(Jack’s P.O.V.)
I glare at Cry.
“I don't see Mark!” The only thing I could see were his lips were in a tight frown.
“I don't understand,” he mutters. “I was never wrong about where someone was before.”
“Great! I bet he led us here to kill us!” Wade yells, unsheathing the sword Mark gave him. Cry takes a step back.
“No, I swear I didn't!” Tears trail down the sides of his mask. “I just wanted to help!” Bob grabs the back of Wade’s shirt before he could hurt the poor guy.
He doesn't look evil.
Looks can be deceiving Anti. I start walking down the entrance to the arena. The snow crunching under my boots. Anti snorts.
Looks can be deceiving? So just because I'm suppose to be a freak and look scary means that I am one? I stop walking.
Anti, that's not what I meant when I said what I said. I did a mental face palm at my stupidity. I guess the words came out wrong… Anti doesn't reply.
“Jack?” Bob calls. I turn my head. “Is there someone in the field?” I turn back around, squinting. There was a figure out on the field. They weren't coming any closer, they were just… Standing there. I jump as Cry appeared beside me. I turn around seeing the other three make their way towards us.
“You guys ready?” I ask. Wade nods.
“Let’s do this!” The others nod in agreement.
As we got closer, the figure turns around.
“You know, her Majesty hates traitors.” A deep voice says from under the cowl.
“Screw the Queen. I'm tired of killing people for her!” Shards of ice flew towards Cry’s face. They froze a couple inches away from his face and dropped to the ground. “You can't be serious, that was stupid.” The white circles where the eyes were suppose to be on the mask started to glow blue. “Let me show you what real magic can do!”
A boulder that was a couple of feet away rises earning a gasp from all of us.
We watch as it slammed on top of the guy in the all white cloak.
That was easy. I should've known better then to assume it was already over.
The cowled guy lifts the boulder and chucks it far behind us.
“Ah, Cryaotic.” The guy says removing the cowl. Long purple hair falls stopping at the middle of his back. His eyes were closed but his ears were pointed. “You think that I would be the Queen's assassin if a tiny rock like that could crush me?” He laughs. “Let me show you what the wraith of a true assassin feels like.” His eyes open revealing orange flaming eyes. He raises his hand and mutters a couple of words. A purple portal opens up. All that was heard was howling.
My hands flew towards my ears as the howling grew louder and the ground began to shake.
Oh my god, make it stop! Anti moans as the sound reaches him. Everyone else had their hands over their ears, except for Cry, who stood defiantly in front of us.
Something huge runs out of the portal, causing the portal to close up. I look up to see orange flames protruding from two sets of eyes glare down at us.
“Oh my god, what the hell is that thing?” Bob shouts. I pale a little. The two headed dog with flames licking its body raises both heads to the sky and howls.
“This,” the purple haired guy shouts over the howling. “Is what a true Ascariba assassin can do.”
Wade bursts out laughing as we all uncover our ears. The purple haired guy narrows his eyes.
“What’s so funny about your soon to be death?” Wade bends down and picks up his sword.
“Nothing,” he says, rolling his eyes. “Except you forgot that we are Markiplier’s friends. A stupid guy like you with a stupid two headed dog is not going to get in our way saving him.” Felix smiles.
“Yeah, bro! So let’s kick this guy’s butt.” That caused the two headed dog to growl, which pissed Felix off. “Are you sassing me?” The dog howls. “You don't sass me! God I am too kawaii to be dealing with your shit.”
“Dude, just want to let you know that's an orthrus!” Cry shouts as it howls again. I draw my septic guns from their holsters.
“We don't care!” I shouted back, pointing my guns directly at the orthrus. “If it means getting our friend back, we’ll fight it.” the others nod.
“For Mark!” Bob shouts, charging forward.
“For Mark,” the rest of us scream in unison, running after him. The assassin smirks as the orthrus lets out a battle cry and charges at us.
The battle on level 99 had just begun.
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