Danny woke up when the front door closed, he could hear Isabella talking and decided he didn't want to see any of them. He stayed in his room until it got dark, Mary tried to get him to eat dinner but he wouldn't answer her. Toxin finally broke the incredibly long silence, 'It is boring staying here.'
Danny sighed, "Any suggestions?"
Toxin hummed, 'You used to take down criminals before coming back here, it would help us learn to work together.'
Danny sighed, "Fine."
Danny wouldn't admit it but he did miss taking down criminals and he was sure Toxin knew that. Danny transformed and teleported to the city, they were on a rooftop and Toxin spoke, 'Where should we go?'
"In this city if you walk around long enough you'll find a crime, just don't try to eat anyone."
Toxin growled in irritation, Phantom smirked before he heard something and quickly made his way to where he'd heard a scream. He looked down and a woman was being mugged, he jumped down and the guy glared at him, "Beat it kid."
Phantom wasn't amused, "I'll give you one chance to give up, no one has to get hurt." The guy pointed his knife at him and he sighed, "Have it your way."
He grabbed the guy's wrist and punched him in the face, he was out cold and the woman was holding her purse close to her chest. Phantom smiled at her, "You should get home, I'll handle this guy."
The woman nodded and ran away, Phantom tied him up and Toxin spoke, 'You are kind to strangers, why?'
"Because I know what it's like to be the victim, and I'm probably not going to see them again anyway."
Toxin was silent for a few seconds, 'You are a very confusing person.'
Phantom almost laughed, once he took care of the thief he made his way back to the roof and jumped from one to another as he listened. He heard a store alarm go off and quickly made his way toward it, "You should handle this one Toxin."
Toxin was confused, 'Why?'
"To work together we have to have some idea of what we can do which means I need to see what you've got."
Toxin hummed, 'Fine.'
Toxin took control and jumped down to the store the alarm was going off in, neither of them were surprised to see that it was a jewelry store. Toxin walked in and the three men saw him, two of them pointed guns at him, "I'd get out of here if I were you."
Toxin growled, "Good thing I'm not you."
The two started shooting at him and Toxin shielded them, now Phantom knew Toxin could use himself as a shield. Toxin heard several clicks and he knew what that meant, he dropped the bullets and ran at the men, he was fast. Toxin stretched his arms and took their guns as he kicked the second, he hit the wall and was out cold.
He pinned the other two against the wall and they struggled, Toxin knocked them out and dropped them. He could already hear the police sirens so he left the store and less then a minute later the police ran in to find three unconscious robbers. Phantom spoke, 'I think we might actually work pretty well together.'
Toxin nodded, "It will take some getting used to but I think it is possible."
'Then let's try a test run on the next criminals, nothing too big but it'll give us a chance to work it out.'
Toxin nodded and jumped from one rooftop to another, it took over half an hour to find another crime, five guys were smashing a car. Toxin tilted his head slightly, "Who are they?"
'If I had to guess I'd say members of a small gang, ready to give this a shot?'
Toxin nodded and jumped down, he growled and all of the guys looked at him and they looked a bit afraid, Phantom couldn't blame them. Phantom spoke, 'I'll let you know when to let me take over okay?'
"Got it."
One of the guys spoke, "Why are you talking to yourself freak?"
"Wouldn't you like to know."
The guy came at him with a baseball bat and Toxin ran at him, 'Switch.'
Phantom took over and dodged the swing before punching the guy in the face and he hit the trunk of the car. The other four glared at him and attacked, Toxin spoke, 'Switch.'
Toxin took over and ran at them, he jumped to the wall and kicked off to get behind them, he took the weapons from two men and knocked them into the wall. The last two came at them and Phantom spoke, 'Switch.'
Phantom took over and dodged the first guy, he grabbed the wrist of the second and twisted it until he let his crowbar go. Phantom grabbed the front of his shirt and threw him at the last guy, they were both unconscious. Phantom looked around and they were all down, he used one of the guy's phones to call the police and put the phone on the car while it was ringing.
He flew up to the roof and Toxin spoke, 'I think that went well.'
"Yeah, petty criminals were a good test run."
'We should sleep, I know you are tired and it is late.'
Phantom sighed, "Fine, but let's plan to do this tomorrow."
The two waited for the police to show up before they went back to the foster home and Danny transformed before sneaking into his room. He laid down and Toxin spoke, 'I am curious about something.' Danny hummed to show that he was listening, 'Why do you seem so different as Phantom?'
Danny thought for a second, "I just feel better when I'm like that, I can do what I want and I'm free to be who I am. My ghost half is part of me, it's the only thing that made life bearable when it wasn't."
Toxin was quiet for a few seconds as he thought about Danny's answer, 'I like when you are Phantom, you are happy that way.'
Danny wanted to respond but he didn't know how, in the end he just closed his eyes to sleep but he knew Toxin was right. The next day he woke up and got ready for school despite how much he didn't want to go. He ate breakfast at the table in silence and Mary smiled at him when he looked at her which just confused him.
When he was finally at school he started wondering why Toxin was so quiet but he knew Toxin was awake, did Symbiotes even sleep? He went to his locker and he tried to forget about how quiet Toxin had been but he couldn't and he didn't like it. He slammed his locker shut and someone spoke, "Geez, what made you mad this time?"
Danny turned and it was Richard, "Shouldn't you be ignoring me?"
Danny walked past him and Richard looked confused as he followed him, "Why would I be ignoring you?"
"Because I said we aren't friends."
Richard smiled just a little, "The fact that your even bringing it up means you've been thinking about it since it happened."
Danny paused before he glared at him, "Don't push it."
Richard's smile widened and Danny walked away, Richard quickly caught up and wondered if something had happened since he last saw Danny. He seemed tense but it was a different kind of tense and he almost seemed calmer, and Richard was happy for him.
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