Am I the only one salty af that Miz and Maryse are now on Raw? I mean besides AJ they helped build SmackDown up ⬆️⬆️
I mean it's like I'm scared, I really want Miz to continue on his raise and I feel like Raw kills that. I hope they don't. Miz had great matches with Ziggler, was savage af, he was great....he still is and I hope he continues to be. That man deserves the main title by the end of the year at least.
Imma miss Alexa on SDLive but she is already doing fine on Raw. Just hope that continues without them shoving her down our throats. It feels weird seeing her on Raw honestly.
Bray, it's sad to say but I think Raw will bury him, especially since they are making him feud Finn after his match with Randy. Bray was able to be WHC on SDLive, not for long, which he should have been. I love Randy but even I can admit he needed the win more at mania but since it was Randy who won I couldn't be mad....sorry my fangirl heart. Like I said with Miz and Maryse I just hope he doesn't lose his rise, hope he keeps going up.
Dean, now I'm not too mad about Dean because I want a shield match or reunion and I feel with him being on that brand it just makes it closer to happen. I also think he should turn heel, I love love Dean but he is getting a bit boring and honestly the IC title doesn't really feel relevant with him 😢😢 I don't know he needs something......fresh and new.
But anyway all in all I'm most upset and Miz and Maryse being on Raw. But on the flip side SDLive got Kevin and Sami and Charlotte, which are huge wins and I like them all.
I've grown to like Charlotte.....she is not my bae yet.....but I've grown fond of her......maybe it's because I found out we share a horoscope ♈️♈️. And also the fact that she is an amazing wrestler and improved so much on the mic. Plus I feel like she will lift the standards of the women's wrestling on SDLive.
Now I love the women on that SDLive but their matches can be quite botched and lackluster and I feel like Charlotte will raise the bar..... I'm good once she doesn't take the belt from Naomi soon. Naomi deserves a good title reign.
But anyway as Kevin is bae.....I mean he an asshole but that's why I love him the guy is entertaining af. Sami is already main eventing on SmackDown so I know he will prosper there. And yeah.
.........I should have named the chapter superstar shake up 🤔🤔😂😘
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