up showing a dark room with a mysterious figure lurking in the shadows.
Pierre:Hi my name is Leith Pierre and I'm the Head of Innovation here at the Playtime co toy factory. If you're seeing this then you're trespassing!
Well shit. Should I be worried?
Pierre: Yeah we play this little tape on loop whenever we close the factory for the day. So trespasser just to make you aware while we pride ourselves primarily on our high quality toys and excellent childcare we also pride ourselves on our security. For example this facility is full of hidden motion triggers which once set off will turn on the factory's emergency alarms and directly contact the authorities!
And thats one of the more "tame" aspects of our security system.
The hell does he mean by tame?
Pierre: No spoilers... So you've got my warning it's not too late to turn around. I just hope you're certain whatever you're doing is worth it.
Worried that what this pierre said was true I stay silent for ten or so minutes hearing out for any approaching sirens.
Some time passes......and no sirens.
Y/N: Huh guess your fancy motion security systems aged as well as this factory. Hope whatever I'm doing is worth it? I hope so too pierre.
I head through the door on the right side of the reception entering an empty gift store. Above the empty shelves was a train which drove round in a big circle on its train tracks with a set of if not strangely specific set of colours on its carriages.
Y/N: How is that things batteries not dead?
Not thinking much of it I back out of the gift shop and jump over the gate leading to inside the factory but another shuttered door was blocking my way, a blue hand symbol glowed
above the door.
Y/N: Oh another shutter? Nothing a crowbar can't handle.
I crouch down and fit the crowbar under the shutter and try to pull it up. This time however the shutters doesn't budge even when I'm giving it my full strength. I pushed on the crowbar so hard that I ended up snapping the crowbar in two jamming the broken end under the shutter.
Y/N: Oh fuck me there goes my crowbar. (Groans) guess I'm finding another way to get this open.
I return to the reception and walk towards the room to the left but this door was locked and next to it was a keypad which had its buttons in an assorment of colours.
Y/N: Okay looks like I need a code or a combination to get into there but how do I figure it out?
I think for a few moments until I remember the train with the coloured carriages.
Y/N: Hmmm I wonder......
I walk back into the gift shop and look up at the train taking notes of the colours on the carriages.
I then go back to the panel and put that specific code in unlocking the door.
Y/N: A pretty weird way of remembering a password but okay.
Entering the room I see chairs lined up next to eachother sitting infront of a set of moniters which were what I assumed to be the security cameras. But what got my interest was a weird piece of equipment with a red and blue hand sitting in a small vent next to another TV and cassette player with a blue cassette laying next to it.
Y/N: Alright now I'm curious as to what on earth is that.
Once again I insert the cassette into the vhs player and it shows a static screen before revealing a instructional video for this weird item.
Turns out the tape was an training tape of how to use the grabpack as it was called showing you what to and not to do with it or what to grab and what not to grab. It was even conductive! This is some serious kit especially for a toy factory of all places.
Y/N: Okay that looks pretty cool.....but can it really pull someone's head off?
The glass window of the vent comes down allowing me to take the grabpack and put it on.
Y/N: (Laughs) Oh yeah I'm gonna have fun using this.
I clip the grabpack onto my chest and steady myself getting adjusted to the gear that was now strapped onto my chest. The red hand wad missing but right now I only needed the blue hand to get further deeper into the factory.
I head back to the shutter and slowly aim towards the blue hand print above the door. Taking aim I shoot the blue hand of the grabpack sticking it onto the print which slowly charged up. The recoil did take me by suprise but I stood firm and waited for the print to fully charge opening the shutter. Finally the shutters raise up allowing me access to deeper parts of the factory.
Y/N: Alright baby we're in! Where do I start looking? Maybe I should find the managers office or maybe look for employee records or-
I quickly lost my voice and enthusiasm when I entered a large room connecting multiple rooms together.
Standing under the playtime co logo sign was a tall and lanky blue figure with cherry red lips and yellow gloves and feet with large black eyes. The figure stood motionless in a waving posture as if it was waiting to greet me with a wave and smile.
I immediately recognised the large blue figure it was huggy wuggy one of playtimes most famous toys. My cousin had one as a kid and would never shut up about. I'm pretty sure there was a different version of huggy a pink one but I forgot its name so I'm not sure who that one is.
Regardless I couldn't help but feel nervous and on edge as I approached the mascot I couldn't help but feel like he was watching me and for a moment I swore I saw his eyes move but just shrugged it off as a trick of the light.
Y/N: Urgh you look.......disturbing.
Trying my best to ignore huggy I look at one of the doors which needed both the red and blue hand of the grabpack to open it. I then see another closed door with a blue palm symbol and grab it with the blue hand making it transfer power over to another door labeled "power".
Y/N: Must be the generator room. Guess i gotta bring the power back on.
I tried to open the door but it was locked and then I heard something jingle behind me. I quickly spin around and to my shock saw a set of keys hanging in huggy's hand.
Y/N: What the- no, no there were no keys in his hand moments ago I know I saw nothing in his hand where did he get that? Where did it come from? Who put it there!?
I quickly grab the keys from huggy's hand and unlock the door to the power room and dart in not comfortable in staying in the same room as the mascot. Inside of the power room was an offline generator with a small pylon connected to it. I explore the back finding another pylon and a small door on a machine with a blue hand print on it. I use the blue hand to yank the door off exposing a large button which upon touch glowed up the arm of the blue hand.
Y/N: Right I remember it saying it was conductive yeah I know what I need to do.
I pull the arm back wrapping around one pylon and then wrapping on the pylon attached to the generator bringing the power back online.
Y/N: Y/N you are a genius sometimes you know that?
Done with that small issue I walk back towards the room where huggy once was and-
Wait a minute-
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