𝐁𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐉𝐨𝐲
Requested by Jrae25
This is the time when Branch was a newborn and his brothers were the following:
John Dory: 14
Spruce: 13
Clay: 11
Floyd: 8
It was a lovely afternoon in the Troll Tree, and inside Grandma Rosiepuff's Pod, the four brothers John Dory, Spruce, Clay, and Floyd were in the living room, sitting on the couch, watching a blue-striped egg with a dark blue hair tuft sticking out of it, which the egg sat on a pillow on top of a small table. At any moment, their new baby brother was going to arrive and they were all excited, especially eight-year-old Floyd.
"Oh my gosh, I can't believe that today is the day! We're finally going to meet our new baby brother today, " Floyd whispered in excitement.
"I know right? I can't wait to see him!" Eleven-year-old Clay said.
"I can't wait to see him too! And pretty much teach him all I know, especially playing video games," Thirteen-year-old Spruce said.
"Ooh, and we can also teach him how to sing and dance too," Fourteen-year-old John Dory said.
"What about teaching him how to do critter boarding?" Spruce said.
"Ooh, and Pulling pranks on you guys," Clay said.
Floyd chuckled. "Those all sound nice, though it's going to be a minute when our new baby brother will be doing all that."
"You're right. But you know what? I can't wait to feed him, cuddle him, change his diaper, play with him, sing to him, and comfort him," Spruce said.
"Absolutely. No doubt about it," Clay said.
"And the best thing is that we're ALL going to be big brothers together," John Dory said.
Clay smiled. "Oh right! Floyd's going to be a big brother at any moment!"
Floyd smiled nervously. "Yeah, I still can't believe it."
"Well, you better believe it, bro." John Dory hugged him. "This is going to be a big thing for you."
"So, how do you feel about going to be a big brother?" Spruce asked.
Floyd smiled through his nervousness. "Well, I'm a bit nervous, but excited, but then nervous again at the same time. I mean what if I mess up? What if I won't be a good big brother? What if....he doesn't like me?"
"Not like you? Are you kidding me? He's going to love you, Floyd! You're literally the sweetest and the most sensitive Troll out of all of us," John Dory said.
"Heeeey, I can be sensitive too," Spruce whined.
"But not like Floyd," Clay admitted. "I mean who would try to bring a gecko in the pod and try to take care of it until it got better?"
Spruce shuttered. "Oh, yeah, that's totally not me."
"And if you can take care of a gecko, you can take care of our new baby brother,," John Dory said.
Clay gave him a look. "Bro, taking care of a gecko is different than..."
"You get the point. Floyd, you're going to be a great brother to him. Plus, you got us to guide you along the way, especially me," John Dory, beaming a smile.
Floyd smiled a bit. "Thanks, John. I feel better knowing that I have you guys to..."
One by one, each of the four brothers turned towards the egg, which was starting to hatch. This got them excited as they started to scream, but then Grandma Rosiepuff, who came into the living room told them to quiet down. Well, there was no need to tell Floyd this because he bit his lip to keep him from screaming, although his scream would've been quiet as a mouse.
Soon, a small, light blue body showed. The little legs and feet were next and the little hands too. And more of the blue hair shown. Everyone gasped as a baby Troll finally hatched out of the egg. It hummed and squirmed around a bit. The four brothers immediately warmed up to this little one.
"Oh......my.........gosh!!! He's sooooooo tiny!!!" Floyd said while in tears."Hiiiii Branch!!!!"
"We're officially big brothers now," Spruce whispered in excitement.
"I know right? It's such a blessing and I'm grateful for him to be part of our family," Clay said.
John Dory smiled. "Welcome to the family, baby bro."
Baby Branch slowly opened his bright, blue eyes and looked at each of them with a curious look.
"Awww, my little peachfuzz." Grandma Rosiepuff grabbed Baby Branch from out of the broken egg and put him in a brand-new diaper, holding him close. "You know, he reminds me of how you guys where when you were babies."
Baby Branch hummed and kept looking at them.
"Awwwwwwwwwwwww," Spruce, Clay, Floyd, and John Dory said I unison.
Floyd waved at him. "Hiiii, Baby Branch. Hello!!"
""Awwwwww, aren't you the the cutest, little thing, Branchy-wanchy," Spruce said.
"And soooooooo adorable!!" Clay said in a high-pitched voice.
"Hiiiii Branch. You're so quiet, aren't you?" John Dory asked.
Just in ten seconds, Baby Branch began to cry. This startled Floyd for a moment,
"Can I hold him?" John Dory said.
Baby Branch blinked and immediately cried too. The four brothers frowned, watching their baby brother crying and screaming, which startled them, especially Floyd.
"Awwwww, what's wrong, Branchy-wanchy?" Spruce asked.
"You poor, poor thing," Clay said.
"Why is he crying, John?"
"I think he's hungry," John Dory said.
Grandma Rosiepuff nodded. "Exactly, John Dory. Time for his first feeding! Now, who wants to hold Baby Branch while I get his bottle?"
Clay, Spruce, and John Dory faced each other. The three of them went back on forth on who was going to hold Baby Branch, saying "I WANT TO HOLD HIM!" and "NO, I AM!" and "I'M THE OLDEST!" and "ME, ME, ME!" Floyd, on the other hand, watched them argue.
Grandma Rosiepuff faced Floyd. "Actually, Floyd, how about you hold him for me?"
Floyd hesitated. "M-me? But Grandma, I... uh..."
Before he could finish, Grandma Rosiepuff sat him down on the couch and gently placed Baby Branch in his arms who continued to cry. Floyd, on the other hand, got a bit worried, not knowing what to do.
""G-Grandma, I-I-I don't want to drop him...."
"You won't, sweetie. Just support his head and bottom and natural instinct will kick in," Grandma Rosiepuff reassured.
Floyd watched his Grandma leave the living room and went into the kitchen. He faced his older brothers with plea, still not knowing what to do. The three of them, who stopped arguing, sat beside him.
"Alright, all you got to do is rock him gently from side to side," Spruce said.
"Like this?" Floyd started to rock Baby Branch, who was still crying, but softly.
"Yeah, like you're swaying to some music," Clay said.
"And Floyd, be gentle. He's tiny!" John Dory added.
Floyd shot John Dory an "Are you serious?!" look, raising an eyebrow.
"Nah, I'm not gentle at all. I'm tough and like to get dirty," Floyd said in a deep voice.
Spruce and Clay couldn't help but to laugh while John Dory smirked at him. Even at eight years old, Floyd was a natural of being sarcastic at times.
Spruce laughed. "I can't believe you're asking our sensitive brother to be "gentle". That's hilarious."
John Dory laughed. "Oh, right. Heh heh."
Floyd was swaying softly with Baby Branch's head nestled in the crook of his arm, looking like a natural.
Clay smiled. "See, Floyd, instinct kicked in. You're a natural big brother!"
Baby Branch, feeling Floyd's gentle motion, slowly stopped crying and blinked up at Floyd...and sneezed.
"Awwwwww, bless you, Baby Branch!" Floyd cooed.
Baby Branch blinked up at Floyd and seemed to smile faintly and nestled deeper into Floyd's arms.
"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!" John Dory, Spruce, and Clay said in unison.
John Dory smiled. "We've got a natural big brother on our hands. Floyd's rocking this!"
"Just like us," Spruce added.
Clay nodded in agreement. "He's such a fast learner."
Grandma Rosiepuff returned with a warm bottle and smiled at Floyd and Baby Branch's cozy scene. "See? I told you that you can do this, darling. Now Branchy's ready for his first feeding!"
She sat beside Floyd on the couch, gently taking Baby Branch from him, and demonstrated how to hold the bottle correctly. Floyd watched intently as his grandma showed him how to support Baby Branch's head and how to gently guide the bottle into his tiny mouth. She then handed Baby Branch back to Floyd.
Floyd looked focused as he carefully positioned the bottle and Baby Branch began to drink eagerly.
"Awwwww, you've must've been super hungry," Floyd said.
His older brothers gathered around, watching with warm smiles as Floyd fed Baby Branch
"Awww, look at him go," Spruce said.
"He looks so serious," Clay said.
"Mhm. Drinking the milk like a pro," John Dory said.
"You're doing such a great job, Floyd," Grandma Rosiepuff complimented him.
Floyd beaming with pride as he fed him. "Thanks, Grandma. I really like doing this."
"Alright you three, ready to feed him too?" Grandma Rosiepuff asked Spruce, Clay, and John Dory who smiled in excitement.
Spruce went first, gently taking Baby Branch from Grandma Rosiepuff, feeding him with a huge smile. Clay followed, carefully supporting Branch's head and laughing as Branchy giggled at the bottle. John Dory finished the trio, softly singing to Branch as he fed him. Floyd smiled at them and noticed that Baby Branch's eyes were getting heavy.
"He's getting sleepy," Floyd said in a singsong voice.
"Uh oh, don't fall asleep yet, baby bro." John Dory put the empty baby bottle on the table. "Time for burping duties! I've got this, but Floyd, come watch. You're next in line for burping lessons!"
Floyd leaned in curiously as John Dory gently lifted Baby Branch to his shoulder, supporting Branch's chest and patting his back.
"See, Floyd, firm but gentle pats to help the air come up and timing is everything, right after feeding, while he's still upright."
Baby Branch let out a tiny burp.
"Awww, excuse you, Branchy-wanchy!" Spruce said.
"Awwwwww, he's a natural," Clay said.
John Dory grinned. "Yes! Music to my ears."
Floyd chuckled. "That's adorable. Okay, JD, I think I've got it. Can you show me again?"
John Dory patiently demonstrated once more. Floyd nodding eagerly ready for his burping debut with Baby Branch.
John Dory smiled. "Your turn, Floyd."
Floyd carefully took Baby Branch from John Dory, holding him snugly against his shoulder and looked uncertain for a moment. With a gentle touch, Floyd started patting Baby Branch's back. Softly at first then slightly firmer, following John Dory's earlier guidance. Baby Branch snuggled into Floyd's chest and let out a tiny coo... and suddenly a small burp escaped!
Floyd beamed with pride. "I did it. Branchy burped!"
"Aww, I knew you can do it," John Dory said.
Clay and Spruce nodded in agreement.
"Thanks, JD you're an awesome teacher!" Floyd said, rocking Baby Branch.
John Dory grinned. "Anytime, bro."
Baby Branch's eyes soon grew heavy as he let out a tiny yawn and another.
"Oh! Time for a nap, my little peachfuzz." Grandma Rosiepuff gently took Baby Branch from Floyd – cradled him in her arms and headed towards the nursery.
The brothers trailed behind, watching as their grandma laid Baby Branch down in his crib – softly singing a lullaby
Floyd, Spruce, Clay, and John Dory gathered around the crib, gazing lovingly at their sleeping baby brother.
John Dory leaned in closer, whispering softly to Baby Branch. "Sweet dreams, little brother. We love you already..."
"We've got your back. Always and forever," Spruce said.
"We are so grateful that we are your big brothers," Clay said.
"And we are also grateful for you to be part of this family. Our bundle of joy," Floyd said.
The brothers shared gentle smiles and eyes shining with happiness as they united in their love for Baby Branch.
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