[Ep.7] You got yourself a deal
Mark's pov:
She fell asleep on my shoulder. I smiled to myself and opened the RV door before carrying her inside and putting her on her bed and tucking her in. I sat on the edge of her bed and just stared at her state even in her sleep she seemed to be thinking.
If only there was a key to her head to see what she was thinking about. I move her hair out of her face and i can't help but inwardly question what the hell i'm doing.
I scoff and pull away and stare at the ceiling.
"Y'know this may seem crazy and i know you can't hear me."
I look back her hoping that she had woken up to listen. Still sleep.
"But i feel different around you and not like the brotherly way i've been telling you or the way you may think of it. I don't know what to label these feelings towards you. Nor do i know what to call whatever the hell is going on between us these...these...moments that we got going on. When it seems to be just you and me in this big world. Do you notice them? Do you feel the same? Maybe you do...maybe you don't. Maybe you dismiss them and move on with your life like i try to do. But lately they've been getting harder to dismiss. There are so many things going on in your head you told me...but i wonder if whatever we got going on is one of them."
I turned back to look at her something in me hoped when i turned around she would be awake and she would look at me and say some sarcastic like 'Go on Mr.Poetic i'm listening.' Or something like that. But she was still sleep.
I sighed and scoffed at myself again.
"What the hell am i doing?What am i saying..speaking to an unconcious girl?" I ask myself smiling. I get up and go back to my bunk. I must be tired and delusional.
Rest. Big Day tomorrow. Very big day.
Your pov:
When i woke up i wasn't outside or with mark i was lying in bed. I guess he must have put me to bed.
"Hey Sleepyhead get up." When i looked for the source of the voice o spotted Spencer. He smiled at me.
"Stay up late again?" He questioned.
"Guess so." I said rubbing my eyes.
"Well today is the big day everyone is getting ready."
I got up and took a quick shower and put my clothes on as well as did my hair:
Afterwards i ironed all the Guy's shirts how they got that wrinkled in one day goes beyond me but luckily Mark had an iron and an ironing board crammed in the closet so i could solve that problem. Spencer did his tie perfectly. Jack had a little trouble but manage sadly not the case for Mark. I sat there and watched him struggles for a bit before deciding to help.
Mark's outfit:
"Need help?" I asked.
"Obviously, I used a clip on tie for my old suit." He said frustrated.
"Hey relax big guy i got this my dad used to let me do his tie when i was little." I said doing his tie.
"Good for you." He said with obvious sarcasm dripping from his tone.
I furrowed my eyebrows together as i adjusted his tie and finished.
"Well sorry for trying to make conversation before we enter a very-"
"Are you finished?" He asked annoyed.
"Do you know how to loosen up a tie?"
"No why?"
I tightened his tie to his all the way.
"Ow!" Mark said grasping at his neck.
"I'm done, So much for comfort fucking asshole." I say walking away.
"Hey (y/n)!" Jack said.
I smiled and hugged him. "Hey Jackaboy."
"You look nice, nice tattoos."
I looked down at my body to realize some of them were exposed.
I smile cause i realize how well they compliment my look.
"Thanks i'm surprised you never noticed the one on my hip considering i wear crop tops alot."
"You do?"
"You bet."
"I never noticed cause you always wear a jacket over it." He shot back.
"True you win that round." I say smiling. "But you look nice as well."
"Thank you, are you ok you looked kind of piss when came over here did mark say something?"
"Jack don't worry about it ok? I don't want you to keep on having to talk sense into Mark cause he's just gonna keep gonna go back to his old ways. Don't waste your breath."
"Are you sure?"
"100%" i say. "In fact i think i know what he's having his fit over. Hey guys listen up there has been a change in plans! We will not have to do the duet instead mark can do i'd love to break it to you and i'll do better than revenge!" I say innocently.
"Why the sudden change?" Spencer asked.
"(Y/n) i think we should step outside and talk" Mark said.
"There's nothing to talk about." I say.
"No whatever you got going on we need to talk out before you fuck up our shot!"
"You wanna talk? Fine we'll talk. Right here. There's nothing that we have to discuss privately after all it's gonna affect them too. So let's talk!"
"What the hell has gotten into you woman?!" Mark said.
"Me?! What's gotten into you?!"
"Ok obviously if you're gonna pin this on me this is something going on between us so we need to be the adults here and handle this outside."
"Oh wow now you wanna talk about being adults you childish dickhead." I go outside mark following close behind.
"What the hell was that about?!" Mark yelled.
"You tell me Mark! Last night you're comforting me telling me that i can come to you anytime i get nervous you carry me to bed then the next day which also happens to be the biggest day of our fucking lives you decide to be a big fucking asshole. But that's fine because i'm done mark. I'm done you being pissy one minute and kind the next congratu-fuckinglations Mark Fishbach whatever game you were playing at you win!"
"What the fuck are you saying huh? You're just gonna get mad and leave the band because i won't fall in line like the rest?!"
"Guys!!" Jack yelled.
We looked over to him.
"We have to go Mark whatever shit you got going on get it together you know the moment you start being a dick (y/n) goes off so do us a favor and stop being a dick for today!! It's the wrong day for you two to be arguing get in the fucking RV and talk about this in the back without being loud!!!!" Jack yelled.
We got in the RV and go into my room. I sat on one side of my bed and Mark sat on the other side.
"You guys are doing the duet no questions asked we practiced too hard yesterday to change it all up now." Jack said before returning to the front to drive.
We were a few miles down the road when Mark said something.
"I forgot to tell you this earlier when you were doing my tie but you look beautiful today and your tattoos compliment you." He muttered.
"Thanks." I say simply.
"I never realized how many tattoos you had." he said running hand over my tattoos on my shoulder. I shudder but move out of his grasp.
"If this is your way of apologizing you're better off just leaving me to blow off steam alone."
"This is my way of trying-"
"Not to be a dick?"
"I guess i had that coming."
"You did."
"Look i'm sorry ok? I'm just...frustrated and nervous."
"Why are you frustrated?"
"Guys we're here." Jack said.
"I'm sorry ok? I never meant to take it out on you." Mark said
Spencer and Julia got off first then Mark and i Jack stopped us.
"At least act like you two are fine with each other." He said.
"He's right we were being silly earlier anyway. They need their leaders." Mark said offering me his arm. "Shall we?" He said smiling at me.
I roll my eyes in a playful manner and smiled before taking his arm. "We shall."
He lead me into the studio and we met up with Stanley.
"You guys are right on time!" He said.
"Well Mr. Carter we just want to prove that we mean business and we're mot here to play around." I say.
"That's right." Mark agrees.
"I appreciate the professionalism well if you and your bandmates care to follow me " we follow him into a room with a long dark oak polished table surrounded by black chairs. Mark pulled out a chair for me.
I smiled. "Thanks."
Jack did the same for Julia. "T-thank you." She said sitting down.
"It was no problem." Jack said smiling.
"Gentlemen." Stanley said.
"We have two lovely ladies in the group chivalry isn't something to be taken for granted." Mark said.
"I like this group already." He said to me.
Mark sat next to me and so did jack but he was also sitting next to Julia.
You see what i'm getting at here?😉
"So in just a few minutes we are going to a recording studio there will be a couple of other people there to help judge. But first i just want to meet the group and see everybody clearly."
"I'm (Y/n) (L/n) 18 yrs old, Manager, group leader song-writer and lead singer." I say.
"Mark Fischbach, 19 yrs old group leader, lead singer, lead-guitarist and song-writer."
"Sean McLoughlin more preferably Jack 21 yrs old I'm the drummer."
"Julia Sparce 18 yrs old back-up singer and Keyboard/Piano player and back-up drummer."
"Spencer Vicenté,20 yrs old bass player and back-up singer numero dos."
"That's everybody." I say smiling.
"Great well i hope you guys practiced because we're about to head into the studio." Stanley said.
Mark grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze.
"Ready?" I ask him.
"Yea." He gave me a small smile.
"Great let's get you guys in the booth."
"Let's go!" Jack said.
"Yea!" We cheered.
Stanley smiled and lead us to the recording booth where there were about 5 other people there on the other side of the booth. Jack, Mark and Spencer went to get our equipment. I could see the people outside the booth already conspiring.
Julia tapped me.
"Scared?" I asked.
She nodded frantically.
I hugged her. "Hey you got this ok? Most people got their eyes on me and Mark i should be nervous and in all honesty...i'm scared as all given hell right now." I tell her.
She laughed.
"But we will be walking out of here with a record deal. Do you believe me when i tell you that?" I asked.
She nodded.
"Good cause you know i wouldn't lie to you."
I seen a small burst of confidence in her eyes that's when i knew i had done my job.
The guys came back and set up the equipment.
"Ready?" Mark asked.
"As i'll ever be."
I looked over to Julia and gave her the ok to start.
"Now go stand in the corner and think about what you did." She started.:
They all clapped and we got set up for the duet.
"Eyes on me." Mark said.
"Where else could i look?" I say sarcastically.
He smiled. "Smart ass."
"Proud to be." I tell him.
"1!2!3!" Jack started.
Everyone clapped again.
I smiled at Mark and gave them a thumbs up.
The guys in the control center side of the booth started talking Stanley came into the booth with bottled water.
"Here you guys go, you killed it as always we will get back to you guys with your answer soon."
We all grabbed a water bottle from the tray.
"Correction you'll get back with our contract soon." I said smiling.
"I like her confidence." Stanley said smiling. "Would you guys like to sit in the conference room and wait?"
"Sure, you guys put up the equipment and we'll see you there." I tell the guys. They start putting everything away while Stanley leads us back to the conference room Julia and i sat down.
The guys came back.
"We kicked ass out there!" I tell them.
"We sure did." Spencer said sitting beside me and Mark sat on the other side of me.
"So i say after this we go out and celebrate." I say smiling.
"Where?" Mark asked.
"I don't know the mall somewhere besides the RV."
"I think we should go out to dinner instead somewhere nice." Spencer said.
"We still have to be money wise." Mark adds.
"True." I admit.
"I seen a nice place called bertelli's we could go there." Spencer suggested.
"If it's in our price range." I say.
Soon Stanley came back with our contracts. I smiled.
"And you thought i was just being confident." I said
"Read over it and notify me of anything you find alarming." Stanley said.
He handed us each a copy of the contract. Mark and i consult each other on different things.
We didn't realize we had an audience until i heard a clicking noise go off. I looked up to see someone taking pictures of us.
I continued looking through the contract after i finished i we all talked about everything we agreed on and everything we disagreed on there wasn't much to disagree on the contract was very persuasive and agreeable.
"So do we agree?" I asked.
"Agreed." Everyone said.
We all sat back down at each other and exchanged glances of reassurance one last time before we all signed the contracts.
"I'm signed." I say smiling.
"Done." Mark said dropping his pen.
"Like a boss." Jack said dropping his pen.
We laughed.
Julia and Spencer smiled at each other before placing their pens down.
"The deal is sealed." Spencer said smiling.
"Great! So no questions, comments or concerns?" Stanley asked.
"We've talked it earlier and we've went through everything as a group on a span of two hours Mr.Carter." i say laughing. "You've got us." I say.
"Great this is gonna be a great partnership i can already tell! We should have you guys in a booth to start recording your for your album Monday morning deal?" Stanley said holding out his hand.
I looked at mark as if to say. 'The honor is all yours.'
He smiled at me and shook Stanley's hand.
"You got yourself a deal." Mark said proudly
"Great so one last thing i forgot to ask you all."
"And what may that be?" Mark asked.
"Who are you guys as a group?"
We all smiled and exchanged looks as if this was the moment we've all been waiting for and it was.
"We're The Misfit Verses." We all say in unison and cameras go off shutter after shutter.
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