The Shield (MITB)
I'm so flicking happy Dean won!
Okay first lets go back. In the match between Seth and Roman, I legit thought Roman would win because you know Roman..... But when Seth won I screamed my head off and I was so fricking proud.
What made Seth's win even better was that he did it cleanly, no interference or pants pulling or eye poking or anything like that, he won cleanly. And looking back at how he use to win last year that was a huge accomplishment. 'The man' took down 'The guy's' empire.
And no hate to Roman. I admit I don't like him much and he may not be the greatest wrestler but he has had some great matches.
Then while I was still screaming because my bae Seth won, I screamed even more when my next bae, Dean ran out. And being completely honest here, even though I love Dean a whole ton, I was kind of rooting for Owens more to win the briefcase, just because Owens in talented and the funniest person on the roaster. But back to Dean cashing in. In that moment I was glad Dean took it over Owens (yes I know I'm a confused mess) because you know 'The shield'. Plus it was great revenge on Seth and a great way to finally build up 'The Shield' triple threat match.
When I saw Dean handing his briefcase to the ref I was scared because I didn't want him to cash in and lost, no and I had thought he might of. But then baby proved me wrong and took home the win and title and my voice went in that moment.
I told my dog what happened but I'm pretty sure she hates me for interrupting her chill time to tell her about something she doesn't care about so....yeah. Besides the point. 😂
Okay, so now let's get to actual rant. The people, the fans.
I got really upset last night scrolling through Twitter and YouTube and seeing 'Dean did not deserved to win the title'. Bitches what? Do you know how long Dean deserved that win? He had to sit back and be a mid-carder while his friends top the company and main event 'Mania. So, YESS he do deserve that title. But I do understand where some fans are coming from, I'll admit, Dean did lose some of spunk. He became repetitive and little boring -too even me, at least-. But with the title and proper booking he can change that.
I want Dean to turn and hold the title as heel to give him back his full spunk but I do see why Roman would need the heel turn more plus it will make more sense.
Second part of the rant is; I also saw people trying to undermine Seth's win saying he didn't win cleanly because Roman cheat himself by giving up or some shit. What? That makes no sense Roman lost fair and square and him cheating himself is still a clean win for Seth, just saying. Just be happy for them gosh. All of them. All three of them were champions at money in the bank. All three members of 'The Shield' held WHC championship at Money in the bank Sunday 19th of June, 2016.
This is the era of 'The Shield'
Love always- me. 💕☺️😘
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