[Ep.5] Hello Opportunity!
Your pov:
I got up early and decided to use my new pic. I went outside and leaned against the RV and mindlessly pluck the strings and harmonize with it.
"Morning." I hear a voice say.
I looked up it was Spencer.
"Hi, did i wake you guys?" I asked concerned.
"No i woke up to use the bathroom. I went and then followed the musical voice out here."
"Well here i am." I say smiling.
"I just wanted to say to say thank you for taking us in and accepting us as family right away. I haven't seen Julia this happy in....ever and that's all i wanted for us to be a family and be happy." He began to cry.
"Oh no, don't cry."
I hugged him and he cried into my shoulder.
"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to break down on you i just i've been holding all that in for so long."
"It's ok we all have to cry sometimes."
"Men aren't supposed to cry."
"Hey listen to me, Gender don't got nothing to do with tears! A man crying isn't a sign of weakness it's a sign of strength it means your not afraid to admit when you are hurt and that's good you hear me?"
He smiled. "Yes, Ma'am." He said laughing.
"Good, Now let's get inside before everyone else wakes up."
We went inside and everyone was already up.
"Morning everyone!" I said smiling.
"Morning." Julia said smiling.
"Where were you two at?" Jack asked.
"We were just chilling out on the side of the RV."
"Oh." Jack said.
"Yea." I fixed my bowl of cereal when o realized everyone isn't here. "Where's Mark?" I asked.
"I'm in the shower!" He yelled.
"Ok just checking!" Soon he came out of the bathroom.
"Morning." He said to me.
"Morning." I said smiling.
"How'd you guys sleep?" Mark asked.
Every replied with 'good', 'well', things along that line.
"Great cuz we have a busy day today. Oh and before i forget (Y/n) can i talk to you about somethings."
"Sure." I get up taking my bowl of cereal with me and we went outside.
"I thought about this earlier. Maybe we should try moving around for today. I seen quite a few places that would be good to set up and perform for maybe 2-3 hours and then move on to the next location."
"That seems like a good idea we can take it up with the team"
"I was also thinking maybe later after we get back i can teach you how to drive the RV."
"That's another good idea so sure."
"Good,so shall we tell them what's going on or wait till rehearsal."
"Let's tell them now."
We went back inside.
"Alright guys Mark and i thought that it would be a good idea to go move around today." I say
"Anybody object?" Mark finished.
Nobody said anything.
"Alright then, It's settled everyone finish up and start rehearsals!" I say smiling.
I get my clothes out of my bag and take a shower then get my clothes on:
We rehearsed and headed to the first location.
"This is exciting scary but exciting oh my gosh." I say.
"Breathe we got this." Mark said.
"I know just adrenaline, I mean this is our first duet together on our album."
"Yea when we get one this will be our first duet."
Mark smiled and set up lucky.
We only had two mics one for Julia who was singing background and one for me and Mark to share. Which meant we had to be very close to each other.
"When everyone is set up just say go." Mark said.
I felt like someone was watching us. I ignored it cause you're bound to get funny looks when you're setting up a band set in the middle of a plaza.
"Go." I said.
"Go." Julia and Jack said
"Go." Spencer said last.
"Alright." Mark said.
"Hit it Jackaboy." I say.
He banged his sticks together. "1!2!3!4!"
An audience began to form around us i seen some people recording us which was new to me. People never recorded us but i felt mark tap me.
He nodded and squinted his eyes.
As if he was trying to tell me to focus on him.
I nodded and stared into his eyes.
Everyone clapped and cheered.
Cameras went off.
I smiled and laughed.
Mark hugged me and spun me around.
"We killed it! We gained a bigger crowd than normal!" I cheered.
"You wanna do something crazy?!" Mark yelled.
"Lets run!"
As crazy as it seemed i liked the idea.
I smiled deviously an signaled everyone to pack up and we did as quickly as possible and ran to the RV the crazy part is people were actually chasing us!
We got in the RV and Jack took off immediately.
"What the hell!" I yelled.
"Um guys we're actually being followed right now." Spencer said looking out the back window.
"What? You gotta be fucking kidding me!" I say walking towards the back and yes there were people runnin after the RV but were slowly lagging behind.
I realized something everywhere we go our audience gets bigger...
I remembered people somebody recording us.
I pulled out my phone and went to youtube and in my recommended feed there was a video titled.
'Who are these guys?!😍'
I clicked on it and it was us less than five seconds ago.
"Ok rather we did that good as a duet or we have a fanbase we don't know about." Mark said.
"I think both." I say smiling.
"What?" Jack said.
"Guys come here." I say.
I showed them the video and they were just as shocked and happy as i was.
"Guys let's look at the comments!" I say
I scroll down.
"Is it just me or does this band get bigger and better everytime i see them?" I recite the comment.
"I think both." I say smiling.
"I think i've seen them in Utah." Julia said reciting another comment.
"Me too except last time there were just three of them." Spencer says doing the same.
"Omg i love them so much i need to get their songs asap!!" Mark recited.
"I like this song!!who are they!!?" I recited.
"Let's give them another show." I say smiling at mark.
We drove to the next location and we had yet another audience we sung irresistible and this time we sung other songs before we knew it we performed until we were tired we took off only to be chased down by a man he looked like he was in early 40's, dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes.
"Wait!!" He said panting.
"I have been looking for you all day."
"Hello, i'm- i'm god i need to breathe."
He held out a card panting breathlessly. I took it quickly.
Warner Record Studios
Stanley Carter
[email protected]
7330 Hollywood Blvd.
"No way...i call bullshit." I say smiling.
"This isn't bullshit Ms..."
"(Y/n) last name isn't important."
I say.
"I would like you to come to the studio as soon as you possibly can to discuss your future in show biz." He said
I quickly realized we were still being followed by fans.
"You guys pack up the RV and Mark and i will go with this guy meet us here." I gave them the card and grabbed Mark's hand they ran towards the RV and we ran with the guy towards his Limousine he opened the door for us and we hopped in he got in behind us and quickly close the door.
"You guys have had me going everywhere i wasn't sure i was gonna get to you guys in time." He said laughing.
"Well we like to keep moving." Mark said.
"So thank you for actually stopping to listen to me."
"No problem Mr.Carter was it?" I say.
"Yes, would you like some water i bet all that perform and go takes the life out of you." He offered.
"No thanks we're fine." Mark said.
"Well um So who's the band leader?"
"We both lead." i say.
"Oh wow ok, So-"
"Is there a problem with that?" I asked
"Oh no no! I just thought you two were a couple."
"Oh no just the band leaders we don't make a decision without consulting one another."
"How long has this band been together?"
"Here'a the funny thing it didn't fully become a band until recently but it all started what a month or so ago?" I questioned looking at Mark who nodded.
"So um we seen you on youtube and i don't know if you noticed but you guys have millions of views on all videos you've become the mystery band."
"We have very quickly become aware of that."
"We think that we can take your music to new heights higher than ever."
"So tell me what that mean to us Mr.Carter."
"Talking the lifestyle everyone dreams of. Your albums on store shelves, Sold out stadiums, Walking down the red carpet everything you could dream of kid."
"So what do we do to get that?"
"You and your bandmates can come in Thursday to talk more about it look over the contract and see of this if you want to sign with us."
"What time?" Mark asked.
"Thursday morning at 10:35"
He handed mark the card.
"You already gave us a card." I say.
"I know just in case the other one gets lost." He said.
We arrived at the studio and the RV was already there.
"Here we are so do we have a meeting?" He asked.
Mark shook his hand. "You got yourself a meeting."
"Guys one more thing." He said.
"Yes?" I say
"Stay out of the public eye until then or atleast keep a low profile?"
"Will do." Mark said.
We got out and walked towards the RV.
We got on the RV and they all looked at us.
"So?" Jack said.
"We have a meeting on thursday morning at 10:35!!" I say excitedly.
Everyone jumped around and cheered we all hugged.
"Ok guys we have to rehearse and have our outfits ready for then." I say.
"We got this guys we're going to blow them away." Julia said smiling excitedly
This could be the start of our new lives....
Everyone went to sleep except Mark and i. I was in the driver seat and Mark was teaching me how to drive the RV.
"It's just like driving a car or pick up truck the only difference is that it's basically a miniature house on wheels so you have to be careful about how fast you drive and be aware of passengers especially considrting there's 5 of us now..." He continued to tell me where everything was and what each switch or button did. I paid close attention.
"Any questions?" Mark asked.
"Yes, is it possible to go all grand theft auto with this vehicle?" I asked playfully
"What?!" He said laughing.
"Seriously could you imagine you being able to use an RV as a get away vehicle."
We both laughed.
"Move out the way bitches i'm on the way to the grand canyon!" I said pretending to drive.
"I got the meth brewing in the back boss what do want me to do wit it?" Mark whispered in my ear.
"Put it on ebay you idjit!" I joke.
We went into a bit of a laughing and when i turned around to at mark i realized how close or faces were.
I looked into his chocolate brown orbs and became drawn to him. I leaned in and he did the same but before mark could even get any closer someone let out a sneeze and we pulled away quickly i looked to see everyone was still fast asleep and it was just Julia who subconciously rubbed her nose and went back to sleep.
"We....better get to bed." Mark said
"Yea that'd be wise." I agree getting up. "Thanks for this." I say gesturing out to the driver seat so he knew what i meant.
"No problem, it would be nice to have another driver on the RV." He said smiling.
I smiled back."good night." I say.
I walked to the back room and slid the slider door closed.
I rub my temples and just try to think about what just happened.
It was nothing heat of the moment....
That was the only way to see it. I brushed it off and worked on more song in my journal.
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