It is time to worship
There are many ways to create an atmosphere that attracts the presence of God. Many times when we are in church, or our houses or wherever really, we have an opportunity to worship God and to have fellowship with Him.
When I was younger, I was always shocked to see how somebody could cry while singing to God and how tears just rolled down their faces so freely and effortlessly. I was convinced that to be a good worshiper, you needed to cry a little.
When I got closer to God and didn't cry. Imagine how I felt! So distant. I really wanted to cry. I wanted to feel like a real worshiper. Then at some point I realized that, worship comes from the heart and it's not a performance. That's the difference between real worship and performances in churches or wherever. God does not want us to perform. God does not want to worshiped by people who act. God loves those who worship Him truly.
God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth. - John 4:24 (NIV)
The heart of God delights in those who seek Him truly. All through the scriptures, God really tells us what He expects of us and how He wants our relationship with Him to be like. He wants pure worshipers. When you worship God, all you are thinking about in that moment or period, is God. That is why worship at some point becomes emotional, whether or not you cry. Its an expression of thankfulness to God.
God is so great and big! How else could we thank Him if not with our lives? There is nothing that God could possibly want from us. And when He says, He seeks out those who will worship Him in truth, it delights Him. One of the most painful things to discover among the brethren is hypocrisy. To be a hypocrite in the simplest terms, is to be an actor. When you act, all you are doing is playing a role. Nothing else.
and Aaron told them everything the Lord had said to Moses. He also performed the signs before the people, 31 and they believed. And when they heard that the Lord was concerned about them and had seen their misery, they bowed down and worshiped. - Exodus 4:30-31 (NIV)
Worship should become a part of our lives. Worship in its essence is showing gratitude towards God's faithfulness. God's faithfulness is never dependent on our faithfulness. God is always the first one to step forward in initiating something that will affect us in one way or another. He loves to be worshiped. He loves to be adored. He loves to be acknowledged. When you acknowledge someone, you recognize the truth of their existence in your life.
Worship is a response to God's goodness in our lives. The bible says, "when they heard that the Lord was concerned about them and had seen their misery." Then, they worshiped. Up until that point, they were skeptical about God and what He was going to do with their lives. Only when they heard and were sure that God cared about them, did they begin to fellowship with Him in that manner.
Sometimes we feel forgotten and lost. And then somebody sends you a text or calls you. It's amazing. It feels like they are concerned about you and just want to know how you are doing. Such calls, however menial, are so significant. So the Israelites here, they saw the power of God and in response to His goodness and mercy, they worshiped. Our worship to God is showing gratitude to His faithfulness.
Wonder Father, may you help us to truly serve you and to worship you in truth and in Spirit. Thank you for your faithfulness and abundant love. Thank you for sending your son to save us. We worship you. We adore you. we acknowledge you. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.
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