A Traveller's Heart
Bonjour, mes ami(e)s, ist es nicht wundervoll, dass wir uns nach einem Vierteljahr wieder einmal hier sehen? u.u
Gut, wie dem auch sein, kürzlich tauchte in meinem Kopf der Textfetzen "And if you truly have a Traveller's Heart, you feel it too" auf, und darum entstand dann dieses Machwerk voll rosa Prosa - auf Englisch, auch wenn ich die Sprache absolut nicht kann. Aber sie hat so schöne Wörter. (Geht ins nächste Kapitel für eine deutsche Übersetzung xD)
Es ist eine Art Monolog, den jemand namens Emeralde ihren Töchtern und/oder deren Halbschwester vorträgt. Weil manche mehr Absätze wollten, here ya go, mehr gibt es nicht zu sagen, ich wünsche viel "Spaß"
„Elysill is not like any other world, and I refuse to believe you don‘t understand it.
Listen. See. Taste. Smell. Feel.
Don’t you hear the magic, a distant roaring, vibrating in your bones and flesh, don’t you see all the wonders woven within the every day life? Don’t you taste the sea spray salty like blood on your lips, impressions of a sparkly ocean beyond fish and kelp?
And don’t you feel the spirits of the-other-side dancing against the polar night’s sky, don’t you glance back when the stars glance down on you?
What I tell you are all the wonders you’ll find in this world, tell you to look at what lingers behind countless horrors and cruelty. Tell you to hesistate for a moment, hold your breath and watch the sun rising behind a field of poppy and clover, the northern lights rippling in the sky or the mists rising from the eastern marches after a long day of golden light. Keep these memories close to your heart, darling, and when the day comes where you leave this world -may it be far in the future- these moments will spiral in your now forever blind eyes. They will guide your soul as it travels the barrier between the worlds, and the purest of them, those you experienced without thoughts of guilt or happiness or anger, those you did not think about, just felt with all of your senses.
These are the memories you’ll keep, even in the-other-side. And if there are enough of them, you’ll know who you were before.
The past is a secret the worlds only tell those who listen to them, who believe in a meaning behind every breeze of wind and every breath a living creature takes. Listen closer, and they might tell you about what matters to them. They tell you of Witches and Selkies and falling stars, of times of war and those of peace, of ancient cities which are now nothing but dust and ashes, grind down by time. And maybe they tell you about a girl with a cloak of fox-pelt and a boy whose heart overflows with love.
It’s a though world, one that challenges your heart and spirit until you gain it’s trust, one that never stops imagining more evil and pain.
But atleast, the world loves us. We are those who shape it, who work our magic on and in it.
We fill Elysill with our ideas and dreams, and they might be the most precious weapon ever to be known.
It’s a world of travellers, it belongs to those who are curious enough to seek out for the adventures awaiting behind the horizon. Those who came from one of the billions of other worlds and who brought their ideas and inventions with them, appreciating the best and improving the good ones. That’s why our hearts awake when wolves are howling in the distance, that’s why seeing the sky dyed with yellow and red summons a glowing in our eyes.
And it’s also the reason why working magic makes you sad and happy at the same time, why it feels like your heart is torn out of your ribcage only to be raised to the distant stars.
The sound of crashing waves against steep cliffs, the rays of sunlight bringing warmth to even the coldest of places, the scent of the earth after a thunderstorm and tasting winter’s first snowflakes, that’s the call of Elysill.
No matter if magic pulses trough our veins or not, not matter if we dive beyond the waves or fly higher than the mountain peaks, regardless of rich and poor and where one’s from – those whose souls are deeply tied to this world know it.
And if you truly have a travellers heart, you feel it too.
Hm, immer noch da? Dann danke, dass du dir das hier angetan hast, und noch mehr danke, wenn du Kritik hinterlassen hast. Nimm dir ein ungesundes Lebensmittel deiner Wahl.
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