Sasha Charlotte and fans
Honestly female superstar (diva) fans annoy me so much.
Like yes we are getting a Sasha and Charlotte match in a cell and they are making history congrats, I'm happy for them. But why do some fans insist on degrading other women wrestlers? Why do Sasha and Charlotte fans find it necessary to pick on Bella fans and it's mostly always The Bella stans they go after.
Trust me I get it, some Bella fans on Twitter start their drama and can't let people be, I get that. But why do you only attack the Bellas if they are so worthless and irrelevant why are they only people you hate on? Why not hate on other woke wrestlers like Summer, Naomi, Nia and who ever else? I mean no disrespect to those women because I do like them but they didn't create no sort of history really but yet people don't attack them but the Bellas, why?
Is it because the Bella Twins still are the most popular women in the division? Have the most merch? Have a huge as fanbase and a growing network? Or is it because people still fail to realize is that you can look like model, have reality shows and still be talented wrestlers while still having passion for the business?
And they did make history Nikki will forever be the longest reigning champion, Brie was the first and so far the only woman to have a match against Stephanie in ten years. A match that had I think about two main event promos. So yes both Bellas make history and I'm sure enough they will add more onto that history.
And some fans are being hypocritical, had it been Nikki vs Paige for the title over and over again you would have complained they are favoring those two. Actually people did complain at one point. But sense Charlotte had that women's title I can't remembering her defending it against anyone but Sasha.
You can hate this all you want but Sasha and Charlotte are being favorited by WWE. They are getting everything! It's not even a women's revolution but the Sasha and Charlotte revolution.
Paige also made history as well in a way she started this all this NXT women's hype. AJ and Bellas opened the door for the women now, they fought so hard for the women to get treated equal to men but of course Sasha and Charlotte gets all the credit for everything.
Ps. Paige needs to get her shit together I love her too much for her to leave the WWE.
also a next point is that people call the Bellas attention seekers and only in WWE for the fame but yet everyone is mute about Maryse when she legit only came back to be on Total Divas
Rant is over. I didn't bother edit it because I have food to eat and Smackdown to watch.
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