It is time to have the Holy Spirit
And I will never again turn my face from them, for I will pour out my Spirit upon the people of Israel. I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken!" - Ezekiel 39:29 (NLT)
God still gushes out His spirit on everyone that wants His Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. He is the part of God that has emotions. He is the part of God that exudes power and might. He is the one that upholds us and keeps us from falling. Why not ask for the Holy Spirit of God?
Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy. - Ephesians 4:24 (NLT)
This scripture is amazing! The word of God dictates how we live and dictates to us who we are. The bible tells us we are created to be like God. Truly righteous and holy. Before we can ever become like God in righteousness, we need to put on a new nature.
You have to put on this nature every day. We always change our clothes because they are dirty right? In like manner, the act of putting on the nature of God is a daily thing. If we do not put on the nature of God, we become unrighteous and unholy.
And do not bring sorrow to God's Holy Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he has identified you as his own,[] guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption. - Ephesians 4:30 (NLT)
There is a way to live that pleases God. Living in righteousness and purity pleases Him and accommodates the person of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The Holy Spirit does get hurt. The Holy Spirit therefore has a personality. When we live in unrighteousness, we hurt the person of the Holy Spirit. We make our home inhospitable for Him. We are God's people, branded by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit guarantees our salvation.
You know how Nike brands their products as their own? God brands us as His own through the Holy Spirit. We should become hungry for the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Hunger shows a sign of life. When you can no longer feel hungry, I'd suggest you visited the nearest emergency room. Hunger is a sign of life. The Holy Spirit helps us to live our lives purely. That is why we need Him.
And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; - Ephesians 5:18 (KJV)
The bible encourages us to be filled with the Holy Spirit. You might ask, how can we be filled with the Holy Spirit? One of the easiest ways to be filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit is by singing spiritual songs. Create a playlist on your phone and fill it up with Holy Spirit filled songs.
If a person can be filled with lustful thoughts by listening to explicit music, how can that person not be able to be filled with the Holy Ghost, if they worship and invite God into their hearts? In one of the chapters, we learned about worshiping God. Get yourself an Iphone. An Ipad maybe, and have worship tracks that you can listen to as you pray.
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; - Ephesians 5:19 (KJV)
The scripture says, speak or utter or talk in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. The scripture that precedes the one above tells us to be filed with the Holy Spirit. Then the next verse says, "speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs." I believe singing spiritual songs helps us to invite the Holy Spirit into our hearts. As we sing and invite the Holy Spirit, we are not singing to people, but singing to God.
Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; - Ephesians 5:20 (KJV)
Chapter 5 of the book of Ephesians starts to list some things that can help us receive the Holy Spirit into our lives. Giving thanks stirs up the presence of God in our lives. Whenever you show gratitude towards a person, you actually warmed their hearts and recognized their good intentions towards you. An ungrateful person can never be close to God.
Jesus always gave thanks to God. When He presented the two fishes and fives loaves of bread to God, He started by thanking Him. The disciples were worried about there not being enough food for the masses that gathered before Jesus. Jesus rather just thanked God, for what they had. When He did, there was more than enough left over. ( see John 6:1-14)
Father, we ask for your Holy Spirit to fill us up in everything we do. We give ourselves away so we can be filled with your spirit. Thank you so much for hearing our prayers. This we ask in Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
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