It is time to say yes
Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. - Revelation 19:7 (KJV)
One of the toughest times I have ever had to endure through was preparations for a wedding ceremony. It is so busy and so many things are needed. The bride is usually more excited than the groom. I remember in 2008 when an older cousin of mine was getting married. Since I am a part of the family, I was more involved in the preparation than most people.
Few weeks before the wedding, we had to make sure our clothes were ready. Suits and ties for the gentlemen and nicely designed dresses for the ladies. I came from a distant place and I only arrived a few days before the wedding. As young as I was then, I faced unnecessary pressure. After seeing all of that, I seriously started considering whether or not I'd marry when the time came.
Weddings are exciting, but the preparation is sorely involving. When the wedding day finally arrived, I saw how every person wore a different kind of smile in appreciation for the big day. The bride was so beautiful and the groom was impeccably groomed himself. Did I mention that I had to dance for more than 100 metres while holding a knife? I held the knife that was going to be used to cut the cake. I traveled in a 360 degree rotation of my waist, dancing my way to the bride and groom. Did I like it? I want to say no. Was it fun? Perhaps. More so to the people that watched than me. Then we took pictures! A fun wedding it was!
The bible says, "let us be glad and rejoice." Let us give honor to Him. Why? Because there is marriage. The groom expects the bride to be ready. It takes more preparation for the bride than it does the groom. I am starting to wonder if that's the reason the groom will wait a couple of minutes, already positioned before the bride walks on the aisle. The groom would have already prepared himself while he waits for the bride. The question is, have we said yes?
There can never be a wedding without a proposal. First, there is a proposal, then there is an answer. And again, before the wedding, we would need to know what answer it is. If it's a yes. Perfect! If a no, well, then there wouldn't be a wedding, would there now?
When you are in a relationship with somebody, the idea is to get married, right? Otherwise, what's the point? Never get into a relationship that has no plan for marriage. Don't say, we are young. If you are young, don't get into one. Not until you are ready to marry, don't get into a relationship. I assume most of the people that will read are Christians. For any christian couple out there, marriage should be the goal. If there is no plan for marriage, your relationship is a game.
Dating is the prerequisite for marriage. Its what we believe as Christians. Relationships should never be treated like a game that you play when you feel lonely. Relationships should never be our go-to plan when we feel overwhelmed. Just be single and let God take care of you. If you never knew, Jesus wants to marry you. We cannot marry someone we haven't accepted yet. Think about it. The only reason you'd wear a wedding dress is because somebody proposed to you. Why else would you wear it? For a dress rehearsal perhaps?
Jesus is serious about His proposal. Have you said yes? Weddings are beautiful. But there is nothing more beautiful than having a relationship with Jesus Christ. He is amazing in ways we cannot imagine. Today, He is asking for your hand in marriage. What will you say to Him?
And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. - Revelation 19:8 (KJV)
Would you go to your wedding in Pajamas? What's the appropriate dress code? And would you wear a dirty white dress? Would you wear a borrowed white dress? One that had been worn a few times? I would like to think your answers to these questions was no. Jesus has a standard for His bride. There is a standard to meet. He says, "that she should be arrayed in fine linen." Clean and white. What does this symbolize? It symbolizes the purity of the saints. This is only after we have accepted Him.
And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God. - Revelation 19:9 (KJV)
I read an article recently that made me understand how difficult it is to get married. Getting into a relationship is easy. Anybody can. Not everybody gets married, sadly. The amazing thing with Jesus is that He wants to marry every single one of us. Jesus would never divorce us. He believes in permanence. Decide to get married to the one who gives life today. He is the best husband!
Father, I accept marriage to your Son today. Help me not divorce my self from Him. May you teach me to love Him. Teach me to be submissive to what He says. This I ask, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
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