𝐓𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐲 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 #1
Spruce was cooking a snack for him and his brothers to eat while watching one-year-old Baby Branch scribbled on a piece of paper with a blue crayon.
Spruce: *brings out a cup* Oh Branchy-wanchy...
Baby Branch: *looks up* Mmm?
Spruce: This is a cup. Saaay cup!
Baby Branch: *blinks and looks at the cup*
Spruce: Cup!
Baby Branch: Uppppp *blows a raspberry*
Spruce: *laughs* Oh, Branch!
Baby Branch: Mmmm...uppppp. *blows raspberry again*
Spruce: Cup. You got to say the p sound lightly. Cup
Baby Branch: Mmm-mm-mm, upppppp *blows raspberry*
Spruce: *laughs* Awwww, at least you're able to say the word "up"
Baby Branch: Uppppp!
Spruce: Can you saaaaay....apple? *tosses a red apple in hand*
Baby Branch: Aaappppp *blows raspberry*
Spruce laughed and laughed. He did it so much that he had tears in his eyes. Baby Branch laughed along with him too.
Spruce: Oh my gosh, Branchy-wanchy, why do you keep doing that?
Baby Branch: Aaaappp *blows raspberry*
Spruce: Okay, okay, okay. Can you saaaay cloud?
Baby Branch babbled while scribbling on his paper with a blue crayon.
Spruce: Say cloud!
Baby Branch: *looks at Spruce with big, round eyes* Owwww!
Spruce: Ow? Oh-oh, did you hurt yourself?
Baby Branch: Nooo.
Spruce: Oh good. Say cloud.
Baby Branch: Clow
Spruce: Yaaaaay!!
Baby Branch: Yaaaay!!!
John Dory comes into the kitchen, greeting them two.
Spruce: Snack's almost ready. I'm also trying to have Branchy-wanchy say a few words.
John Dory: Ooo, let me try!
Baby Branch: *babbles while scribbling* Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba!
John Dory: Ooohhh Bitty B, can you say....bubble?
Baby Branch: Buba!
John Dory: Buba?
Baby Branch: Buba!
John Dory: *smiles* Awwww, that's a cute way to say bubble. Okay, can you saaay...Troll?
Baby Branch: Trrr....ol! Troll!
John Dory and Spruce: *claps* YAAAAAY!!!
Floyd and Clay came into the kitchen, asking what the commotion was, until Spruce told them what Baby Branch said and they were thrilled.
Floyd: Wow, that's great!
Clay: Yeah, just you wait until we tell Grandma about that.
Spruce: Say Troll again!
Baby Branch: Troll!
They all cheered once again, clapping for the little one. Baby Branch clapped along with them.
Clay: Can you saaay....dog?
Baby Branch: Dog!
Clay: Wow! He's getting good at this!
Floyd: Ooohhhh Branchy-poo! Can you saaay...banana?
Baby Branch: Nanana!
Spruce, John Dory, Clay, and Floyd: *in unison* Awwwwwwwwwwww!!!
Floyd: That was soooo cute!
Spruce: I knooooow!!
Baby Branch: *sings* Na, na, na, na, na, na!
Spruce: *sings* Na, na, na, na, na, na, na! *points at his brothers* Now you!
John Dory, Floyd, and Clay: *sings* Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Spruce: Ah, ha! That's great!
They all continued to sing, especially Baby Branch's brothers who were not only singing but also dancing. And together, they enjoyed the moment.
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